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Raped Waitress

Page 3

by Paul Gable

  "Can't stop! Can't stop!" Max cried, closing his eyes tightly as he jerked his head up. Linda opened her eyes and saw the cords in his neck stand out. He was straining every muscle in his hard, sweating body. Just to see him arched over her like that, muscular and trembling with his dick halfway impaled in her pussy sent Linda off into waves of babbling.

  "Oh God, no! Oh, my fuckin' pussy! Ohhh, Jesus, fuck me! Oh God, stuff that dick-meat into me! Ohhh, I'm gonna cum! Oh God, gonna cum!" Linda babbled in between ragged breaths. She started jerking her hips up in quick, frantic hunches, rotating her ass in a clockwise motion as Max stiffened even more above her. He was trying to fight down the hot jizz that was beginning to press up from his balls and pack tightly into his pulsating dick-head. Her fingers clawed at the floor for a while. Then suddenly she felt a strange hot wetness around her pussy. Every muscle in her body relaxed for the first gigantic orgasmic spasm rocketing up from somewhere deep in her belly. She inhaled deeply as her arms shot up in the air. Linda felt a sharp tingling between her fingers and toes as she wrapped her arms hard around Max's back and dug her fingernails into his skin. She raked his back with them, slicing across his flesh as every muscle in her groin cramped tightly in orgasm.

  "Oooohhhhh!" Linda screamed out, kicking her leg high in the air. "Aaaiiieee!" she cried out suddenly, rolling her head from side to side in blind passion as wave after wave of orgasmic contractions raked her juicy, hot box.

  "Baby, baby," Max whispered hoarsely as he jerked his big dick into her spasming pussy rapidly. Linda couldn't believe that he was still fucking her while she was shooting off. The sensation of that stiff, iron-hard rod jerking in and out of her cunt drove her up the wall. Each spasm was more devastating than the last. She thrashed and grunted as Max continued fucking without shooting his cum.

  "Now, babe," Max announced suddenly.

  Linda wailed loudly. Just the announcement that he was about to fire his jizz into her sent Linda into a higher plane of orgasm. She felt that big rod plunge into her. It swelled, pressing against her gripping cuntal walls. Then came that first lovely squirt, burning into her snatch like molten iron.

  "No! No! Please, oh God! Oh God, it's so good it hurts! Oh, nooooo!" Linda wailed as squirt after squirt of hot male jizz dumped into her twat. She jailed her belly and cuntal muscles like a milking machine, stroking that shooting dick from the root to the tip with her pussy membranes. She wanted to drain every inch of that prick of its hot cum. She wanted to suck all Max's hot spunk into her twat. Linda felt the big man's cum spilling out of her snatch, oozing out from between her stretched labes and trickling down her upturned ass-cheeks. It seeped into her stretched shitter then down to the floor. Linda didn't care how sloppy it might feel.

  As her violent climax gradually simmered down to a delicious rolling sensation in her box, the groaning blonde sobbed out gratefully for that fuck. All the tension of the past few months disappeared. She felt a delicious, warm glow spreading over her body as Max grunted a final time, then collapsed heavily on top of her.

  "Oh Linda. Honey, I've been wantin' to do somethin' like this since you started workin' here, Max said as he gazed down into her dreamy blue eyes.

  "All you had to do was ask," Linda said, smiling at the big man.

  "Date still on for tomorrow night?" Max asked sheepishly, hunching back and pulling his softened dick out of Linda's cunt.

  "What?" Linda cried out, breaking out into hysterical laughter. "You clown, you just try to break it," Linda said, watching him slowly stand up and finger his long, now-soft dick.


  Linda and Max dressed quickly, giving one another sheepish, longing glances as they slipped on their clothes and looked nervously at the clock. Linda felt strangely modest in front of Max now. He'd fucked the living daylights out of her and would probably repeat the act in a few hours. Still, she felt compelled to play the coy act.

  Just as she finished buttoning up her uniform, they heard the sounds of three trucks pulling off the main highway and heading for the parking lot behind the diner.

  "Here comes the animal act," Linda said, grimacing as she walked to the end of the counter and peered through the window.

  "Hey, babe, if you hate it so much, why did you start workin' in a joint like this?" Max asked, walking up behind her and tenderly caressing her full buns.

  "I didn't know where to go, Max. Jack didn't have any life insurance. We'd just moved up here from L.A. He was going to start his own trucking business. He made all these investments that didn't come to anything. Then that stupid drinking of his!" Linda said, making a face as she slowly turned from the window and looked at the beg man. "We lost everything, including any love and respect we had for one another. He took on occasional jobs hauling long mileage jobs. I think he took them to get away from me and Judy. He couldn't stand the idea that he'd dragged us up here and then lost all the money we ever had. It wasn't much of a marriage in the last couple of months."

  "So you came here?" Max said, smiling gently as he reached up and lightly chucked her under the chin.

  "Where else could I go? I didn't have any money. I had plenty of bills," Linda said, smiling as she glanced at the doorway. "We'd better stop. Those clowns see us like this and we'll never hear the end of it."

  "Just keep your cool. Remember, whatever these guys are like, they're our bread and butter," Max said, winking slyly at her as he backed away into the kitchen.

  Linda straightened the counter set-ups as five truckers barged into the brightly-lit diner, laughing and talking loudly.

  "Hey, baby, some of that slop you call coffee," the first trucker bellowed as they sauntered toward the booth closest to the door.

  "Coming up," Linda said mechanically as she reached over and picked up the pot off the warmer.

  "And give us a little more friendly service than you gave Chris," a tall, husky blond driver said as Linda walked around the counter.

  Linda flushed red as she poured out five cups of coffee at the booth. She felt their eyes stapled on her boobs. It was the same look she'd seen in so many truckers. But after that wonderful fucking she'd received from Max just a few minutes ago, those looks seemed filthier than before.

  "Just treat me right boys, and I'll treat you right," she flashed out as she turned and headed back toward the counter.

  "Ohhh!" they all cat called, joking and laughing as Linda put the coffee back on the warmer and started to fill salt shakers on the counter. Gradually, the men seemed to forget her and started talking quietly among themselves. Linda wasn't particularly interested in their conversation. Still, it was unusual for them to be so quiet. Most of the times they cut up in the diner as if it were a cheap whorehouse. But tonight they were acting somewhat secretive, she thought.

  "Anything to eat, boys?" Linda called out from behind the counter.

  "Yeah, burgers for everybody. Plenty of onions on all of 'em," the big blond driver shouted impatiently, obviously angered by that sudden interruption.

  Linda shrugged her shoulders, then wrote down the order on her pad and pushed it over the order window ledge.

  "They're acting weirder than usual tonight," Linda commented to Max as he took the order slip from her.

  "How so?" he asked, peering over the ledge at the tiny group of truckers in the corner.

  "I don't know. Can't pin it down. But I'll bet there's something up," Linda said, her curiosity aroused to a fever pitch. God only knows, there wasn't much interesting happening in Gilroy at any time of day. So when something a little off-center occurred, Linda's attention was completely captured.

  "Well, keep out of it, whatever it is. These guys aren't the best people to fool around with," Max warned, flashing a final look at the men before he closed the panel of the window and started working up the order.

  Linda went back to her busy work, straining to pick up the hushed conversation. Gradually, she realized that the big blond driver was the leader of that group.
He was obviously in charge of the conversation, and seemed to be telling the rest of them something.

  "Chris wants it that way," he heard him say once. Then they sensed that they'd been talking too loudly. All of them looked up at Linda. Fortunately, she'd been quick enough to sense that something like this was going to happen. She kept her head down and busily wiped the counter top, occasionally filling those chipped, old salt shakers and pretending not to notice the men, but trying to catch every mumble they uttered.

  Satisfied that Linda didn't know or care what was going on, they went back to their conversation.

  They'll never open up with me here, Linda thought. With some commotion, the blonde turned around and walked through the swinging door into the kitchen. As it closed, Linda turned around and peered through the tiny rectangular window carved at the top of the door. The drivers had noticed that she left and were visibly relieved at her absence.

  "What are you doing in here?" Max asked, turning from the sizzling grill.

  "Never mind," Linda said, putting her forefinger up to her lips and crouching down on the floor.

  A "Wha... " Max started to ask as Linda slowly opened the door and crawled back out behind the counter. She kept her head and back down, edging toward the end of the counter closest to the occupied booth. They were all talking louder now, satisfied that no one could overhear them.

  "So what about the load tonight, Jack," the tall blond driver asked a short, pot-bellied black-haired man.

  "I've got the stuff hidden in the center of the load," he said softly, looking around the empty diner nervously. "Listen, Bill, I don't like this whole idea. Chris can get the whole bunch of us in trouble with this kind of game."

  "You want to live like you been livin', driving that fuckin' truck night and day while your family wonders what the fuck you're doin'?" Bill said angrily.

  "No. But this"

  "Look, you're in or out. That's it. You've got to make up your mind," Bill hissed between his teeth.

  "You think I don't know that you'd figure out some way to get rid of me if I backed out?" Jack said, nervously fingering the edges of the white coffee cup as he lowered his eyes and stared at the tabletop.

  "Hey, man," Bill said, looking at the three other driven who obviously shared Jack's concern. He reached over and gently squeezed the other driver's shoulder. "Don't talk like that. There's no problem. You want out, you get out."

  Jack let out a low chuckle and shook his head slowly back and forth.

  "I'm in too deep now. If I'd known you were smuggling heroin into the country, I don't think I'd ever gotten into this thing. But I'm in now, and don't plan on gettin' out," the driver said resignedly.

  Heroin! Linda thought, raising her hand up to her throat. She'd stumbled onto something more serious than she'd thought possible.

  "How about the rest of you?" Bill said, looking around at the other drivers. They all grunted in agreement. Then, smiling at Jack, Bill let go of his shoulder and leaned back against the counter seat. "Okay. Now that that's settled, we've got to figure out a way to get this stuff past the checkpoints. Any ideas?"

  As the five men tossed suggestions back and forth on how they could slip their loads of drugs past the checkpoint, Linda racked her brains. What should she do? Getting back to the kitchen was the first step.

  Linda sucked in a deep breath. As she turned to crawl back into the kitchen, her hand accidentally bumped against a catsup bottle on the edge of a shelf under the counter. It crashed to the floor, sounding like a bomb going off in the otherwise quiet room.

  "What was that?" Bill cried out, signaling for the others to be quiet.

  "Somebody's back there!" Jack cried out nervously.

  "Get out of my way," Bill hissed as he crawled over the truckers and sprinted across the empty diner. Linda cringed as she looked up and saw the husky driver peering down at her.

  "I didn't hear anything. Honest," she wailed unconvincingly.

  "Sure you didn't," Bill said. "We've got to take care of her and the cook," the driver said as he turned around to the now-standing group.

  "Hey, I didn't bargain for this," Jack protested. "None of us did. But we knew what we were gettin' into. She's heard too much," Bill said, reaching down and grabbing Linda tightly by both arms.

  "Let me go!" she shrieked, twisting helplessly in Bill's tight grip. Jack froze. But the other drivers shot into action. As Bill dragged Linda down the far end of the counter, the three truckers leaped over the top and confronted Max just as he ran out of the kitchen. He'd heard her screams and came out to see what was happening.

  "Hey, what do you think you're doin'?" he asked as he saw Bill holding Linda tightly against him. The big blond trucker's fingers wrapped tightly around her slender wrists, pinning her arms behind her back as Linda struggled to break free.

  "Too late for explanations, pal," Bill said as the three big truckers pushed Max hard against the back wall. Linda watched in horrified helplessness as the men started working Max over brutally. The thudding, soft sounds of their fists crunching into the dazed man's chest and belly resounded through the diner sickeningly. It took some time. But soon Max roused himself and started to fight back. He grabbed one of the truckers by the shoulders and pitched him over the countertop. The yelling man crashed down hard onto a table, sending the surrounding chairs scattering noisily as the table collapsed under the trucker's weight.

  Linda felt a spark of hope kindle in her heart as she watched Max. She started to think that they might free themselves. Then suddenly she felt Bill's right hand let her go for a second. There was some fumbling behind her. Then there was a flash of blinding light and a loud, deafening roar. Linda finally realized a gun had gone off.

  "Max!" she screamed loudly as she saw the cook jerk back against the wall, knocking a row of hanging frying pans clattering to the floor. "Max!" she shrieked again as he sank to the floor.

  Bill shaved his gun into his pants. Linda screamed once more, then raised her leg and kicked back hard.

  "Fuckin' bitch!" he growled, still holding her tightly.

  "Let's get the hell out of here!" Jack said nervously.

  "Let's take the bitch along with us," Bill said.

  "What are you going to do with me?" Linda asked as the big blond trucker pulled her out of the restaurant and hauled her into the darkened parking lot.

  "Don't rightly know now. But I'll bet that Chris is gonna be mighty happy with you like this now. He's got his fingers in a lot of pies. You know, he's even got a little hooker ring goin' 'round here," Bill said, stopping to press his groin against her firm butt. Linda's stomach churned sickeningly as she realized what he was doing. He had just shot Max and now he was thinking about fucking her. She could feel his hard groin pressing against her butt. With every sideways motion he made, her short dress worked higher and higher. Soon her ass was completely exposed.

  "You animal! You fuckin' filthy pig," Linda hissed out between her teeth as she struggled' violently in Bill's tight grip.

  "I like a bitch who fights. Baby, I'm gonna make you kiss dirt and shit before I'm through with you," Bill grunted as he dragged her back toward his rig.

  Linda fought him every inch of the way, clawing at his leathery skin with her fingernails when she could, kicking back with her feet when possible. But the big man held her tightly and firmly, dragging her across the loose gravel when she wouldn't walk.

  "Okay, babe, up you go," Bill said, letting go of her with his right hand as he reached up and unfastened the big doors of the trailer behind his truck. Linda jerked away suddenly, breaking free of the big man.

  "Hey," he cried out.

  Linda almost fell on her face. She barely managed to regain her balance, staggering forward and running as fast she could in the loose gravel. Her shoes had come off in the fight in the diner. The sharp stones dug painfully into the soles of her feet as she fled away from the pursuing, shouting driver. Everything spun in front of her as she
headed for the forest behind the diner. It was the only place where she had a chance of escape.

  "I'll get you," Bill said threateningly as he closed the distance between them.

  Linda looked back fearfully, seeing that he was only a few feet behind her. The trees were almost around her. If only she could get to them...

  "Gotcha!" Bill cried out, wrapping his fingers around her hair.

  "Ohhhhh!" Linda cried out in pain as he yanked back and sent her stumbling to the around. The gravel tore into her skin, ripping and shredding her nylons as Bill dragged her back to the truck. "IIIAHHHHH!" Linda cried out as she saw the big rig again.

  "I'm tired of this, bitch!" Bill said, letting go of her quickly. Before she realized what happened, Linda felt something hard whack across her face. Everything spun wildly around in her head as she lost consciousness.


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