Seeking Shadows (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 3)

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Seeking Shadows (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 3) Page 13

by K E Osborn

  He reaches out, taking my hand in his. Goosebumps riddle my skin as my eyes meet his. “I’m not mad, Shadow… I need you to know that.”

  My shoulders relax as I dip my chin. “I love that kid, so fucking much it kills me sometimes.”

  He pulls me to him, in an embrace, his strong arms wrapping around me tight, making me feel safe for the first time in so fucking long. “And that… that right there is why I’m not angry.” He pulls back, his hand coming up caressing my cheek. “Cruz comes first… always. In every situation.”

  My eyes well as I exhale. What more could I ask for than that? “You can’t come over smelling the way you do again, it doesn’t set a good example for him.”

  He chuckles, leaning in pressing his lips to mine. He tastes godawful, but I kiss him anyway.

  “I let myself go last night. Won’t happen again. But I’m fucking glad I did, because I feel like now, I know the real you. And even better, I met Cruz, which is fucking epic, if I’m honest.”

  I sigh in contentment. “He likes you too. But seriously, we need to get you some breath mints, stat.”

  He laughs, pulling back from me, angling me toward the car. “C’mon then, let’s go for a drive.” He opens the driver’s door for me.

  “You got somewhere in mind?”

  “Somewhere we can sit and enjoy the day.”

  “Dash, you just patched in, shouldn’t you be at the club with your brothers?”

  “I’m right where I wanna be.”

  My lips slowly turn up as I lean in pressing them to his briefly before pulling back, and I slide into the car. He closes my door, then walks around hopping in.

  I know just where to take him.


  With our coffees in hand and a packet of mints, we pull up in the parking lot of Cypress Point Park. I haven’t been here a lot, but I bring Cruz sometimes just to get away from it all when we want to unwind. It’s so fucking beautiful. I’m not sure what drew me here today with Dash, but it just felt right.

  As I turn off the engine, we stare out over the crisp blue ocean and Dash’s muscles relax as he sinks back into the seat of my car. “This place is stunning.”

  “It’s why I come here. To just forget about the outside world for a while.”

  His eyes shift over to mine, and he shoves a mint into his mouth. “Well, then, let’s go smell that fresh air!”

  He places his coffee cup on the dash and shrugs out of his cut. I furrow my brows as I turn to him. “What are you doing?”

  He pulls off his cut, folding it up, then places it under the car seat out of view. “Forgetting about the outside world for a while… you coming?” he asks, grabbing his coffee, opening the door and hopping out. I smirk, following him out of the car. I walk around to join him as he inhales the fresh air. A slight breeze wafts through the crisp midday light as we join hands and walk down the sandy path, surrounded by fresh green grass. Tall trees make this more like a paradise than an out-of-the-way Tampa beach. We head down past the children’s playground on the right and the little alcove areas on the left for people to sit under. The sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen anywhere.

  The day is perfect as we make it onto the beach. I giggle as Dash’s big black boots fill with sand, and we take a seat on the tiny grains of perfect white powder, digging ourselves in as we look out over the crystal blue ocean.

  Dash takes a long draw of his coffee as I sit back admiring the beauty of the waves crashing against the shore. “I never meant for you to meet Cruz that way, Dash. I wanted to be awake and introduce you properly.”

  He places his coffee down, his eyes meeting mine. “I guess I am disappointed you felt you couldn’t trust me with this.”

  I break eye contact, looking back out to the sea. “If you knew my past, you’d understand.”

  His fingers dart out caressing my thigh. “Then tell me. Talk to me about Tyler and the Order. What did they do to you?”

  All the tension release that had evaporated instantly returns. My muscles tighten, and my stomach churns the second I think of Tyler. Of anyone knowing about him. About why we ran. “There’s a reason I don’t talk about it, Dash.”

  “Because you’re scared?”

  Scoffing, I turn to face him, my eyes wide. “Because I’m petrified. Tyler… the Order, if they even knew I was talking to you about them…” The twists and rolling in my stomach make me instantly want to hurl. “I can’t, Dash, it’s too dangerous.”

  His eyebrows draw together, his focus on me strong as he squeezes my thigh. “For you or for Cruz?”

  My eyes meet his, pleading for him to stop. “For us both.”

  He exhales, nodding his head once in acceptance. “Okay, can I know just one thing?”

  I tense a little more. “What?”

  “Tyler’s surname, just so I know who to watch out for.”

  My skin prickles, a cold sweat invading my body.

  Fight or flight!

  The whole gamut of emotions rush through me as I answer, “I-I can’t.”

  His hand comes out, his thumb brushing over my skin soothing me instantly. “Shadow, I need to know. Please understand that whatever you need, I’m here for you… both of you, you hear me?”

  Everything in me screams to say nothing, but something deep inside is telling me to trust him.

  “You think you can protect us?”

  He dusts off his shoulder cockily. “I know I can.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Oh geez, there’s that overinflated ego again.”

  “Oh, I have a huge ego, baby! You know what I mean by that, right?”

  Rolling my eyes, I nudge his shoulder playfully. “You’re an idiot.”

  He chuckles. “You love it.”

  “I love that your breath is smelling a little less like a stale brewery.”

  He exhales into his hand, sniffing his breath. “Yeah, more like minted coffee now.”

  “Still not great, just… better.”

  “Well, I can’t be perfect at everything now, can I? I have to have at least one fault.”

  My eyes wander up and down his body. “Oh, Dasher, you have many faults.”

  “Unfounded accusations! It won’t hold up in court,” he mocks, but the warmth in his smile tells me all this joking aside, he still wants to know.

  I should tell him.

  If he can keep Cruz safe, I have to take that chance, right?

  Sighing, my eyes meet his. “Okay… his name is Tyler Caddick. But please, you have to swear to me you won’t go searching, or digging, or do anything to raise red flags.”

  He holds up his hand. “I swear. I just want to know so I can keep you safe.”

  I relax a little, somehow feeling lighter for getting it off my chest. Maybe having Dash know isn’t such a bad thing. Maybe having him protecting us can only be good? After all, he has a whole brotherhood behind him.

  “Thank you, you’re amazing.”

  “I believe the term we were searching for before was faultless.”

  “Incorrect! Take for instance your jeans, they’re a little too ripped for my liking.”

  “That so?”

  I bob my head, plucking at his shirt. “And this black tee? So boring! Where’s the life and vibrancy in your attire?”

  “You want me to wear a fucking pink shirt or some shit, Badass?”

  I’m totally stirring him. “Totally, you’d rock pink.”

  He suddenly stands, kicking off his boots. My eyes widen as he yanks off his socks and starts undoing his belt. My eyes flash around to a couple of people walking their dog obliviously, and I sink in on myself. “Dash, what are you doing?” I whisper under my breath.

  He chuckles like he’s getting his own back on me. “You don’t like my clothes? I just won’t wear any.”

  I gasp. “Dash, stop!”

  He yanks his jeans down, leaving him wearing a very tight pair of boxer briefs. The outline of his incredibly huge ego is evident for me to see.
It stuns me for a second while he grabs his shirt at the back of his neck and yanks it over his head, the move sexy as sin, as he stands before me, all sculptured abs, tattoos, and fucking sex appeal. A light sheen of sweat from the midday heat glistens over his chest as he glances down at me with the biggest grin. My thighs press together to dull the ache that has rapidly slammed between my legs. Dash is hot, and now I’m sitting on a beach wishing I could take advantage of this practically naked man in front of me right now.

  Dash reaches out his hand for me. “You coming?”

  My eyes widen. “Almost. No, what? Huh?” I blurt out trying to figure out his meaning. The couple with the dog, snicker as they walk past us, the woman staring a little too long for my liking as Dash clears his throat. “Swimming? You coming swimming?”

  Shaking my head from a million indecent thoughts, I laugh. “No, Dash, I don’t have a swimsuit.”

  “Neither do I, hence…” He waves down at his underwear. My eyes falling to his giant cock again, and I blink a few times trying to keep my mind focused.

  “You want me to go in my underwear?”

  “Why not? Live up to your nickname, Badass!”

  I reach out for his hand, grip it, and he yanks me up. “I hate you for this.”

  “You’re gonna love it out there.”

  “If I get eaten by a shark, I’m gonna haunt you.”

  “No sharks. We won’t go deep enough.”

  Hesitating, I groan. “Fine. I can’t believe the shit you talk me into.”

  He chuckles as I bring up my pointer finger and spin it in a circle.

  “Seriously?” he asks.

  “Yes, a girl’s gotta have a little modesty.”

  Groaning, he spins his back to me, and I make quick work of taking off my clothes, leaving me in my black bra and panties. Glancing around as I cover my front with my hands, I check if anyone is watching. We’re all clear, so I grab his hand as I start rushing toward the water. He chuckles beside me as he runs, his eyes staying ahead as we make our way to the waves. Our feet hit the warm water and we rush in, the waves caressing our skin as we wade in up to stomach height. He lets me go standing back from me, sending a wave of water over me with his hands. I let out a small scream as I duck, but he takes off.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, asshole!” I giggle as I take off after him, sending a wave of water his way. It splashes up his back and just as I near him, he spins suddenly, making me run right into his arms as he wraps me up in them.

  He laughs loudly. “Gotchya!”

  “Dash, no!” I scream through my laughter, but it’s too late, our bodies collapse to the side falling straight into the warm water. He keeps hold of me, lifting me back up with him as we both take in a deep breath as we rise up from the depths. I push his shoulder as he chuckles at me now looking like a drowned rat.

  “I like you all wet. It suits you.”

  I giggle as he really looks at me. His eyes staying up, not dropping to my breasts for a single second.

  I have got to give him props for that.

  “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

  “You seem relaxed. See, told you you’d love this.”

  The water gently moves around me like silk on my skin as I move in closer to him, running my fingers in behind his head then into his hair. “It sucks when you’re right.”

  He lets out a long sigh. His arms snake out winding around my waist, pulling me closer so our bodies press together. The flecks of gold in his green eyes illuminate in the blistering sun as he stares at me like I’m the only thing that matters to him right now. The energy around us pops and sizzles like a thousand fireworks exploding all at the same time.

  It’s euphoric.

  I’ve never felt anything like the way I do with Dash.

  It’s thrilling.


  Utterly terrifying.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispers. His hand shifts up, sliding a strand of hair away from my face. He leans in pressing his lips to mine. Goosebumps tingle all over my skin as I kiss him back, pressing myself against him further, feeling everything. The tightness of his abs against my stomach, the firmness of his thighs against mine. The hard edge of his rigid cock, that’s now pressing against my pussy as I let out a small moan into his mouth. The waves gently caress our bodies as his fingers delicately slide up and down my skin setting it on fire.

  Kissing Dash is so fucking good, but I want more.

  I need more.

  My fingers trail down the side of his body, edging around in between us. I press my palm against the front of his boxers, his hard length jerking at my touch. A low growl reverbs from his chest, and it’s like a natural instinct kicks in for him.

  His hand moves from my waist, sliding around in front, between us while we continue to kiss frantically. We both know what we want, we’re alone, in the ocean, and we’re going for it.

  Dash’s fingers slide down my panties as I part my legs a little, allowing him easier access. His finger finds my clit instantly, and I let out a small whimper into his mouth. Feeling him touch me is what I’ve craved since I first saw him in the bar. I just had no idea the first time would be so fucking hot.

  Edging my hand down the front of his briefs, I wrap my hand around his massive girth. His silky cock in my hand only adds to the pleasure of the moment. I pull him free and begin to stroke his length under the water. Both of us breathe harder as we work each other up. His finger circles on me, his tongue going rogue with mine as he pushes me to a new height of pleasure. My body tingles as he presses on me firmly, circling and rotating, while I work him toward our mutual climax.

  The water laps at our skin, making all my senses come alive, my body quivering as my chest arches toward him. A low rumble echoes from his chest, he’s close. The heat rises from within making my body flame with lust. His free hand moves to the back of my head, gripping at my hair, and he yanks my head back. I gasp as his lips leave mine, then they move in, his teeth grazing along my throat.

  “Fuck, you kill me, Shadow,” he grunts out through heavy breaths.

  I can’t even talk as he flicks on my clit again—all I can do is moan. Throwing my head back, I don’t hold it in, letting out my pleasure as my hips grind against his hand. I keep my movements on his cock as the pressure builds inside of me, the tingle starts in my toes and pins and needles burst all over my skin. I let out a loud whimper as all my muscles clench, and he rotates on my clit one last time.

  Lights dance behind my eyes as the world shatters around me, those fireflies illuminate the sky, and I grip onto his shoulder for support as I orgasm like I never have in my entire life.

  “Holy fuck!” I somehow mumble at the same time his cock jerks and a sudden sensation of heat rushes onto my leg.

  “Jesus!” he groans, pressing his forehead to mine, panting frantically.

  We both try to catch our breaths as our lazy eyes meet.

  A slow smile crosses my face as my hand moves up caressing his face. “That was unexpected.”

  “Expect the unexpected with me.”

  Leaning forward, I kiss him softly while slowly putting him back in his briefs.

  His hand slides out of my panties, and both his arms wrap around my waist pulling him to me. “That was fucking everything.”

  Chuckling, I exhale. “You really do have a huge ego, don’t you?”

  He bursts out laughing, then leans in kissing me again. “You wait till I show you what my ego can do.”

  The lust builds again, and I let out a staggered breath. “We don’t have time for that today. I have to get back in time to pick up Cruz from daycare, and well, we are a little wet right now.”

  “Do we have more time… just a bit more?”

  “Yeah, just a bit more.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “I’m actually really good with kids!” Dash defends as we walk back to the car, our clothes sopping wet.

  I snort in disbelief.
“You were good with Cruz this morning, but that does not make you good with all kids, Dash.”

  “I have four younger siblings. Not to mention, I played Disney princesses with a mafioso’s young daughter not that long ago, I’ll have you know.”

  I laugh, feeling lighter somehow, like maybe Dash will be fine around my son. “Okay, so if I let you hang out with Cruz some more, he can’t know about us … I don’t want him hurt in any way if this thing with us goes south.”

  He stops, turning to face me, taking both my wet hands in his. “I respect that… but we’re not going south, Badass.”

  Suddenly, his cell rings in his jeans, he pulls it out, takes a look at the name, and then places it back in his pocket.

  I furrow my brow with a chuckle. “Not important?”

  He shrugs. “Not someone I want to talk to.”

  Smirking, I press the button to open the car doors. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, Dash the Ignorer.”

  “Only those who deserve ignoring.”

  “Oh, that’s juicy.”

  Dash snorts. “Hardly, c’mon, let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

  “Yes, sir.” I slide into the driver’s side, Dash follows and just as I am about to start the car, his cell rings again.

  As he pulls it out, I can’t help but peek over, Ivy’s name is on the screen. A pang of jealousy flows through me, but I shake it off. It’s probably club business.

  He hesitates.

  “You can answer if you need to, Dash.”

  He turns to me. “She wants to ask me prospect shit. I should be there to help her through it, but in all honesty, she can ask West. He knows what he’s doing.”

  “Are you avoiding her for you? Or me?” I ask curiously.

  He closes his door sinking into his seat getting comfortable. “Can it be both?”

  I turn to face him a little more. “If it’s for me at all, then don’t. I don’t want any club business changing because of me.”

  “It’s changing because my feelings changed. No other reason.”

  “Okay. As long as you’re not avoiding her to keep me happy?”


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