Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2)

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Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Caleb stood, rounding the desk. “What can I do for you?”

  I licked my lips. “I wanted to apologize for everything.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I was angry. I still am. I … I’m sorry.”

  He folded his arms. “What is going on?”

  “I called Ashley.”

  His brows went up.

  “Drake, he er, he was able to find me her phone number. I used his cell phone, and yeah, Valentine was on the line.”

  Caleb turned away, grabbing his cell phone and pressing a button. “Get Drake in here now.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want the number. I haven’t been in contact with Earl Valentine. He should have come to me. I would have dealt with it.”

  “I’m trying to apologize.”

  “Emily, you don’t have to do that.”

  “No, I do. Look, I know this is going to sound awful. Drake wants me to fuck you and he did it because he got me that number, but I’m not actually here about that.”

  “Wait a minute!”

  “No, let me finish.”

  “Drake gave you an order to fuck me? He didn’t do this willingly?”

  I closed my hands together, trying to compose myself, but it was hard to do. Caleb was pissing me off, when I just wanted to apologize to him, to settle this once and for all.

  “Will you stop?”

  “No, no one tells you what to do.”

  “Apart from you and the others.”

  “It’s different. You’re ours.” He grabbed the phone again and I was starting to lose my temper. This wasn’t going how I wanted it to go.

  He was already on the phone with someone else, barking out instructions. None of them made much sense to me.

  Taking a step back, I headed toward the door, willing to call defeat, but I got to the exit and stopped. I wasn’t a quitter, not really.

  Closing the door again, I marched up to Caleb. As he talked, I grabbed the phone, throwing it away as I captured his face, drew him close, and kissed him. I thought he’d fight me, but he didn’t. His hands went to my shoulders, one sinking into my hair, kissing me back.

  I grabbed his shirt and tore it open. Buttons sprayed across the room in all different directions.

  “Wait, Emily, you don’t have to do this. I’ll kick Drake’s ass.”

  “No, you won’t. We’re doing this and then we’re going to work together to figure out how to help my best friend. That’s how this is going to work. Now you can either kiss me or I swear I will leave it another seven years before you ever see me naked, let alone fuck me.”

  Seconds passed after my threat.

  Which one was he going to pick?

  Me or dealing with Drake?

  Which one meant more to him?

  I waited.

  He turned toward me, kissing me deeply, but I wasn’t fooled. I knew he could be taming me, only the kiss didn’t stop. This wasn’t a rush, but a conquering.

  His tongue traced across my lips and I opened up.

  No more fighting.

  Drake was right. Caleb had done what anyone would do in his position. I would’ve sold my boys’ friends in a heartbeat without a moment’s thought, Drake especially. I couldn’t hate them forever. I’d only just gotten them back and I wasn’t going to lose them again.



  Drake’s demise was at the top of my list. I was going to kill him. No doubt about it, but as I kissed Emily and she responded, I couldn’t hate him. He’d given her back to me. Whatever he’d said to her, I was going to find out. When we were teenagers, Drake’s transformation was huge. The moment he killed his father, it was like the man stepped in to take care of the young boy, and because of that, he’d been a very valuable asset.

  He had a high number of kills under his belt and his ability to go to places undetected was why we’d put him in charge of Emily’s security detail. At least until we knew the full threat she faced at the hands of our fathers.

  I couldn’t get enough of her kisses.

  The office wasn’t the place I wanted to take her, but I didn’t want to move from this spot and risk someone ruining our little bubble.

  After picking her up, I dropped her onto the edge of my desk, throwing everything out of the way as I cupped her face and kissed her once again.

  This was going to be the first time of many.

  Her nails sank into my flesh and I shoved the skirt she wore up her thighs. At least she wasn’t wearing sweatpants any longer and had started to wear some of the clothes we’d purchased for her.

  She moaned as the tips of my fingers touched across her clit. She spread her legs even wider.

  The skirt wasn’t tight and flowed around her legs. I pushed the fabric of her panties aside and touched her aching core.

  When I’d watched Gael fuck her, I’d been out of my mind with jealousy and pleasure. I’d wanted to be with her, but if I could only watch until she forgave me, then that was what I was willing to do.

  I knew I was willing to do whatever it took to win this woman. My feelings for her hadn’t changed since high school. They’d gotten stronger, and now I had a brand-new determination not to lose her.

  She was ours.

  We’d do whatever it took to keep her.

  I pulled the shirt free of her skirt and slid it over her head, throwing it across the room. It didn’t matter where it landed.

  The bra was in the way. I didn’t care that it was lacy and looked sexy as fuck. I wanted her completely free and clear for me to play with.

  I craved her.

  With the bra gone, I pressed her tits together and flicked my tongue across each peaked nipple. They were rock-hard and she arched up, giving me better access to her body. I glided my tongue across one peak, then moved to the second before biting down on the hard bud.

  She moaned my name. Her legs spread.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about this? Wanted you here to fuck, to spread over my desk?”

  “Please, Caleb.”

  “Do you want my cock?” I asked.


  “Say my name.”


  “That’s right. It’s me. I’m going to be the one fucking you, taking you.” Sliding my tongue up her neck, I swirled over her pulse, sinking my teeth into her flesh. I wanted to leave my mark all over her, and that was all I could think about. She was everything to me, to us.

  Letting her go, I kissed down her body, paying more attention to her tits, before I went down even further. She lifted up enough for me to slide the skirt right off her hips and throw it to the floor. If it weren’t for the soldiers, I’d have her naked every single day.

  With her legs spread, I stared at her pussy. Wet, swollen, and I was hungry for a taste of her. I opened her lips and took my first lick. Swiping my tongue through her folds, I tasted her, and she was even better than I imagined. As I nibbled on her clit, I used my teeth, creating just enough pain. Then I soothed it out by swirling around her nub before going down to her entrance and teasing her there.

  I couldn’t get enough.

  Her pussy juices were all over my face and I lapped them up while my name was a constant mantra spilling from her lips.

  Plunging two fingers deep in her cunt, I felt her pulse around me. The moment I made her come, I was going to use my cock, but not a moment too soon.

  She wriggled on my fingers and I relished each pulse of her. Pushing my fingers in and out of her, I twisted them and stroked right where her G-spot was. Tantalizing her. This got her even wetter, and as I sucked on her clit, I knew she was close to coming. Rather than prolong her release, I took care of it, getting her off quickly.

  I was also being selfish. As much as I wanted to give her the best orgasm in the world, I also wanted to fuck her.

  I knew I wasn’t going to last and as she came, the pleasured sounds spilled from her lips, echoing around the room, and I didn’t wa
ste a second. I eased down my zipper, pulling my cock free from the tight confines of the clothes, and pressed the tip between her thighs. I plunged in and out of her before moving up to touch her clit with my tip. She was still in the throes of her orgasm. I was an expert at making a woman last, and I intended to make her as well, only, I couldn’t wait any longer.

  Gripping her hips, I slammed balls deep inside her, the tight heat of her cunt thrilling me, I held on to her hips in a death grip as I began to pound her. I wasn’t slow at all. I took what I wanted.

  Her pussy still was pulsing on my dick in little aftershocks of pleasure. I’d been waiting seven years for this. Seven long, exhausting, tiring years, and there was no way I could hold back. I fucked her hard and fast, but I couldn’t control my need for her. Slamming to the hilt within her, I came, spilling every single drop of cum inside her, probably flooding her cunt with a lot of my spunk. I needed to start using protection. I didn’t want her to die from a complicated pregnancy, like my mother did.

  I pressed my face against her tits and groaned.

  “Fuck,” I said. “Next time will be a lot longer.”


  “Don’t be a bitch.” I lifted my head.

  She chuckled. “I’m not being a bitch. Just wondering is all.” Her hand lifted as if she was going to touch me. I wanted her to. Slowly, she placed her hand on my cheek and stroked. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” I kissed the inside of her palm. “I’m going to get her back, Em. I promise.”

  “I know.”

  “You can still be angry with me.”

  “No, I can’t. Drake, even though he’s an asshole, he’s right. If this was the other way around, I would’ve done everything within my means to get you back. I know that. If it had been anyone else, I’d understand, but it’s Ashley. She’s a civilian, or as close to one as I can imagine.”

  I kissed her lips. “I’m going to get her back.”

  “But what if you can’t? What if he’s taken her far away and we can never find her?”

  “Baby, don’t underestimate who I am. I know how to get shit done and believe me when I say this, I’m going to get it done.” There was no way I was going to let Emily down. Ashley had been a means to an end but if her safety was what my woman wanted, her safety was what she’d get.

  Chapter Ten


  I was going over Emily’s security with Drake when Caleb came into the room, and without a single warning, clocked one of our best men right in the jaw. Drake would have seen it coming, but rather than defend himself, he took the punch. Interesting.

  “Don’t you ever fucking make a deal with Emily. Do you understand? Whatever you want, you get?”

  Drake rubbed at his jaw. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you?”

  “Not because of you.”

  “Oh, please. That woman was on her high horse and she needed a fucking wake-up call. Guess what? I provided it. Damn. You sure know how to hit.”

  Caleb lifted his fist. I didn’t make a single move to stop him.

  “You made a deal with Emily?”

  “It was an agreement, and in the long term, it helped your buddy out, but I guess he doesn’t like having his dick sucked.” Drake groaned. “I stated some facts to her. If she didn’t like it, it’s not my problem. Fuck.” He tested out his jaw. It wasn’t broken. “You going to kill me?”

  “I should.” Caleb looked ready to shoot him in the head.

  “Then get on with it, or if you don’t mind, I’m going to do my job and make sure she lives past you getting to Earl Valentine. Or do you want her brains splattered over the bedroom walls?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I raised a brow at my best friend. “You finally got your time with Emily?”

  “Are you slow?” Drake asked.

  I looked at Drake. All throughout high school, I hadn’t liked him. There were times I still didn’t. He acted without thought half the time, and he had a lot of parental issues. Whenever we had parents to deal with and took Drake along, it always got messy. I accepted it, but that didn’t mean I liked it.

  One thing I couldn’t deny, he was damn good at his job. Keeping Emily alive while we dealt with Valentine’s betrayal was something we needed him for.

  “In the past twenty-four hours, Drake’s gotten word of three men entering our town. They’ve got the appearance of tourists, but Drake’s not buying it. He’s gone to check them out, and they’re not tourists.”

  “How do you know?” Caleb asked.

  “I know how tourists act, okay? This is my job, to keep Emily safe, and I’m telling you, she’s at risk right now. Whatever deal you made with Valentine, either he did betray you, or your fathers have got some swing even from the inside. My suggestion is Earl helped you guys.” Drake pointed at the file he’d given me. He always liked to create files for his work. Of course, he also enjoyed getting a nice big reward for a job well done. I couldn’t fault him. His work was always flawless, for the most part at least.

  “If Earl hadn’t done his job, I believe we’d have already experienced multiple hits. Instead, we’ve got men traveling to our town. I think they are your fathers.”

  I didn’t like this. If it was one of our fathers, it meant someone within our team, which was an extremely short list, was betraying us.

  Caleb took the file from me and began to look over the report Drake had compiled. I’d give the fucker one compliment, he was always thorough and so far, he’d saved our asses multiple times. I often had to wonder why. Why did he want to save us when we’d hated his guts during high school? We still hated him at times, but still, I wouldn’t get rid of him just because I couldn’t stand him.

  “I want Gael and Vadik,” Caleb said. “They’re going to deal with these men. Drake, you’re on Emily watch, but this time, don’t piss her off, and don’t make any kind of deal with her. I can handle my own problems. River, you’re with me.”

  “We going to our fathers, or having the short list of traitors coming here?”

  “We’re going there, and they’re coming to us.” Caleb slapped the file into Drake’s hands. “Whatever she wants.”

  “And if she wants this body of mine?” Drake ran his fingers through his hair.

  “You’re begging for a beat down,” I said, already walking away toward my car. I was itching to stab something, anything. I didn’t like being betrayed. It left a bitter taste in my mouth, not to mention it also pissed me off in a big way.

  We’d worked hard to get where we were.

  Taking over from our fathers hadn’t been easy. We had to be united against them, and that had taken time. We’d had to kiss their asses, all while plotting to bring them down. We’d put our lives at risk every single day until we finally changed the allegiance of the soldiers and minions, and overruled our fathers. Our mothers were all off enjoying spa days and travel. I’d even sent Amelia, my sister, out of town for the foreseeable future. This was no place for young girls. They were never to set foot in Crude Hill again. If they did, we’d kill them. We had given them an out that no one within our world had ever been granted. Of course, they didn’t argue. Why would they?

  We knew what we were doing.

  After climbing behind the wheel, I started the engine as Caleb got into the passenger side. “You trust him?”

  “We’ve got no other choice,” he said, pulling on his seatbelt.

  I didn’t bother to put mine on.

  Pulling out of the parking space, I pressed on the gas and sped right up to the gates. I clicked the button I had installed in my car, and they opened. I drove past them and waited long enough for them to close. I didn’t like the thought of someone waiting for an opportunity to slip right past.

  It had happened once.

  A woman had gotten through the gates and been able to pass as a maid. She’d hidden in Vadik’s bathroom and he’d gotten a nice scar as she’d stabbed him. The woman in question had been a soldier’s m
other. She’d been pissed about his death sentence, and well, since then, we’d been a little more cautious with our own safety.

  Right now, my first priority was to make sure Emily didn’t die. I wouldn’t be able to handle her death and I couldn’t even handle the thought of it. We needed to make sure she never got hurt in any way.

  She meant everything to all of us. I didn’t want to lose her. Not for a single second.

  Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, I drove in silence toward our destination. Our fathers’ prison wasn’t too far from our own home. We’d designed it purposefully so we could be close to them at all times.

  Turning off the ignition, I climbed out and stared up at the house. On the outside, it looked like a beautiful, lavish estate. On the inside, death and decay clung to the walls.

  I flicked my keys as I followed Caleb to the door leading to the basement. He keyed in the code, and I turned, looking around. Something caught my eye as the door opened, and I grabbed Caleb’s arm.


  “What for?”

  “When did we install security leading into the bastards?” I pointed my finger at the camera. It rested between two exposed posts.

  Caleb took a step toward it. It was a little too high but the angle was perfectly placed for the door.

  Neither of us could reach it. Caleb looked around. Finding a plank of wood, he used it to poke the camera through and I caught it before it could smash.

  It wasn’t one of ours. I would’ve recognized it.

  “Someone’s been here,” Caleb said. “Fuck. Is there any way of finding out how long that has been here?”

  “Nope. We need to get this back to Gael or Vadik. They’re the only ones of us who know their way around a computer.”

  “And Drake. He was able to get Ashley’s phone number for Emily.” Caleb looked toward the door.

  I stared at the camera then at the door. “Wait, didn’t you say you came here the other day?”

  “I did.”

  “Did you see the camera?”

  “River, I wasn’t exactly looking.”

  Dropping the camera, I took off, heading toward the stairs, charging down them so fast I nearly fell, but I caught myself.


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