Written in the Stars Series Collection

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Written in the Stars Series Collection Page 29

by L. L Hunter

  “I had no choice, Kristy.”

  “You always have a choice. Goodbye, Jared.”

  And then I turned and began to walk away from the camera, and the director yelled, “Cut!”

  The bell rang that signalled a set change and reset. I knew I had a break before my next scene, so I made my way over to where Damian was standing.

  He smiled as I approached.

  “Wow. You were amazing. You’re killing it.”

  “Hey.” I greeted him with a kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. “So, why are you here?”

  “Can’t a guy come visit his girlfriend at work?”

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t. And I’m not complaining. I’m sorry. It’s been so busy lately.”

  “I know. I’ve missed you, that’s all.”

  I kissed him again, still holding onto him. “Oh? Is that all?”

  “Nope. That’s not all. I was wondering if you would be my date on New Year’s Eve? There’s this big party at a director’s house that most people in the film industry go to. It’s a great opportunity to network.”

  “Yes. Of course. I’d love to.”

  He kissed me once more. “Great. Well, I have to go. I’m working just down the lot, so I’ll see you tonight? Dinner?”

  “Yes. Dinner sounds amazing. See you tonight.”

  “See you.” He kissed me again and left the set. I was staring after him when Jack approached.

  “So, who is that?”

  I glanced at him, still smiling. “That’s my boyfriend, Damian. He’s a writer and producer. We met on my first film.”

  “He seems like a nice guy. You guys look cute together.”

  “Thank you. Oh, he invited me to a party on New Year’s Eve. It’s at some big director’s house. He said almost everyone in the film industry goes to it. Do you know it?”

  “Redman Glassman’s party. Yes, I know it. I go almost every year. Redman gave me my first big break.”

  “Oh, wow. Well, I guess I’ll see you there then. And I finally get to meet your Chloe.”

  He grinned and blushed. “Yes. Yes. You will. See you there.”

  We wrapped up our next scenes, and then I left to go get ready for dinner with Damian.


  It was Christmas. I arrived in Hollywood in March. In three months, I would be celebrating a year in my brand-new life, but until then, it was time to celebrate another milestone.

  Christmas in Hollywood was a bittersweet affair. Back home, back in Ohio, my grandmother and I had this tradition where every year, we would bake sugar cookies and take them to the local homeless shelter and eat with them. We would also help prepare lunch for the families who didn’t have as much as we did.

  It was also my birthday.

  This year, even though I wouldn’t have my grandma with me in person, she was there in spirit and in my heart. I also had my new family.

  Bree and I had spent all Christmas morning baking, and then at lunch, we headed down to the local shelter and spent the time with the less fortunate. It was a truly fulfilling experience, but I couldn’t help but feel my grandma’s absence.

  We got our photos taken for a news publication and gave them a few words about this being our tradition and how I had to continue it after moving to Hollywood.

  After spending most of the day at the shelter, talking, baking and laughing, I came home to crash on my bed, bury my face in my pillow and cry.

  It had been a while since I had honestly let everything out.

  The colossal fight I’d had with my father before fleeing.

  The death of my grandma.

  The death of my mother.

  Leaving the only home I’d ever known to start a brand-new life in a brand-new place.

  Fulfilling my dreams to become an actress.

  Scoring my first few roles.

  Falling in love.

  It was a lot to process, and it all came out in the shape of tears.

  Bree found me sometime later when the tears had gone dry.

  “Oh, sweetie.” She didn’t ask me why I’d been crying, why I was sad on my birthday, on Christmas, on my ‘birthmas’ as I liked to call it. She just settled herself down next to me and cuddled me close. She just held me. I was thankful for that.

  A little while later, when it was dark, I walked out of my room to the sight of candle flame in the darkness.

  “What… is going on?”

  I stared in wonder as Bree struck a match and lit a couple of sparklers and then handing one to Damian, and then one to me.

  And then they began to sing.

  “Happy birthmas to you. Happy birthmas to you. Happy birthmas to Kate. Happy birthmas to you.” Bree added much flourish to her singing, which made me laugh. Damian kept his singing low and to a minimum. They both came over to hug me. We walked out onto the balcony and waited until the sparks died on the sparklers, and then Damian turned to me.

  “Happy birthday, Kate. And Merry Christmas.”

  I smiled and began to cry again. He reached out and wiped away the tears that had fallen on my cheeks and then kissed my salty lips.

  “Merry Christmas, Damian,” I whispered.

  Bree poured us some champagne, and we each stood in silence admiring the lights of the city.

  “Merry Christmas to you too, Bree. Thank you, guys, for being here. It means a lot. I don’t know how I would have got through this day without you both. So, thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Bree rubbed my back, and we each clinked our glasses and toasted to the night, to Christmas, to my birthday, and to friendship.


  New Year’s Eve came up fast, and that meant the biggest party of my life. For my ‘birthmas,’ Damian and Bree had gifted me some gorgeous things. Bree bought me a gold dress that was so sparkly I felt I needed sunglasses to look at it. Damian gave me the most beautiful matching set of diamond earrings and a necklace from Tiffany’s. I didn’t want to know how much they cost, but it was the thought that counted.

  I dressed in my new outfit, and Damian picked up Bree and me around six that evening to head to the party.

  Redman Glassman’s house was one of the biggest houses I had seen so far in Beverley Hills. It was all glass with multiple tiers. When we pulled up out front, people were already filling the numerous levels of the house. I looked up at the mansion as I got out of the car, speechless.

  “This is incredible,” I said, glancing around in awe, trying to take it all in. Damian slipped his hand in mine as we made our way up to the house.

  “Wait until you see the inside. Redman’s parties are the best. That man definitely knows how to throw a party.”

  “Thanks for inviting me, guys. Even though I’m third- wheeling you.”

  “It’s not a problem,” replied Damian.

  “Yeah. It’s fine. But perhaps you’ll find a sexy man inside to spend time with?” I teased.

  “Ooh. I hope so!”

  We headed inside and we were greeted by a short, fat man with greasy, thinning hair with numerous ladies draped all over him.

  “Welcome, welcome to the house of Glassman. I am Redman Glassman, your host for the evening. Please come, drink and be merry.”

  “Thank you, Redman.” Damian didn’t let go of my hand as he shook Redman’s. And soon, I knew why. Redman’s eyes found mine and locked on. He let go of the women he had been with and made a beeline straight for me.

  “Who is this fine goddess?”

  Damian cleared his throat and kind of stood in front of me, preventing Redman from getting too close. “This is my girlfriend, Kate. She’s an actress.”

  “I can see why you chose her, you sly dog, Damian.” Redman laughed a deep belly-shaking laugh that ended up in a hacking cough. I knew that kind of cough. My grandfather had been a smoker and died from lung cancer. He coughed just like that. I could smell the scent of cigarette smoke on Mr Glassman now as he got closer.

  “Yeah. She’s pretty amazing. And talented. Anyway,
she’s new here, so I thought I’d bring her to the party of the year.”

  “Good idea, my friend. And save me a dance, dear Kate. Okay?”

  “Um… oh, okay.”

  I didn’t know if Bree felt relieved that Redman hadn’t sought her out with his eyes. I would be if I were her. As we walked away to join the other partygoers on the second floor, I could feel Redman’s gaze on my backside.

  “I’m so sorry about that,” said Damian, finding us some drinks when we made it to the pool deck where everyone was.

  “Is he always like that?”

  “Oh, yes. And it’s only become worse with old age. That’s why I didn’t let go of your hand. He’s a bit sleazy. So, I apologise.” He stepped toward me and reached out to tuck a ringlet behind my ear.

  “It was a bit uncomfortable. But nothing I can’t handle. Thank you.” I kissed him as the music started.

  I found Jack a little while later, standing near the railing with a pretty blonde. I recognised Chloe straight away from photos. She was more gorgeous in real life. I could see why Jack fell for her.

  When Damian and Bree left me soon after to mingle and catch up with old friends, I made my way around the pool deck. I was about to make my way over to Jack when a very famous face stopped me.

  “You’re Kate Brooks, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am. And you’re Jennifer Lawrence. I’m a huge fan. I love the Hunger Games.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I loved your film. Your boyfriend is the writer, correct?”

  My eyes almost bugged out of my head. Jennifer Lawrence had watched my film. “Oh, wow. I can’t believe you watched my movie. And yes, Damian wrote it. He’s very talented.”

  “I agree. The film had a good script. I’m actually working on a film project of my own, producing and writing, and I’d love a co-writer. I think Damian would be perfect. Do you think you could introduce me?”

  “Oh, yes. Of course.” I glanced around, but Damian was nowhere to be seen. “As soon as I can find him. He spotted some old friends and has now disappeared somewhere.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. Get him to give me a call. Here’s my number. Oh, and I think you’d be perfect as my sister in the film. I’m casting myself as the lead, but I’m still need to cast the rest. Would you be interested? Can you come and audition for me?”

  I smiled wide. “Yes. Of course. I’d love to.” I sipped my champagne, and then over Jennifer’s right shoulder, I met Jack’s gaze. We shared a silent understanding, wishing each other much happiness for the new year.

  Damian finally found me later in the night as it was nearing midnight. He kissed me and handed me a new glass of champagne.

  “Mm. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. So, how has your night been? Sorry I abandoned you, but you wouldn’t believe who asked me to co-write a film with her!”

  “Oh, Jennifer finally found you. Good. I was going to get you to call her. I have her number.”

  “You spoke to her? Yes. She found me. She also said she thinks you’ve got what it takes to be the next big thing. And if you want, she’s willing to help you in any way she can.”

  “She’s so sweet. She offered me the part of her little sister in the film.”

  “Really? Wow. So, both our dreams are coming true.”

  I wrapped my arms around him as the clock hit midnight and fireworks burst to life and colour in the sky above us.

  “Yes. They have.”


  It was awards season in Hollywood, one of the busiest times of the year for an actor.

  As well as working on my second film with Jack, Bree and I attended many events in the lead up to the first award—the Golden Globes. The Golden Globes was an award for television and film, and both Jack and Bree were nominated. Damian was also nominated, which was even more exciting.

  The plethora of endorsement deals also began to roll in. Along with my lawyer and agent, we agreed to represent the brands that would suit both the brand and me. We signed the contracts so I could be paid and the gifts could be sent out.

  One of the gifts and endorsements I had chosen was a popular fitness tracker. I had picked it for a variety of different reasons, mainly so I could tone up my body and get healthier. I needed to stay fit to keep up with the demand of my new schedule.

  The brand had sent out a couple of different types of trackers to wear and try out, so I gave one to Bree, and we began our daily routine of going for walks, runs, or hikes.

  She showed me some of the best spots in L.A. to walk and hike. The views from the tops of some of the hills she took me to were absolutely breathtaking.

  “Now, this is the L.A. I have been dying to see,” I said as I caught my breath after one of our hikes.

  “I know, right?” Bree bent over at the waist and pulled in breath after breath.

  “Are you okay? You know you don’t have to do this every day with me.”

  “I want to get fit. It’ll be better for my career and my health.”

  Her words reminded me of something both her father and Damian had said.

  “You shouldn’t pay attention to people who tell you who you should be.”

  She looked up at me, scrunching up her nose. “You sound like my dad.”

  “Your dad was the one who said that to me. Well, one of the people. It was something numerous people have said to me, and I kept shrugging it off. As time passed, I finally understood what they were trying to say. I got it. It wasn’t until someone told me I had to cut my hair, look a certain way to get a certain part or to strip naked for a role against my wishes. Hollywood has this model that they want everyone to fit into. But it’s like putting a square peg in a round hole. It just won’t work for everyone. They try to mould you like clay into what they wish you to be. And that’s why I guess many people have lost themselves in the process. It’s like on the way to becoming someone else they forgot who they were. I don’t want to be like that. I refuse to be told who I should be. I know who I am.”

  “Yes. You do. Get ’em, girl.”

  “You’re a fiery, independent woman as well, Bree. You don’t have to put up with people bossing you about or ignoring you for looking a certain way. This place is very superficial in that way.”

  She took a big drink from her water bottle and stood up straight. She made her way over to me near the rock ledge. We sat down next to each other, our feet dangling over the side of the rock face.

  “Have I told you how much I love you? I think you’re my soul mate. My soul sister.”

  I laughed and pulled her close and kissed her head. “I love you too, Bree.”

  At the Golden Globes, I held Damian’s arm as I walked the red carpet. I saw so many celebrities, people I’d watched on screen for years. It was quite surreal being in their presence. I had to pinch myself that I was now an actress and earning my celebrity status as well.

  We drank much champagne throughout the evening that I was positively buzzing by the end.

  Damian didn’t win in his category, but Bree’s show took out the big prize for best drama series. I cheered and clapped as she got up with the rest of the cast on stage to accept their award.

  We met up with Jack and Chloe afterward. Chloe’s dress was a red number, and she looked absolutely stunning.

  We headed to the after party when the awards were over. Bree and Damian told me this was where we would eat after I complained about there being no food at the awards. I was ravenous by then.

  After devouring a few of the mini burgers and other delicious food items, I excused myself to the ladies’ bathroom. As I finished my business, I heard a commotion from the other side of my cubicle door. Two women were fighting. I peeked through the tiny gap between the door and the wall and was surprised to find one of the women was Chloe. She looked to be in a heated argument with a tall, busty brunette woman.

  “He’s mine,” said Chloe.

  My mouth formed a perfect circle. I had to hold my hand over my mouth so they couldn’t he
ar my gasp.

  They were fighting over Jack!

  Now I knew who the other woman was. It was Alexa Long. I had seen her billboards all over the city. She was one of the most sought-after actresses. She seemed to be in almost every movie out at the moment.

  I heard heels click on the tiled floor, then the distinctive sound of a phone camera. I peeped through the gap again and saw that Alexa was alone at the mirror fixing her makeup.

  Chloe was gone.

  I flushed the toilet, fixed my dress, and then walked out. As I was washing my hands, I glanced sideways at Alexa. She was beautiful, and she would be even more so if it weren’t for the plastic surgery. She glanced at me, looked me up and down, smacked her glossy lips, and trotted out of the bathroom.

  When I returned back to my seat, I found out there had been an incident involving Chloe and Alexa, the fight I’d witnessed in the bathroom. It had been captured on film and broadcast to the world. The fight had now gone viral.

  And Chloe was nowhere to be seen. I then spotted Jack retreating out the door.

  This was bad. I felt sorry for both Jack and Chloe.

  I hoped they would be okay. I really liked them together.

  I found out later that Chloe fled after Alexa said some things that made her feel insecure. She made it all the way to the airport, but Jack ran after her and won her back.

  Jack showed me the video a few days later on set, of his speech at the airport. It too had gone viral. It was the sweetest, most romantic gesture I had ever seen.

  I was so happy for them.


  On the anniversary of my arrival in Hollywood, I had an unexpected visitor. I don’t know why he had chosen today to come look for me.

  I was woken that morning by two men yelling outside. I quickly threw on a robe and walked to the balcony railing and looked over.

  To my surprise, and horror, there was my father, standing in the street, arguing with Bree and her father.


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