Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2)

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Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2) Page 19

by Sam Crescent

  We’d proven time and again we couldn’t lose her.

  We were the ones who had fucked up when it came to Emily. We put her life in danger rather than taking care of our dads when we had the chance.

  Two were left.

  Some men might have felt a slight bit of remorse at their parents dying. Not me. I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

  Marshall Keller had taken the only thing that had any meaning to me. He’d put me through hell, and for that, I could never forgive him. Seeing his dead body tonight had filled me with pleasure to know he was dead and he could never hurt me or my loved ones again.

  I heard Gael’s moan of pleasure, and Emily got to her feet, moving toward me. The bruises around her neck angered me. The smile she gave me, though, that was worth everything in the world.

  She came toward me, and I didn’t care that she had Gael’s cum on her tongue. I pulled her close and kissed her. Sliding my hand down to her ass, I lifted her and placed her on the edge of the bed. Her hands were already on my trousers, opening up the belt, then sliding down the zipper. I’d been touching myself but through my pants. I wanted to show some kind of control, but it had been for nothing.

  As if I could ever really have any kind of control with this woman.

  The instant she pulled my cock out of my pants, I felt so much fucking relief it was unreal.

  I closed my eyes, basking in the few seconds of pleasure, and then it was torture as she worked up and down my cock.

  Swatting her hand out of the way, I moved to her cream-filled pussy.

  River’s cum was already spilling down her thighs, and there was no jealousy. She was ours. She belonged to each of us.

  Finding her entrance, I pushed inside, feeling her sweet walls come around me.

  She’d been fucked with River’s cock, and she was still tight, but she was even wetter. River had gotten her prepared to take us. Gael had wasted his chance by having her mouth, but damn, she did have a pretty set of lips. Taking possession of her mouth again, I kissed her deeply as I fucked her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  I’d heard her say the words to each of the men. I wasn’t sure if they heard her confession and as I rode her pussy, I didn’t care. All I cared about was having her, taking her, loving her, fucking her.

  What I wanted more than anything else was to fill her cunt with a baby. I craved control of her in every single way that counted.

  I wasn’t trying to control her with getting her pregnant under the belief she’d never leave. No, what I wanted was to see her heavily pregnant with our baby. To get started on the next generation of Monsters.

  I felt the first stirrings of my orgasm and I pulled back enough to begin teasing her pussy. I ran my fingers over her clit, feeling the answering pulse around my dick. She moaned my name and I continued to tease her, loving the way she closed her eyes and arched up against me.

  She was so close, but I wanted to feel her come on my cock.

  Thrusting into her, I took my time, and after a few strokes of her clit and my cock within her, she came. With how good it felt, it set off my own orgasm. I continued to stroke her clit, joining her in release as I came hard, flooding her cunt with my arousal.

  I closed my eyes, seeing stars and knowing in my heart of hearts, we were going to make it.



  I felt responsible for the bruises around her neck. The truth was, when it came to Emily, I had to protect her. I’d lived without her for seven years and that had been a nightmare. Living with her dead couldn’t happen. I wasn’t my dad. There was no future for any of us. No heir to bring into this world if we didn’t have Emily.

  I’d fucked up, I knew that.

  Emily wasn’t a woman to protect. She didn’t want to be pushed into a corner, nor did she like being treated as if she’d break.

  Vadik stepped away from her and I moved to her, stepping between her thighs. She was still coming down from her orgasm.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  She offered me a smile. “Then don’t do it again. Promise me.”

  “I promise I won’t dump you in your room, but I will do whatever I can to protect you.”


  “I accept that you’re going to be pissed. I do. I love you more than anything else in the world. You know that.” I stroked her cheek. “I didn’t know it was possible to even feel this way, but like always, you take me by surprise.”

  “I’m not angry at you anymore. Stop spoiling this and fuck me already.” She winked at me and sat up, but I pushed her down to the bed.

  If she wanted to be fucked, then I was more than happy to oblige.

  I flipped her over so she went to her knees. I admired the curves of her ass, spreading the cheeks wide. I’d been planning to take her ass, but one look at that juicy pussy, and I knew where I wanted to go.

  After sliding my trousers down, I worked my length, already feeling like a randy teenager, ready to spill into her waiting cunt.

  Pressing my tip to her entrance, I slowly slid in deep. I didn’t care about River or Vadik taking their pleasure within her. All of our cum deep within her was where it was supposed to be.

  Her pussy was still having little aftershocks of pleasure and I closed my eyes, enjoying them as they worked my cock like a pretty little vise.

  This was the fucking dream.

  With my grip on her hips, I started to work in and out of her, going deep, then pulling out.

  My dick was coated in their releases and it turned me on. I couldn’t keep up my control and it took only a matter of minutes for me to increase my pace and start to fuck her harder and faster.

  The sound of our moans and slapping bodies filled the air. I didn’t want this moment to end. I watched her take all of me. Her pussy was designed to take all of us, I just knew it, and tonight, she proved it.

  I fucked her harder.

  I was so close.

  To make it last, I tried to find thoughts that would dampen my arousal, but nothing came to mind. The pleasure, all of Emily, she consumed us all in the best possible way. She’d come back to us, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would forever belong to us.

  There was no way this couldn’t not work. Staring at my family, and Emily, Gael, River, and Vadik, they were mine as I was theirs. Nothing would ever tear us apart, and I certainly wouldn’t let it.

  The moment we found our parents, I was going to finally fucking end them. Only two left, and then, the rest of our lives.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever been this happy. As I stared across the room at Caleb, I felt the smile on my lips. This happiness didn’t grow on trees and it wasn’t inbuilt into anyone. This came about because … I was finally happy here with my four men. It helped having Ashley around, but Gael had told me on more than one occasion that Earl wanted to leave. He was tired of sticking around, and part of me couldn’t exactly blame him. Who would want to stay in this shitty town?

  I paused in my reading and wondered if I wanted to leave. Growing up, all I envisioned was leaving town, getting out of here, but in truth, that was getting away from the lifestyle of everything we knew.

  Tapping my fingers on the book, I glanced over at Caleb. He was writing something down.

  “Did you ever think about leaving town?” I asked.

  He looked up. “Why would I want to do that?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. This isn’t exactly the best of towns.”

  He chuckled. “It’s our home, Emily. Here, we don’t have to hide.” He put his pen down. “I have thought about it, though. Getting up. Leaving. Not looking back. I do think about it regularly.”

  “What stops you?”

  “I’m not one of these men who can pretend for shit,” he said. “I don’t want to rub shoulders with a society I don’t trust or believe in. To me, they’re the ones living a lie. Here, we’re the truth. It’s cold, fucking
harsh, but it’s the truth.”

  “Wow,” I said.

  He got up from his seat and moved around the desk, coming straight to the sofa. A petty part of me wanted to scootch on over to stop him, but I restrained myself. I played the good girl role and watched him.

  Caleb sighed as he sat down. “We’re all killers here, Emily. You know what we have to do. The deals we make. The risks to our lives every single day and we do it willingly. Out there, living a nine-to-five job, pretending I don’t know about this, I couldn’t do it. I was born and raised to be who I am today.” He reached out, stroking a curl back. “I thought you understood?”

  “I do. Of course, I do. I don’t want you to change. I’d never want that. I just figured you’d want something else.”

  I waited as he seemed to think about my answer.

  “I guess I’m kind of boring. There’s nothing in this world I’ve ever wanted more than to have you.” He leaned in close and kissed my lips.

  “Well, you’ve got me. Let’s hope you never, ever get bored.” I laughed, only partly joking.

  “Marry me.”

  This made me stop, and I stared at him as if he was completely crazy. “What?” There was no way I heard that correctly.

  “Marry me, Emily. Make all of us happy men.”

  “How does me marrying you make them happy men?”

  “You want us, we want you. I’m the one who appears in charge. It always looks good on paper.”

  “Do the others know that you’re asking me this right now?”

  “Of course.”

  I turned to see River entering the office. He held a knife in one hand and a half-eaten apple in the other.

  Gael and Vadik were not too far behind him. They were also eating. Vadik handed Caleb a sandwich, while Gael gave one to me.

  “Eat up. You’re going to need your strength.”

  I stared down at the sandwich, not knowing if I had the appetite for it. Could I eat it?

  Of course, I took a large bite. The largest one of all, chewing on the food, but I didn’t swallow. Just kept chewing.

  “You can answer me whenever you like.”

  “I didn’t think we were ever going to get married. There are way too many people at this party.”

  At least Vadik laughed at my reasoning.

  “It makes perfect sense to us. You’ll wear a ring of all of our choosing, but you’ll also be wearing something all of us pick out.” River reached into his jacket pocket, got up from the arm of the chair where he was perched, and handed me a long, rectangular box. At first, I looked at it as if it was going to hurt me, which was silly. There was no way anything could hurt me.

  Opening the box, I saw a gold bracelet. There was a love heart on the end near the clasp.

  “This is what I want you to wear. Caleb said he was going to ask you to marry him today. I wanted to be ready.”

  “You thought about this?”

  “We all did.” Gael came to me next, handing me a small square box. Inside lay a pair of pearl earrings. They were so beautiful. Tears filled my eyes.

  Vadik was next. This was a thicker-shaped box and when I opened it, a pendant necklace waited for me. “We want you to wear all of these for us,” he said. “If you’d take us. Caleb will provide you with the ring, and well, you’ll have a part of each of us.”

  The tears that had filled my eyes spilled over and down my cheeks.

  “I thought a marriage proposal was supposed to make women happy?” Gael asked.

  I burst out laughing. “I am happy, you idiot. I just … I’m a little speechless. I don’t know what to say.”

  “A yes or no is a good thing,” Caleb said. “I’d at least like to add something to your collection.”

  I looked at my men and I nodded, spilling the word yes. I never wanted to lose them and there had been way too many circumstances leading up to me losing them. Nearly dying being the biggest one.

  One by one, they each placed their item on me. Caleb came last, sliding the engagement ring onto my finger.

  “I … I love you all so much,” I said.

  “And we love you.” They each pulled me into their arms, giving me a kiss, and I fell even deeper in love.

  At first, loving all of them had made me a little uncomfortable. It wasn’t exactly right, but now, I really didn’t give a shit. In fact, I wanted to share the news.

  “Can I go and tell Ashley?” she asked.

  “Sure.” Caleb pulled his cell phone from his pocket and I moved out of the way to dial my best friend.

  The happiness I’d felt at the beginning of the day had only grown into a fever pitch. Nothing could take this away from me.

  Ashley answered on the third ring and she was more than excited with the news. What was more, she was also thrilled to be helping me plan my wedding.

  I was getting married to four amazing guys. I didn’t know how I actually got so lucky.



  A couple of days later

  “I hear congratulations are in order?” Earl Valentine looked at me across the last abandoned building my father and Gael’s father had burned down. While Emily had been high on our proposal, we’d been dealing with the mess my father liked to leave behind.

  The man was a fucking menace. He really pissed me off. Ever since Earl had been able to retract the hit on Emily’s life, and placed it on my father’s, they’d evaded us at every turn.

  Only two left, but it seemed they were stealthier than I gave them credit for, which only served to piss me off even more.

  Running fingers through my hair, I paced back to my car.

  “Don’t worry, Ashley has already told us we’ve got an invitation.”

  “I’m not interested in making small talk with you.”

  “No, but you’re always interested when I can help you.”

  I glared at him. “Do you have a natural way of pissing people off?”

  “You tell me.”

  “You promised me you’d help me.”

  “I have by far exceeded my part in this agreement.”

  “Then why are you sticking around?”

  “I’m not an idiot. If Daniel and Dean actually pull this off and get the drop on your woman, and you four, which I didn’t think was possible but now I’m more convinced of it than ever, who do you think they’re coming after next?” He tilted his head to the side. “I’m not sticking around for the thrilling company, Caleb. I’m here to clean up a loose end. The fact he can do this in your town simply means you don’t have as much control as you think.”

  I rammed my fist into his face. I didn’t need to hear all of my shortcomings, and especially from this prick with a virgin complex.

  “You can fuck off out of my town the moment you like. I don’t want nor do I need you here, you piece of shit. You’re nothing and I don’t want you here causing trouble.”

  My punch had sent him to the ground and he released a chuckle. “You need to learn to keep a hold of your temper.” He got to his feet.

  I’d had enough. Rather than punch him again, I left him alone and went to my car. We’d driven together. Gael, Vadik, and River were each handling different assignments I’d given them. Just because Emily was back didn’t mean our business had ended. We still had money to collect, punishments to dole out, and statements to make.

  Our fathers were always busy dealing with their reputation. In no way could the Monsters’ Crew fall. That was always the name of the game. I had thought my father overreacted when I was younger, but now, I knew the truth. I knew what the world was capable of, and we were the biggest targets all the time.

  Drake was the one who constantly kept our asses safe.

  Earl climbed into the passenger seat of the car. “We know they’re in town.”

  “Of course, they’re in fucking town,” I said. “The moment they leave, they’ve got plenty of hits on their head, and there’s not a fucking thing we can do about it.” I was so pissed off. Angry, in fact. The
y were teasing us, just like we’d played with them. This was a game to them.

  They weren’t even burning down or destroying buildings of any real value. What they were doing was complete and total horseshit. They needed to be stopped. I didn’t know how I was going to do it.

  When I arrived home, Earl followed me inside.

  The entire house was quiet. Guards were still at the doors and they acknowledged me as I passed. I immediately went to my office and to my drinks table. The only way to come back from this was to have a nice, hard, stiff drink.

  “Are there any places you haven’t looked?” Earl asked.

  “Be quiet.”

  “Be careful how you speak to me, boy. A little respect goes a long way. Remember, I didn’t have to come to you.”

  “I seem to recall threatening to blow your fucking boat up,” I said. “And you were in shark-infested waters. I don’t think you would’ve lasted long.”

  He laughed. “Do you think that scares me? I know for a fact you wouldn’t have done that.”

  “And why is that?”

  The smile on his face made me want to punch him again. There was only a slight reddening from the blow I’d landed on him less than an hour ago. I was starting to think this prick was invincible.

  “Ashley. You can hate me all you want, but I knew what she meant to Emily, and there was no way you were going to allow anyone to hurt her. Least of all yourself.”

  “Do you think I couldn’t have covered it up?” I asked.

  “You could, but you see, that would have made you a liar. I’ve seen the way you look at that woman, and it’s with stars in your eyes. Always.” He laughed. “Be careful, people may start to see you as weak.”

  “What do you think they see you as?”

  “Because of my need to have an innocent woman?” Earl asked. “The difference between me and you is I don’t care. I take what I want, the consequences be damned.”

  “I wonder if you’ll feel this way when you fall in love,” I said. I didn’t care if he loved Ashley or not. I’d already made the necessary arrangements for when he tossed her aside like trash. I knew deep in my heart Emily would never forgive me. It meant Earl was right. I’d never do anything to hurt her, and purposefully killing her best friend wouldn’t exactly win me rewards. I had to be smart when it came to Emily. Win her over the only way I knew how, and that was to be honest with her.


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