Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2)

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Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

So beautiful.

  Once I opened my pants, I pulled my cock out, and in one thrust, I was balls deep within her tight walls and we were both moaning.

  The angle wasn’t right, so I moved us, pulling out of her, flipping her over so she was bent over the desk. After spreading the cheeks of her ass, I admired her pussy and asshole. Sliding back into her cunt, I groaned. We both did, and it was perfect. Holding on to her hips, I pounded inside her, going as deep as I could and fucking her harder than before.

  When I felt I was close to coming, I slowed down. Slicking up my fingers, I pressed them across her asshole, and she cried out. I pushed a finger against her tight ring of muscles, and she fought me at first. With my other hand, I reached between her thighs and found her clit, stroking over her as I teased her ass.

  I felt her answering pulse as her pussy tightened around my cock.

  “You know I’m going to fuck this ass one day, Emily. It’s going to be owned by all of us, just as you already are. We own you. You belong to all of us, and we’re not going to let you get away.” With that, I strummed her clit and pushed a finger in and out of her ass as I pumped inside her.

  I was so close, and when she came, screaming my name, I followed her over the edge, relishing every single pulse and wave.

  Emily had owned my heart and now, I was more than sure she’d taken possession of my soul.

  Chapter Six


  I ate breakfast on my own. River was there, but he didn’t eat. The rest of the day, we hung out. It was hard for me to be mad at him for so long. He kept me entertained even though inside I was freaking out.

  Caleb, Gael, and Vadik had all disappeared. I didn’t know where they’d gone.

  As I changed for dinner, alone, I recalled River’s warning.

  “You’re going to have to learn to keep hold of your shit in front of our men. If you don’t, it won’t take long for our enemies to discover we have a weakness.”

  He wanted me to treat them like kings. In this world, they were. They wouldn’t hurt me, but their enemies would make sure I suffered. It didn’t take a genius to work out the drill.

  Running fingers through my hair, I settled on a black dress. It had a low neckline and a slit up the side.

  I didn’t know why I want to get under their skin. They’d come and got me at the first opportunity, and that meant they hadn’t discarded me like I meant nothing. All the pain of the last seven years, it felt like it was for nothing.


  I didn’t want my happiness to come at a cost for her. I wasn’t a selfish person, or at least, I tried not to be. Ashley deserved to have a man who would love her, who would be completely devoted to her. Not a man who’d take her virginity and discard her.

  With my hands clenched into fists, I turned toward the door as it opened. Vadik was my new babysitter. He took in my hands.

  “You’re already angry with me?”

  “Not at you.” I opened my hands, hating how easy it was for me to get angry. I hadn’t felt this way in a long time.


  I nodded.

  “We’re going to get her back.”

  This made me laugh.

  “Don’t, Emily.”

  “I can’t help it. You don’t know where he’s taken her, and you’re telling me we’re going to get her back. Do you have any idea how stupid it sounds?” I asked.

  Vadik sighed. “He wants something from her.”

  “He could rape her to get it.” I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about this now.” My stomach chose that moment to start moaning in protest. I wasn’t going to stop eating.

  “I know you’re angry with us, but we will fix this.”

  “You shouldn’t have bargained with her life.”

  This time, Vadik laughed. “Look, you can be angry with us. We can all take it. You think we haven’t taken worse in the time you’ve been away?”

  I stared at him, my gaze wandering down his body, wondering if he had more scars than River or the same kind.

  “But don’t for a second believe we’re the good guys. We had to give you up, but none of us wanted to. After seven years, someone offered us a chance and we took it.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh again. “Yeah, you took it without truly understanding the consequences of what you’ve done.”

  He stepped up toward me. He gripped my neck and now he was kissing me. I couldn’t deny I relished their dominance. It sent a thrill down my spine. I liked them taking charge, taking me.

  I thought about River and Gael, now Vadik. None of them had wanted to know about the seven years between us. They just wanted me, craved me, and that was a heady experience. It almost made me not hate them. I did. I hated and loved them, and that was a bad combination to have.

  Like now, I wanted to do a lot of bad things with Vadik, but at the last second, just as I was giving in to my needs, he pulled away, creating a distance.

  “It’s time for you to have dinner.”

  Without waiting for me to respond, he took my hand and led me down the hallway, toward the dining room.

  I caught sight of the soldiers. There were a lot more of them than there had been this morning.

  As we got to the dining room, I paused. It was only me and my men. No one else. Dinner was spread on the table and at the click of Caleb’s fingers, he forced everyone else to leave so it was just us.

  The door closed and the sound echoed in the quiet room.

  Caleb stood, arms resting behind him. He had an air of authority. Even though we were all the same age, he seemed older, scarier, more dangerous. I didn’t know what had changed from yesterday to now, but seeing him standing in his castle, he looked totally different. The suit as well, it took me by surprise.

  His gaze ran up and down my body. I may as well have been naked.

  “You look beautiful.”

  With hands clenched into fists, I wasn’t going to succumb to his compliments.

  “Where’s Ashley?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Eat.”


  “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”

  “No one is watching us. I don’t have to show you respect. River gave me the drill of how it’s supposed to be.” I folded my arms. “Now tell me where my friend is.”

  He put his hands together. I noticed the large fingers and couldn’t help but wonder how many people he’d killed with those very hands. I shouldn’t have even cared and yet, here I was, wondering. They had all struck a deal with the devil to get me here. Ashley’s life was at stake.

  “You know, we’re the ones who saved her. You could have been on your own all this time.”

  “Cut the crap, Caleb. Where is she?”

  His smile forced me to take a step back, but then I straightened my spine. I wasn’t afraid of any of these men. I wouldn’t back down.

  The instant he took a step toward me, all I wanted to do was run and cover. I stayed perfectly still, even as he invaded my space. Neither of us was the same people. We were different.

  I waited.

  He reached out and took a stray curl, brushing it behind my ear. “We’ll find Ashley.”

  “That actually means you don’t have a fucking clue where she is.”

  He licked his lips and I hated myself for watching, for wanting him.

  I didn’t fight him as he gripped my waist, the first touch startling me.

  “Leave us,” he said.

  I glanced around the room to watch Vadik, Gael, and River each respond to his request.

  The instant the echo of the door sounded, I was pressed up against a wall his rock-hard cock against my stomach. I was shocked by just how hard he was.

  I wasn’t expecting it.

  “I’m not going to fuck you. Not with what you did to Ashley.”

  I thought he’d be angry, but instead, he merely laughed.

  “That’s okay with me. I can wait.” His face was pressed against my neck, and I gasped as
his tongue traced over my pulse. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve fucking waited to just hold you?”

  Only, he didn’t just hold me. His hands traced down my body, going to my hips, squeezing them tightly before reaching the hem of my skirt and slowly lifting it up. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him no, but I didn’t. I couldn’t believe I didn’t stop him even as he sank down to his knees, so he was right in front of my pussy.

  I was wearing panties, and with ease, he tugged them right out of his way.

  “I can handle you hating me right now, Emily. I expect it. You’re right. We did use your best friend for our own needs, and I’m not going to apologize for that. Especially when I don’t want to.” He groaned. “Look at this sweet pussy. It’s made to be fucked.”

  I couldn’t help but cry out as he spread my legs and his hand touched me right between the thighs. He didn’t linger. Instead, he spread the lips wide as he moved up, lapping at my pussy. His tongue tracing across my clit. At first, I clenched my hands into fists but then I had no choice but to sink my fingers into his hair as he moved his mouth over me.

  “No, this isn’t any good.”

  He pulled away from my touch, and within a matter of seconds, I was spread out on the dining room table like some festive offering. The top of my dress was pulled down, revealing my tits, which he cupped before sucking each bud into his mouth. His tongue traced across each mounded tip before biting down. Each touch set me on fire.

  All I wanted to do was tell him to fuck me, but I held the words which were locked in my throat.

  Caleb moved down my body and now that I was lying down, he could maneuver me into any position he liked. He gripped my ass, squeezing it tightly as his face pressed against my core and lapped up at my pussy.

  “You have no idea how many times I thought about this moment. About getting you right here, where I want you.”


  “I’m going to give it to you, baby. I promise.” His teeth caused a slight jolt of pain but rather than turn me off, it did the opposite. I couldn’t believe I’d already had sex today, but as Caleb pushed me toward another orgasm, I didn’t care how weak I was. It felt incredible. The way he touched me. The instant hit of attraction and need.

  I craved every single second of it.

  He didn’t stop. When I did finally come, I was shocked by such raw emotion that before I could control myself, I burst into tears.

  I expected him to run off. To tell me to get over it, but instead, I was wrapped up in his arms as we sat on a chair.

  “I know I’ve fucked up with you, Emily, and I’m sorry. I will find Ashley again. Dead or alive.”

  I tensed up.

  He helped me to my feet, cupped my face, tilted my head back, and brushed his lips across mine.

  I didn’t tell him to stop. I watched him leave and quickly rearranged my dress so I looked somewhat decent.

  It wasn’t long before Vadik, Gael, and River returned, but I’d lost my appetite. Without another word to them, I left the dining room, going straight to my room. I closed the door, pressing my fist against the hard wood.

  Seconds passed.

  Maybe even minutes before I finally stripped out of my clothes and climbed into bed.

  Pulling up the covers, I heard a clock ticking. I didn’t know if it was in my head or actually a clock in the room. Either way, it was mocking me. Ashley was in danger and I was lying in a beautiful bed, surrounded by the men who claimed to love me, while she was with a man only interested in her virginity. I was angry.

  I was enraged by the world and all the men in it.

  Even as I knew my anger had reached a new level, I couldn’t help but also be grateful that I was here, and that was the biggest guilt I carried. I was happy to be here, I just wished it hadn’t come at the price of my best friend.



  Our parents weren’t dead, per se. They may have wished to be after the hell and continued hell we put them through.

  I moved down the long corridor of the doctor’s office in Crude Hill, typing in the code that only my friends, a few trusted minions, and I knew. The door gave the sound of admittance. It was dark, and I flicked on the light, making my way downstairs to find my father, sitting in his chair.

  There didn’t need to be any changes. Their medication kept them perfectly docile. Completely lucid, but unable to do anything with their murdering thoughts. It was genius. Gael had come up with the idea. He knew a scientist guy who was working on a new formula. It was similar to the date rape drug, but we’d decided to buy the man instead to start making different kinds of chemistry, not the kind that hurt women.

  I always liked to wait until it was injecting time. When my father believed he had a chance of making it out of here alive. First, the drug would have to wear off completely. The design didn’t allow for a slow awakening of the body. One moment, it was completely numb, the next, it was alive and ready to do battle, but the transition could also make a person sick. I’d seen it all done. My daddy was a little guinea pig. If I hadn’t betrayed him and taken over his life and businesses, I believed he’d be proud of me. I’d finally found a way to keep my enemy from ever knowing a moment’s peace or happiness, and in return, it made me immensely happy. He was the only one down here, at my request. The others were put in separate rooms, visited when one of us wanted to play.

  I knew we were due for a visit. It had been a couple of days, and rather than take Emily against her wishes, I knew my father would be a good stress reliever. He’d take my mind off of actually wanting to have sex.

  After grabbing the chair, I dragged it to where he sat, turned it, and straddled the seat, resting my arms across the back as I watched him.

  He didn’t even twitch, but I knew he watched me.

  “I think it’s time we had a talk.” I got up, going toward the row of needles, all of them labeled. I grabbed the one that I knew worked, picked up his useless arm, and plunged it inside, spilling the right amount of medicine I needed to have a conversation with him, but not enough to wake up his body.

  I wasn’t afraid of my father. Far from it. I was the one who had helped to bring the daddies down here. Without me, we wouldn’t have been able to take over. It had been a battle, one I wanted.

  “Hello, old man,” I said.

  “I will fucking kill you.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. His threats weren’t needed here. “Really?”

  “One day, you’re going to make a mistake. You’ll forget and you can’t keep me down here forever.”

  “I know. One day, I intend to kill you, but I’m waiting for when you can feel the most amount of pain and not live through it. That’s all I’m waiting for. When that day comes, you’ll be set free to go to hell.”

  “And you think I’ll be going alone?”

  “I know there’s going to be a special seat in hell for me. I look forward to it.” I cracked my knuckles as I watched him. “She’s back.”

  He didn’t have any reaction. Even after all this time, my father was still sound of mind. No reaction, but I knew he was thinking, plotting, planning.

  “It can’t be going according to plan.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You’re here and not fucking your woman, or do you let your friends take care of the manly parts?”

  I didn’t react even though I wanted to.

  He chuckled. “Rather than be balls deep inside your woman’s pussy, you’ve come to see your old man. It makes one wonder what you fucked up on.”

  I stayed quiet. I knew better. He was trying to provoke me so I’d make a mistake.

  Not going to happen. I had this shit covered.

  I wouldn’t mess this up.

  “You know, when we had our woman, you were lucky we got any work done. We couldn’t get enough of her. She belonged to us.” He let out a sigh. “I wonder what she’d think of you doing this to me.”

  “Lucky for me, I don’t have to worry about
my mom coming back. I wonder what she’d have to say about you.”

  “She loved me,” he said.

  “Yeah, but what would she think of you taking away her son’s love. Huh? The threat you had to Emily.”

  “You think that threat is gone?” He laughed. It was a forced sound. “You think all those soldiers show you love and respect? You still have a lot to learn. All of you do, but like always, you thought you knew best, when the truth is none of you know shit.”

  “You think we don’t know that you’ve got men all around? We’ll find them all.”

  “No, you won’t. The thing about loyalty is it’s spread a little too thin all around. People have a tendency to jump when the ship appears to be wobbling. One of you will fuck up, and it’s going to cost Emily her life.”

  “Whatever deal you made to take her out of the picture isn’t going to happen. We’ve already got it covered.”

  This made my father laugh. I didn’t like the sound.

  “You’re a stupid, lovesick puppy. There’s only one person I know who would even deem to make a deal with you.” He stared at me, almost as if he could see right through me, and knew every single part. “Earl.”

  I didn’t like this, but rather than protest, I kept silent.

  “Yeah, he’d be the son of a bitch to make any kind of deal with you.” He coughed. I made a note to arrange for some more fluids. I didn’t want him to die on me all of a sudden, not when I had plans. “You’re a fucking stupid boy. The only thing that man ever wanted was a little virgin to play with. Seeing as you’re here and not fucking your cunt, I’d say he took someone of hers and now she’s pissed.” He laughed. “Well, I guess it had to happen. You had to fuck something else up that you’re not prepared for.”

  I got up and went back to the injections, finding the one I needed.

  I grabbed his arm, which was useless.

  “Go ahead, keep injecting me, but you better warn that scientist of yours that it will only be so long before this shit starts to have no effect. You’ll either kill me, or you’re going to die at my hands, Caleb.”

  I plunged in the needle and he was back to being nothing more than a living corpse.


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