Ruby's Strength

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Ruby's Strength Page 2

by Elisa Leigh



  After working a full day with Gabe, Cole, and Slate, they invited me to have dinner at Cole’s house. I guess they get together every Saturday with their family for dinner, so it’s not like I’ll be imposing on something special. It makes me think of the kind of family I wished for when I was growing up in foster care. My parents died in a car accident when I was four. With no immediate family, and no extended family willing to take me in, I was placed in a foster home. I bounced around every six months or so until eventually I was just placed in a boys home until I turned eighteen. Luckily for me, that was a couple months after I graduated high school, so I had time to prepare.

  I wasn’t sure if I should go and intrude on their family dinner or not, so I declined. Gabe persuaded me by saying he needed another guy around to talk to since his brothers were all about their women whenever they were all together. I finally agreed to come and not two seconds later Gabe volunteered me to bring the beer. This is the first time I’ve felt like a part of something in a long time and call me crazy, but I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the people that accepted me without knowing me. The guys all brought me into the fold so easily and told me about their family as we worked throughout the day. Come to find out Maura, the park ranger from Berry Delicious, is Slate’s woman and Cole and Aubree are very recently married. I could feel the love they all felt for their sister and how protective they were over her.

  Now here I am pulling up the drive of Cole’s property with a case of beer in my front seat excited for a night with friends. I park behind the same vehicles I did this morning letting me know I’m in the right place. I don’t hesitate to get out, ready to spend a night relaxing with people I hope to consider friends soon enough. Grabbing the twenty-four pack, I walk up to the front door and knock, but no one answers. There’s country music playing, and I can see people in the house through the windows, so I decide to make my way around and see if there’s another entrance. Finding the back door, I knock, and the door swings wide open from not being closed all the way. I was only going to peek my head in when I hear Cole and Aubree telling their family the good news.

  My eyes instantly zone in on the only person I don’t know standing in the kitchen surrounding the happy couple. She’s got a full head of dark hair that touches the top of her tight ass and is staring at Aubree and Cole with a wide smile across her beautiful face. With the way she’s smiling, I can tell the news of their pregnancy is the best thing she’s heard all day. My eyes travel down the length of her body, and I wonder what I have done right in this world to breathe the same air as this stunning woman. I watch as she inhales deeply and then looks up and over at me, meeting me stare for stare. So many emotions fill her light blue eyes in the sixty seconds it takes for me to realize I just met my future.

  I drop the case of beer I’m still holding on the counter and make my move toward the beauty in the red dress, vaguely hearing everyone else call my name. I have never felt such extreme emotions course through me in all the years I’ve been on this planet, but I don’t question them. If I’ve learned anything over the sixteen years I was enlisted was not to question when something good is dropped in your lap. You take the good when it’s offered and thank God for your blessings, holding on tight, never letting it go. That’s exactly what I plan to do with this woman, as soon as I learn her name and tell her she’s mine.

  By passing Cole and Slate’s attempt at saying hello, I grab her hand and bring it up to my mouth, kissing the top of it softly. Her heavy-lidded eyes watch in wonder. “Good evening ma’am, my name is Everett.”

  She blinks slowly, staring at the place where I tasted her sweet skin and watches as my thumb rubs back and forth over her knuckles. The room goes silent, and I feel the stares of those around us burning into my back. I step closer to the woman who will be ruling my world until I’m mere inches from her face. Her pulse is racing, and she’s breathing fast as her tongue parts between her lips and traces her bottom lip before slipping back inside her mouth. “Tell me your name precious,” I say roughly, the need I feel for her bleeding into my voice.

  “Ruby?” Cole questions with concern and her eyes shift from mine to where her brother is standing behind me. The atmosphere around us is charged, and I feel as though one wrong move will have me on the wrong end of her brothers’ fists. Squeezing her hand lightly, I let it go to give her the space she obviously needs. I don’t miss the way she holds on tighter for a split second before she releases mine.

  Backing away from Ruby, I turn around and face Cole and Aubree, holding out my hand to shake his. “Congratulations Cole, Aubree. I wish you nothing but the best.” He takes a minute to study me before gripping my hand tight and slowly shakes my hand. He’s giving me the stare down he’d give any man interested in his sister.

  Aubree stands beside him and wraps her arm around his waist. His rigid stance becomes relaxed at her touch. “Thank you Rett, it’s still early yet. I’m so glad you could make it tonight. We’re about to eat, can I get you something to drink before we sit down?”

  “I’ll just have a beer. I can get it.”

  I turn back to grab a beer. Taking a moment, I pop the top and take a long pull, needing a second before I join the group and pretend my world hasn’t just been rocked on its axis. I listen to the others make their way out of the kitchen and sit down at the table. When I turn around Ruby is sneaking peeks in my direction and then looking back at her family as they talk excitedly about the holidays.

  Dinner tastes even better than it smelled and I’m full by the time Aubree pulls out the rum cake she made earlier today. Deciding to let our food settle, Slate and Maura start on the dishes in the kitchen and Gabe steps outside. I take a minute for myself to use the restroom. When I come out, Cole and Aubree are nowhere to be seen, and Ruby is sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, watching the flames dance.

  Sitting next to her, so close our legs are touching knee to thigh, I rest my arm along the back of the couch behind her head. Her body stiffens instantly, but I stay where I am, needing her to get comfortable with me. “When I was twelve my foster parents sent me to a summer camp the state was putting on. It was the first time I had been away, and I didn’t know what to expect. It was a two week overnight camp filled with other boys in similar situations as me, some more blessed than others. It was the first time I felt like I belonged and I wasn’t different. We would have bonfires at night and would stay up late telling stories and goofing off like boys did at that age. Every time I see a fire, it takes me back to those days.”

  She continues to stare at the fire, but I can tell she’s thinking about what I said. “Do you always just tell people intimate parts of your life like that?”

  “You’re not just anyone Beautiful. I plan on telling you everything, so why not cut the small talk bull shit and really get to know one another?”

  “Who said I wanted to get to know you?” She sasses.

  I grin and lean in close, so my lips are close to her ear. “You’re fighting the pull between us, but I refuse to believe I can feel this strongly after only a couple of hours and you have zero feelings for me in return.”



  “Fine,” I say quirking my eyebrow and turning in my seat on the couch so my knee is resting on the cushion and my foot is hanging off the edge. “Let’s start with the basics. What is your name?”

  Rett leans back against the couch and stretches his legs. The man exudes strength and manliness. “Everett Dean Hollis. What is yours?”

  “Ruby Louisa. How old are you?”

  “You keep asking me questions, and I’m going to ask them right back.” He warns smiling at me.


  “Thirty-four. What is your favorite dessert?”

  “Vanilla bean cheesecake. Are you a mean drunk or a happy one?”

  “When I drink it’s not to get drunk. On the rare occasion that I go past my limit, I’m more relaxed than angry. I co
uld never be angry with you though love, you’ve got nothing to worry about there. Who was your first boyfriend?”

  My cheeks burn. I know it’s nothing to be ashamed of, but at my age people have at least been on one date. I could never bring myself to accept any offers from someone who wasn’t my mate. I was asked out when I was in high school, but I always refused. After a while, they stopped asking. “I’ve never had one,” I mumble out. Rett looks at me in shock but wisely lets it go. “How long were you in the military for?”

  “About sixteen years. Some things happened that I couldn’t get passed. I left on good terms I guess.”

  “Do you miss it?” I immediately ask skipping his turn.

  “That’s two questions.” He teases while stroking up the side of my neck with the back of his fingers. Bursts of pleasure shoot through me at his touch. I need to pull myself together before I do something stupid and give into this mating pull.

  I stand abruptly, needing to get some space from the man causing so much chaos inside me. I hate to leave early, especially tonight when there’s so much to celebrate, but that’s all I can handle for right now.

  Aubree and Cole are still in their room doing things I don’t want to think about. “Slate, Maura, I’m going to get out of here.”

  “What, no you can’t go yet. We just had dinner. There’s still dessert and kicking the guys’ ass at Phase 10. I mentioned the rum cake right?”

  “Sorry I just remembered something I forgot to do.”

  She gives me a weird look, and I swear the woman is scolding me with her eyes. She’s been after me to get myself out there more to see if I could find my mate. I told her not to worry, and it would happen when it was supposed to. Now that it has though, I’m not ready, and no one else needs to know about it yet for that matter. “Gabe just left.”

  “What the hell! He was my ride.”

  “Not sure. He ran out of here so fast we didn’t have a chance to ask what was going on. We told him we’d give you a ride back to your place.” Slate explains.

  “I could drive you home.” Rett offers from beside me, making me jump. How the hell didn’t I notice him?

  “That’s not necessary,” I say at the same time Maura answers.

  “That’s a great idea.” She says excitedly giving me a smug grin.

  “Fine.” I grit out and grab my bag. I march out of the house with Rett following close behind me. “You in a hurry? It’s not like you’ve got a hot date.”

  I stop to turn and face him, but he bumps into me making me fall. Before I hit the ground, he has me in his arms and is carrying me to his truck. “Easy Beautiful. I can’t have you hurting yourself on my watch.”

  I don’t want to like his touch as much as I do, but I can’t help how good it feels to be in his arms. He manages to open the passenger side door and sets me down in my seat. “Why wouldn’t you think I would have a date to get to.”

  His cocky smile fades from his face, and something else entirely takes over. Something that looks a little bit like pure confidence and a whole heck of a lot like a man who knows what’s his. “From what I’ve put together you’ve lived in this small town all of your life. Not to mention there aren’t many people coming and going in these parts of the Black Hills. If someone were man enough to claim you as theirs, they would have done it long before now. Since they haven’t their time is up because there is no way in hell I’m giving anyone a chance.” He kisses the top of my head and gruffly tells me to put my seat belt on before closing the door.

  The short ride back to my house is quiet except for the directions I give him. When he pulls up my drive and parks behind my SUV, I’m more confused than ever. I feel as though I’m being pulled in two different directions, my emotions warring against each other. There’s no doubt this man is my mate, but am I ready for him? Can I give him all of me at the expense of potentially losing everything? Rett has no idea what I am, or what we mean to one another, but he knows I’m his. For now, that’s enough.



  I went to dinner thinking I was going to have a good night with friends, but I left with my reason for existing. Literally, I left with the woman of my dreams. She’s scared of what we are going to be, I can see it every time I try getting close. I know I should slow down and give her time to adjust, but that’s not who I am. When I figure out what I want I go at it full force until it’s mine.

  We sit in silence after I turn off the engine. “In about sixty seconds I’m going to get out of this truck, walk you to your door, and kiss you goodnight. You ready Beautiful girl?”

  I watch and wait for her to wrap her mind around it, and once she nods, I’m in motion. When I open her door, she’s waiting for me to help her down. Once she’s upright, I wrap my hand around hers and walk her to her front door. The walk up is completely dark. “Forget to turn your lights on before you left?”

  She fumbles with her keys for a second before unlocking her door and walking inside. “Oh, I never do. I can see pretty good in the dark, there isn’t a need for them.” She says nonchalantly like there is no way someone is going to be waiting in the dark to hurt her.

  I follow her in and close and lock the door, watching as she turns on a lamp in the living room. “When you leave your house from now on, make sure to turn the lights on before you go. I won’t be with you every time you come home, and I need you safe.”

  “What do you think is going to happen Rett? You think I’ll catch a burglar going through my panty drawer?” She laughs.

  “Ruby I’m not playing with your safety. Turn the lights on before you leave.”

  “Or what? You’re not my Dad, Rett. I can take care of myself, I’m a big girl.”

  “What you are is my girl, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Oh, I’m yours?”

  “You knew it the second I did. Don’t act like this is one-sided.”

  She pulls her coat off and drapes it over the loveseat then puts her hands on her hips to face me. “Thank you for walking me in Rett, but it’s time for you to go.”

  “I’ll leave, but you’ll be seeing me tomorrow. Walk me to the door?”

  She rolls her eyes but walks over to me and pushes me toward the door. “Goodbye Rett. Have a nice night.” She says patting me on the back.

  “Not so fast pretty girl.” Before she has a chance to move, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and pull her in close, using my other hand to grip her hip. My lips are pressed to hers before she can put up a fuss and just like I knew she would, her body melts into mine. Turning us around, I push her lush body against the door and pick her up, her legs instantly wrap around my hips, and her hands spear through my short hair. I press my hard dick against her core making her tremble in my hands.

  When Ruby swipes her tongue against the seam of my lips, I open for her, deepening and taking over our kiss. She rubs her pussy over my dick and moans the sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. I’ve got a decision to make. I can either take her now and make us both happy, but risk her regretting it when we’re done. Ruby is my forever, and I’m not willing to have her regret the first time we make love. Reluctantly I pull back, placing my forehead against her heaving chest.

  “Why did you stop?” Ruby asks breathlessly.

  “Just slowing us down Beautiful. There’s plenty of time for me to worship your body. I’m giving us time for your heart to catch up to what our bodies are feeling.”

  She sighs and unwraps her legs, sliding down my body and then slips away from me, putting distance between us. I grab her hand before she gets too far away. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She nods, but I can tell she doesn’t believe me. She’s not ready to trust in what this is. I have my work cut out for me, but I’m willing to prove myself to her. Opening the door, I stop and look at her. “Make sure you lock this after I leave.”

  “Good night Rett.” She groans.

  I walk out of her door and wait until I hear the lock engage bef
ore I walk back to my truck.


  After years of waking up early, my body is conditioned to be up at a certain time. I check the clock on the nightstand and groan when I see it’s only five o’clock, too early to go see Ruby. I fiddle around in my room for a few minutes before I decide to go for a run to burn off this restlessness. There’s something about getting out in the fresh air and getting my heart pumping that helps to clear my head. I’ve been running along a road that butts up against the forest for fifty minutes when I decide to head back to my room. The closer I get to the motel, I start to feel like I’m being watched. I hear wolves howl in the distance and I start running faster. Something about those wolves bother me, but I don’t know why.

  When I get back to my room, I shower and change quickly. I need to get to Ruby. An hour later she opens her door, standing barefoot in a robe and wearing a sleepy expression. “What the hell are you doing out here?” She says, sleep still roughening her voice.

  “Good morning Beautiful. I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” I ask looking down at her from the ladder I’m perched on.

  “Yes, you woke me up! Why are you on a ladder?”

  “Do you need some coffee? I stopped by Berry Delicious and picked some up along with some chocolate croissants. Ms. Molly said those were your favorite.”

  I can tell she wants to bitch me out for making noise and waking her up, but she holds her tongue, I just said the two magic words. Coffee and chocolate. She turns and walks back into the house leaving the door open for me. I finish putting in the last few screws to hang the last floodlight I bought at the store to install. I get down, more than ready to spend time with Ruby. I grab our coffees and breakfast from my truck and walk into her house.

  I’m not expecting her to already be dressed in jeans and a red flannel shirt when I walk in. “You didn’t have to change on my account,” I say moving my eyebrows up and down.


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