Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2)

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Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2) Page 5

by Tiffany Casper

  Hearing the creeps voice on his on the other end of that line had been like a bucket of cold as fuck ice water poured all over him. That voice, he knew he had heard it before. Matter of fact he was the fucker that said that shit to him on Isabelle’s phone. How was he going to make this up to her? She had done no wrong, she wasn’t a killer like him, and she wasn’t even at fault for any of this. All because she had light brown hair and blue eyes and had been left alone when she was fourteen years old.

  He thought about her parents. Why the fuck had they not wanted to see her, if even only for a moment to see that she was okay. He would give anything to have Alexandra back, even for just a second.

  Hearing the bikes rolling in and then the silence in the air let him know they were there. They pulled to the side so Stephen and his men wouldn’t have been alerted to their presence.

  “How you wanna do this Stone?” Garrison asked him.

  “Well, there are three entrances. I think we should go in all three of them and circle them.” Stone said.

  “Or we get someone in there so we can find out where exactly she is.” He raised his eye at Mac.

  “Like who?” They had no one they could send in

  “Emily.” He said pointing to a redheaded chick on the back of Stryker’s bike.

  “She is a friend of Isabelle’s, she said that Isabelle took care of her and her baby when she couldn’t at the women’s shelter and now she wanted to return the favor. She said that she knew how to handle someone like Stephen to get his attention.”

  “You try anything that harms her or us and you’re a dead bitch. You feel me?” I asked and looked at her intently.

  The look Stryker gave him when he said those words to Emily had a death glare upon him. What the fuck, he would have to iron that shit out later.

  They had sent Emily in to get the guards attention and once she had that they took the men out. They quietly got in place and once they were ready Emily entered the area as they were watching Stephen stabbing Isabelle. With every stab the knife pierced his woman’s skin. God almighty he wanted to cut that piece of shit up from limb to limb the bastard.

  “He’s always going to be mine Bitch. As soon as I found out one of my girls had taken up with him I just had to find out. And lookie here, now I have you and you’re about to join my brat of a daughter. In hell!”

  “I’d rather be in hell with her showing her love and support then spend another second here with you.” She spewed at Lisa.

  “Why you fucking whore.” She said as she had spit in her face.

  “Tell me why? Why would you want to do something like this?” She wondered what would drive someone to do something like this.

  “Don’t be dumb you little bitch. The money all of you brought in and especially you. You knew how to service the men and well.” She had taunted at her.

  Every time Isabelle screamed it took a year off his life. This was his entire fault, if only he had trusted her, if only he had believed in her. Well hang on baby, because here I come.

  “Well, well, well I do declare I see a man I have heard much about. Thank you can show me those rumors were true?” She had taunted to Stephen.

  Good girl he thought.

  As soon as he saw Stephen turn away from Isabelle he fired his gun twice. One bullet tearing through Stephen’s head and the other bullet nailing that fucking bitch Lisa, right between the eyes. All this time; all this time fucking, his Alexandra must have been rolling over in her grave, watching the woman that birthed her do these spiteful things.

  He curled his arms under her body and ran to the van. Garrison was yelling the entire way to mount up and get started for the fucking hospital.

  Chapter 10

  He ran as fast as his legs would take them to the van. Jumping in the back of the van everyone had torn out of there. Burning rubber and squealing tires filled the air.

  Holding her head in his lap keeping pressure on some of the stab wounds in her stomach as well with Stryker keeping pressure on the ones on her thigh in the back of the clubs van was one of the worse experiences of his life. He hadn’t told her that he loved her. He hadn’t told her how very much he was sorry for ever doubting her. He never got to apologize for calling her a whore that day. He hoped with every fiber in his being that he would get to tell her how damn sorry he was.

  The scene before they had shot all of the sick bastards was still replaying in his mind.

  While he had been sitting in his hiding spot watching them ram that knife threw her flesh was one of the hardest things he had ever had to endure. What still had him feeling like a volcano was about to explode from his body had been his ex. Alexandra’s mom standing there holding a knife to Isabelle’s throat if she moved even an inch, the blade would slice right through her dainty neck.

  “He’s always going to be mine Bitch. As soon as I found out one of my girls had taken up with him I just had to find out. And lookie here, now I have you and you’re about to join my brat of a daughter. In hell!”

  “I’d rather be in hell with her showing her love and support then spend another second here with you.” My girl had spewed at Lisa.

  “Why you fucking whore.” She said as she had spit in her face.

  “Tell me why? Why would you want to do something like this?”

  “Don’t be dumb you little bitch. The money all of you brought in and especially you. You knew how to service the men and well.” She had taunted at her.

  They hadn’t been able to approach them yet and they couldn’t shoot the motherfuckers yet, not with how close to her heart and vital organs he was hitting with the knife. However, the moment that he backed away smirking and Lisa lifted the knife away from Isabelle even the slightest inch it was him, and him alone that pulled his glock up and fired two rounds. Blood and brain matter exploded from the piece of shits and then all hell broke loose.

  His brothers had taken out the men around Isabelle while he ran to her shooting at the fuckers on the steps that had been coming out of the rooms as he went. Reaching her he tore off his kutte, tore off his shirt and began trying to put pressure on the wounds that were bleeding heavily. He kept his body hunkered down over hers until all shots had ended.

  It was then that more shirts and more hands were also applying pressure to the other wounds on her legs, abdomen, and arms. They all wrapped her up as best they could but it was what she did that stalled everyone,

  She placed her hand on his cheek,

  “I’m pregnant. I’m so sorry.” She said, sorry he thought? Then he watched a tear roll down her cheek. No fucking way was he sorry.

  Yet, before he could reply that he was over the fucking moon ecstatic she passed out. He gathered her in his arms.

  She was his light, his breath, his world. Since he lost Alexandra he had been living in a constant dark and dull world, only existing by the second. How many days had he thought he would just end himself so he could be with his daughter again? How many days did he throw himself in front of other bullets meant for his club just so maybe, just maybe it would take him from this misery. She had also made him a dad for the second time in his life. The baby! He hoped like fuck the baby as okay.

  “We’re almost to the hospital. Hang on boys!” Blaze yelled from the front of the van.

  Holding her even tighter until the van stopped and the back door opened. He wrapped his arms around her and handed her ever so carefully to Garrison while he climbed out. Getting her back in his arms where she belonged he carried her.

  He ran through the emergency bay doors and yelled.

  “Doctor! I need a fucking Doctor!” Stone yelled.

  Laying her down on the gurney that was brought to him, he felt her hand squeeze his and he held on. Rushing alongside the gurney while they wheeled her this way and that way.

  “Sir, you have to let go now. We are going to do everything we can.” Some nurse in a blue scrub set said.

  What got him stopped were the hands that had grabbed him from behind. Oh he trie
d to break free but having four men’s arms around him and not wanting to sock his President he relented.

  “She’s pregnant.” He said at a dull whisper but the Doctor and Nurse heard just the same and they then began rushing through the Operating Room’s doors.

  He hit his knees after the doors closed. He wrapped his head in his hands and pleaded with God like he did with Alexandra to save her and spare her and to just take him instead.

  That woman in there fighting for her life was his everything. She was the thing in his life he had been missing. God how he wished Alexandra could’ve met her. She would’ve had a mom that would’ve loved her unconditionally.

  His brothers picked him off the floor and set him in a chair handing him a cup of coffee. With every single person coming in and out of the operating room he looked at them intently hoping they had good news. The third person that came out had been running and when they returned they had three bags of blood in their hands.

  Seven hours of surgery is how long it took and then the right doctor finally came out.

  Five long days and four long nights had him by her side every minute. Only did he leave to use the bathroom or get a bite to eat. Hell Lily and Paisley brought him shit to shower with and an extra change of clothes for himself and for Isabelle when she woke up. No one doubted she would there wasn’t an if spoken among them but a when.

  Especially with her having at least fifty stab wounds in her body and a few of them had been dangerously close to where the baby would be nestled in her womb.

  With all standing around her talking about this in that it was then he finally had a ray of hope. She moved her fingers in his hand.

  “Babe, please. If you can hear me open your eyes? Please. I… I need you. I can’t lose you too. Not when I love you.”

  Seeing her eyes flutter open,

  “About time you say you love me.” She mumbled out, her beautiful sweet raspy voice.

  He leaned down kissed her forehead, her lips and her hand.

  Seeing her awaken in that hospital bed brought every emotion out of him. He hated hospitals, fucking hated them after his daughter died in one. However, now he was insanely grateful for the doctors and the medicine that helped bring his woman back. His brothers and their ole ladies had also filled up the waiting room and the hallway outside of her room. Not giving a fuck if anyone saw what he did next.

  Dropping to his knee he said,

  “Marry Me?” His love for her had shown brightly in his eyes.


  And above their twins’ crib’s it read,

  “Dragonfly, dragonfly keep watch over me,

  Let your love rain upon me.

  Dragonfly, dragonfly your wings so long,

  Bring me sweet dreams galore.”

  Savannah and Shadow never knew their big sister but fireflies stayed constant in their back yard. They also knew the love from both of their parents, never doubting their trust in them.

  And on her upper right thigh she had a blue dragonfly covering the scars.

  The End.

  Thank you from the bottom of my being for taking the time to read this book! You are awesome!!!


  Tiffany Casper

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  Review it please, honest opinions are always welcome!

  Other Works

  The Hades Deliverers MC




  Scottish Warriors Trilogy

  Her Warrior His Lady

  Spartans MC




  Stryker (TBD)

  Blaze (TBD)

  Geek (TBD)

  Spartans MC

  (South Caro)

  Grizz (TBD)

  Special Preview!!!!


  When Harper was climbing in that sexy fucking truck every man's eyes had bulged out. Yeah she was going to be trouble but fuck it. He didn’t notice his son was beside him when she revved up the hemi. His dick got hard. On top of that Travelin’ Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd came blasting through the speakers. Yea one hell of a woman right there boy.

  "I like her dad! Think she would go for a younger man?" Grizz chuckled along with his son.

  "Yeah she's pretty cool." A lot more then pretty cool he thought.

  Too damn bad she was way too young for him.




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