I Do (Not)

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I Do (Not) Page 10

by T L Dasha

  “I promise you can be the first person to say ‘I told you so.’ Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go spend a little quality time with my dear little brother before I get exiled from the Craig estate. Later, pops.”

  He frowned as I walked away. I almost felt a little bad this time. But I was going to stick to my guns on this one.

  Chapter 10

  Aaron Craig

  It was impossible to focus on the meeting about our expansion into Texas and Montana. I think I told Frank Miller ‘that sounds wonderful’ when he told me his wife had fallen ill. I broke a pen in half when father asked how my date with Maria Dresden went. I had called Conner seven times now. Trevor I had called twelve. It was the same response every time. I don’t know if I was simply frustrated or confused by this sudden feeling of powerlessness. It wasn’t in my usual repertoire.

  It was nearly two o’clock when I finally heard from Trevor. He called to tell me that Conner was fine. That he had collapsed from stress and exhaustion, and he had only turned off phones so he could rest. I couldn’t help but wonder how close I must be getting to suffering the same fate.

  I was surprised by the genuine concern in his voice. He asked to speak in person at the close of the workday, and I readily agreed. He attended the last meeting of the day in the large conference room, and afterward, father pulled him aside, presumably for some sort of apology. They were out of earshot, but it didn’t appear to be heated. I felt fairly confident he wasn’t going to say anything to father without speaking to me first.

  I stepped into the hallway and pulled out my phone, dialing Conner again. It was ringing this time.

  “Jake speaking. How may I help you today, sir.”

  I was almost at a loss for words, having not expected him to pick up.

  “Are you okay, Conner? What happened?” I shook my head, hearing my own panic.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just a little stress and poor nutrition. It was nothing.” He sounded calm and upbeat.

  “That’s not nothing.” I wish he could understand how worried I was. I wish I could tell him without overstepping as his boss. But now more than ever, I had to remain professional. “Conner, you’re very important to our customers. And all of us here.”

  His tone sank.

  “Sorry. I’m sure Sidney took care of them. And Trevor did a good job of taking care of me.”

  “I see. I’m glad you two are getting along so well.”


  “I uh…” I bit my lower lip, at a loss for how to proceed. Even having already known that was the case, hearing it in his own words was somehow more impactful. There were a million things I wanted to tell him, and a million things I needed to talk to him about, and all I could manage were those two words? I tried again.

  “Conner, I…” My mind drifted to images of him with Trevor. I had put him in this position. I couldn’t be mad. And I had spent the whole night with Maria-- who was I to complain that he had started to grow close to someone else. I was smarter than to think I could ever have him. “Please, take as much time as you need to rest up.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He hung up the phone, and I lowered it from my ear, staring absently at his name. I had to stop thinking this mistake we made had any real meaning. He married me because he was too drunk to know who I was. And I married him because… I was too drunk to lie to myself.

  As I walked back into the conference room, I settled at the tables in the back as I waited for Trevor to finish up with father. Maria Dresden approached and stood beside me, leaning against the back of a chair. Her dark brown hair was tied back, and not even her blazer was enough to hide her figure.

  “What are you doing tonight?” She prodded, aggressive and confident as always. I wasn’t sure how to respond, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the night with her either.

  “A family affair, potentially. Trevor will be heading out after the weekend, and we still have some catching up to do.”

  “Maybe we can all catch up together? He has a… um… friend here, doesn’t he? That little brown haired boy with the tattered coat who he brought to dinner the other day? We can make it like a double date.”

  I fought the urge to wince outwardly. Yes, how better to remedy my foul mood than to watch as my brother flirts with my husband. I wasn’t sure how she seemed to know he was interested in Conner anyway. I guess women have a second sense for those things. Or maybe it was just that obvious.

  “Perhaps another time.”

  “Perhaps another time for what?” Trevor approached us, finally free of father. “I’m not intruding on anything, am I?” His expression felt more cruel than playful. Maria chimed in without missing a beat.

  “Not at all! We were just talking about you.”

  “All scandalous things, I hope.”

  Maria grinned.

  “We were thinking of setting up a double date. Me and Aaron. You and…uh…”

  “Me and Jake? I can’t think of a better way to start wrapping up the week. That would be lovely, don’t you think little brother?” Trevor patted me on the shoulder, testing my poker face to the absolute limit. I shot him a dark look before returning to Maria to keep face.

  “I believe our desk clerk is currently feeling a bit under the weather. We may have to save this for another time.”

  “Nonsense.” Trevor interjected. “I just saw him, and he’s doing fine. Let’s schedule this for tomorrow after the close of our last meeting.”

  “Sounds like a date!” Maria seemed overjoyed. “Oh, excuse me-- my dad’s summoning me. I’ll see you both tomorrow!”

  She walked off to meet with Maxwell Dresden, and I turned my attention back to Trevor.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Obviously.” He rubbed his neck with his hand, and glanced to the side. “Let’s get out of here first though. Not really interested in having a heart to heart with the whole auditorium.”

  I nodded, and he followed me from the conference room.

  “What were you speaking to father about?” I turned to look at him as we walked together in the hall.

  “Nothing important. I didn’t tell him anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “I’ll admit that it crossed my mind.” I didn’t know what to expect from Trevor anymore. He hadn’t been entirely predictable lately. We approached my glass office, and a sticky note on the door caught my eye as I unlocked the room. A note from Conner to call him. I smiled to myself, somewhat relieved that he had taken the extra time to make sure we got in touch. The thought was more reassuring than the phone call had been.

  I took a seat at my desk, and Trevor locked the door behind us, assuring control over any potential interruptions. He grabbed a bottle of bourbon from my shelf, and poured us each a glass, clinking them together as he handed me one. He swirled it around the cup and took a sip, closing his eyes as he savored the gentle notes of caramel.

  “That’s a good one.” He nodded in my direction. “Is that local?”

  “Yes, it’s from a distillery in Napa. I prefer it to the wine.” I took a sip as well. “But I don’t think you came here to sample my bourbon.”

  “Well, that was a motivator, for sure.” Trevor took a seat across from me, leaving the bottle on the desk between us. “So, if you want me to just come out and say it, you confuse the fuck out of me, little brother.”

  “I was hoping to deal with this whole ordeal a little more discreetly.”

  “Discreetly? Is that ‘Aaron’ for ‘Not at all’?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Why? Too afraid to defy father dearest? Don’t want to break your precious ‘appearances’?” Trevor chuckled. “Also, how in the actual fuck did that even happen? You have zero game. And Jake is… he’s… he’s different.” I watched his expression as he spoke. Something about the way his brown eyes glistened as he said his name set me slightly on edge. There was no pretense. No mischief.

  “You’re at leas
t partially to blame. You’re the one who dragged me out that night.”

  “I guess I am.” He glanced to the side for a moment, then returned his gaze to me. “But I lost track of you pretty quick. What actually happened after we parted ways?”

  “I already told you. I went back to my room.”

  “Right. With a ring on your finger, a marriage certificate, and the desk clerk from the mighty Craig Hotel of San Francisco in your arms.”

  I winced as he said it. It was my first time hearing aloud confirmation of everything I had done.

  “You know that night was complicated…”


  “What could be devious about a place called ‘Secret Desserts’? It’ll be fun! Live a little, baby brother!” Trevor draped an arm over my shoulders, as he dragged us both toward a rather abhorrent looking strip club. Neon encircled larger than life posters of naked women, slathered in expertly placed whipped cream, their lips parted as their hands searched their bodies just outside the boundaries of the canvas. Classless as it may have been, the marketing strategist had an expert eye for theme and nuance.

  I was still largely sober, to Trevor’s dismay, but listening to him prodding me about being more spontaneous and open was enough to drive me to the strongest bourbon the bar would offer. Our relationship only got more and more strained over the years, but somehow I still entertained his whims. He sat next to me at the bar, as they slid me my first drink.

  “That right there is a sippin’ whiskey. We didn’t come to Las Vegas for sipping. Bartender! Two shots of tequila and two Sazeracs, please!”

  The bartender nodded, and began preparing two glasses.

  “Sazerac? I’ve never heard of it.” I looked at Trevor, certain I shouldn’t trust his drink choices.

  “Then we need to make a trip to New Orleans soon. You’ll like it! Don’t worry!” He gave me a pat on the shoulder and turned to face the room, leaning against the bar. “Any lady here would beg for the chance to lay in your bed tonight. Go forth, my brother, and wipe that scowl off your face for a few minutes.” He raised a shot of tequila, and I obliged, just in time for our cocktails to arrive.

  Clinking our glasses together, we each took a sip.

  “Rye whiskey, a little sweet, and… something else. I can’t identify the last note.” I turned to my brother.

  “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, little brother.” He laughed. “Now let’s make it fucking rain.”

  Trevor tried his best to convince me to get a lap dance, but I couldn’t feign interest. I let him have his fun, while I held down our place at the bar. These drinks went down smooth and easy, but I wasn’t feeling quite loose enough for the dance floor yet. I made it through five, or maybe six cocktails.

  I stood up, finally resolving to see where Trevor had stumbled off to, when a young man came toward me, tripping over his own feet in the process. He stumbled and tried to catch himself, but his legs offered little balance. I instinctively moved to catch him. He fell into my waiting arms staring up at me, his lips still snuggly around a straw in a half empty drink, miraculously still in its cup. I stared at him for several seconds as he laid there looking up at me with glossed over blue eyes, similarly trying to process what was happening. His soft brown hair fell wildly around his face. He wore a white dress shirt buttoned low, revealing a teasing hint of his tanned, sculpted abs, and jeans hugged every contour of his muscular legs. I blinked a few times in disbelief at this breathtaking man before me.

  “… Conner?”

  “Conner!” He laughed. “My boss always calls me that!” He leveraged himself back upright, and straightened out his shirt, pulling his nearly unbuttoned shirt even lower, revealing just a hint more skin. My eyes followed each button as I brought my gaze back to his eyes. I had never seen him quite like this. He slurped his drink, and tapped the glass on the bar counter.

  “What are you having?” The bartender said, leaning over the counter.

  “I’ll take an ice tea. The kind they make in long island!”

  The bartender laughed as he slid him a fresh drink.

  “I’ll have the same, and I’ll cover his tab,” I nodded, not deviating my attention from Conner for any longer than I had to. “What are you doing out here, Mister Conner?”

  “What am I doing out here.” He parroted back each word like he was studying them, then raised his glass for a cheers as the bartender gave me my drink. “I’m pretty sure I’m getting really fucking drunk.” He nodded matter-of-factly.

  I couldn’t hold in a laugh. He looked up at me.

  “Ha! You’re adorable when you laugh. Did you know you look just like Mr. Craig? He’s adorable when he laughs, too. I saw it happen once. True story. And he owns this hotel! Isn’t that crazy?”

  “I think this one technically belongs to his brother.”

  “Oh, how do you know that? Oh shit. Wait. I know who you are. You’re that guy who… wants to do some tequila shots with me. Like, right now. Bartender!”

  I downed another shot of tequila, sending a shiver down my spine. The more I moved, the better I felt.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I hoped he might oblige. He suddenly seemed far more interesting than a strip club.

  “YES. One thousand percent yes. I haven’t gotten to lick whipped cream off a single nipple since I got here, and I’m not okay with being lied to.”

  The noise and crowd on the strip were little better than in the club, but as he dragged me by the hand, sharing a single straw on a sweet frozen drink with me, it didn’t really matter. A soft melody played in the background. It was one that I recognized. I love this song.

  “Conner!” I stopped walking, accidentally yanking him backward into me. His back fit nicely against my chest. “Will you dance with me?”

  “With you?” With his back still to me, he grabbed each of my hands with his, interlacing our fingers, and crossing his arms to pull mine around him in a hug. He swayed his body softly to the music. I tightened my hold on him, squeezing him just a little closer, and nuzzled his neck softly. He smelled of a comforting sage, his body was warm, and his movements were driving me crazy. He turned his head to the side, nudging my face to his. Nudging my lips to his. Gentle, sweet. His chap stick left a soothing sensation that clung to me. I held him more tightly, and returned his kiss more aggressively. He sucked on my tongue, as I slid it between his parted lips, and he squeezed my hands, as I pushed into him more deeply. I wanted to taste everything that was Jake Conner. He was more intoxicating than any Saverac.

  He slid my hands slowly down her body, nibbling my lower lip as he let my fingers slide over his chest, teasing each fingertip with that thin barrier of cotton. Then down each button on his shirt, daring me to free each one. Finally reaching his hips, as he rubbed them against me, commanding my attention.

  As I let our kiss break away, teasing his neck, and coaxing soft moans from his lips, he let his eyes fall shut and sank against me. He whispered a single word through quickening breaths, as he urged my grip to cross his thighs.


  I pulled myself free, no longer able to take it anymore. I flipped him around to face me, pulled his body back against mine, and took his mouth forcefully. Never had I wanted anyone so badly as I did him in that moment. I wanted to possess him in a way that didn’t feel so fleeting. So temporary. I wanted him to be mine forever.

  “Marry me, Jake Conner.”


  “How long have you been in love with Jake?” Trevor’s expression was serious and unflinching.

  “I’m not…” I paused, uncertain how to proceed. “I was intoxicated, and he was simply someone I recognized. It wasn’t--“

  “How many years, Aaron.” The cool in his voice was quickly falling away. “Four? Was it love at first sight?”

  I swallowed hard. I kept searching to find a hint of mischief or humor in his eyes, but they had instead fallen dark and accusing.

  “It’s a shame, you know,” Trevor c
ontinued, “when I hear your version of the events, I’m not really surprised how it ended up. It’s not shocking that you would have fallen for your sweet little employee who does everything you want him to do, confusing ‘not wanting to lose his job’ for affection. When I heard his story, however, I thought his goal was a little different.”

  “So you’ve already spoken to him about this…”

  “We’ve talked about a lot of things. He’s very sweet.” His eyes narrowed. “But I suspect that you knew that when you decided he would be my chaperone, no? I have to ask-- did you come up with that as a stalling tactic, so you wouldn’t have to deal with what you had done right away? Or were you hoping I’d fall for him, just in time for you to make a claim?”

  “You know I’ve never been that devious. I don’t hold the grudges that you do.”

  “Oh, then it’s just because you’re a coward then.” Trevor laughed. “That’s not surprising either. I might have respected you more if you told me this was your way of getting back at me for Katie.”

  “You’re angry.” I looked at him, keeping a steady expression. To bring her up at a time like this... His reaction now was telling me everything I needed to know.

  “Of course I am. This poor man’s entire life is upside down right now because of you. He passed out today from stress for chrissakes.”

  “Yes. You’re angry because of the way my actions have affected his day. His actions, too, for the record. But you’re not angry with him.”

  He cut himself off as he opened his mouth to speak. So I finished his thought for him.

  “How long have you been in love with Jake Conner, Trevor?”

  He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, than looked at me.

  “He’s really got a way about him, doesn’t he?”

  I nodded, accepting his confession. Trevor propped his elbow up on the arm rest, and rested his face in his open palm.

  “Ironic, isn’t it.” His tone had shifted away from that of anger, replacing what was left with melancholy. “Our dad couldn’t stay faithful to any number of women, while both of his sons are over here fighting over a man.”


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