Always Love Me: A Standalone Second Chance Romance

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Always Love Me: A Standalone Second Chance Romance Page 18

by Derrick, Zoey

  Chapter 21


  Dirk’s mouth is sinful, succulent, and delightful as he gently rubs my clit with his tongue, soothing my sex after my orgasm. It’s been a very, very long time since anyone has made me come by licking my pussy the way Dirk has. It takes me a few moments to recover.

  He releases my clit, extracting his thumb from inside me. My legs fall slack to the side. He smirks. “What?” I tease.

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you come.”

  I feel my cheeks heat with a blush. I can see some of my juices in his beard. I narrow my eyes slightly, hooking my finger in his direction, begging him to come to me.

  He adjusts, lifting himself as he crawls up my body. When his mouth gets to a nipple, he leans down, pulling it in and sucking it just like he was my clit a few minutes ago. It makes my back arch and I mewl, needing him. “Come here,” I whisper.

  He grins, releasing my nipple and he moves further up my body, his legs settling under my thighs, lifting my ass off the bed a bit. I feel the tip of his cock press against my clit. I wrap my hand around his neck, pulling him down to me and I slant my lips over his.

  I shiver with pleasure when I taste myself on his lips. He settles over me, balancing on one hand, as he slides his other down my body, along my tattoo and then his hand is between us. I moan, gripping his neck hard and I slide my tongue along his, hooking it around his tongue and stoking it, much the same as I did his cock when I made him come.

  He growls. Then his cock is lining up with my entrance. I pull back, pleasure and need making my breathing hard and heavy. With hooded eyes, I look at his. “Please, I need you, I need—”

  He slams into me.

  “—you,” I cry out. Pleasure and the slight twinge of pain send white hot need rolling through me. My back arches.

  His hands push into the mattress under my arms, his muscles tensing and releasing as he feels my pussy gripping him. She’s a needy fucking bitch, and I can’t stop the flick of my hips, begging him to move inside me.

  He winks at me, knowing exactly what he’s done. He pulls back. I shudder. He slams in. I cry out. Out and in, my hips moving with his. His body is tight. His cock hard and twitching inside. Then he’s moving with purpose and desperation, making me cry out, “Harder.”

  He shifts, rearing back a bit, his hands finding my legs, lifting them and pushing them toward my chest. My ass lifts, and my pussy pulses around him. He hooks my legs on his arms as he puts them back on the bed. I’m pretzeled, and he’s so big inside me. My pussy feels tighter around him like this.

  The mushroom head of his cock finds my g-spot.

  My legs twitch.

  He smirks.

  Then starts moving in small spurts inside me. His ridge finding mine. “Oh fuck,” I mewl. I grab my ankles, pulling my legs down a shade more, and the next thing I know, my orgasm rips me into a million pieces.

  “Skylar,” Dirk moans as he explodes warm jets of his come deep inside me.

  After a few moments, he shifts, but doesn’t pull out of me. He simply helps me unfold, lowering my legs back to the bed. My eyes are closed, and I can’t seem to find the strength to open them. He leans forward, still inside me, and I feel his hair tickle my cheeks. I smile and slowly find the strength to open my eyes. His eyes are glistening with lust and satisfaction when my eyes find his. A sweet smile forms on my lips. “Kiss me,” I whimper.

  He indulges me by pressing his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and shoulders and pull my legs up around his waist. I don’t want him to move, but I can feel his cock slowly softening inside me. Sated.

  “Stay?” I breathe as he breaks our kiss.

  “Absolutely,” he kisses the tip of my nose just as he finally falls free of my sex. I groan at the loss of him inside me. He chuckles.

  I lower my arms and legs, freeing him. He leans back then he lifts my right leg and rolls me onto my side. I don’t know why, but I want this. I need this. I need to feel him wrapped around me tonight. I need his warmth and comfort.

  He lays down behind me. Then the light goes out. The moonlight streams in through the window. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. While they do, Xavier slides his arm under my head, and then I reach for the covers, pulling them over us. He adjusts them behind himself before wrapping his other arm around me. I smile in the darkness when I feel his leg slide between mine and his whole body presses into me.

  Feeling his weight on me is exactly what I need to feel.

  I fall asleep quickly.

  Chapter 22


  I take a deep breath and stretch. I blink, trying to shake the sleep from my eyes and I realize its light outside. I smile and move to wrap myself around her.

  Only I’m met with cold sheets and emptiness.

  My eyes jolt open.

  They land on the clock. It reads 7:53. “Fuck,” I growl.

  I listen, trying to see if there’s anyone in the house.

  It’s stupid; I know it’s empty. The emptiness creeps in.

  I punch the bed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I bark.

  I throw the covers off me and move to sit on the side of the bed. Out of instinct, I look around for my crutch and realize I don’t have one. “Dammit.” I go to reach for my sock when my eyes land on a folded piece of paper sitting on top of my leg.

  I sigh and reach for it.


  You were sleeping so soundly; I couldn’t bear to wake you. There’s plenty of food downstairs—help yourself.

  I left some toiletries in the bathroom for you in case you want to shower.

  I’ve gone to take Scott to the airport, get Randy and Kathleen off and get my shopping done.

  I’ll meet you on the boat



  For the first time since waking, I feel the tension release from my body. Yeah, I’m pissed she didn’t wake me before she left, but her promise of coming back is what breaks it for me.

  I set the letter down and pull on my sock, and as much as I want to shower, I don’t know if I’ll be able to. I’m pretty good at standing on one foot, but I have handles in my showers to balance when I need it. I finish putting myself back together and stand, stretching. I need my phone.

  I find my pants and grab them.

  I laugh when I pick them up and find her panties hiding underneath them. She, no doubt, missed them in her haste to get out of here this morning.

  An idea comes to mind, and I grab them off the floor.

  I lay them out on the bed and snap a picture of them.

  Then I find our text exchange from yesterday and send the picture to her.

  To Rebel: You forgot more than just your panties.

  Sure, it’s a little passive-aggressive.

  I’d like to tear her a new one for leaving me, but I have to admit, I deserved it. I left her alone in a hotel room all those months ago.

  I go into the bathroom and relieve myself. I check out the tub and decide against the shower. It’s a claw foot tub, surrounded by nothing but curtains. Definitely not going to work.

  I’m pulling on my shirt, having already put on my pants and shoes, when my phone chimes.

  My heart skips a beat when I see it’s her.

  From Rebel: I left them on purpose—

  “Uh huh, sure you did.”

  I keep reading her text.

  —I couldn’t bear the thought of waking you. So I let you sleep.

  To Rebel: And I hate the fact that you left. I don’t like you running away from me.

  It takes me long enough to put my coat on before my phone chimes again.

  From Rebel: I’m not running. Wait for me. -x-

  I take a deep breath. God, I hope she means that.

  * * *

  I didn’t waste much time in the house. I couldn’t stand the idea of being in the house alone after I realized all of her stuff was gone. When I passed by the door that had the light on last night, I notice a suitca
se and a few other things in there. Diem decided to stay the next couple of days, though, he’ll be here at the house. I don’t fully understand why he didn’t go back to New York, but then again, I understand his need to be close by. Just in case.

  I drive back to the dock, getting there just before 9:00, and I see Dribbler on top of the crane. He’s laying across the arm, working on one of the hoses.

  I get out of the truck and move toward the pallets.

  “Hey boss,” Dribbler yells, then he perks up a bit. “Where’s Rebel?”

  I smile. “She’ll be here later. She had to get some stuff,” I tell him as I climb up the pallets, and with a well-practiced grace, I get onto the boat and climb down the ladder.

  Jessie is on the deck; he’s got another panel open at the base of the crane. “How’s it going?” I ask.

  “Good,” Jessie says. “We’ve been able to replace the line. But we’re going to have to replace more than just this one.”

  “Can we do it now? Before we leave?”

  Jessie shrugs, “I don’t see why not. We’ll have to run for some parts and pull up a few deck boards.”

  “Do it,” I tell him.

  “You got it, boss.”

  We can repair all this shit back in Seattle, though, we need the crane working in order to get our trip supplies on board, so I figure it will give them something to do.

  I flick my smoke and head for the wet room.

  “There’s some leftover egg dish in the fridge,” Dribbler hollers just as I step through the portal.

  “Thanks, man.”

  You’d never know it by looking at him, but Dribbler is an amazing cook and unafraid of shit. Though, he tends to stick to the heavy protein, high carb crap, it’s amazing. I go to the fridge and find the container. Clearly, the groceries haven’t been delivered because aside from bottles of water, Mountain Dew, half a case of Monster Energy Drinks, some half and half, and a crap ton of condiments, it’s empty. I help myself to the egg dish and toss it in the microwave then head up to my room to tidy up before Rebel gets back.

  Around noon, after I’ve cleaned up my room and grabbed a shower, the guys come in to make lunch. I have no clue what time they got up and got started this morning, but they’re sweating and have shed a few layers. I can’t stop looking at my phone, waiting for her to text me, or something. I should just text her, but…I can’t quite put a finger on why I haven’t. I guess a part of me needs her to come back on her own, but it doesn’t mean I’m not getting twitchy the longer it takes her.

  “What’s for lunch?” I chuckle, remembering the fridge.

  “Uh…not much.” Dribbler laughs. “Though, Alaska Ship Supply should be here shortly. They said they’d be here around noon.”

  “Nice. That works. Did you find everything?”


  I nod. Dribbler likes doing the shopping because he does most of the cooking when we’re on board and working. And almost all of the cooking when we’re in port and driving to and from Seattle. I asked him once why he didn’t just fly up here. Then I realized the fearless wonder hates to fly. It works because there’s times where I can’t stand the drive to and from Seattle, so he’ll bring the ship up and is more than willing to take her back. Though, this time, Tommy had something going on, so that’s why I’m here. We don’t like travelling back and forth with less than three people.

  Dribbler is combing through the cupboards when there’s a loud honk outside. “That’s gotta be Ass.”

  I snort but all three of us descend the steps into the wet room.

  Sure enough, Alaska Ship Supply is dropping their forklift off the back of the truck. “How many pallets we got?” I holler.

  “Two and a half,” the driver hollers just as the forklift reaches into the truck.

  I look at Dribbler. “It’s just 10 days, dude.”

  He laughs, “We were out of everything, not just food.”


  I’d noticed when I was doing laundry the bottles were pretty light. We usually have a healthy supply of that kind of stuff on board, but with the season over, we worked our way through just about everything.

  “We added some stuff, last minute,” The driver says as I hit the pallets.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Uh, Ms. McKay was in the store. I guess someone asked where she was heading and offered to add it to this stuff.”

  I can’t stop the stupid smile that spreads across my face. “Awesome, thanks,” I tell him.

  He shrugs. “Eh. We were coming here anyway.”

  I nod. He hands me a clipboard and I look over the purchase order. Dribbler has the authority, like most deck bosses for Bearded Bean, to place the order, but the Captain has to sign off on it to authorize the charges. All looks good and legit, so I sign the slip just as I hear the crane on the boat moving. Jessie hops off the pallets and the forklift pulls out the first pallet.

  Fifteen minutes later and the three of us are unwrapping the pallets. We quickly pull everything off the pallets. The forklift driver helps us out. This way they can take the pallets back with them.

  I chuckle when I see a duffle bag and another paper bag. When I look inside, I see things like shampoo and body wash. This has to be Rebel’s. I can’t help wondering where she is because if she was at Alaska Supply with enough time to add this stuff to the pallets, she should have been here by now. I shrug it off, and we start to put the shit away.

  Most of the meat and freezer stuff goes into the bait freezer and cooler. The galley just doesn’t have that kind of room. It also makes it much easier to unload. A lot of the dry goods will also go under the bow and into where the guys hang out between strings.

  We’re nearly done when my phone finally goes off.

  I pull it from my pocket.

  From Rebel: You guys eat yet?

  I smile at my phone.

  To Rebel: Nope, just unloading our A.S.S. shipment. Noticed your little additions.

  From Rebel: Good. :- ) So, food?

  “Guys, Rebel wants to know if you want food from town?”

  Dribbler snorts, and Jessie shakes his head slowly. “Where she going?” Dribbler asks.

  “No clue, does it matter?”

  “Nope,” they say in unison.

  To Rebel: Absolutely. Get whatever you want. These two garbage disposals will eat anything.

  It takes a few minutes for her reply to come just as I grab the last package of paper towels off the pallet.

  From Rebel: Okay, food ordered. Miss me?

  From Rebel: I’m tryin.

  I tuck my phone away, and we finish unloading.

  Chapter 23


  Jessie and Dribbler go about putting shit away in the galley and the pantry closet we have on the other side of the door to the engine room while I swap out laundry. I take everything from the dryer to my cabin.

  I’m almost done folding towels when there’s a honk outside. It’s not a big truck, so it’s got to be Rebel, and I smirk to myself. I hear jogging down the stairs to the wet room. I finish folding the last of the towels, and I put them in my closet before heading up to the wheelhouse. I smile when I see Dribbler with Rebel’s suitcase and a big bag of food in his hands. “Jess!” Dribbler hollers.

  A moment later, Jessie is out on the deck grabbing more stuff from Rebel. Another bag of food, then two of what can only be her bags. They’re freaking Louis Vuitton. Rebel crisscrosses a laptop bag over her body. Then she makes the grab for the bars of the ladder. I hold my breath.

  She steadies herself, then makes the leap and the grab.

  I let out a rush of breath when she turns around to climb down. She says something to Diem who nods and turns toward the truck. I hear Jessie coming up the steps and I look down. He’s got her suitcase, duffle bag from Alaska Supply, and the paper bag with her toiletries in it. “Thanks, man,” I tell him.

  “No worries,” he tells me as he takes them into my cabin

  “What’d you get us?” Dribbler asks.

  “A little of everything,” Rebel singsongs.

  I can’t take it anymore, and I descend the steps. Jessie comes out right behind me, and then I’m in the galley. She’s pulling her laptop bag off her shoulder. Her eyes find mine and she visibly relaxes, a lazy sweet, sinfully sexy smile spreading across her lips. “Hi,” she breathes.

  I hear Dribbler groan and then I hear the plastic of the food bags being torn apart. I close the distance between us and I put my finger under her chin, lifting her face to mine. “Hi,” I whisper and lean down, kissing her.

  “Get a room,” Dribbler laughs.

  I look at him. “I have one, thanks.”

  He laughs and rolls his eyes. I can feel Rebel laughing quietly. “What’d ya get us?” I ask her.

  “Food,” she smirks.

  “Obviously,” I laugh.

  Dribbler and Jessie start pulling out containers and popping them open. There’re burgers—like eight of them, fries, potato skins, wings… “This has got to be yours,” Dribbler laughs, handing Rebel a container.

  “Yup,” she chortles.

  I raise an eyebrow at her as she pops the lid to a very good-looking salad. I shake my head back and forth. We all grab containers and set them on the table. “What do you want to drink?” I ask Rebel.

  “What do you have?”

  “Water, Monster, Mountain Dew, we don’t have any made, but I can make some coffee?”

  She grins. “Mountain Dew, please?”

  I reach in for two Dews.


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