Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6)

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Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6) Page 2

by Sarah Bailey

  “You see, Candace, there is no safer place in Hell than with me, the King.”

  Here with Lucifer was most definitely not the safest place she could be. She slapped his hand away, scowling.

  “You say that like you’re some kind of fucking knight in shining armour, which, I might add, you are most decidedly not.”

  He smirked.

  “Hmm, perhaps not, but you don’t have a choice in the matter. Don’t forget, this is my domain. What I say goes.”

  She hadn’t forgotten. Crossing her arms over her chest, she let out a breath.

  “Fine, just keep your hands to yourself.”

  That made his eyes widen a fraction, but his smirk remained, and he was still standing far too close to her.

  “Are you sure about that?”


  She stood up. Their bodies were inches apart. She craned her neck up to look at the tall angel. Heat radiated from him. It was hard to think straight, but she was determined not to allow him to gain the upper hand.

  “Don’t test me, Lucifer,” she said. “I’m not a plaything for your amusement.”

  He reached up. His hand hovered over her hair for a moment before he twirled the strands around his fingers. Her breath caught in her throat. Her bright pink hair was just the latest in a long line of outlandish colours she chose deliberately to irritate her father.

  “Half fae and yet I do not believe this is what it looks like naturally,” he said, his voice low.

  “No,” she replied.

  “Will you tell me?”

  His voice took on a seductive note to it.

  Fuck my life. Why? Why is he so goddamn alluring?


  Ever since she was a child, her father had insisted she kept it secret. The fae could change their hair colour at will. It was a gift she’d inherited.

  “Why ever not?”

  “What makes you think it’s any of your business?”

  His hand curled around the back of her head, his thumb brushing along her cheek.

  “It isn’t, but you’re going to tell me. Maybe not now, but one day.”

  He released her abruptly, turning away and striding towards the double doors a few feet away from them. He waved a hand at her, indicating she should follow him. The only problem was she felt rooted to the spot, completely undone by that simple touch. She put a hand to her cheek, knowing her face was burning.

  “Come along. If you’re going to stay here, then I suppose I shall give you the grand tour.”

  She unstuck her feet from the floor and trudged along after him, feeling as though she was in for one heck of a bumpy ride.


  Sat on his throne, Lucifer drummed his fingers on the armrest. There were several issues requiring his attention, but he couldn’t concentrate properly. His mind rested firmly on the girl he’d left in his private chambers. The half witch, half fae girl who barrelled her way into his life like a fucking thunderstorm.

  Time did not pass in the same way in Hell as it did up on Earth, but at an estimate, it had been at least a week since she’d landed on top of him. A week of pure torture. There was a part of him that wanted to pin her down on his bed and fuck her senseless. The memory of her supple, curvaceous body beneath his assaulted all his senses. His hand curled into a fist. The other half knew better than to get tangled up with a girl who shouldn’t even be in Hell in the first place.

  “My Lord?”

  He looked up. His assistant, Mallmomoz, was staring at him with wide eyes.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “I said Dantalion is waiting.”

  Mall was just another in a long line of assistants, but she was one of the more competent demons. She didn’t mince words, unlike the others. It was refreshing, but he had little patience for anyone these days.

  “For fuck’s sake. Does he ever not have something to complain about?”

  She shrugged, handing him a report.

  “It seems he is having a disagreement with Beleth again.”

  He looked down at the document, eyes scanning over the contents. He rolled his eyes, waving a hand at Mall.

  “Fucking idiots. Fine, send him in. The sooner I get this over with, the better.”

  Mall disappeared for a moment. Lucifer stared down at his clenched fist.

  How has she gotten under my skin in such a short space of time?

  Maddening. The temptation to have her was absolutely maddening.

  He knew she wasn’t immune to him by any stretch of the imagination despite what she might say. If only he didn’t have to deal with this ridiculous situation, he could go back and see her. Maybe she’d give into him. He hadn’t yet broached the subject with her since that first day. She was sullen and uncommunicative for the first few days. He supposed he could hardly blame her. He was just as irritated being stuck down here unable to leave when he pleased. His father had taken away his freedom yet again.

  There was a commotion outside his throne room. Two demons burst through the doorway, Mall hot on their heels.

  “I told you this is my meeting,” Dantalion shouted.

  “I don’t give a shit. This has gone on long enough,” Beleth retorted.

  Lucifer wanted to put his head in his hands.

  Great. Just fucking great. Both of them at the same time.

  The two of them didn’t pay him any mind, both arguing at the top of their voices.

  “Enough. Would you two pipe the fuck down for one minute?” he said, his voice carrying across the room.

  Dantalion, Beleth and Mall froze, all turning his way. He hadn’t moved from his throne, but Lucifer’s expression was thunderous. As if his day wasn’t already shaping up to be a nightmare, he had to deal with his two most argumentative and disruptive dukes.

  Beleth had gotten worse since he’d been confronted by Michael during the fight against the Darkness. Lucifer rolled his eyes. He hadn’t been bothered when he’d discovered his demons were colluding with angels and creating hybrids. Michael orchestrating the entire plan changed things.

  The self-righteous prick.

  He wasn’t as innocent as he liked to think. Involving humans in their schemes. Lucifer never thought he’d see the day when his brothers and sisters would stoop to such levels.

  “My Lord,” Dantalion said, bowing. “I specifically requested this meeting without his presence.”

  Dantalion sent a glare Beleth’s way. The other demon just scoffed.

  “You think our Lord gives a shit about that. We have more important things to be concerned about than your petty vendetta against me,” Beleth said.

  If Lucifer let this go on, there would be no stopping either of them from exploding into a full-blown row. Then he’d never be able to leave his throne room.

  “I said enough. Beleth, stop antagonising him and leave his territory alone. I am done listening to the two of you squabble. Get your shit together. Do you really think I have time for your antics?”

  There was silence for several moments. Dantalion crossed his arms over his chest, still glaring at Beleth. Steam rose from his nostrils.

  “Understood, my Lord,” Beleth said before he bowed. “I apologise for Dantalion wasting your time.”

  “Both of you are. This is the last time. If I hear about this again, I will not hesitate to strip you both of your titles and throw you to the wolves. Am I making myself clear?”

  The two demons nodded, both scowling. Lucifer knew it was not the last time he would hear from them, but right now, he couldn’t care less. He wanted them out of here.

  Beleth stepped forward.

  “My Lord, there is a much more serious matter at hand. We are still unable to return to Earth. You said this would not go on long.”

  He should’ve known this would come up. He drummed his fingers on the arm of his throne again, eyes falling on Mall. She strode over to him, standing by his side and turning to Dantalion and Beleth.

  “Our Lord is dealing with the matte
r. It is not quite as simple as we first imagined,” she said.

  “Our Lord is taking his sweet time,” Beleth retorted.

  Lucifer flattened his hand, gripping the arm. Mall glanced at him for a moment before levelling her gaze on the other demons again.

  “You would do well to watch your tongue, Beleth. You answer to Lucifer, not the other way around.”

  “You are aware I wish to retrieve my daughter and her lover from Earth. Their combined power would be an asset to us.”

  Lucifer stood up abruptly. He held back from outright growling at Beleth, but his patience was shot. If Beleth tried such a thing, he would bring Michael down on their heads. He was in no mood to deal with his brother.

  “You will not go after your daughter or her partner. They are under Finnegan’s charge and it will remain that way. My word on this is final. As for the other matter, it is being dealt with. You are both dismissed.”

  He strode from the room, ignoring the anger on Beleth’s face.

  He can just fucking well deal with it. And if he doesn’t, I’ll just put him in his place.

  He stood in the hallway for a moment, his hand planted on the wall. White-hot rage consumed him. If his father hadn’t trapped them all down here, his demons wouldn’t be so restless. But fuck, if he wasn’t the most restless and irritable of them all.

  He stalked down the hallway, pushing open the double doors at the end. He faltered on the threshold. Candace was sprawled out on his bed, the covers twisted around her. He could see her luscious rear peeking out, clad in only black, lacy underwear, her bare legs on show. He became hyper aware of his instant reaction to her state of undress.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Chapter Three

  Lucifer clenched and unclenched his fists several times. All his anger evaporated only to be replaced by the raging flame of desire.

  I could’ve sworn I made sure she had appropriate clothing for this. Why is she half naked in my bed? That girl, this little witch. How is this fair?

  His feet carried him towards her. If he could just get his insatiable lust under control for one moment, but there was no stopping the burning need inside him. He had to have this girl.

  When he reached the bed, he hesitated. She was fast asleep. Her pink hair spread out across the pillow, half tangled over her face. He leant over and brushed it away. Her brow was furrowed, eyes darting around under her eyelids.

  He stilled. What was he doing? Behaving as though he was some baseless human, controlled by emotions, desires. Reminded that he’d once chastised Azrael for his feelings for Alice, the girl sent to destroy the world.

  He would not stoop to such a level no matter how tempting the prospect of fucking her might be. Holding her down and showing her no mercy. Hearing her scream his name whilst he took her with ruthless abandon. He would ruin her for anyone else. Ruin this girl so she couldn’t do anything but come crawling back to him for more. And he would give it to her, over and over again.

  He reached out and untangled the covers from her legs, settling them over her. If he gave in, it would be more trouble than it was worth. He had enough on his plate already. Besides, she could barely tolerate him being around.

  Turning, he strode away and threw himself into his desk chair. There were a thousand things he should be doing right now. Fucking Candace senseless was not one of them.

  He booted up his laptop. Modern technological advances had filtered their way down into Hell. It was high time he continued with his research.

  His eyes kept finding her no matter how hard he tried to concentrate. She shifted, throwing the covers off. He could see the steady rise and fall of her chest, her legs spread wide. His eyes roamed lower, mouth going very dry when they landed on her inner thighs. A new wave of intense burning desire drove through him. He resisted the urge to slam his hand down on the desk.

  He was about to get up and give into his need when she opened her eyes. Their gazes locked, her violet eyes wide with shock and confusion. There was no doubt she could see the intense longing in his own.

  She looked down at herself. Scrambling to sitting position, she pulled the covers back over her legs. He rose very slowly, still staring at her.


  He stalked towards her.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  Ignoring her request, he knelt on the bed and crawled over her, forcing her to lie back down. Their bodies weren’t touching. He could feel her trembling all the same.

  “I warned you, Candace. I warned you playing games with me is dangerous.”

  “I wasn’t playing a game. I was sleeping.”

  He cocked an eyebrow, leaning down until their breath mingled. He wasn’t going to touch her. Yet.

  “Are you sure that’s appropriate sleepwear?”

  She turned her face away. It made him grin.

  She can’t hide how much I affect her. I can feel her heart hammering in her chest. Her body screaming out for me. She wants me. This little witch wants me. I know she does.

  “It’s hot.”

  “It is Hell, girl.”

  He caught her face, turning it back towards him. Staring down at her mouth, he couldn’t help but want to taste what she had to offer. But if he kissed her now, he wasn’t sure he could stop at just that.

  “Why do you care what I’m wearing?”

  There was a very good reason why he cared. He nudged her legs open, so he could show her. It was a mistake. As soon as he pressed himself against her, he could feel her supple curves beneath the covers. It made him ache with longing. He wanted to tear away the rest of the barriers between them.

  Her eyes widened to saucers, mouth opening on a quiet gasp.

  “Does this tell you everything you need to know?” he asked, his voice a little hoarse.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He could feel the heat between her legs. Shifting ever so slightly brought a quiet hiss from her lips. The ache grew. He needed to have her. To feel her writhing beneath him whilst he took her to the highest of highs. Candace would be his undoing if he wasn’t careful.

  “I told you, I’m not your plaything,” she said, her voice taking on a high pitch note to it.

  “Mmm, I’m not playing games. I think you know what I want.”

  She bit her lip. Was she going to give into him? Her expression hardened.

  “Get off me, Lucifer. Now.”

  His smile grew.

  I’ve flustered her and now she wants to take back control. Pity.

  Her mouth was still so close, but he moved lower, his lips brushing along her bare collarbone. Her skin was soft. She shifted beneath him, her hands gripping the sheets. He continued his path down towards where the tops of her breasts were peeking out above her camisole. He paused. Their eyes met again. Her lips were parted, breath coming faster.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.


  “I don’t believe you.”

  Her hand came up, hovering above his head. He gave her a slow smile. She was teetering on the edge of something. He pressed his mouth to her skin again, just above her left breast. Another kiss. And another.

  Her hand came down, tangling in his hair as she arched against him.

  There we go, Candace. Now the truth of what you want comes to light.

  “Fuck you,” she whispered.

  “I’d much rather fuck you,” he replied, his voice just as low.

  “I’m not going to let you do that.”

  “Perhaps not now, but soon, I’ll have you. You won’t be able to deny me.”

  Fingers dug into his hair. She pulled his head back, glaring at him.

  “Never, Lucifer. I will never let you touch me like this again.”

  “You seem very sure about that.”

  “Just get off me. This might be your domain, but this is my body. You are not welcome to it.”

  Reaching up, he untangled her hand from his hair before pinning it to the bed.

��Mmm, you’re only making it worse for yourself. That desire you feel is going to consume you. Mark my words, you’ll come to me when you’re ready and you’ll come willingly.”

  He released her before she could answer him, rolling away and getting up off the bed. He didn’t look at her as he stalked from the room. He knew she was probably cursing his back, but he didn’t care. It was a battle of wills between them. There was every chance this would backfire spectacularly in his face, but now he’d felt her again. Felt every inch of her body pressed against his through the covers and their clothes.

  There was no question any longer.

  He would have that girl naked beneath him.

  He would ruin her completely.


  Candace’s heart raced out of control. Her breathing completely erratic. All her thoughts were centred on where his mouth had been pressed up against her skin. She’d almost given in. Almost allowed him to take her under and drown her. She was sure if she let him touch her, taste her, fuck her, she wouldn’t ever be able to come back from it.

  Fuck you, Lucifer. Fuck you for making me so weak. For making me want you.

  It was the first time he’d come near her since the day she’d arrived here. She’d been suspicious of his intentions towards her, but now she knew for certain. Lucifer wanted to possess her. And she was completely undone by their encounter with each other. How could she have allowed him near her again?

  She knew Lucifer was trouble and staying with him was a mistake, but the thought of seeing more of Hell terrified her. She didn’t want to know what happened to souls down here nor meet any demons.

  Hating that he was right. Hating that she was probably safer with him than anyone else, she shifted, tearing the covers off her. She was hot and bothered. Her thighs were damp from her arousal drenching right through her underwear.

  Why does he make me feel this way? He barely did anything to me. And then he just left.

  Left her trying to swim against the current of their mutual attraction. She slammed her fist down on the bed, a growl of frustration tearing from her lips.

  “You will be the fucking death of me, Lucifer, I swear to fucking god. You are the most sinfully attractive man I’ve ever met and yet I can’t have you under any circumstances.”


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