Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6)

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Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6) Page 8

by Sarah Bailey

  He smiled a little, shaking his head. She tugged him into the bedroom before letting go of his hand. She strolled into the walk-in wardrobe, changing into something more comfortable. A plain t-shirt and sleep shorts.

  When she walked back out, he was lying in his bed, tucked under the covers. She crawled in next to him, feeling the weight of the world sitting on her shoulders.

  “Are you going to insist I hold you again?” he asked.

  “You don’t have to. I’m sorry I forced you last time.”

  His arm shot out, pulling her to him. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her red hair.

  “I like holding you,” he whispered.

  Her heart did a somersault in her chest.

  If that’s not the sweetest thing he’s ever said to me, then I don’t know what is.

  Pulling away, she stared up into his mesmerising dark eyes. They were the sort of eyes she could get lost in forever. Perhaps it was just because she loved staring at them that she felt that way. She had it bad for Lucifer. So bad that she would leave a piece of herself here with him when she left.

  Her eyes found his mouth.

  “All I can think about right now is kissing you,” she whispered, reaching up and brushing her fingers across his jaw.

  “Are you asking for permission?”

  “No. I want it to be just a kiss and nothing else.”

  He cupped the back of her head, pulling her into him. Their lips met with the gentlest of touches.

  “I’m not going to push you anymore. No matter how much I want you. But you’ll always be mine, Candace. Even when you return to Earth.”

  She pressed her mouth more firmly on his, wanting so much more than just a simple kiss from him. His words in her head made it hard for her to resist him.

  I think I was yours from the moment I landed on you, Lucifer.

  Her hand curled into his hair, tugging at the strands. He groaned, pressing her closer. Even if she wanted this to go further, it couldn’t. She pulled away from him, regret filling her heart.

  “You know I wish things could be different, don’t you?”

  “You won’t explain it, so how would I know what you wish?”

  “I wish I had a choice and if I had a choice, then I’d let you ruin me. I’d let you drown me like I want you to. I’d let all of this happen without question because all I want is right here in front of me.”

  She hid her face in his chest, unable to take the look in his eyes. There was something about the angel which made her want to admit all her secrets. All the reasons why she couldn’t be with him. Perhaps he would try to save her, but she was resigned to it. If she didn’t go back, she’d never forgive herself. Her chance at happiness was slipping away and yet there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop it.

  “What’s between us is more than just about sex to you?” he asked.

  “I thought I’d already made that clear. It doesn’t matter if it’s only sex to you. I don’t expect anything else.”

  There was a long moment of silence which made her wonder if she’d said the right thing.

  “It’s not just sex. I want every part of you. You are mine to ruin. Only mine.”

  Her heart stopped dead in her chest.

  Lucifer wants all of me? Doesn’t he know he already has that? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Her resolve was shot to pieces.

  She was going to let him ruin her.


  Chapter Eleven

  It took two weeks for Candace and Jax to find a solution to their predicament. She stopped counting how many failed attempts. Jax had more knowledge than she did which meant they didn’t have any more accidents.

  She’d managed to keep him from discovering she had feelings for the Devil. It didn’t stop Lucifer getting in bed with her almost every time she caught some sleep. Kissing turned to teasing and teasing to touching, but it never went further. It was driving her crazy. The force of their pent-up desire for each other was going to explode.

  “I know what we’re missing,” Jax said.


  “Divine power.”

  She stared at her best friend with wide eyes.

  “And how do you think we’re going to get that? Walk up to God and be like — hey, we want out of Hell, fancy lending us some of your juice?”

  He rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

  “You’re forgetting we have divine power right here.”

  “Wait, you mean Lucifer?”

  “He is an angel, Cadmi.”

  She sat back, drumming her fingers on the arm of the sofa. Jax was right. It didn’t sit well with her, but he was right.

  “Fine, but I’ll ask him.”

  “Not even going to argue that point with you. He doesn’t like me very much.”

  She grinned. Despite knowing Jax had a girlfriend, Lucifer didn’t like how close they were. Jax was her only real childhood friend. He was special to her. Knew almost everything about her. Lucifer just had to suck it up no matter how possessive he was of her.

  “I don’t think he likes many people to be honest.”

  “He likes you.”

  Yeah, well, he cares for me in a way Jax doesn’t know about and cannot ever discover.

  “He didn’t at first. You know I like to speak my mind. That grated on him, but now, I guess we found some common ground.”

  They were both caged by family duty. Freedom wasn’t within their reach. In that respect, they were the same. It’s only that Lucifer didn’t know the extent of her duty to her family.

  “Well, sooner rather than later. I need to get home to Sam.”

  “I know.”

  Her heart sank. Her time with Lucifer was almost up and she had so many regrets. Why hadn’t she made the most of it? There was no use thinking about that now.

  “I’ll ask him when he’s done in the throne room,” she continued. “I can’t go interrupting him.”

  “Oh yeah, well, I’m going to catch some shut eye in the meantime.”

  He got up, ruffling her hair.

  “Say, you haven’t changed your hair since I’ve been down here. That’s not like you.”

  She flushed, unable to help herself. She’d taken Lucifer’s words to heart. The only reason she’d change her hair colour is if she gave into him.

  “I’ve been preoccupied.”

  “Well, true. Still, I’d love to know what colour you’re going to pick when you go confront Gallian.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  She was not looking forward to seeing her father and explaining where she’d been. Jax grinned before he strolled away, leaving her alone. She picked herself up and shuffled into Lucifer’s bedroom. She had no idea how long he’d be.

  Slumping down on the bed, she groaned. How was she going to word this? Would he even help them? He didn’t want her to leave. He hadn’t exactly voiced it, but it wasn’t hard for her to guess. There was nothing for it but to just be straight with him about it.

  She sat up. Her heart thumped uncomfortably in her chest. Jax’s reminder about her hair stuck out in her mind. Sliding off the bed, she went over to the mirror. It took a minute, but her hair changed from fire red to so blonde it was almost white.

  “This is me,” she whispered.

  It had been so long, she’d forgotten what she looked like with it. Her violet eyes were stark against the background of her light hair.

  He wants to see the real me. Is it crazy I want to show him? If I have to leave, then I can’t go without knowing.

  She turned away from the mirror, going into the walk-in wardrobe. She stripped out of all her clothes, selecting a short black silk robe. She shrugged it on and tied the belt around her waist tightly.

  She stepped back out into the bedroom just as the doors on the other side opened. Lucifer’s eyes met hers. There was absolutely no going back now. And she really didn’t want to. What she wanted was the angel in front of her.

  “You’re here,
” she said.

  “Yes. Were you waiting?”

  She took a few steps towards him.

  “I have to ask you something, but I don’t really want to because it means everything ends and I…”

  He took a step towards her then froze. His eyes roamed over her, landing on her hair.

  “Is that…?”

  She closed the distance between them, staring up at him. He reached out, wrapping a strand of her hair around his fingers. Her breath hitched.

  What is he thinking? He’s told me so many times he wants me to give into him, but now it’s happening, I don’t know if it’s truly what he desires.

  “You wanted to see the real me.”

  “Does this mean what I think it does?”

  She swallowed, needing a moment before she answered him.


  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  Her heart threatened to break there and then. The tenderness in his expression left her emotions in a mess at her feet. And all she wanted was to drown in him forever. She went up on her tiptoes, pressing a hard kiss to his mouth. His arms came about her, keeping her pinned to his chest.

  “Ask me what you need to. I need to know. I won’t take you until you do.”

  Releasing his mouth, her eyes met his. Her heart thundered in her ears. She’d heard him correctly. This was going to happen.

  “Jax is sure he can cast the right spell, but we need… you.”

  His eyes narrowed.


  “Well, it’s more that we need divine power to complete it. So, yes, you.”

  “If that’s what you need, then so be it.”

  What? He’s not even going to ask why or how?

  “I thought you’d be a bit more reluctant to help us since it means I have to go home.”

  “You forget, if you do this, then there’s a way out of Hell and that will shut my subjects up.”

  He was right. It would benefit him. But she didn’t want to think about any of that. She didn’t want to think about how much it would break her heart when she left.

  No. Now all I want is him and I for however long I have left.

  “Lucifer… I know you didn’t ask, but my answer this time is yes.”

  He released her, looking down at what she was wearing.

  “Do you have anything on underneath that?”


  His eyes darkened. His tongue ran over his bottom lip. It made her pulse quicken. A shiver ran down her spine. It occurred to her they’d never seen each other naked before. She reached up, flipping open the buttons on his shirt. He didn’t stop her when she tugged it off his shoulders.

  Oh, holy fuck.

  He was so perfect it made her head spin. She ran her hand down his chest.

  “Well, shit,” she breathed.

  “Are you quite done admiring me?”

  Her eyes snapped up to his. There was amusement in his expression.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be done admiring you.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders, backing her towards the bed. When the backs of her calves hit it, they stopped. She blinked and then, he was only clad in boxers. It was still a little weird when he changed his clothes at will, but she was getting used to it.

  His fingers went to the belt of her robe, untying it slowly. Her hands shook.

  What if he doesn’t like what he sees? What if he decides he doesn’t want this any longer?

  She tried to shush her ridiculous thoughts.

  When he slipped it off her shoulders, it fell into a pool at her feet. She couldn’t look at him, but she heard the sharp intake of his breath. His fingers tucked under her chin, forcing her face upwards. His eyes were dark with desire, lust, want, need. He pressed his mouth to hers, his hands running down her bare back.

  “Perfect. All of you is perfect.”

  Her hands curled around his back, pulling him closer. She could feel his chest brushing against hers. It sent tingles down her spine. She’d wanted Lucifer from the moment they’d met. Giving in felt right. Having him against her felt perfect. Two months of denying herself was too much.

  He pressed her down on the bed, covering her with his body. The heat between them spiked as his fingers brushed down her sides. He released her mouth, pressing kisses to her collarbone.

  “Lucifer,” she whimpered.

  “Mmm, are you impatient after denying me for so long?”

  He pressed her legs open, settling in between them. His fingers trailed up her inner thighs. She arched up against him.

  “Yes. Aren’t you?”

  His eyes glittered with mischief.

  “I want to take my time, savour each moment, each kiss, each touch.” Fingers trailed up her sides with each word. “You’re mine. Every inch of you.”

  Even if that’s what he wanted, she most definitely didn’t. All she could think about was him inside her.

  “You can take your time later. No teasing… please.”

  Her fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxers. His smile turned wicked, but he didn’t stop her as she relieved him of the final barrier between them.

  He is stunning. I know he’s an angel, but really, it should be illegal to be that attractive.

  Curling her fingers into his hair, she tugged him down so she could kiss him. His fingers ran up her inner thighs again, inching them open further. He gripped her hips, pressing up against her sex. He groaned into her mouth.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot and wet. I need to feel you all over me, right now.”

  Lucifer, please. I can’t take it. I ache for you.

  In one swift movement, he pressed inside her. Her fingers dug into his back. All her focus was on where their bodies joined together. It was everything and more. Every inch he gave her sent a wave of pleasure rushing over her entire body. She was sure this had something to do with him being an angel, but she didn’t care. She turned her face from his, needing to take a breath.

  “Fuck,” she whispered.

  He buried his face in her neck, pressing hot kisses to her skin. He set a slow, almost gentle pace, pressing deeper with each stroke. It seemed so at odds with his brutal nature and their explosive desire for each other. Yet, it felt right to her.

  Something had changed between them that first night she’d asked him to stay with her.

  He released one of her hips, grabbing her hand, he pressed it down next to them, entwining her fingers with his. His other hand brushed up her side before he cupped her face, staring down at her with those mesmerising eyes of his.

  “This is worth every second I’ve spent longing for you,” he said.

  He saved her answering him. Pressing his mouth to hers, passion ignited between them. His pace quickened. She hooked a leg around his, drawing him closer. She felt it everywhere. Him. His hands on her skin. The power he exuded washed over her, trailing along her skin like electricity.

  Harder. I want more. I want all of you. I need everything.

  She matched his movements, both lost in each other as he gave her exactly what she’d asked for. She’d never felt as close to anyone as she did to Lucifer in that moment.

  Crying out, her fingers dug into his back when she started to feel the familiar stirrings of her impending climax. It was if his hands were running down every inch of her skin. Jolts ran down her spine until she felt them right in her core.

  “That’s it, let go,” he whispered, his mouth close to her ear.

  It was like something snapped inside her. She cried out his name, shaking and trembling as the intense pleasure tore through her. His pace didn’t slow, if anything he pounded into her faster, harder and every stroke sent a new wave across her core. Her cries of pleasure echoed through the room, quite unable to hold back as the dam broke entirely. He grunted, his hand tightening in hers when he lost control too.

  It was a long while before she fought her way back through the fog of ecstasy he’d brought on. She smiled, closing her eyes. He was s
till pinning her to the bed with his body, but she didn’t care. It was perfect. So perfect she wanted to experience it all over again. She wasn’t ready to go home at all. Not after the life altering sex she’d just had.

  “Candace,” he said, his voice a little hoarse. “Stay with me.”

  Her eyes snapped to his. Her heart felt tight, constricting in her chest. Every part of her wanted so much for all of this to be different.

  “Don’t ask me to do that, please,” she whispered.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lucifer stared down at the woman who utterly disarmed him. There were tears welling in her eyes. He hadn’t meant to ask her to stay, but the words came tumbling out anyway.

  His infatuation with her had turned into feelings. Raw, intense feelings that drove him crazy. Candace meant something to him. He never expected to want anyone, but he wanted all of her. He’d never needed anyone before, but he needed her. For the first time in millennia, he didn’t care about his exile from Heaven nor his duty as the King of Hell. She gave him a small slice of happiness. This half witch, half fae girl with magic running in her veins. She was everything to him.

  “I don’t want to talk about the future,” she continued. “I just want to be here with you, now. Can we do that?”


  Denying her wasn’t in him at that moment. He didn’t want to fight with her again. He knew she belonged on Earth, but the selfish part of him wanted her here. With him. Always.

  He rolled them over, so she was sitting on top of him. She flicked her long, blonde hair back behind her shoulders. Violet eyes stared down at him with tenderness and affection.

  She isn’t supposed to care for me. This was never meant to be anything but sex. She is mine, my little witch, and she doesn’t know I am hers.

  He could’ve been brutal, pinned her down and fucked her until she couldn’t take it any longer. However, Mall’s warning still rang in his ears every time his temper flared.

  Be gentle with her.

  It was that gentleness he’d shown which had led them to this moment.

  “Are you going to ride me?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Is that what you want?”

  He grinned. She trailed a finger down his chest. He caught one of her hands, bringing it to his lips. He placed a kiss on each of her fingertips.


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