Stolen Love (The Wildheart Duet Book 1)

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Stolen Love (The Wildheart Duet Book 1) Page 5

by Murphy Wallace

  “This is complete bullshit!” Lock screams.

  “Lochlan, it’s time for you to go. You know the rules. Don’t bother waiting in the waiting room, I’ll have security meet you here to escort you down to your car.”

  This enrages Lock even more to the point that I think he very well may lash out at Liza. I step forward in an attempt to diffuse the situation, “Lock, please. Let’s try it one more time and if that doesn’t work, we will find a new doctor. A better doctor.”

  He looks between myself and Liza and says, “This is the last time you’ll see her. Give her the injection that we came here for.” He turns to me, grabs me by the back of my neck and growls, “I expect to see you downstairs in no more than twenty minutes. One second more than that and I promise you,” he looks from me to Liza, “you’ll both regret it.” He lets me go and stalks from the room.

  As soon as the door closes, I collapse into the chair, sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Liza!”

  “What do you have to be sorry for?” she comes over and sits in the chair next to mine. She reaches out for me and pulls me in for a hug. She rubs my back while I cry on her shoulder, again. It seems to be an ongoing occurrence for us. “I can set you up with another doctor. I can let her know a little of what is going on and see if she will be willing to help us out. Then, you can meet with her a time or two and when Lock lets you come into the city on your own, come see me. I’ll continue giving you your birth control shots. I will not let you get pregnant by that monster. I promise you.”

  “I can’t chance him finding out that I’m still coming here. You have no idea what he would do to you, to me.” I cry.

  “Screw it. I don’t care. I can take care of myself and I can help you escape him as well. Just please don’t lose contact with me,” she pleads.

  “Okay,” I promise. “I’ll try not to, but I don’t know the next time I’ll be able to come here.”

  “You know my number, even if it’s just a quick phone call to let me know that you’re okay. If, for any reason, you can’t get to town on your own once every three months, tell Owen and he’ll come pick up a syringe from me.”

  “Okay.” I weakly say.

  “Alright, now try to calm down. We need to get you back downstairs soon so you don’t get into trouble.”


  I don’t know how I’ve let this shit go on for so long without taking any action. I didn’t get to where I am today by standing around waiting for things to happen. When I make it back to the car, I unlock my cell phone and place a call to Skylar.

  “Boss. I was just about to call you--” He answers, but I cut him off.

  “I need you to get two guys on Dr. Liza Bradley. I want them on her in shifts, 24 hours a day. I want to know where she eats, where she sleeps, who she’s fucking, her toothpaste preference, everything. Got it?”

  “Consider it done. Also, I was getting ready to call you, we have sights on Trent right now.”


  “About two-hundred yards south of the doc’s office.”

  “Mother fucker! That’s right behind us!” I look out of my window just as Lana exits the building. I open the door and run at her. She is shocked and puts her arms up to defend herself. I grab her arm in an effort to pull her to the car, but being the dumb, clumsy, good for nothing woman that she is, she trips and falls. This gives Trent time to try and exit his car. I let Lana lay there and I point my gun right at Trent’s driver’s side window. I shoot, but he ducks down behind the door, and I miss him by inches. As pissed as I am at not hitting my target, this gives us just enough time for me to pick the worthless bitch up, throw her in the back of the car and get Steele’s ass back behind the wheel.

  “Get us out of here now! If he gains any sort of momentum on us, I’ll slit your fucking throat!” I growl. Steele used to be Trent’s driver and he’s very skilled at his craft. He always knows where he’s going, the quickest shortcuts, and the best places to go when you need to not be found. The man can maneuver a car through traffic with the same precision as a NASCAR driver. While he has been a loyal driver for the past few years, if Trent gets anywhere near Lana or me, I won’t hesitate to take action for his mistake.


  I can feel my blood pressure skyrocket the second I see Lock exit the building. I look around him hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but she’s nowhere to be seen. “Where is she?” I’m getting impatient. It’s been so long since I’ve had an opportunity like this and I don’t want to miss my chance. As I continue watching that son of a bitch walking toward his car, my phone starts to ring. I look down and when I realize who it is, I answer, “Liza. Where is she?”

  “She just left, she should be out front any minute,” she says.

  “Okay, thank you. I’ll keep an eye out.”

  I end the call just as Lana exits the building. As soon as I see her, I pick up my gun and begin to make my move. Suddenly, Lock bursts from his car, gun in hand, and runs straight over to her. He grabs her roughly by the arm and pulls her close to him. As he does this, she loses her footing and falls to the ground. I immediately open my door, ready to jump out of the car and make my move, but Lock looks right at me, raises his gun, and shoots. I ducked down behind the open, bulletproof door and he barely misses me. He uses this opportunity to half push and half drag Lana over the pavement into the car. Steele jumps behind the wheel of the car and peels out.

  Just like that, I lost my chance. Again.

  April 2012


  As an awkward silence creeps into the space between Marshall and I, you can feel the sexual tension rise.

  Marshall is the first to speak, “Adrienne, I have to be honest. I am incredibly attracted to you.”

  I look up with what is, I’m sure, a very shocked expression on my face. “Do you want to watch a movie?” That’s all you can think of to say, Adrienne? He’s 35! Of course he doesn’t want to watch a movie. The age difference is beginning to show and just as I think he is going to come up with an excuse to leave, he says, “I would love that. Anything to extend our time together.”

  I get up and go over to my barren movie selection. Ugh. I should have thought about this before I mentioned anything. “Well, I don’t have much to choose from. I’m not sure what your movie interests are yet.”

  “Name a few. I’m sure we can find something.” He says with a genuine smile. I smile back at him and start to read off some names.

  “I have Harry Potter, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Lethal Weapon, Never Been Kissed, Die Hard, Transformers, and the Wizard of Oz.” I turn around with an unsure look on my face.

  “I’m fine with any of those, honestly. I tend to be a closet chick-flick fan; shhh!” he laughs.

  I smile back at him and say, “Well, a few of those I got as presents and they’re not my favorite. Lethal Weapon and Die Hard are pretty high up on my list.”

  “Well then, how about Lethal Weapon?”

  “Sold!” I put the movie in the DVD player. “Can I get you anything, another beer? Popcorn?”

  “I’m fine, for the moment.” I hear the words escape from his mouth, but the desire written all over his face tells me that there is something else that he wants. It sends heat straight to my core and I can feel moisture starting to build there.

  I walk back to the sofa and pick up the remote to turn on the television. Just as I sit down, Marshall reaches up and rests his arm across the back of the sofa. The way his large frame is draped over the sofa makes me want to curl up into a ball and envelop myself in his arms. I am falling fast for this guy and it’s making me very nervous.

  The last relationship that I had ended quickly because I was “too attached”. But in all reality it was him who was “too attached”, to three other women. He was a jerk and I can already tell that Marshall is different, but there is still a hesitancy creeping in with the thought of putting myself out there again.

  Right around the time that Murtaugh and Riggs begin their first investig
ation, I realize that Marshall is staring at me. I turn my head to look at him and he takes his hand and puts it over mine. Looking down at our joined hands, my gaze moves back to his and the want written all over his face is mirrored on my own. He moves his hand to my cheek and our lips meet in the middle. The kiss starts off slow and gentle and every second of it is absolute bliss. His lips are soft and warm and the way his tongue dances over mine, the movements that he’s making, it sends another shock of electricity to my core.

  His lips break free from mine and a whimper escapes me. The absence of his lips on mine is almost painful. He is breathing just as heavily as I am.

  “Adrienne, if you don’t want this to go any further, then I suggest you tell me now. No pressure and no hard feelings. But if you’re interested in seeing what this night has in store for us, then let me take you into your bedroom and show you how great we can be together.”

  I want to say okay. I want him to take me into my room and make sweet, passionate love to me. Then, I want him to ravage my body like no one has done before him. I’ve never felt this way about someone in such a short amount of time and that scares me. I don’t think that he is using me, but I don’t want to get burned again.

  “I,” I start. “This is new for me. I’ve never done something like this on the first date. Not to scare you away, but I really like you, and that makes me nervous because I’ve been hurt before.”

  “This is going to sound bad, but I need you to trust me.” He says “I’ve slept with women on the first date before and never taken them out again. I’ve never felt anything like this about anyone else. And not only do I want to be with you tonight, to show you how strong my feelings are for you, but I want to see you again tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. This is new for me too, but there hasn’t been anyone that I’ve wanted to spend my time with, until you. If you don’t want this, then—”

  “I want this.” I’m still skeptical but his words have me too worked up to care at the moment. I shake my head up and down a few times and repeat, “I do. I want this, Marshall.”

  Before I even know what hit me, he has me in his arms. Our mouths crash together once again and I wrap my arms and legs around his hard body as he carries me over the threshold of my bedroom. With our lips still locked, he puts me down so I’m standing in front of him. He pulls my shirt up and over my head. When it’s off, his gaze sweeps over my breasts and down to my stomach, as he runs the backs of his fingers down the length of my arms. I look up at him while my hands feverishly work the button on his shirt and his sultry glance sends all of my emotions into overdrive.

  Once his shirt is off, he cups my face with both of his large hands and brings me in for another kiss. After a moment, he takes one of his hands and traces the outline of my body. He runs it softly down my neck, over my collarbone. Then, he lightly tickles the outside of my breast before continuing down to my waist. He stops when he gets to the waistband of my pants.

  As he does this, I take my hands and run them up from his waist, over his rock-hard abs, I lightly graze over his pecs, his nipples hard as diamonds. I stop my ascent when my hands get to his muscular neck. Then, he removes his other hand and it follows the same path on the other side of my body. My hands travel back down his torso, becoming familiar with and enjoying the heady combination of his soft skin and hard muscles.

  As I reach the top of his pants, I unbutton them and work the zipper down. The denim falls slightly, so I can see the elastic of his boxer briefs, but they don’t fall all the way to the ground. Instead they allow me a sneak peek at what’s in store for my throbbing pussy.

  “Adrienne,” he breathes.

  I moan at the sound of my name, softly escaping his lips. It makes me feel beautiful and wanted.

  He moves his hands from my sides to the drawstring of my pants, making quick work of the knot. They fall to the ground in a puddle around my feet. He grabs a hold of my elbows and helps me walk forward, out of them. Left only in my underwear, I start to feel slightly self-conscience. I’m not sure what to do with my hands. I swing them back and forth slightly, then fold them in front of me. All it takes is one eyebrow cock from Marshall and my arms fall back down to my sides.

  “You’re absolutely stunning,” He admits

  “Hmph.” I make a noise. “Are you sure you aren’t just saying that because I’m standing in front of you in my underwear?”

  “I’ve thought that you were stunning from the moment that you crashed into my life. It was very difficult for me not to take you on the hood of your car last week.”

  He steps forward, one of his hands landing on my breast and the other cupping my sex over my panties. He rubs at both for a moment and then he reaches around and unhooks my bra. After he lets it fall to the floor, he returns his hands to their previous position. But this time, instead of cupping me, he moves the fabric covering my sex to the side and runs a finger through my wet heat. He growls with pleasure and at the same time, I can feel his desire grow against my lower abdomen.

  “Later, at Serenata, I fantasized about laying you down on the surface of the table and enjoying what I’m certain would have been the most delicious, intoxicating appetizer that I’ve ever had.”

  All of a sudden, I feel dizzy. My eyes roll back into my head and my lids are heavy with the weight of my lust. His words take my breath away and make my pussy weep. I swear I could come already and he’s barely touching me.

  He walks me backward until I hit the bed and fall back onto it. He reaches up toward my headboard, grabs my pillows and puts them behind my head. Then, he lifts my legs up so my feet are flat on the mattress. He leans over me and his strong arms hold his body just above mine. I grab onto his biceps, needing something to still my shaking hands.

  “You still interested?” he questions.

  I nod my head, panting, and answer, “Don’t back out on me now.”

  The killer smile that he flashes me shows a bit of relief before he lowers his head and kisses me passionately. I grab his hair and run my fingers through it, tugging gently. Still lip-locked, I feel his hand move to my breast, his fingers tugging on my nipple. As he does so, he moves to my neck and he continues his assault with his talented lips. His kisses never cease as his lips take their time, getting to know every inch of my body. He squeezes my breast with his hand and takes my nipple into his mouth. He flicks it back and forth with his tongue, nipping it with his, then sucking on it. The combination shoots sparks straight to my core. I moan loudly and it spurs him on further.

  With my nipple still in his mouth, he moves his hand down, grips the side of my panties, and pulls them down my legs. Once they’re out of the way, he releases my nipple from his mouth and moves over to the other one. As he continues the flicking, nibbling, sucking treatment, he runs his fingers through my wet slit. He fingers my clit slightly before sinking two fingers inside. The ecstasy of his touch overwhelms my senses and as he starts rotating his fingers within, I lose the ability to breathe, to speak, to think. All I can do is feel. His talented fingers continue their exquisite torment until I’m panting.

  “Please, Marshall…” I beg.

  “Please, what?” he asks, knowing full well exactly what it is that I’m after. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want to come,” I whisper feverishly

  “How do you want to come?”

  “I want you to make me come,” I trail off, nearly unable to speak, eyes rolling into the back of my head due to the most exquisite amount of pleasure I’ve ever experienced.

  “You want me to make you come like this?” he asks as he speeds up his assault.

  “Yes! Yes! God, yes! Marshall! I’m coming! Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!” I scream as I climax all over his hand.

  I should feel embarrassed, ashamed, chided. I’ve only known Marshall for a week. This is completely out of character for me. But I’m none of those things. Marshall makes me feel beautiful, he makes me feel wanted. It’s been so long since I’ve felt thi
s way. Between that thought and the immense state of bliss that I’m currently in, it’s enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  I start trying to control my breathing. Marshall is running kisses all over my chest, my throat, my cheek. He finishes with a soulful kiss to the lips before removing his fingers from my now, soaking wet opening. He brings them to his mouth and licks them clean. I’m blushing like crazy. I move my hands to cover my eyes, but he stops them. I look away. He takes both my hands into his one and turns my face back to his.

  “Don’t. I love looking at you.”

  “That was… amazing,” I admit.

  “I’m glad to hear that, but we’re just getting started.” Letting go of my hands, he sinks down and kneels on the floor next to the bed. He adjusts my feet until they are a little further apart. His hands sliding underneath my knees, up my thighs, until he catches my waist in his hard grip. Then, he pulls me closer to the bed.

  I cry out when his tongue caresses my slit from bottom to top. He wraps his arms around my thighs so he can use his hands to spread me open and feed his salacious appetite. His tongue is like velvet and with every stroke, I get closer to the edge once more. I start to tremble. My hips start to buck of their own accord. He moves one of his hands to start his inner assault once more while his mouth closes over my bud and he starts to suck lightly. Within seconds, his ministrations push me over the edge once again and my raw and raspy screams escape into the quiet room.

  As the sensation starts to wane, I feel the strength leaving my body. Closing my eyes, I feel him stand and lift me, placing me correctly on the bed. I hear a rustling of clothing before I realize that he’s just removed his pants. The bed dips to the side of me. I turn my head toward him and open my eyes, immediately glancing down at his cock. I don’t have much to compare it to, but to me, it’s perfect. It’s large, but not intimidating. It’s thick with veins protruding here and there. I look up at him as he takes his hand and runs the backs of his fingers down my cheek. The same fingers that he used to make me come. They still feel a little sticky and I can smell myself on them. Surprisingly, it’s not unpleasant.


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