Snowden the White Dragon

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Snowden the White Dragon Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil


  As Ashley neared the village, she could see smoke rising from its center. A building was on fire! She kicked Spirit’s side urging him to run faster as they reached the outskirts of the village.

  The narrow streets flew by as Spirit ran the last few hundred yards toward the center of the village. Ashley could smell the smoke and see the rising flames from the fire. As they reached the street where the general store was Ashley saw that the store itself was on fire as well as the buildings on each side of it.

  Looking into the street, she saw the Sorensons and her male family members. The fight was nearly over!

  Ashley reined in Spirit and slid off her horse. Her father and both of her uncles were lying on the ground in front of the burning general store, unconscious. Mason and Justin were also lying on the ground, moaning loudly in pain. Only Stephen and Todd were still standing.

  Even as she watched, Edward threw a massive fireball at Todd and Stephen. Todd raised his hands and deflected the fireball away. Stephen stood behind Todd, fear on his face, not knowing what to do. Concentrating for all that he was worth, Stephen threw a smaller fireball back at Edward. The other Sorensons were standing slightly behind Edward watching his display of power.

  Edward laughed with a sneer on his face as he caused the fireball to dissipate. “That’s pitiful, Stephen.”

  “Shut up, Edward,” Todd spoke, anger on his face and his eyes glaring at his older brother.

  Edward grinned and tossed an even larger fireball at Todd and Stephen. Todd put his hands up in desperation, invoking one last frantic spell. The fireball flared up around the two and finally dissipated. The two boys collapsed to the ground.

  “Stop,” screamed Ashley, running over to Todd and Stephen, bending down to see how badly they were hurt.

  “What do we have here?” Edward said derisively with a mocking laugh. “This isn’t like back in Glendon, Ashley. This doesn’t involve you.”

  “Step back, young lady,” ordered Jacob, stepping up next to Edward. He didn’t want to hurt a girl, even if that girl was the daughter of his enemies.

  “Get back, Ashley,” mumbled Todd, feeling weak from the exertion of his sorcery. He tried to stand back up, but he had no strength in his legs. “There’s nothing you can do.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” replied Ashley, standing up and facing the Sorensons.

  “What are you going to do?” Edward spoke with a taunting laugh. “Throw hair ribbons at us?”

  “You should have stayed out of Plainview,” Ashley replied in a calm voice.

  “You dare to threaten us?” commented Jacob, shaking his head in disbelief. Kensett and the other Sorensons laughed. A mere girl was threatening them that was hilarious.

  With a determined look upon her face, Ashley reached up and pulled her dormant light blue amulet out from beneath her blouse. It suddenly flared up with a brilliant light.

  “Damn, she’s a sorceress!” Kensett warned, his eyes growing wide in disbelief.

  “Edward, take her now!” Jacob spoke. Something didn’t feel right about this. He couldn’t believe that Harmon had violated the rules and taught his daughter sorcery.

  A sudden blast of hurricane strength wind struck the Sorensons. They were forced back against the building behind them. With disbelief, they found themselves pinned against the wall. Only Edward managed to remain standing, his hands held out in front of him, warding off the wind.

  “How dare you!” Edward screamed in anger. With a quick gesture, he hurled a massive fireball at Ashley.

  With a confident smile on her face, Ashley took control of the fireball away from Edward. She stopped it and then hurled it back.

  With a panicked look on his face, Edward just managed to dissipate the massive fireball before it struck him. “You can’t be this strong! It’s not possible!”

  “Leave our village now and don’t ever come back,” Ashley ordered. She held her amulet threateningly in her left hand. The glow from her amulet was so bright that it was difficult to look at.

  Todd looked on in shock as he struggled to sit up. It took all of his strength just to reach a sitting position. He gazed in amazement at the brightly glowing light blue amulet in Ashley’s hand. Then he turned his eyes away to stare at his father and Edward.

  “The dragon,” Jacob yelled frantically, still pinned to the wall from the powerful wind Ashley was still controlling. “Call your dragon.”

  Dragon? Ashley thought. Then, with sudden realization, she knew where Braxam had been hiding. The Sorensons, or more precisely Edward, had found and taken control of the brown dragon.

  “Snowden!” Ashley thought intensely at the sleeping dragon beneath Beaver Mountain. “Braxam is coming to Plainview. Edward Sorenson has control of him. That’s why you couldn’t find him.”

  “I’m coming, Ashley,” the words suddenly burst into Ashley’s mind. “Don’t use your sorcery against Braxam. I will handle him.”

  Edward stood in front of Ashley with a smirk on his face. He had stopped trying to use his sorcery against the young woman. The dragon would finish off the Andrews. Just the sight of it should frighten them into submission. He would see how Ashley responded to the dragon. He fully expected to see her run off screaming.

  Ashley was satisfied to maintain the status quo. Todd and her brother managed to stand up and now stood behind her.

  “You’re a sorceress,” Todd spoke in shock. He had just witnessed Ashley take on the entire Sorenson clan and win! Only Edward still stood, and he had stopped using his sorcery.

  “Yes,” Ashley responded not daring to turn around. She knew that Braxam could be here at any moment. She hoped Snowden was hurrying.

  “Let the Sorensons go,” her father spoke as he struggled to his feet and stumbled over to stand next to Ashley. He was breathing hard, and his face looked bruised. “Maybe they will listen to reason now.”

  Mark and Robert were also trying to stand. Both had looks of confusion on their faces as they gazed at Ashley and then at the Sorensons.

  “I doubt it,” Ashley replied. “Edward has summoned Braxam. Evidently he has control of the dragon.”

  “Braxam,” Harmon uttered not liking the sound of that. He had never considered that the Sorensons might have the other dragon.

  Moments later, a large shadow passed over Ashley. Looking up, she saw a massive brown dragon. The dragon landed in the street close to Edward. With worry, she saw that Braxam was bigger than Snowden.

  With a quick motion of her hand, she released the other Sorensons. Everything now depended on Snowden. “I’m nearly there, Ashley.”

  Jacob walked angrily over to stand directly in front of Harmon. “You taught a girl sorcery!” he screamed, his eyes raging with anger. “That’s against the rules; girls aren’t allowed to learn. Now all of you are going to pay for what you have done!”

  “I don’t think so,” Ashley spoke with a sudden smile appearing on her face. It was at that moment that Snowden landed directly in front of Braxam, causing the Sorensons to scatter. Even Edward stepped back in surprise.

  Jacob’s mouth dropped open as he gazed at the white dragon. Looking over at Edward, he saw that his son had a look of confusion, and possibly fear, on his face.

  Braxam took one look at Snowden and then let out a loud roar. Ashley thought it sounded strange; it didn’t sound threatening. Looking at Braxam, Ashley could swear the dragon looked excited at seeing Snowden.

  “It’s over,” Snowden spoke in Ashley’s mind. “Braxam is happy to see me. He has been so lonely. He thought the only other surviving dragon was Gilmreth.”

  Both dragons turned to gaze at the Sorensons. Braxam opened his mouth and roared his displeasure at being used by Edward. A jet of orange-red dragon flame poured forth, striking the ground warningly next to Edward. He jumped back in panic, nearly loosing his balance.

  Harmon stepped forward and motioned towards Jacob. “The dragons are under our control, as it should be. They are not dangerous creatu
res, but they are not to be trifled with. My family has protected Snowden for generations.”

  Jacob could only nod; the two dragons frightened him. He knew they had lost; there was no way his family could stand up to both dragons plus Ashley. The young girl’s sorcery was as strong as Edwards, perhaps stronger.

  “What do you want?” he finally stammered, his eyes on the two massive dragons.

  “You may retain control of your section of the valley as always,” Harmon spoke evenly. “Glendon, the roads, and the passes will be left free and not under your influence. You will also not threaten or harm the people on your side of the valley.”

  Jacob could only nod his head in agreement. His family’s desire for absolute control of the valley was at an end. Motioning toward the other members of his family, they turned and made their way toward their horses. Edward followed behind, knowing he had been beaten by a girl.

  “You’re just going to let them ride out?” spoke Robert, frowning. “They should be made to pay for what they tried to do.”

  “They are,” responded Mark, looking over at Robert. “They lost control of Glendon, the roads, and the passes. Their plans for us have been shattered. I don’t think we will have any more trouble with the Sorensons.”

  Ashley watched the Sorensons ride out. As soon as they were out of the village, Snowden and Braxam took to the air. “Thank you,” a new voice entered her mind.

  “You’re welcome, Braxam,” responded Ashley, concentrating on the brown dragon.

  “We’re going to go flying for awhile,” Snowden said in a pleased voice within Ashley’s mind. “Then we will be going to my lair. We have much to catch up on.”

  Ashley smiled as she watched the two dragons climb high into the sky. Then she turned around and looked at the rest of her family. Todd, Uncles Mark and Robert, as well as her cousins Mason and Justin were staring at her in amazement.

  “I guess you have some questions,” she said with a smile on her face. The threat from the Sorensons was over, and Braxam had been reunited with Snowden. Then, looking seriously at Todd, she said, “I’m sorry for keeping so much from you; can you forgive me?”

  Todd was silent for a moment. Then a big smile spread across his face. “You have to tell me everything, and I definitely want to meet the dragons. Of course I forgive you!”

  Todd stepped forward and pulled Ashley toward him. Their lips met in a long, passionate kiss.

  “Hmm,” she heard her father say. Stephen just started laughing. It was going to be a great day in Plainview and the rest of the valley.

  The End


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  Turn the page for an introduction to Gilmreth the Awakening.



  Deep below the snow-covered mountain, the ancient dragon stirred lethargically in its cold, dark lair beneath the mysterious, towering mountain called Firestorm Mountain. Upon the high, stony ceiling of the dragon’s lair dripping water had leached lime from the ancient stone of the mountain, forming grotesque and distorted stalactites. Upon the tips of these, water condensed into small droplets to plummet away into the blackness below.

  The occasional falling water drops echoed in the vast chamber as they struck the small pool on the cavern’s floor. It was the only sound other than the shallow breathing of the sleeping dragon. Upon the surface of the pool, shallow ripples raced as they formed after each splashing droplet.

  Small white fish, which had adapted to feeding in the dark, prowled the coal black water. The small, turbid fish spent their lives feeding upon the few sparse aquatic plants and microscopic organisms that thrived in the pool’s dark depths.

  In ancient times, the sleeping dragon had been the largest and most fearsome of its kind. It was a specter of deadly power, with flame spouting from its mouth to scorch the helpless earth below. The dragon’s flame turned everything it touched into black, smoldering ashes, leaving behind an unearthly, sterilized wasteland.

  For untold centuries, the ageless dragon spread fear and death as it ranged the world, searching for sustenance to feed an ever-growing ravenous appetite. Defenseless village after village fell victim to the dragon’s unending hunger. They were burned to the ground with their populations decimated, leaving the survivors fleeing in small groups in unashamed terror and shock.

  The dragon was all-powerful, and no power upon the Earth could threaten or stop it. Anyone that stood in its path met a horrendous and agonizing death from the dragon’s unforgiving fiery breath or its deadly talons.

  Other dragons had once existed, but these Gilmreth had killed one by one, feeding on their powerful life force. Even this hadn’t satisfied the dragon’s ever-growing craving for sustenance. A life extending force that humans seemed to satisfy more than any other creature upon the Earth and then only briefly. For that reason, Gilmreth fed in an uncontrolled frenzy upon humans, gorging himself on the life force he desired so fervently.

  A faint rumbling reverberated through the immense cavern, an indication of an avalanche of loose dirt, rock, and snow upon the steep, frozen slopes above. Sluggishly forcing open one large, yellowish-red eye, its horizontal pupil a dark slit of the deepest black, Gilmreth shifted his ponderous weight before succumbing back into a deep, nearly dreamless, slumber.

  For a brief moment, the dragon’s massive, evil heart had beaten a little faster, its cold blood pumped through its veins a little quicker. A partial thought had formed in the dragon’s ravaged, demented mind before everything returned to never ending, unconquerable darkness. Inside the creature, the deep burning fire had briefly flared, then lessened. It had never been completely stilled. Gilmreth’s dark, grayish wrinkled skin had the look of coarse, dry leather. The dragon’s massive wings lay folded about the great sleeping beast. Its tail, with poisonous twin red barbs, was laid out behind, ready to strike at any danger.

  For over a thousand years, the dragon had slumbered quiescently. Gilmreth was held captive by an incantation cast upon the deadly dragon by the world’s last great sorcerer. The ancient enchantment was finally beginning to weaken. When it weakened sufficiently, the dragon would awake and rise to feed.

  Up above, only in fading legends were dragons still remembered. Their stories told quietly, almost hesitantly around a late night campfire, or whispered nervously between weary travelers staying at the small inns in the few remaining villages and towns. Most of humankind questioned dragons ever existing, and the mastery of sorcery had become a myth a mere legend.

  The greatest of these ancient legends was the story of Gilmreth, the most deadly and the last of the immortal dragons. Over the fleeting centuries, even that fearsome legend had gradually dimmed. Gilmreth had become a fairy tale. A fairy tale that, unknown to most of humankind, slept in the dark, protective depths of Firestorm Mountain, waiting to awaken. That time was growing near. Sometime in the near future, the sleeping spell would lose its powerful hold on the great dragon. When that happened, Gilmreth would be free once more.

  Other Books by Raymond L. Weil

  Available on Amazon

  Moon Wreck (The Slaver Wars Book 1)

  The Slaver Wars: Alien Contact (The Slaver Wars Book 2)

  Moon Wreck: Fleet Academy (The Slaver Wars Book 3)

  The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book 4)

  The Slaver Wars: Retaliation (The Slaver Wars Book 5)

  The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict (The Slaver Wars Book 6)

  The Slaver Wars: Endgame (The Slaver Wars Book 7)

  The Slaver Wars: Books 1-3


  Dragon Dreams

  Dragon Dreams: Dragon Wars

  Dragon Dreams: Gilmreth the Awakening

  Dragon Dreams: Snowden the White Dragon


  Star One: Tycho City: Survival

  Star One: Neutron Star

  Star One: Dark Star

  Star One


  Galactic Empire Wars: Destruction (Book 1)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Emergence (Book 2)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Rebellion (Book 3)

  Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (Book 4)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Insurrection (Book 5)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Final Conflict (Book 6)

  Galactic Empire Wars: The Beginning (Books 1-3)


  The Lost Fleet: Galactic Search (Book 1)

  The Lost Fleet: Into the Darkness (Book 2)

  The Lost Fleet: Oblivion’s Light (Book 3)

  The Lost Fleet: Genesis (Book 4)

  The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators (Book 5)


  The Star Cross (Book 1)

  The Star Cross: The Dark Invaders (Book 2)

  The Star Cross: Galaxy in Peril (Book 3)

  The Star Cross: The Forever War (Book 4)

  The Star Cross: The Vorn! (Book 5)


  The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger (Book 1)

  The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost (Book 2)

  The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending (Book 3)

  The Originator Wars: Explorations (Book 4)


  Earth Fall: Invasion (Book 1)

  Earth Fall: To the Stars (Book 2)

  Earth Fall: Empires at War (Book 3)

  (All dates are tentative)


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