Redemption: A Dark Irish Mafia Romance

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Redemption: A Dark Irish Mafia Romance Page 3

by Faye Parker

  The slivers of grey hair and the wrinkles around his eyes didn’t change a thing. Anyone who thought differently was a fool. He may have been older now, but he was no less the ruthless or unforgiving monster he’d always been.

  Chapter Five


  A few days later and I still hadn't been able to speak discretely with Denver. I had decided that I didn't care how he responded to what I had to say to him – if he wanted to get me into trouble, then so be it. I was done with being bullied and belittled by men who thought they could imply things, cruel and hurtful things, about me.

  If I lost this job, I prayed that Ryan would understand. I just hoped that it wouldn’t affect his parole date. Surely it couldn’t?

  I’d spoke with Louise earlier and agreed we’d take our lunch break together. Even though she practically begged me not to mention the post room incident, she was still insisting that her relationship with Daniel was entirely professional.

  The girl had been good to me, so I didn't have a problem not mentioning it. I had my own secrets too; besides, I had no one really to tell it to anyway.

  Mildred was not the type for gossip choosing to focus her entire life into work. That meant that she usually either in a meeting or on the phone and I didn't really associate with many of the other workers here. They eyed me suspiciously. Or at least it felt that way.

  Perhaps it was my fear of them finding out that I'd been pretending about who I really was.

  Gah! I was tormenting myself. Maybe it was my subconscious telling me that I was starting to feel like I needed to look for work elsewhere.

  At 12:30 I grabbed my lunch and went to the staff kitchen on the third floor. It was strange for the kitchen to be empty at this time of day, but I heated my pasta leftovers in the microwave and filled the kettle to make some tea. In all honesty, I was glad of the little bit of alone time. I closed my eyes and tried to relax; this mindfulness thing I'd heard about was actually pretty good.

  That was when I heard the kitchen door click shut behind me.

  “I heard you’ve been looking for me, Ellie.” Denver’s voice was suddenly behind me. He was right behind me, jamming me between the sink and himself. He grabbed my hips and rolled his body against me. I could feel him behind me.

  “I hope you’ve been thinking about me, I’ve definitely been thinking about you.” His warm breath tickled at my ear. A familiar, sickening fear crawled up my stomach.

  I grabbed his hands to try to take them off me. Tears welled in my eyes.

  “I’ve told you I’m not interested and this is sexual harassment, you prick.” Stronger than I was, his hands didn’t move, they just dug into me harder.


  Somewhere within I remembered I was wearing my heels. With a quick stomp, my left heel pounded into his shoe leaving him cursing and almost head butting me from behind and he buckled from the unexpected pain.

  Those two seconds were enough for me to get away from him, open the kitchen door and get into the hall… and straight into a huge suited man chest.

  I tried pushing him away from me, ending up pushing myself back from him.

  “Jesus." Oh no, I recognized that deep voice even though I'd only heard it once before.

  “Are ya alright there, missy? Oh, it’s you.”

  “Hi, um, Daniel. I mean, Mr. Anderson.” I gave him one of my brightest, most professional smiles.

  It didn’t fool him for a second.

  When he realized I was upset his whole demeanor went from laid back to high alert.

  I saw his eyes move from mine to behind me, where I heard Denver had come out, muttering to himself about "Stupid fucking bitch."

  Louise appeared from nowhere and dragged me away from being between the two men. My head was reeling and flashbacks from my past threatened to turn me into a shaking mess of tears and snot.

  "I see you're still preying on the defenseless then." Daniel took a step closer to Denver who was looking between Daniel, Louise and me.

  The air around Daniel changed. I had no doubt why. If it was even possible, he stood taller, looming over Denver. He was preparing for a fight.

  The set of his strong, chiseled jaw; the way his already huge, muscled chest expanded further, making him look twice the size of his opponent; the frosty look of pure hatred he was shooting at Denver; the way he rolled his neck and shoulders, limbering up for what was to come.

  He truly was lethal, I saw that now.

  As Daniel’s body shifted to take the first step towards Denver, Louise, with her petite frame, pushed herself right in between them.

  "Gents! This is an office. This is not the place to have a brawl." Her determined expression set, eyeballing both of the guys. Having to tilt her head way back to do it only emphasized how small she was in comparison to either of them.

  The girl had balls, I’d give her that… but either of them could have swatted her away in an instant. She was either the bravest or the dumbest person I’d ever seen.

  The interjection was enough to distract both guys for a moment, easing some of the massive pressure that had built up in such a short time. Daniel seemed to get a better grasp of his surroundings, but when I saw how white his knuckles were on his clenched fists, I wasn’t sure it was over. They have history, my mind suddenly realized.

  Denver took no chances in case things becoming physical and took the opportunity to disappear as quickly as possible. “Mr. Armstrong, it’s always great to see you.”

  His voice was dripping with sarcasm, “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re on about. Maybe you should lay off the ‘roids for a while, huh? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m meeting my wife for lunch.” He gave me a sneer as he mentioned his wife before walking towards me.

  It must have been the pure shock of the whole event, but somehow but I didn’t react as Denver winked at me as he sauntered past - probably because Louise’s arm was now firmly holding me. Thank god Daniel hadn’t seen him; otherwise, I thought that his fuse really would have blown.

  “Louise, you need to keep a better watch on him… for both of you.”

  “Of course.” She took a deep breath; “I didn’t realize he was up here.” she looked ashamed. Had I missed something here? Yep, I was certain I’d missed part of this conversation.

  An important part.

  “Are you ok?” He asked me, more tenderly than I would have thought possible for such a huge guy, especially one that just moments ago looked like he was about to tear another person limb from limb with his bare hands.

  For the first time, I noticed how well he filled the suit he was wearing today. So much sexier than the gym clothes he'd worn the other day.

  "Yeah, I'm ok." My pride kept me talking, babbling aimlessly. "I've had to contend with bigger bastards than him before." The swear word slipping out. Despite what happened I was at work and should never have said that particularly when it was both in front of and two one of our clients.

  “You’re welcome.” He said, watching me closely.

  I raised my chin in defiance. “Thanks for what you did.”

  That’s where I should have stopped because I knew it was wrong to speak about an altercation with another member of staff to someone else – a client of all people.

  "But I got myself away from him. I mean, I know a bit of self-defense. I only wish I hurt him more than I did."

  “I’m glad to see you’re ok, Ellie.” He said, almost apologetically.

  “I’m glad you guys were up here," I said to them both. Louise's chagrin met me as I looked at her.

  “Louise, I need to cancel our meeting today. We will rearrange.” There was an unquestioned authority in Daniel’s voice and Louise took that as her cue to move away from us. She disappeared into the kitchen, closing the door behind her with a click.

  Right then I wanted to smack her in the face for leaving me alone with him. “Ellie,” he stepped closer to me. “That guy is dangerous and not to be trusted. He’s a threat. Be careful around him.�

  “I have kept myself in one piece so far.”

  “Well Ellie, I guess I’m actually glad that fight never goes away, no matter what name somebody calls themselves.”

  He smiled knowingly and walked away. Leaving me speechless for the second time in a row.


  Chapter Six


  I stalked into my home gym and straight to my treadmill.

  I wanted to kill someone. I knew exactly who, too.

  I pictured myself wrapping my hands around his neck and squeezing until his vile little life left his body. Denver was a slippery bastard who would get what was coming to him – and I would be the one to happily provide the service.

  I increased the speed on my treadmill in the vain hope that the punishment my legs were now taking would help to release the anger I still felt. The worst part about today had been seeing that smug look on the bastard’s face, he knows the agreement between Doyle’s and the Kindred Sons was weakening and just wanted me to bite.

  No chance.

  We were bigger than them with more power and more reach, but dad had let that power become lazy. Both gangs had worked together to push the triad threat out of the neighborhood, simply because our combined force and intel outweighed theirs. If our “peaceful” agreement ended, then right now, I doubted if either Family would survive. What I was certain of was that Chang was waiting for us to fight each other: it would not be my doing. Denver Doyle was pussy enough that he’d happily bow down to the Chinese and take whatever scraps they’d give him.

  I was playing the long game: my quiet plans of bringing more talent into our ranks meant that once the Kindred Sons finally came into my control, we would be strong enough to not only annihilate the Doyle's but the triad too. This was my neighborhood and everyone would know it.

  I pressed the increase speed button again and the belt of my running machine screamed in protest as did the muscles in my thighs. I didn’t care. If I didn’t exhaust myself here I’d either end up punishing the next poor bastard who walked in front of me or finding where she lived, spreading her legs and fucking her into next week.

  I needed this; I had responsibilities to the Kindred Sons now, so doing the only thing I wanted would not be the answer. Besides, her face when she saw me today told me that she was not interested.


  Fucking Ellie.

  My hunch was right – it wasn't her real name. The way her eyes widened in shock, the sharp intake of breath and the slight redness that came to those cheeks all only confirmed my suspicions. But how did I recognize her? We definitely haven't slept together – I would have remembered that body beneath me, those sweet lips wrapped around my cock, those eyes watching me as I'd fill her.

  I smiled in satisfaction as I remembered the shock on her face when she literally bumped into me today. I affected her… ok, maybe not in the way I wanted to, but it was a start.

  The fear that replaced her shock destroyed me. Somehow, I didn’t want her to see me as the monster that everyone else believes I am. Even though I really was a monster.

  I’m the underboss of the Kindred Sons for God’s sake and I had to I let him leave. I held back today because I couldn’t be the one to break the treaty.

  Regret and shame smothered me. I should have offed that cunt. No treaty is worth the fear I saw today in her eyes.

  And what would she have thought of you if you had killed him, then? Yeah, that’s real boyfriend material, asshole.

  I shook myself. I'd only cast eyes on her twice, what the hell has happened to me? I'm the guy that swore off women and I was worried about what a woman who didn't like me and that I didn't want. She could already be with someone else for all I knew, but that thought only seemed to enrage me more.

  I screamed in frustration before hitting the stop button on the machine. I put my weight on my arms and rested my feet on the sides of the treadmill as the belt came to a halt. It wasn’t long until I hit the shower, still frustrated I needed to try another tack to ease this frustration.

  I stood under the blistering hot water as it poured over my neck, shoulders, and back. Her face came back to me again, only this time, she was smiling, feigning shock at the dirty little things I was whispering in her ear and pushing herself against me regardless.

  “You’d love my cock inside you, baby, I just know it.” I’d whisper to her, “Let me try.”

  For some reason in my fantasy, we were back in the Post Room where I first laid eyes on her. I’d unbutton her white blouse and her perky tits would be busting out of a white lace bra. Reaching inside the bra I’d lift both of her tits out of the lace, hearing her moans as I’d nibble on the pink buds, already hard in my mouth.

  Suddenly my fantasy shifted to the shower, this shower. Her hair was soaked and her wet blouse was plastered to her creamy pale skin. I imagined making her step out of her skirt to see the rest of the lace underwear ensemble: stockings, suspenders, and white lace panties. An intoxicating mix of sweet and sexy.

  I wouldn’t let the notion that she was unlikely to dress in such a way at work disrupt my fantasy. Fuck, she looked amazing.

  I couldn’t help myself. The thought of her body beside mine, hot, wet and ready for me was too much.

  I reached down and started stroking my shaft, imagining her mouth as she accepted it in its entirety in her mouth. I imagined her mouth accepting me at the same pace as my hand pumped around my cock.

  In my mind’s eye, I was stroking her hair away from her face so I could watch her cheeks rise and fall with her efforts. She then stood up and pulled the white lace of her delicate underwear to one side, giving me a glimpse of the sweet heaven beneath. In my mind I felt as her hand reached around and her hand grabbed my ass cheek, pulling me closer. “Fuck me, Daniel. I need you inside me.”

  My fist pumped even harder around my cock, a relentless and punishing pace. I felt my whole body tensing as I thickened even more. The water running over my skin only adding to the sensations. I imagined sliding into her tight wet hole.

  Her legs spread her wider for me, wanting more of me, wanting me deeper. The dark expression of pleasure on her face as she tried to turn around to face me made me groan in satisfaction. The sound echoed over the hard tile surface.

  Of course, in my imagination I'd honor her unspoken request: she was hungry for me and she would be satisfied. Well fucking satisfied. I fucked her harder, feeling a wicked satisfaction as I imagined her lifting her hands to the tiles in a desperate attempt to find a way to hold herself steady against the uncompromising pounding. As I heard moans of joy escape from her, my balls tightened and I cum in the shower. Spurts of hot white release hitting the tiles where my fantasy Ellie had just been.

  Holy hell.

  Breathlessly, I cleaned myself up before smiling darkly.

  Oh, Ellie. You will be mine and I will fuck you right here.

  All I had to do was to convince her that she’d want me, too.

  Chapter Seven


  After Daniel walked off Louise rushed out of the kitchen and over to me again, fussing over me and apologizing that she hadn't been in the kitchen when I'd first arrived. Nothing made much sense.

  We slipped into an empty meeting room so I could collect my thoughts and clean myself up – apparently, I had been shaken up more than I thought.

  “How can a guy like that work here?” I spoke, not really expecting an answer. “I mean, it’s like he’s some sort of…”

  “Shh… Ellie, you can’t let anyone hear you say anything bad about Denver.” Louise looked over her shoulder. “I mean it’s a miracle no one saw that little… episode.”

  Before I responded she moved closer. “He’s connected.” Gave me a knowing look at that. “And that makes him pretty untouchable.” She shook her head. “The last girl who reported him ended up with a burned-out car and a dead dog when she got home. Suddenly Sawyer’s didn’t need her anymore and she was let go.”

��So I’m supposed to just let him get away with that?” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Fuck no!” she replied hotly, “I just need you to bide your time. Haven’t you noticed that practically no one actually talks with him unless they have to for work stuff?”

  She stood, moving to the door to peek out. “Yeah, he’s got a couple of lackeys who think he’s great, but you won’t see one woman speak to him unless she needs to - even Mildred doesn’t like him.”


  “Well, their offices are at opposite ends of the floor and even though they both do similar jobs, have you seen her going out of her way to speak to him at any time?”

  I thought for a moment. "No. She's phoned him a few times but that's it." Understanding poured over me. "Why is she letting him act like that? Surely she has a duty to report him?"

  “It’s not common knowledge but I happen to know that he’s got something on her eldest daughter – that’s why Mildred is keeping quiet.”

  “Oh.” I thought the woman had more nerve than to allow herself or her family to be treated in that way. Although, I had no idea what it might have been. “Whatever he has on her must be pretty bad then?”

  “Not a clue.” She said dismissively as she picked an imaginary piece of lint from her clothes. “I really wanted to warn you about him the first day we met, but I couldn’t get a chance. Then when you’d met him, I knew he would suspect if you changed the way you were with him. Ever since I’ve been trying to be nearby if I can.” She released a big breath. “I feel like I’ve let you down.”

  The pain on her face was clear; she really did think that somehow it had been her job to keep me safe here. That made no sense.


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