Gillis watched as all those thoughts passed through my mind. His eyes darted across my face. He seemed to be reading my mood and mind as the rest of us read from a page.
“I have something that I cannot read,” Gillis said at length. “And I would not subject Yiseyo to reading it for me.”
He pulled out a crumpled page written in Gweidorian script. It was like a trader’s manifest, but in place of goods were names—Yiseyo’s was among them. They were the names of the villagers that had been taken from the village all those years ago.
“It is them. Perhaps all of them,” I said, nearly breathless.
“As I thought.”
“But it does not say where any of them might be.”
“You will need help, then.”
I looked at him. It had not been a question.
“I think,” Gillis said, with a strange gleam in his eye. “That, should I leave, Yiseyo could run the inn well enough without me.”
For the first time in five years, I smiled.
About the Author
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Twitter: @timothyscottcu1 “The Stickynote Writer”
Subreddit: /r/storyandstyle
Cover art: Dane Low @
Editing: Josiah Davis @
Marketing services: Stuart Thaman @
The Tyranny of Shadows Page 24