Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6)

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Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6) Page 5

by Sarah Bailey

  “Lost for words? Well, perhaps now isn’t the time for talking anyway.”

  He gave her no warning, slamming her against the bookcase before his mouth connected with hers. Her hands were pinned above her head with one of his. Everything was on fire in an instant.

  “Are you ready to give in?”

  No. I already told you. I’m never giving into you.

  He pulled away, eyes glittering with amusement. She wanted to be defiant. To tell him to leave her alone, but the other half of her wanted him to have his way. His free hand cupped her face, his thumb running over her bottom lip.

  “You’re only delaying the inevitable. I will break you.”

  I will ruin you completely.

  Why was it so hot? Why did she want him to ruin her? The worst part of it all. She was so close to letting him.

  “Just kiss me,” she whispered.

  His eyebrow arched up, a smirk appearing on his face. He leant back towards her. His mouth was so close, yet so far.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me nicely?”

  Why does he have to make this into a battle between us? I can’t take it. I need him to give me everything I crave.


  He uttered a low growl. His mouth was on hers the next instant. It wasn’t gentle nor sweet. His kiss was demanding and she relented, completely. He let go of her hands, his fingers tangling in her hair. She gripped his shoulders, nails digging into his shirt. She wanted it all and more.

  “Where would you like it this time? Against the desk again or perhaps you’d like me to take you to bed?”

  Get out of my head.

  The heat between them was unbearable. She couldn’t think straight. Lucifer had taken command of everything. She dropped one of her arms, holding onto his waist, feeling the hard muscle between her fingertips.

  This wasn’t anger filled lust this time. It was the fervour brought on by pent up frustration bubbling over. He was right. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough until they’d taken everything from each other. He was going to possess her in ways no other man ever could.

  He grabbed her hand and shoved it in between them, forcing her to touch him. She groaned into his mouth. She wanted to touch him there and everywhere. He’d broken her resolve yet again. This man was the Devil through and through, but it only made her crave him all the more.

  “I am not a patient man,” he growled, releasing her mouth.

  “My answer is the same. No,” she replied, out of breath.

  He pulled away, placing his hands on her shoulders and shoving her to her knees. He held onto her hair at the back of her head. His grip was so tight it made her wince.

  “Every time you deny me, I will punish you. Is this what you want?”

  She reached up, trying to tug his hand away.

  “No,” she whimpered.

  “Oh, I think you do. You want me to show you no mercy. I told you. I’m going to ruin you. You’ll never be free of me. Do you understand? Never.”

  His other hand went to his belt buckle and in one swift move he had it undone. She barely had time to formulate any sort of response. Her eyes widened to saucers when he revealed exactly what he was packing. She’d felt his cock under her hand but feeling and seeing were two very different things.

  “This time, you’re going to pleasure me.”

  She put a hand out to try and stop him, but it was too late. He tugged her towards him by her hair. She had little time to take a breath before he was half in her mouth. She tried not to gag.

  What the fuck?

  Putting both her hands on his thighs, she tried to push back. He held her hair tighter, forcing her into taking more.

  I can’t breathe. God, he’s huge. But it feels so fucking hot. I’m clearly fucked up in the head for finding this a turn on.

  Her arousal was practically running down her legs. He began to move her head back and forth, building a steady rhythm. He grunted, his other hand slammed on the bookcase.

  “Fuck. Being inside your mouth is sweet, delicious torture.”

  He pumped his cock in and out of her mouth with a forcefulness that made her jaw ache. There was nothing she could do but give into him. She wasn’t quite sure when it changed from him forcing her to her wrapping her hand around the base of him and taking over. His fingers dug into her skull.

  “Fuck, Candace. Fuck.”

  Their pace increased. She wanted to give him pleasure. She wanted him to fall down the rabbit hole with her.

  “Touch yourself.”

  She complied, so turned on, it wouldn’t take much for her to reach a conclusion with him. The edge of the cliff was rapidly approaching, and it was all she could do to hold on for dear life. The moment they both hurtled off it exploded like wildfire. He grunted, pulsating in her mouth as she trembled, barely able to hold herself up.

  His hand fell away from her hair. He panted, dark eyes wild and unfocused. She released him, falling onto her hands and taking deep gulps of air, trying to force it into her lungs. Still shaking uncontrollably.

  “Fuck you,” she whispered.

  “I think you’ll find you just fucked me. I knew you were going to be exquisite, but this was something else.”

  He knelt beside her, taking her face in his hand. His touch was gentle. She felt something wash over her and with immediacy, her jaw stopped aching.

  “I’m not sorry I hurt you,” he whispered.

  “I hate you.”

  He leant closer, kissing her with tenderness. She shifted off her hands, grabbing hold of him and pulling him closer. Completely unable to help herself.

  I want him even though he is fucking with my head. Damn it.

  “You can’t hide your true feelings from me. I’m going to have all of you. You and I both know it.”

  He was right.

  And she hated him for it.

  Chapter Seven

  Candace couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning in the bed until she felt like her head would explode. Utterly consumed by what happened between her and Lucifer earlier. He’d left the room not long after he’d kissed her so thoroughly she almost told him to take her to bed and finish what they’d started. She could still taste him on her tongue. It was torture. All of it. He was drowning her. She was never going to be able to come up for air whilst she was still stuck down here with him.

  There was only one thing for it. She had to get out of here before he completely destroyed her. Before all her secrets were spilled. That couldn’t happen. She could never give into him. She had no choice but to find a way to leave Hell.

  It all came back to Jax and why he’d done this in the first place. She was sure he knew where he was sending her. But why? Why would he do this? And how? It took a shit ton of power to open a portal between Hell and Earth. Jax didn’t have enough juice as far as she was aware.

  He couldn’t possibly have done this because of what was going to happen when she turned twenty-five. The thought made her pause. It was only a few months away now. She’d resigned herself to the fact it was happening. There was no other choice. She’d been given time to lead her life as she pleased. Everything was going to change.

  Had Jax really sent her down here to save her from her own miserable fate? She shook herself. It couldn’t be that. She’d never once complained about it to him. No, Jax wouldn’t do something that reckless or stupid. There had to be another reason.

  I just have to be patient and ask him when I return to Earth.

  She wasn’t going to be able to sleep anytime soon. She sat up, turning on the lamp and picking up one of the books Mall had asked her to go through. It was better to do something useful then sit around driving herself crazy. It was a spell book. She hated reading these as they were always so complex and usually in Latin.

  Sighing, she opened the first page and settled in. I was right. This is in Latin. Her father had made sure she learnt it from a young age, but she hated it all the same.

  After only half an hour, her head h
urt. This was a nightmare. None of the spells in this book were helpful. There was nothing to do with portal magic. She was sure that would be the best way of getting out of here. There had to be some way to bend the rules.

  Flipping through the book, she landed on something she’d never seen before.

  Et inferorum regnum. The Kingdom of Hell.

  It was an entire section devoted to the place. She scanned through it. There was a lot of stuff she didn’t really understand, but one thing stuck out to her. Porta ad infernum. It spoke of how to open a gateway to Hell. It was a complex spell. She wondered if she could reverse this and create a gateway to Earth.

  There was only one thing for it. She had to show this to Mall.

  Slipping a bookmark into the relevant page, she closed the book and leapt out of bed. She was wearing sleep shorts and a t-shirt, but she couldn’t be bothered to change. It wouldn’t matter. She’d show this to Mall and come straight back to bed. Hopefully she could sleep after this.

  Keeping the book close to her chest, she slipped into the hallway. When she got to Mall’s door, she knocked twice. There was no answer. She tried the handle and it opened. There was no one in the room. She sighed. That was a bust. Perhaps Mall was busy.

  Closing the door, she was about to go back to the bedroom when she heard the faint sound of voices. She looked towards the double doors at the end of the hall. One of them was slightly ajar. Lucifer told her she wasn’t permitted in his throne room.

  Curiosity got the better of her. She tiptoed over to the opening, looking through the crack. She could just about make out a huge, hulking demon with large horns. She stifled a gasp.

  “With all due respect, my Lord, this matter has gone on for long enough. Your reassurances are meaningless without proof you are doing something about it,” the demon said.

  “As our Lord has told you on several occasions. This is not a simple task.”

  That was Mall’s voice.

  So that’s where she is. I guess I should come back later.

  She was about to turn and leave when the demon turned his head. His black eyes met hers. Her pulse spiked, fear running through her. She backed away, but the demon stormed over to the door, pushed it open and grabbed her by the arm. He tugged her into the room and threw her down at the steps that led up to the dais where Lucifer’s throne sat. The book tumbled out of her hands, clattering on the floor loudly. Her knees hurt from the impact with the floor.

  She looked up slowly. When her eyes met Lucifer’s, she knew she was in the shit. He looked oddly calm, his expression almost bored. He was leaning on his fingers, the other hand drumming on the arm of his throne. He looked every bit the King of Hell dressed in a neat black suit. She knew underneath that façade he was angry.

  “What is this human doing in your private rooms?” the demon asked.

  “Is that really any of your business, Beleth?” Lucifer replied, his tone neutral.

  Candace was frozen on the floor, unable to look away from him. She didn’t want to say anything to make this situation worse.

  “It is when we have spent months being unable to leave and suddenly, a girl turns up.”

  “She is none of your concern.”

  “No? Then you won’t mind me taking her.”

  The demon grab her hair and haul her up off the floor. She struggled against his grip, but he wrapped a hand around her neck.

  “A pretty little thing, aren’t you?” he said in her ear.

  She froze, staring at Lucifer with wide eyes.

  Was he going to do anything to stop this?


  Beleth was sorely trying Lucifer’s patience. He was touching Candace. His hand was on her throat. It enraged him, tension rippling through his body, but he kept a lid on it.

  “Release her,” he said.

  “Why? She is a worthless human,” Beleth replied, his smile gleeful.

  “Because she is mine. You are well aware I do not share my toys with anyone.”

  Candace’s eyes flashed with anger. He didn’t acknowledge it. Beleth looked at the girl.

  “This little thing? I thought you had more refined tastes, my Lord.”

  Lucifer’s hand curled around the arm of his throne. The only outward expression of his anger. Candace was not a little thing. She was beautiful, alluring and he could barely keep his hands off her. Beleth didn’t need to know any of those things.

  “I will not say it again. Release her.”

  Beleth ran his other hand down her front. Lucifer was going to rip his hand from his wrist in a moment. Candace was his and his alone. He didn’t care what she said. He owned her body and having Beleth put his grubby paws on her drove him crazy.

  “I suppose she might have her assets. I could sure use a distraction.”

  “Beleth, take your hand off her. Now.”

  Something caught his eye. Pink smoke swirled in Candace’s hand. It moved up her arm, turning it blue in the process as it curled up around her shoulder and underneath Beleth’s hand on her throat. A moment later, Beleth roared and threw her away from him, clutching his hand to his chest. She fell to the floor, scrambling away towards the stairs.

  When she looked up at Lucifer, her face was a picture of fear and anger.

  “Come here,” he said.

  She got to her feet and walked up the steps. When she reached him, he grabbed her arm and tugged her into his lap. She yelped, turning around to glare at him. He turned her face back towards the demon.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll play along,” he whispered in her ear.

  He could feel her trembling, but she folded her hands in her lap. She was being compliant.

  Good girl.

  He indicated to Mall that she should pick up the book which was on the floor. The succubus strolled over, leaning down to snatch it up before Beleth’s attention fell on it. There had to be a reason Candace had that book on her.

  “That fucking bitch has magic,” Beleth said, his expression sullen.

  “I did tell you to let her go,” Lucifer replied.

  “Are you just going to let her get away with that?”

  Lucifer rolled his eyes, curling a hand around Candace’s jaw and turning it to the side so he could access her neck.

  “Rest assured, Beleth. I will punish her.”

  He ran his tongue down the side of her throat, eyes on the demon. Beleth was fuming. He could see the anger in his duke’s eyes. Lucifer’s other hand was on her thigh, travelling upwards. Candace’s breath came a little faster, but she remained silent.

  “Your assurances mean nothing to me.”


  He nudged her hands out of the way as he continued his path upwards. When his fingers brushed over her core, she shifted in his lap. It made him harden instantly. She stiffened. His hand tightened on her jaw, sending her a message. She had to play along. Beleth was eying Lucifer’s wandering hands with a raised eyebrow.

  “No. What is she and why is she here?”

  “Well, as you’ve gathered, she possesses magic. You do the math. She’s my toy, Beleth. Mine. Aren’t you?”

  His mouth was close to her ear. He was touching her in earnest now through her clothes. She wriggled in his lap. It was not helping matters. He ached to bury himself in her. Being inside her mouth earlier was the sweetest ecstasy.

  Despite her protests that she hated him, she’d enjoyed every second of their encounter. He’d heard it loud and clear in her head afterwards. She wanted him.

  “Yes, my Lord,” she replied. “I am yours.”

  Those words were almost his undoing. He kissed her neck again, trying to keep a lid on his burning need.

  Everything about her is driving me to distraction. I need to fuck this girl until she cannot take any more. We both need each other. I know it. She knows it.

  “You see? She is very compliant. Apologise to Beleth for me and this matter will be settled.”

  “I am very sorry.”

  Beleth’s eyes

  “Now, if you don’t mind, I wish to be alone with my toy.”

  “This isn’t over, my Lord. There is still the matter of the gates being sealed.”

  His eyes snapped to the demon. This conversation was most definitely over. Beleth needed to learn his place.

  “Mall, escort him from the room before I decide he needs a turn in the pit.”

  Mall sauntered over to Beleth. He glared at the both of them but turned on his heel and stormed out.

  There was silence for a long moment. Candace tore herself out of his lap. Her face was bright red, her breath coming fast. Her eyes were wild with fury. She slapped him across the cheek, the noise ringing through the room.

  “Go fuck yourself,” she hissed before stomping away towards the door and slamming it behind her.

  Lucifer sighed, resting his chin on his hand. Mall raised an eyebrow at him. He shook his head. Her reaction was not unexpected.

  “I suppose I better go deal with that,” he said, getting to his feet.

  “You know, if you want to get on her good side, you might want to be a little more considerate and not subject her to such things,” Mall said. “That was a little overboard, don’t you think?”

  “Did I ask your opinion?”

  She rolled her eyes, hoisting the book up on her chest.

  “I might be a demon, my Lord, but I also understand women. She is stuck down here against her will and doesn’t want to admit how much it affects her. If you want her to come to you willingly, you might want to keep that in mind.”

  He pointed to the book.

  “She had that on her for a reason. Find out what it is.”

  He walked down the steps towards the double doors which led to his private chambers. He turned back to Mall.

  “How do you know I want her to come to me willingly?”

  “It doesn’t take a genius. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Be gentle with her. I suspect she’s a little more fragile than she lets on.”

  He frowned. Candace wasn’t fragile. She was fiery and wild. Mall wouldn’t say such a thing to him without reason.


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