Conception (The Wellingtons, #4)

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Conception (The Wellingtons, #4) Page 10

by Tessa Teevan

  His face softens. “Amelia, I can stay. Clay will be fine without me. I can just call the house and tell him I’ll be there in the morning.”

  My heart melts at the offer, and even though I so want to accept, I know I can’t. “As sweet as that is, you should go home. Like you said earlier, we have all summer. I knew I’d be staying here by myself for the summer, so why not start tonight?”

  I plaster on a smile that I’m surprised to realize isn’t fake. Perhaps Grams knew what she was talking about when she said a summer away would do me right. Not sure if she intended for a man to be the number-one ingredient in the remedy, but beggars can’t be choosers.

  Except, in this situation, I think I’d be both when it comes to him.

  “If you’re sure,” he says, and I playfully push his shoulder.

  “I’m sure. Now, I’m going to pour myself a glass of wine while you check out the house.”

  I’ve already downed a full glass and refilled it by the time Knox finds me in my bedroom. Unfortunately for me, I managed to undress and change, and I am currently tying a sash around my robe to keep it closed. He leans against the door jam and lets out a low whistle.

  Finally, for once, I don’t blush under his attention. My cheeks warm, but I tell myself it’s from the wine.

  “All’s quiet,” he says, his voice husky and his eyes trailing south to my bare legs. “I think it’s time you got into bed, Amelia.”

  His tone makes me want to mischievously argue; the roguish expression on his face makes me want to obey his every command.

  Even though I’ll get up to go through my nightly cleansing ritual, I fold my covers back and slip underneath them, sitting back against my headboard. Knox steps into the room, his footsteps hitting across the wooden floors until he’s next to me on the bed. Part of me feels like a woman about to be ravished, even if I know that’s not the case. A girl can dream, right?

  He gently places the folded-back covers over my lap, while lowering his lips to kiss my forehead. When he pulls back ever so slightly, his eyes are warm and watchful.

  “You really don’t have to tuck me in,” I tease. “I’ll be—”

  Knox answers me by capturing my lips in a searing kiss, swallowing my words up in breathless fashion. My hand comes to the back of his head, holding him tight as my tongue parts his lips to deepen it. I have no idea how long he kisses me, but when he breaks it, his wicked grin turns my insides into jelly. I have to resist the urge to tug him to me again.

  “All right babe. Any time you get spooked tonight or hear bumps in the night, you just think of that kiss. Got it?”

  “Got it. Pretty sure I’ll only be having good dreams tonight.”

  “Good. I’ll lock up on my way out. Good night, Amelia.”

  “Night, Knox,” I reply, my voice dreamy, which causes him to chuckle. “See you in the morning?”

  He pauses at my bedroom door, his eyes raking over me one last night. “Yeah, babe. You’ll be seeing me in the morning.”

  I don’t dream about Mrs. Vorhees chasing me with an axe in the middle of summer camp. No, I dream about the hunky dreamboat summer decided to bring my way and all the wicked things I can’t wait to experience with him.


  Who knew five words could be so hard to say?

  Who knew, after one single night, I’d become attached to a girl whose entire being screams for me to run away while beckoning me to reel her in?

  Of all things I didn’t know at the time, I should’ve known that walking away from Amelia that night would become one hell of a regret.

  You know why? Because Clay. The asshole.

  I should’ve known better than to listen to him. After all, my kid brother is an idiot. And I’m one for listening to the bastard. It’s been nearly a week since the night at the drive-in with Amelia, and instead of moving ten paces ahead, we’ve barely moved one. It’s my fault. And my dumbass brother’s.

  Leaving Amelia that night was brutal. Fucking brutal. The last thing I wanted to do was go home and hear about Clay making proposal plans for Maria when all I wanted to do was capitalize on the scary movie we’d just watched. Or, well, the movie she’d watched.

  I wasn’t lying when I’d told Amelia I had a thing for horror. But there’s a good movie, and then there’s a sexy little vixen curled up against you, clutching you tight, with such expressive facial features you can’t just look away from. From the way she’d nibble her lower lip when suspenseful music signaled impending doom to the way her cheeks flushed at the couple having sex to the sharp intake of breath when the killer was revealed—I was entranced. Enthralled.

  Aroused as fuck.

  All the while, I knew that night would end all too damn soon. I didn’t know what it was about her that drew me in so completely, but fuck me, she’s got me, locked, loaded, and ready to freaking go. In a single night, I was hooked, and though I knew I should take a step back, all I wanted was to move in for the kill.

  Not that I’d push her too far, too quickly. Hell, whether Amelia wanted to just make out or go further, I was all for it and I’d respect her wishes. Respect her.

  But when push came to fucking shove, I walked away—boner raging—because my brother was waiting on me. Not that he appreciated it.

  “What the hell are you doing back?” he asked, nearly jumping off the couch when I came through the garage door.

  I sighed, throwing my keys on the counter and pouring myself two fingers of Grandad’s favorite whisky, which Dad had sent along with Clay. Gotta love my old man. I took a swig then dropped onto the couch with my brother, glancing at the television then back at him.

  He simply shrugged. “What? Can’t a guy catch up on old episodes of Dallas when he’s home all alone?”

  I stretched my arm out on the back of the couch. “Sure, Clay. If that’s what you’re into.”

  “It’s not,” he mumbled. “But Maria loves it, so what can I say? Might as well figure out what she’s talking about when she rambles on with her theories of who shot some J.R. fella.”

  I tipped my glass to him. “The things we do for love.”

  “Speaking of, why are you here? I figured after your date you’d be all hot and heavy, staying at Amelia’s place.” He held his beer up to return my salute. “Who, by the way, is a smokin’-hot babe if I may say so myself.”

  “Pretty sure you’ve told me that a time or ten already in the last day, asshole.”

  “Just saying. Things not go well?” he asked, and I stared at him as if he’d grown two heads.

  “Things went swimmingly. In fact, the sooner you get outta town, the better. I’ll be seeing a lot of Amelia this summer, and unless you bring Maria up here to entertain you, your ass has to go.”

  Clay grinned at me. “Ah, how the mighty have fallen.”

  “No fallin’, Clay. Just a summer fling. That’s all it is, all it’s going to be.”

  “Amelia clear on that?”

  I thought back on what we’d talked about. In hindsight, I realized it wasn’t so much a discussion as much as it was me telling Amelia how it is and her agreeing. I made a mental note to be explicitly clear one last time. Except I thought that might be overkill, so I decided to just play it as it came.

  “Yeah, she’s clear.”

  “So, again: Why are you here?”

  “Because I told you I’d come back so we could smoke those cigars Dad brought us back from Peru. Remember earlier? You gave me shit because you were afraid they’d go stale.”

  Clay nearly spit out the beer he’d just drunk. “You came back here to smoke a cigar? Damn, bro, you really are new to this.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I told Amelia earlier that I always keep my promises. I’m not gonna prove myself a liar the very first night, jackass.”

  He stood, chucking his beer bottle into the trash can and poured his own whisky, topping off mine in the process. “Then, by all means, let’s go out back and light up.”

  I don’t know if
it was the whisky, the semi still in my pants, or just the feeling of brotherly bonding that had me suddenly asking for his advice. “Can I ask you something?”

  Clay, leaning back in his rocker, puffed his cigar then pointed at me. “Shoot.”

  “So, uh…” I cleared my throat. “You know I don’t exactly have much experience when it comes to women.”

  He laughed, and I pierced him with a glower that only made him laugh harder.

  “I mean a variety of women. Things with Gwen were…easy. They just kinda happened in a natural progression. With Amelia, it’s different. I want it all, right fucking now. Like I’m crazed. Like I won’t ever be able to get enough of her, and all I’ve done is kiss her. That’s normal, right?”

  “Fuck yeah, it’s normal. She’s new, she’s exciting, and she’s the first chick since Gwen you’ve wanted to fuck, so yeah. Especially since your time is going to be limited. It makes sense you want to jump straight into her Daisy Dukes.”

  “I want to. Fuck me, I want to. But hell, I also don’t want to freak her out by moving too fast.”

  “So don’t.” His words were so matter-of-fact that I had to lean forward and study him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s simple, Knox. You’re crazed? You just gotta make sure she’s feeling the same way. So take a step back. Reel it in just a little bit, but at the same time, give just a little bit more at the end of every night. A taste, a tease, just enough to keep her wantin’ more.”

  “That makes no sense. She’s not a damn fish.”

  “Of course it wouldn’t make sense to you. You’ve never had to seduce a woman before.”

  “And this is how you seduced Maria?”

  His answering grin told me, yeah, he did just that. “And she’ll be wearing my ring by the end of the summer. Trust me on this. It’ll drive her insane and then, when you finally get into bed, you’ll explode.”

  “Not sure that’s what I’m going for, buddy,” I told him.

  “You know what I mean. Sure, you could’ve had her tonight. You could tomorrow. Give it a week? It’ll be better than anything you could’ve expected.”

  “I’ve been with one woman my entire life. There’s no offense to Gwen, but I’m fairly sure my sex life can only go up from here, whether I wait a week or break the seal tomorrow.”

  “I still can’t believe you haven’t been with anyone since her.”

  Whether I’d heard this once in the past four months or one hundred times, it’s too fucking many. “I still can’t believe I fucking told you that.”

  He held his drink up in a mock cheer. “Bourbon: Mother Nature’s truth serum.”

  “Clay, what the hell have I been doing for the past three years?”

  He started ticking things off on his fingers. “Work. School. Work. Golf. Work. Gym. School. Help Mom’s charities. Did I say work?”

  “Exactly. I didn’t have time to go out and find anyone. Not that I didn’t want to. But we have plans for the business, and I’ve been working my ass off to make those dreams come true. Women will come later.”

  “Or now, since Mom exiled you to this place. Gotta say I’m not surprised you’re already laser focused on the first girl you saw.”

  I puffed my cigar before slowly releasing the aromatic smoke. “Think Mom still would’ve sent me here if she’d anticipated my meeting a woman on the first day, even knowing it could only be for a fling?”

  Clay leaned forward in his chair, bringing his forearms to his knees, his expression pensive as he mulled it over. “I think dear old Mom would’ve pushed you into Amelia’s arms if for nothing else than to prove to you there’s more to life than work.”

  He was right, but I wouldn’t tell him that.

  “Well, whatever it was,” I said, “Mom got her wish. Looks like three months of fixing up this place, trying to escape the heat, and spending time with Amelia.”

  “Doesn’t sound like too bad of a gig, Knox,” Clay told me.

  “Nope. Sure as hell doesn’t.”

  Talk, as it usually does when we’re together and drinking, turned from women to work while we finished our drinks and cigars. There was just something about being out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but moonlight and the distant crashing of the water from the lake to make talking shop so damn enjoyable. Hell, Clay and I could do that in the middle of anything.

  That night was different though. We didn’t discuss how we wanted to change the company—we discussed how we wanted to change ourselves along with it. Did he gush about Maria most of the time? Yeah. And for once, I didn’t mind.

  What can I say? Booze.

  And unfortunately for me, that night was almost a week ago and I still haven’t progressed much with Amelia. Well, not physically. Sure, we’ve spent nearly every waking moment together—and a couple of them sleeping thanks to long days in the summer heat. Never alone. Always with Clay, Sunny, and the rest of the gang. Yet, even on the nights we steal away and stay in, cuddled on the couch while watching old movies, we never do anything other than some very heavy making out—necking as Mom would embarrassingly call it. And every night, as much as it pains me, I put her into bed, give her a kiss goodnight, and go home to Clay’s approving stare.

  Like I said: idiot.

  He may approve of my going slow; I sure as hell don’t know how I’m managing. I’m a loaded bottle of pent-up frustration that’s in danger of detonating at any given moment.

  I have no idea how I’ve kept my cool—and I don’t just mean in this heat wave. The resistance is killing me, and with each night that passes, every inch Amelia presses up closer against me, I can tell it’s killing her, too. So maybe my brother isn’t such a total idiot, but I’ve reached my limit. I have to do something. I can’t lie with her in my arms for one more night with her pert little ass teasing my groin, my hand on her belly when it wants to be on her breast, without doing something about it.

  And hell, it’s about time.

  Tonight’s the night. And the best part? I have a feeling Amelia has come to that conclusion, too.

  When I pick up her up after a long day at the beach, she’s wearing those dark denim shorts that hug her ass to perfection and a tiny Kiss T-shirt that cuts off at the midriff, which exposes a now tanned, taut belly. Her hair in a messy ponytail, practically begging for my fingers to tangle up in it. Cherry lips form an enticing pout, and the necklace that disappears into subtle cleavage has me salivating and desperate to go on my own treasure hunt.

  She throws her purse over her shoulder, her beaming smile hitting me somewhere I’m not ready to explore. The moment she steps outside, she sucks in a deep breath.

  “Holy smokes. Did it get hotter since this afternoon?” she asks, using her hand to fan her face.

  Considering that my white T-shirt already feels damp with my own sweat, I can’t blame her. Probably the wrong fashion choice for the day. Too late now. “Clay said the weatherman warned of a spike in temperature but said it should cool off when the sun goes down. You still cool with walkin’, or do you want me to go get my car?”

  I want to ask if I can drive the sweet ride into her garage, but though we’ve gotten close, I’m not sure we’re that close. I can respect the boundaries of a fellow sports car enthusiast.

  “That’s sweet, Knox, but I’m not going to melt from the heat. Mickey’s is only a short walk, and plus, if you drive, I don’t get to get you drunk and take advantage.”

  I dart forward to catch her, and she twirls out of the way. I’m too quick for her though, so I’m able to hook my forefinger through a loop on her denim shorts.

  “Oof!” She makes the cutest damn sound when I tug her in tight to my chest a little harder than I meant to.

  “Babe, it’s not taking advantage. I’m yours to do with as you please.” I give her a wink.

  Amelia presses her forehead against my chest, her hands fisting the bottom of my shirt. She grumbles something unintelligible.

  “What was that?”
r />   Bashful, green eyes flutter up at me beneath incredible, dark lashes. “Nothing. Just… I’ll remember you said that, and I plan on holding you to it.”

  “Feel free to hold me to anything you damn well please.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve been trying to do that all week.” The frustration in her voice matches what I’m feeling inside.

  This has to be the night. For both of us. If we didn’t have plans to meet the gang at Mickey’s, I’d have half a mind to haul her up, take her inside, and bury myself inside her so deep that I won’t be able to remember what sex was like before I met her.

  And if I just so happen to ruin her for all other men?

  Well, that’ll be the icing on the damn cake.

  “Is everything okay? Between us?” Amelia asks, catching me off guard.

  She’s sitting between my legs, resting her back against my chest, while I run my fingers up and down her bare thighs.

  We spent most of the night playing pool and dancing at Mickey’s. Since it turned out to be a slow night, Joe closed the place down early in order to move the party down to the lake. Even though it neared a hundred degrees today, the night is surprisingly refreshing with a cool breeze coming off the water.

  A couple of the guys built the fire we’re all sitting around. Joe and Sam are taking turns playing the guitar, alternating between singing rock-and-roll tunes and making up ones of their own. Sunny’s being…well, from what I’ve learned over the past few days, Sunny. She’s smoking a joint, swaying back and forth to the music, occasionally making cat calls to Joe. Every so often, she gestures to me over Amelia’s head. If I’m reading her correctly, Amelia’s told her of our going slow, and she’s trying to nudge me along in the right direction.


  I take one of her hands in mine, bringing it to my lips and giving her a kiss. “Nah, babe.”

  She sits up quickly and turns around, searching my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  I realize I answered the wrong question. “No, I meant nothing’s wrong. Everything’s cool. Better than cool. Why do you ask?”

  Amelia looks around then plays with the end of her ponytail. “Wanna go for a walk? Get away from the crowd? Sunny’s pot is starting to make my nose tickle.” She wrinkles said nose for effect.


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