Blush, Book 3 the Crescent Lake Winery

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Blush, Book 3 the Crescent Lake Winery Page 15

by Lucinda Race

  She guessed the skort, simple short-sleeve floral-print top, and wedge sandals were dressy enough for a date on the water while still being functional. She could climb on and off the boat without baring all to the world.

  She snorted just as Jack got in.

  “What’s so funny?”


  “Oh, come on. You can tell me. I know that you only snort occasionally, so something must have really touched your funny bone.”

  Peyton flashed him a grin. “Maybe.”

  “You can keep your secret for now.” His dimples made an appearance. “But I have ways of making you talk.”

  With a light heart, Peyton laughed. “We shall see.”

  Jack parked at the marina. Peyton looked down the dock toward his boat slip. Their path was littered with rose petals. “Did you do this?”

  He gave her a wink. “I wanted tonight to be special.” She waited as Jack came around to her door and held out his hand. “Shall we?”

  He said it just like the line from an old movie with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. She was excited to see what might be next.

  They strolled down the dock and Peyton looked left and right, taking delight in picturing Jack dropping petals along the path. She hugged his arm to her body. “I wasn’t expecting for tonight to be so romantic.”

  He gave her that knee-knocking smile again. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  It was in that moment she saw the twinkle lights strung from the top of the canopy, casting a soft glow over the deck. There were blankets tossed on both sofas and the table in the center was set for two. A bottle was chilling in the bucket stand and there was a cooler off to one side. As the final touch, sensual jazz was coming from the speakers.

  “Jack,” she breathed. “This is incredible.”

  She stepped onto the boat deck and took in each detail, right down to the small vase in the middle of the table filled with two red roses.

  “I can’t take credit for the food. Kate pitched in with that.”

  She smiled at him. “You told Kate?”

  “I was running short on time and I needed a little help.” He held up two fingers close together. “About this much. Wait.” He took her in his arms and kissed her. “Now it’s perfect.”

  Peyton felt her heart quicken, but then she had an attack of nerves. She looked around. “Should we have wine?” She pointed to the bottle.

  “We may want to wait until we get away from the bustle of the marina.”

  Peyton looked up and saw people were smiling in their direction. “Excellent point.”

  Jack turned the key and the motor rumbled to life. He untied the moorings and in a few long strides took the wheel in one hand and the throttle in the other. “Join me?”

  She crossed the boat deck and sat in the other seat.

  “Do you want to drive?”

  “Not tonight, but maybe the next time we go out, you can teach me?”

  “I can do that.”

  As the boat trolled along, the wind wafted around her like a warm blanket. They picked up speed and skimmed over the open water. Even though it was midweek and people had been milling around the dock, there weren’t many boats on the lake. The farther across the water they went, the more it seemed they were the only two people on earth.

  Jack cut back on the throttle as he navigated the boat toward a small, secluded island. He pulled in close and killed the engine and then dropped anchor. “Is this what you had in mind?”

  She glanced around and grinned. “It’ll do.”

  “Come with me.”

  She took his outstretched hand and he guided her to one of the sofas. He then pulled the cork and poured them each a glass of wine.

  “A blush?” She accepted the glass. “You’re not a fan.”

  “Anna created this wine, and she had you in mind.”

  “Your sister, one of the best enologists in the country, thought of me? Why on earth would she do that?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  Peyton laughed. “Not to me.”

  “You blush. Often.” Sliding his arm around her, he pulled her close and nuzzled her neck.

  A shiver of desire raced down her back.

  “Anna knew before I did that I had fallen in love with you for the second time. Crafting this wine was her way to show support for our second chance.” He picked up the bottle and displayed the label.

  “I’m—I’m speechless.” She read, “Peyton’s Blush.”

  He put it back in the bucket.

  “That might need some work.” She laughed softly.

  “You have your very own wine.”

  She brought the glass to her lips to taste it. “This is good—not overly sweet or too fruity.” She took another small sip. “It’s floral and bright.”

  He took the glass from her hand and set it aside. “Enough about wine.”

  “I agree.” She laced her hands behind his neck and pulled him close. “Thank you for all of this. It was unexpected.”

  “I had a lot of fun planning.”

  She laid a finger across his lips. “Shh.”

  His mouth brushed hers. She sank into the kiss, taking—no, demanding more. She wanted to become one with him. She was astonished at the intensity of her emotions.

  She placed her hands on his face and kissed his lips, tenderly and filled with every ounce of love bubbling up from her heart. “I never thought I would be this happy again.”

  “Are you sure you want to make love?” Jack searched her eyes.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  His fingers traced the outline of her nose, sliding over her face, past her chin, and down her throat. His lips followed as she melted under his touch, lost in the sweet sensations he elicited with his fingers. Unwilling to be a passive participant, she let her hands roam over his broad back; his muscles seemed to strain against the fabric of his T-shirt. He was familiar and yet tonight his touch was new. This time, she was ready to love Jack, thoroughly and completely.

  Before she eased him back on the deck, she pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. Her fingers traced the outline of each muscle, his collarbones, and rib cage. She was in control. Each time he moved under her caress, she changed where she touched him.

  Peyton concentrated on his mouth. She outlined his lips with her finger. Finally, he matched her strokes and she sighed with pure pleasure. He ran his hands down her back to the hem of her top and stopped, as if questioning what he should do next.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  In one slow, languid motion, he slid his hand under and released the clasp on her bra. She pushed off his body just far enough that he could finish removing her top, and with it came the pink lace.

  The soft glow of the candle and twinkle lights in the growing dusk were pinpricks. His voice was husky. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Her hands skimmed his chest. She hesitated. He placed his hand over her, guiding. She released the button and zipper, and he pulled a foil packet from his jeans before tossing them aside. Her skort and panties were next.

  One look at Jack was all she needed; her nerves ceased. She wrapped her arms around him.

  They moved together as if they had been making love for years instead of this second first time. Each touch and shiver brought her closer to the peak of pleasure. Time lost all meaning. There was no need to rush as sensations rolled over her; she reveled in touching him. His mouth teased and tantalized all her sensitive parts. They came together, two hearts beating as one, and rode the slow waves of pleasure.

  * * *

  After, they lay quietly in each other’s arms, listening to the water lapping against the boat. It was so peaceful. He smoothed back her hair and placed soft, tiny kisses from her forehead to her lips. This surely was heaven on earth. “Happy?”

  “It feels like we’re the only two people for miles.”

  He nibbled her lower lip. “We are.”

  She shivered despite the warmth
of his body. He pulled a blanket over them. “Are you warm enough now?”

  “I am.” She snuggled closer. Tonight was turning out better than a dream.

  His arms tightened around her. They watched as stars appeared in the inky sky. This was the most romantic night of her life. She sighed.


  “For you or food?”

  His eyebrow cocked. “Well?”

  “You’re incorrigible. But I could eat a little something.” She sat cross-legged on the deck and pulled the blanket tighter.

  Jack pulled his jeans on. Peyton watched as he padded across the deck and carried the cooler close to her. Then he picked up their glasses and the bottle and sat down next to her.

  Peyton poured wine while Jack unpacked the cooler. Despite the blanket around her, she felt goose bumps race down her arms. He gave her a concerned look. “As much as I love seeing you wrapped in nothing but a blanket, maybe you should put something on.”

  He turned and picked up her clothes, which were scattered around the deck. He handed them to her, plucking her bra from the pile and held it up so he could get a better look.

  “I’m a big fan of your undergarments.”

  “Thanks.” Should she say she bought them specifically for tonight?

  “New?” He turned his head slightly to look at her.

  Heat flushed her cheeks. “Jack…” she began, and then laughed. “Yes, and I have other colors too.”

  He chuckled. “I can’t wait to see them all.”

  He watched as she dressed in the candlelight. By the look on his face, he definitely liked what he saw. It was good to feel free and not in the least bit self-conscious. It has been a long time since I’ve been comfortable in my skin.

  She dropped back to the blanket to pick up her glass and nibble on a cracker. Completely relaxed, she said, “I was thinking about this wine. Has anyone ever had a blend named after them before?”

  “No. Just you.” He reached out and wiped a crumb from the corner of her mouth. His touch caused her heart to skip. Would she always feel like this when he touched her? She certainly hoped so.

  She reclined into the crook of his arm and sipped her wine. “This is nice.”

  He kissed her head. “Are you in a rush to get back?”

  “No. Let’s just enjoy the evening.”

  He raised his glass to her. “Who knows; maybe we’ll watch the sun rise over the water.”

  She clinked her glass to his. “To the sunrise.”

  After an amazing evening of making love, she had fallen asleep in Jack’s arms while they talked the night away. The sunrise had been spectacular. The first brush of dawn had the wisps of clouds bathed in a blue-gray hue, which gave way to a glow of orangey-peach on the horizon. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the clouds shifted to lavender and then to puffs of white gliding across the sapphire blue, and the sun completed the transformation from peach to a warm yellow.

  Reluctantly the couple weighed anchor and began a leisurely ride back to the dock. Peyton snuggled on Jack’s lap in the captain’s chair, his arms keeping her warm. “Jack?”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Hmm.”

  “This was an incredible night.”

  His lips continued on their journey. “Uh-huh.”

  She laughed as the timbre of his response tickled her neck.

  His lips followed the curve of her throat to her mouth. He murmured, “It’s too bad it’s morning already.” His lips tantalized her.

  “We should have thought ahead and taken the day off.”

  “Next time.”

  The closer they drew to the dock, the more Peyton wished they had more time together.

  “Do you think real life will intrude on this moment?”

  Jack turned her face so he was looking in her eyes. “Our life will only get better every day.” He gave her a searching look. “And this isn’t just about the two of us—that includes Owen.”

  He stopped before they reached the dock and kissed her tenderly. A feeling of happiness settled over her. This was love.

  “I will never look at this boat in quite the same way.”

  She had to laugh. “It’ll put a smile on your face the next time we go fishing with Owen and the family.”

  He gently docked the boat. Peyton slipped from his lap and looked around. “What can I do to help?”

  “Okay. I know you can help us cast off but to round out your prowess as an excellent deckhand, follow my lead.” He picked up a line from the dock and looped it around the cleat. “And give it a good tug to secure it.” He then moved to the front and waited for Peyton to grab the next line and repeat the procedure. “Good. Now always make sure the fenders are secure. This keeps the dock from damaging the boat as it moves with the water.”

  She nodded. “There’s a lot of stuff to do with boats.”

  “Not so much.”

  “Why this kind and not one of the flat-bottomed boats?”

  “I like the look and handling of the open bow. It’s good for taking everyone out and spending the day on the lake. As the family expands, hopefully more of us will buy boats too. It’d be fun to all spend the day on the lake. But time will tell.”

  He hopped back aboard and gathered up the cooler and tucked the blankets in a tote bag. Everything looked tidy and he said, “Ready?”

  She took the canvas bag from him and slipped her hand into his. “Can we stop for coffee on the way home?”

  He chuckled. “You are a woman after my own heart.”

  She tugged on his hand. “Let’s not wait too long before we take the boat out again, just the two of us.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Is tonight too soon?”


  “Mom, what time is Jack coming to pick us up for the movie, and how do we watch it before it gets dark?” Owen glanced at the slowly dipping sun while they sat on the front porch. “Grammie said we sit in our car and watch it.” His eyes were round and the grin that split his face caused Peyton to laugh.

  “We are given a speaker that goes in the window, and then when it gets dark, the movie will be on a huge screen in front of us. It’s really fun.”

  “Can we get snacks too, just like at a real movie place?”

  “O, this is a real movie. But we can only go to the drive-in when it’s summer. But if it was raining, we wouldn’t be able to go either.”

  He clapped his hands together and hopped around in front of her. “I’m so excited.”

  “Me too, kiddo, and we’re taking Jack’s truck. You’ll sit up front with us.”

  “So I’ll be able to see, right?”

  A sharp toot of a horn caused Owen to stop jumping around. “Mom, he’s here.” She was on his heels and laughed as he raced down the front steps. “Jack, are we leaving now for the movie?” He skidded to a stop next to the driver’s side door.

  * * *

  Jack was chuckling. It was a good thing his window was down so he could answer Owen.

  “Hi, buddy. Are you looking forward to the movies?”

  “Uh-huh.” His head bobbed. “Mommy said we’re seeing a cartoon and then a nature movie.” He held up two fingers. “Two of them. Have you ever seen two in the same night?”

  “I have, but it’s been a long time.” He grinned broadly, his focus totally on Owen. Jack liked the one-on-one with the boy. He had recovered from surgery, but he’d missed the end of baseball season and his birthday party had to be postponed since he had appendicitis. He wouldn’t be going to camp for another week, so there seemed to be a lot of pent-up energy in a four-foot-tall kid.

  “Mom said I can sit up front with you to watch. Is that okay?”

  “Absolutely.” Jack opened the truck door. “Look. I already fixed the seat so when we get there, you’ll be all set.”

  He helped Owen into the driver’s seat so the boy could see the console was flipped up. He tipped his head to the side. “Can I bring my pillow?”


  “I can sit on it.”r />
  “I have an idea. How about you sit in the middle of the seat and pretend we’re at the drive-in?”

  He scrambled up and sat back, lacing his hands behind his head.

  Jack smothered a laugh. “Can you see out the windshield?”

  Owen nodded and said, “Yup.” He crossed his ankles and wiggled his bright-red sneaker-clad feet. “Can I ride up here too?”

  “Sorry, kiddo. There are laws we have to follow. Until you’re twelve, you have to ride in the back seat.”

  His smile dimmed for a millisecond. “It’s okay. Mom said I’ll be all grown up before she can blink.”

  “Isn’t that the truth? You’ve grown a couple of inches just this spring.”

  “It’s ’cause I eat all my vegetables. Even the yucky ones like broccoli.”

  “You should ask your mom if she’ll put cheese on it. Everything is better with cheese.”

  “Okay.” He held up his fingers and crossed them. “Maybe she won’t make it again.” He leaned toward Jack. “Grammie’s dinner is better.”

  Jack twirled him to the ground. “Don’t count on it. Moms love cooking veggies that are yucky.”

  Owen looked up as they climbed up the steps. “But cheese makes it better, right?”

  Jack ruffled the boy’s hair and laughed. His eyes fixed on Peyton, who watched them from the porch. “Hi there.”

  “Hi.” She tipped her head up to accept a tender kiss.

  Owen watched them with curiosity. “How come you kiss Mom every time you come over?”

  Peyton covered her mouth with her hand. She didn’t say a word.

  “Well…” How do you tell a seven-year-old boy that you’re in love with his mom? “When you see your girlfriend, you kiss her hello.”

  “Is it kinda like when I go to camp or school, Mom kisses me goodbye?”

  “She loves you and likes to kiss you hello and goodbye.” That was a relief—my first tough question and I aced it.

  “Hey, Jack. What about all the other times you kiss Mommy? Sometimes, I’ve seen you kissing her for no reason.”

  He swore he could hear Peyton snicker, but she still wasn’t saying a word. “Well, you know, since she’s my girlfriend and I really like her, I want to kiss her sometimes.”


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