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Written in the Stars Series Collection

Page 26

by L. L Hunter

  Thankfully, Damian and Connor had both left, along with the other actors. The door opened again, and I was expecting one of the cast members to walk in, but it was Mindy, Harry’s wife, the woman I had met at the lipstick launch party. In her hands, she held a clear bag filled with different kinds of makeup. I then remembered what her job was—she was a makeup artist.

  “Kate, I’m sure you remember Mindy, my wife. She’s going to give you a little makeover for the shoot.”

  “A makeover? But what’s wrong with how I look?”

  “Nothing. But you’re in Hollywood now, not Cleveland.”

  “If you could follow me, please, Kate,” said Mindy. I frowned and reluctantly followed Mindy through the door.

  “I’m sorry if that came off as blunt. I just wanted to do a little something since I met you. And Harry was in agreement.”

  “Oh. Like what? I’m happy with how I look. I don’t need a makeover, honestly.”

  “We just wanted to give you a fresh new look to go with your new life. Everyone goes through a makeover of some sort when they arrive in Hollywood.”

  I didn’t want to change who I was. But as soon as I arrived here, as soon as I stepped off the bus, I could practically smell change in the air like the warning of rain. The one thing my grandma had said to me over and over was to just be myself. I wanted to honour her.

  But if I were going to start my new life here, I would eventually need to become a different person. A more confident person and leave the old Kate behind.

  But the question was, was I ready to leave that girl behind?

  I sat down in the chair in Mindy’s office before a mirror framed by bright lights and looked at the reflection of the Kate I was about to leave behind. Was I ready? Yes. Yes, I was.

  “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  A couple of hours later, I looked at my reflection in the mirror again and could hardly believe my eyes. Was it really me looking back? I had a brand-new look—new hair, new face, new clothes. The wardrobe was borrowed from the set of the film—it was my character’s wardrobe. I looked like a completely different person. Gone were my long curls, and in their place was an ash blonde bob. My lips were painted a luscious red, and my eyes and lashes were framed by smoky lids. Even my brows had a new look. They’d been waxed, tinted, and shaped to suit my face.

  “I–I don’t know what to say.”

  “Good things, I hope,” replied Mindy as she packed away her makeup and hair tools.

  “Yes, of course. I look amazing. You’ve done a great job, Mindy. Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Now, go knock ’em dead.”

  “I will.”

  I walked out of Mindy’s office with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I actually felt like a new person.

  When I strolled back into the room where photographs were being taken, all heads turned toward me, and the room fell so silent you could hear a pin drop.

  “Kate, is that you?” said Damian, sitting up straighter in his chair.

  “Yes. What do you think?” I asked, doing a little twirl for him.

  “You look amazing. Beautiful.”

  I blushed. “Thank you.”

  “Kate. We’re ready for you,” said Harry.

  I went over to the spot Harry wanted me to stand on, in front of a green screen. I knew green screens were used so special effects could be added later around the actor. I was interested to see the finished shots. I’d only read the script a few times and knew the film was a sci-fi thriller with a bit of romance.

  “You look great, Kate. Now, look just past the camera here,” Harry said, waving his fingers. I followed them. “Good. Now, pretend you’ve just stepped into an alien landscape. You’re a little bit cautious, but excited to be here.”

  I tried to do as Harry asked and posed a few times in a few different positions while Harry’s photographer snapped away. I thought about the moment I stepped off the bus into my own alien landscape. I thought about what I’d felt then and channelled that into my character. In one moment, I became my character. Kate became Molly.

  “That’s good. Now, Connor, I want you to join Kate in the next shot.”

  As Connor made his way over, I snuck a quick look at Damian, and he quickly looked down at his tablet and sank deeper in his chair. He chewed on the end of his stylus in what seemed to be frustration. And there was that expression again. Was that jealousy I saw? Was he jealous of Connor? There was no way. I focused my attention on Connor this time. As we posed, Connor stepped closer to me. I had to place my hands on his chest in a few shots. While I did that, I snuck another look at Damian, and he was gone. Where was he?

  Then Connor grabbed me by my hips and pulled me closer. I looked up at him and met his alluring sapphire gaze.

  “Your new look… it suits you,” he said, “but I loved your old one.”

  “I needed a change,” I replied, acting confident, shrugging my shoulders.

  “Yeah. It gets like that.”

  We did another couple of takes together, and then Connor asked me, “I’m having a party tonight for my birthday. Want to come?”

  “I’d love to. Can I bring my roommate?”

  “Sure. The more, the merrier. Where’s your phone?”

  “Why do you want my phone?”

  “So you have my number, and when you text me yours, I can send you the address of the party.”

  “Oh, sure. Here you go.” I handed him my phone, and he quickly typed in his details and handed it back to me.

  “So, text me soon so I have your number. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled, and he winked before leaving.

  Who was this new Kate? I didn’t yet know, but I liked her already.


  Bree was playing music loudly when I entered the apartment that afternoon. She was also cooking. There was food covering every inch of the table and kitchen counter. She had to do a double take when I walked in.

  “Kate? Is that you?”

  “Yep. What do you think?” I said, puffing my hair out and twisting from side to side.

  “You changed your hair. I like it.”

  “Thank you. Mindy gave me a makeover for the movie. Oh, and guess what else happened?”

  “You ran off for a quickie in the maintenance closet with your sexy writer boyfriend?”

  “Eww, no. No, Connor Blake invited me, us, to his party tonight.”

  She stopped cooking and turned to face me. Her mouth fell open, and she stared at me.

  “What, did I suddenly grow a second head?”

  “Are you kidding me? Connor Blake?”

  “Yes… is something wrong?”

  “No. But do you realise how big this is?”

  “Well, I officially met Connor today. He’s playing the lead in my movie.”

  “No, not that. Connor Blake throws the biggest and best parties in Hollywood. Anyone who’s anyone attends. And you just happened to score an invite? They’re usually super hard to get into as well.”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t know that. He invited me while we were doing our principal photography.”

  “He must have seen something in you. Newbies don’t usually get invited to these types of parties.” She went back to her cooking and began vigorously mixing the guacamole.

  “Bree, you’re not jealous, are you? You’re invited too.”

  She paused. “I am?”

  “Yes, I told you. What’s going on here? Are we having guests?”

  “I invited a few friends over tonight whom I thought you should meet.”

  “Tonight? But Connor’s party is tonight.”

  “Shit! It is? Oh, shit!”

  “I’m sorry. You don’t have to come with me. or I can say I can’t go.”

  “No, no. You have to go. We have to go! These types of invites don’t come up that often. I’ll tell the guys something’s come up. They’ll understand.”

  “Are you sure? I’m sorry for ruining your plans.”

you didn’t ruin my plans. You actually made my night. Come on, help me put this food away so we can get ready for the party.”

  “Okay.” I smiled and got to work cleaning up the kitchen.

  A little while later we were all dolled up and ready for Connor’s party. Bree had lent me yet another outfit—a sexy sparkly black dress that showed off all my curves. I was a little self-conscious about it, but Bree told me I looked hot and that I had to own it. So, along with my new haircut and a sexy new dress, and Bree in a pink and purple number, we caught a cab to Connor’s place.


  Connor’s mansion was a modern building on a clifftop in Malibu. It was all lit up, and many people were on the numerous levels laughing and drinking.

  “Whoa,” was all I could manage as I stepped out of the cab. I could hardly believe my eyes as I looked up at the massive house. Many of the celebrity houses were huge, but seeing one up close, arriving outside of one, was another story.

  “Yep, I told you.”

  We walked up to the front entrance and were greeted by a security guard with a clipboard and earpiece.

  “Name?” he grunted.

  “Kate Brooks,” I said confidently. I watched the security guard’s eyes travel down each page of the paper on his clipboard scanning the names. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, his eyes came to rest on what I hoped was my name. He highlighted it and nodded.

  “You can go in.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at Bree, and she linked arms with me as we strolled into my first real Hollywood party.

  The music vibrated throughout my entire body as I made my way through the house. We climbed the stairs to the second floor, and I spotted a DJ table in the corner—the source of the bass-heavy music. There was a bar set up in the opposite corner, so Bree and I made our way over. As we were ready to order a drink, Connor walked up behind us and pushed his way through so he was standing between us.

  “Ladies, it was nice of you to join us. Welcome to Casa Blake, the home of the best parties in Hollywood.” He made a sweeping gesture with his hand at the surroundings and then flashed Bree and me with the most dazzling smile I had ever seen. My tummy did a huge flip-flop, and I began to sweat nervously. I needed a drink!

  “Thanks for inviting us, Connor. That was sweet of you,” said Bree, flicking her hair back and leaning in closer. She was ramping up the charm, that was certain.

  “It’s not a problem. I wanted you to be initiated into Hollywood society. And what better way than a Connor Blake party?”

  “Yes, Bree told me your parties were the place to be.” I put on a flirtatious tone, but I wasn’t good at this flirting stuff, so I turned back to the bar. “Can I please have a glass of sauvignon blanc?” The bartender nodded and turned around to fix my drink.

  While I waited, I turned back to Bree and Connor and found Connor’s eyes on me. I quickly looked away, back to the bar, and thankfully, the bartender was finished pouring my drink. I thanked him and went to reach for some money, but he waved it away.

  “There’s no need for that, darlin’,” he drawled. It was then I realised he had a southern accent. “It’s an open bar.”

  “So, it’s all free?” I asked, naively. I had never heard of an open bar before.

  Connor just laughed and reached out to touch the tips of my hair. “You’re so cute. Yes. It’s all on the house. I want my guests to have a good time.”

  “Well, it’s a nice gesture. Thank you.” I took my drink and began to walk around the floor. But Connor followed me.

  “So what’s up with you and Damian?” I stopped walking because his question was so unexpected. Because Connor was standing so close to me, he bumped into me. I inhaled and turned around slowly to face him.

  “No… nothing. Nothing is going on between Damian and me.”

  “It didn’t look like it. I saw you guys kissing near the vending machine.”

  I glanced down at my hands and played with the strap on the clutch purse Bree had lent me.

  “It’s okay. I get it. He’s the nerdy, writer type that all girls like. Girls like a smart guy. But girls also like a buff, blond, leading man types.”

  I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. They were alluring. They were a trap, and I was the fly, and he was the spider in its web.

  “So what’s your type, Kate?”

  “I–I’m not sure. I don’t really have one.”

  “That’s good. Most girls have a definite type, but that works.”

  I was starting to get the vibe that the invite might mean more than I thought.

  “Connor, did you invite me here to flirt with me or was it because you generally wanted to help me?”

  “Both,” he replied. His voice was low and husky. It was sexy. He moved in closer and ran his fingers through my hair. I couldn’t breathe.

  “Connor, I don’t think this is appropriate. You’re my co-star. What will people say?”

  “It’s fine. People hook up with their co-stars all the time. And if you’re talking about the media, well, any press is good press in this world.”

  “I don’t know, Connor. I like Damian—”

  “But you’re not with him, are you?”

  “No, but—”

  “Then you can be with me.”

  I took a sip of my drink. “I don’t know, Connor. I’m new here, and I don’t want to ruin things at my new job.”

  “It’s okay. I understand. We could keep it secret.”

  “I–can I think about it?”

  He nodded and kissed my cheek. “Sure. You know where I’ll be.” He winked and walked away.

  I shook my head. I was so confused. No, boys were confusing. I finished my drink and went back to the bar. So I got drunk.


  I don’t know how I ended up back in my own bed, or how I got home, but I woke up there feeling like I’d been hit by a wave and dunked numerous times. What had happened?

  I tried to get out of bed, but the mere effort of trying to sit up and swing my legs over the edge had me retching. I ran to the toilet and puked last night’s… whatever, into the bowl.

  “You’re alive,” said Bree from the door. At least, I thought it was the door. My vision was blurry, and my head spun. When I felt I could puke no more, I sat back on the floor near the bath and placed my face in my hands.

  “Oh, my gosh, Bree. What happened last night? What did I do?”

  “The truth is you got a little drunk and danced on the table in the living room. You swung on the chandelier, as well.”

  My eyes widened in horror. “Oh, my God! Really? That doesn’t sound like me.”

  “I don’t know.” She chuckled. “I think the real you comes out when supplied with enough alcohol. The good news is, the local newspaper has a fun story in it this morning about last night. Maybe it will refresh your memory.” She threw something at me. I couldn’t catch it, so it landed at my feet. I swiped my hand over my face and picked up whatever Bree had flung at me. It was a newspaper, and splashed across the front page—was me.

  “Oh, my God!” I ran to the tap and put the paper on the ledge while I washed my face, waking myself up a bit in the process. “I need coffee!” I grabbed the paper and stormed out into the kitchen.

  Once the coffee was brewed, and I had taken a few big gulps, I sat at the counter and looked down at the horror story before me.

  There I was, a champagne flute in one hand, the crystal chandelier in the other. I stood on a table that looked to be an antique. Connor was also in the picture and looked like he was cheering me on.

  “Who took the picture?”

  “Someone at the party leaked it to the press, I believe. I spoke to Connor this morning. His people are going ape shit over it.”

  “Oh, my God. This is all my fault. If I hadn’t got so drunk—”

  “No. It’s the fault of the dickhead who took the picture. People get drunk, but they don’t always have their photo splashed across the front page of the newspaper.”
br />   I looked up at Bree, pleading.

  “What am I going to do?”

  “My advice? Get an agent and an entertainment lawyer. They’ll handle all this for you.”

  “Okay… I have some money, but not enough to pay a lawyer. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for one.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I already made some calls. Mine are coming over today. So get dressed.”

  I had no more words. My mouth opened and snapped back shut. Knowing I could do no more until Bree’s lawyer and the agent arrived, I headed into my room, coffee in hand, and got ready for the day ahead.

  “Do you want the good news or the bad news?” said Bree’s lawyer, now my lawyer. Jordan Kawinsky was a short man, skinny, with balding dark hair and a pointy nose.

  “Um… maybe the good news first?” I said, looking nervously between Bree, who was seated next to me at the living room table, and the two newcomers. Next to Mr Kawinsky sat a pretty blonde woman who looked to be in her mid to late forties. She was well dressed in a designer blouse and skirt and wore bright pink lipstick. This was Diana Lumin, my new agent.

  “Well, the good news is, by tomorrow, the press will be talking about someone else. The bad news is, the damage is already done.”

  “What do you mean?” I replied, gripping my hands around my coffee mug.

  “Well, your… escapades last night have already gone viral,” said Ms Lumin, whom I found wasn’t a Mrs, but a divorcee, so preferred to be called Ms, because she was an independent woman, blah, blah. Bree had told me that before she turned up.

  “What do you mean exactly by viral?” I asked cautiously.

  “I know you’re pretty new to this world, and you only just got a cell phone, so Bree had mentioned,” said Ms Lumin. “But as soon as something happens these days, it can be caught on film or snapped and shared online to millions of people. It’s quite impossible to get something taken down. So, here’s what Jordan and I thought we could do.”

  They shared a silent agreement between them. I so wanted to be inside their collective thoughts right then.


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