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Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6)

Page 16

by Sarah Bailey

  “Promise you’ll never leave me. I need you.”

  He needs me? Shit, Lucifer.

  His confession sent her over the edge. She’d lay down her life for him. Give him all he desired.

  “I promise.”

  As if I would ever leave now.

  “Tell me how you feel. I want the truth.”

  His hand ran up her back and curled around her throat, fingers tightening on her neck in an almost painful grip. She’d said it once. Could she say it again?

  “Lucifer, please.”

  “Tell me.”

  His hand tightened, almost cutting off her airway.

  “Let me say it to your face,” she rasped. “Please.”

  She needed to see his reaction. It was too impersonal with him behind her. His grip relaxed a little. His other hand cupped her sex.

  “Even after everything you went through last night, you still let me hurt you.”

  She wanted to scream it at him. Tell him it was because he had all of her. Her body. Her mind. Her heart. Even her soul.

  “Look at me.”

  His hand was still around her neck, but she turned her head back. His dark eyes were hazy with lust. Her submission fed him. She could see all his thoughts laid bare to her.

  I am everything to him. Everything he needs.

  She parted her lips, needing to get the words out before she lost her nerve entirely.

  “You are the world to me. You give me everything I have ever needed. You own me. All of me. Even the things I thought I’d never give to another person, I give to you willingly.”

  His expression darkened. A hot wave of desire drove through her when his fingers sunk into her heated sex. He growled. His fingers weren’t enough. She wanted to feel him, pressed deep inside her. Filling her up to the hilt.

  “I want the whole truth, my little witch.”

  She stared into those mesmerising eyes for a full minute. There was nothing holding her back. There was no embarrassment. All she felt was the connection between them she craved with every breath she took.

  “I love you.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The look in his eyes almost cleaved her in two. His fingers twitched on her throat. Understanding, acceptance and sinful desire radiated off him in waves. He extracted his fingers from her. She felt the loss keenly. He unbuckled his belt, tearing open his fly and sunk into her.

  Shit. Fuck. He feels so good.

  He grunted, fingers tightening around her airway.

  “Say it again. Tell me again.”

  “I love you.”

  He pulled back and slammed into her. The force of it sending shockwaves down her back.


  How many times is he going to make me say it? Is this getting him off?

  She wanted to give him what he needed. If that was her admitting her feelings to him over and over again then she would.

  “I love you, Lucifer.”

  He growled, the sound rumbling in his chest. His other hand gripped her hip, keeping her anchored to him.

  “Do you want me to fuck you with no mercy, Candace?”

  “Yes, I need it.”

  His fingers dug into her hip. Each thrust was harder than the last. Each grunt from his mouth echoed through the room. The sound of their skin slapping together permeated the air. Her whimpers grew louder.

  “I want to hear you scream. Show me how much you like it when I fuck you.”

  She let it rip, her throat burning from the sound emitting from her lips. He was still half cutting off her airway with his fingers, but she stopped caring. The dark, wild look in his eyes caused her to clench around him, over and over. He was going to send her rocketing over the edge if he wasn’t careful.

  “You’re not allowed to come yet,” he told her. “Not until I say so. Not until I’ve fucked you so hard, you won’t be able to walk straight.”

  She was relatively sure he’d already whipped and fucked her hard enough to achieve that. Only his hands on her kept her from collapsing in a heap on the floor. He let go off her neck, gripping her other hip. The force of his pounding rattled her teeth. She took several gulping breaths, forcing oxygen back into her lungs. She’d never been fucked so brutally in her life. Even when he’d spanked her last night, it didn’t compare to this.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot and tight. You’re mine. Mine. Fuck. I need you. I fucking need you and it fucking hurts when you go back to Earth and leave me here alone. I fucking care. Do you understand? I care about you. No one has ever made me want to offer them everything. I want to beg you never to leave me again. Get down on my fucking hands and knees and beg.”

  Those words caused her heart to constrict painfully in her chest. She knew what it cost him to admit those things to her.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “Tell me you’ll stay.”

  I want to. I want to so much, but I have things to take care of. Soon. I promise you soon I’ll be able to give you what you want.

  If only she could say it, tell him she’d give up everything for him.

  “Please believe me when I tell you I love you. I want you. I need you. Only you. Just give me time.”

  He growled, slamming into her harder.

  “Stop saying no to me. I’ll hurt you again if you say no. I won’t stop punishing you.”

  “It’s not no. I’m not saying no.”

  How could she make him understand she needed to settle things with her mother and with Theodus before she could be his fully? She couldn’t just leave without being able to talk things through with her father. And there was still Jax, she needed to have it out with him. There was so much she had to do.

  “I promise I’ll be with you. I’m yours. Please, let me deal with my present so you and I can have our future.”

  He released her hips, grabbing a hold of her shoulders and pulling her up, flush with his chest. His fingers trailed over her stomach, his mouth right next to her ear.

  “Do you need me as much as I need you?” His voice was soft, breath fanning across her cheek.

  “Te amo, Lucifer. Anima tua.” I love you, Lucifer. My soul is yours.

  She rarely spoke Latin unless it was for spell crafting. If he wasn’t going to listen to her in English, then perhaps he would take her seriously now. His fingers trailed lower until they brushed over her core.

  “Vos anima mea,” he replied. You are my soul.

  Tears welled in her eyes. He hadn’t exactly told her he loved her back, but what he had said meant more to her than those three words.

  His soul and mine are entwined.

  “I will give you time,” he whispered. “Keep your promise to me.”

  There were no more words. He thrust up into her over and over again, forcing her into accepting all of him as his fingers swept over her core. It sent jolts up her spine, but she held back, keeping a leash on her desperate need to find a release. He hadn’t said she could come.

  He cupped her chin, forcing her face back and kissing her. It was gentle, his tongue sweeping over hers. His tenderness was unexpected.

  “Come all over me, my little witch. Let me feel you.”

  The sweet release came moments later, tearing through her body, transporting her to somewhere she’d never been before. It was as if her soul had transcended to a higher place. Sparks formed in her vision. She could barely get enough oxygen into her lungs whilst it took hold, washing over every inch of her skin with exquisite bliss.

  She cried out his name. The harsh growl in her ear only made her spiral higher. Her hands gripped his arm around her waist, fingers and nails digging into his skin. There was nothing but the two of them. All she could feel was him wrapped around her, keeping her upright.

  Her head lolled on her chest when the trembles and aftershocks subsided. She was spent. Her skin stung in the places he’d hit her with the crop, but she couldn’t bring herself to give a damn. All she wanted was to curl up against his chest and fall asleep.

  My angel. My devil. My Lucifer.

  He’d told her she owned his soul. It never occurred to her that he might belong to her as she did to him until now.

  “Are you really mine?” she whispered.

  He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  “Yours. Hmm… perhaps, my little witch.”

  He is mine. I don’t need him to tell me if he’s not ready to admit it.

  “If you let me go, I think I’ll collapse.”

  He chuckled, the sound echoing around her skull. He swept her up into his arms and stood. Her head rested against his chest. She closed her eyes, savouring his warmth on her bare skin. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling his heart thudding erratically. He carried her from the room.

  When she opened her eyes again, they were in his bedroom and he’d placed her on his bed. He clicked his fingers, his clothes disappearing in an instant. Her mouth went dry at the sight of him.

  Fuck. I will never get over how stunning he is.

  “I can feel your desire from here,” he said. “Have you not had enough?”

  “If you heal me, I can take whatever you have to offer.”

  His lips curled up at the side, mesmerising dark eyes twinkling with mischief. Kneeling on the bed, his hands ran up her sides. She could feel his power washing over her skin. The sting of his whipping faded.

  “You already wear my brand. No need to wear the evidence of my passion for you all over your delicate skin.”

  She grabbed his hand, pulling him down towards her. Kissing him with tenderness, her fingers curled into his hair.

  I want to wear your passion. I want everyone to know I am yours. I don’t want secrets anymore. I’m not hiding how I feel about you.

  He pulled away only to settle next to her and tug her into his arms.

  “Mmm, tell me again what it is you feel.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you until you believe me?”

  “Who said I didn’t believe you.”

  She raised her head from his chest, staring up at him.

  “Do you trust me?”

  His fingers brushed over her cheek, adoration in his expression.

  “With all that I am.”

  Her heart did several backflips in her chest.

  “My heart, my body, my soul is yours. I love you.”


  “You didn’t have to come all this way with me,” Candace said.

  Lucifer stared down at the woman who utterly enraptured him, took his heart and soul and made it her own. Memories of her on her knees before him, asking him to punish her assaulted his senses. He struggled to maintain a straight face. Her skin had been red, bloody bruises all over her luscious behind from where he’d struck her.

  Fuck, all I want is to tear her clothes off again. When will it ever be enough?

  “Are you paying attention to what I’m saying?”

  Her voice brought him up short.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” he replied, running a hand through his hair.

  Tamping down on his insatiable need to have her, he reached for her. She let him tug her closer.

  “I said don’t you have Hell to rule?”

  “I already made an example of my subjects. No one will dare step out of line now. You are more important.”

  Her eyes roamed down the length of him before they stopped short at the unmistakable bulge.

  “Are you thinking about what happened yesterday?”

  Her tongue ran across her bottom lip.

  “How can I not?”

  “Well, now isn’t the time for sex and punishment. You can have all of that later when I come home.”

  His heart slammed against his ribcage.

  Home. Is my home hers too?

  She’d confessed all her feelings to him, but he still wasn’t sure she was really prepared to stay with him in Hell.

  “I don’t always wish to punish you, my little witch. You didn’t complain earlier.”

  Her cheeks stained red.

  Mmm, I worshiped every inch of her body with my tongue. I made love to her. Vanilla with her is just as exquisite as whipping her perfect skin and fucking her without restraint.

  “Quit it. I can’t focus with you saying those things and looking at me like you want to devour every inch of me. I need to decide who I speak to first.”

  That’s why he’d brought her back to Earth. She wanted time to resolve everything. And he didn’t want her to have to go through it all alone.

  “Perhaps you should start with the easiest conversation.”

  “That would be Dad. After all, when I talk to my mother, it means cutting all ties with the fae.”

  He cupped her cheek, noticing the turmoil in her eyes. What he was asking wasn’t easy for her. She’d told him everything last night, not leaving out any details. She looked down at their feet.

  “And, well, Dad kind of told me he wants to meet you. You don’t have to or anything.”

  He tucked a finger under her chin, forcing her face upwards. Her violet eyes were full of caution.

  “Are you afraid to ask me for things?”

  “No, I’m not scared of you. It’s just well, this isn’t exactly the most normal relationship. I mean it’s not as if I’m your equal. You’re an angel and well, I’m me. And—”

  He put a finger over her lips, silencing her.

  She doesn’t half look young when she’s flustered.

  For a minute, he wondered if he was really doing the right thing by asking her to stay with him. She might love him now, but would that last? Would she be able to handle a life in the darkness with him?

  “Candace, do you need a human term for what this is?”

  She nodded against his finger.

  “You are my lover. You are etched on my soul, my little witch.”

  She swallowed, staring up at him with surprise written all over her face. He smiled.

  She is beautiful and innocent of so much.

  He dropped his hand.

  “Oh. Well, I can’t tell my father I’m your lover. He said he’s on board with this, but that might not fly with him.”

  A bark of laughter erupted from his mouth. She grinned. He leant down towards her, stealing a kiss from her lips. It sent a wave of longing through him.

  Fuck. I need to have her before her father comes here or I won’t be able to control myself.

  His hands cupped her face and he backed her away to the sofa. She squeaked in surprise when he pressed her down onto it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need to fuck you, now.”


  “Shh, unless you want me to have a raging hardon for you when your father is here, I suggest you be quiet and let me.”

  Her eyes went wide, hand curling around his back.

  “Does that mean you’ll meet him?”

  “Yes, did you think I wouldn’t agree? I do want to steal his daughter away to Hell.”

  He leant down, kissing her neck. She arched up into him.

  “I’d hardly call it stealing when I agreed to come willingly.”

  “Mmm, so submissive and pliant. I wonder what else you’ll let me do to you without complaint. There is so much you don’t know about pleasure and pain.”

  He bit down, causing her to cry out. Her fingers dug into his back.

  “I want your skin blossoming for me. I love your screams, your moans, your whimpers.”

  “I’ll do anything you want. You know that.”

  Her voice was breathy, her pulse spiking. What he would give for time to stand still so he could fuck her until she bled for him. He tore open her blouse, buttons skating across the floor.

  “You have the most perfect skin.”

  He leant down, freeing her breast from her bra and biting down hard on her nipple. Her fingers threaded in his hair. He loved her touching him. He wanted her hands all over him. Next time, he’d let her have control, but for now, he wanted her submission.

, don’t tease. I need you,” she moaned. “Fuck me.”

  Oh, I will, my little witch. I’ll fuck you until you can’t take it and then I’ll fuck you some more. It’s time you understand what belonging to me really entails.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Lucifer leant against the dining room table, eying Gallian whilst Candace made tea for her father in the kitchen. He could see the faint resemblance between them. She had Gallian’s nose and the same sharp intelligence radiated from behind both their eyes.

  “So, you’re who my daughter cannot stay away from,” Gallian said, leaning back on the sofa.

  Candace gave both of them a warning look.

  She’s telling me to play nice. As if I wouldn’t.

  “All I ask is that you take care of her,” her father continued. “Make sure she’s happy.”

  All he wanted was to make his little witch happy. She didn’t always know what she needed, but he’d be there to show her. His eyes drifted over the sofa. Only half an hour ago, he had her pinned down, his head between her legs.

  Fuck, she tastes incredible. I need to get my mind out of the gutter, but fuck, if she doesn’t make me want her all the time.

  “I assure you, I care for Candace and will protect her.”

  Her violet eyes met his. They shone with appreciation and love. He’d never get over how open and willing she was when it came to him. How much she cared. And most of all, that she loved him.

  I’m not worthy of her love or affection for me. I’m selfish. Selfishly wanting her with me when her home is on Earth.

  “I’m just making sure. It’s not every day your daughter tells you she wants to forsake her duty and run off into the sunset with the Devil.”


  Lucifer smirked. Her father was merely trying to get a rise out of him. Candace was well aware that a life with him wasn’t going to be sunshine, romance and roses. He dealt in sin and punishment.

  “She will be safe and cared for.”

  Candace brought two mugs with her, giving one to her father. She looked between the two men, her expression conflicted. He put a hand out to her. She stepped towards him, holding the mug to her chest. He wrapped an arm around her waist, his hand clinging to her possessively.


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