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Redemption: A Dark Irish Mafia Romance

Page 9

by Faye Parker

  “I’m not interested in your brains, I just want you to fuck me.”

  He eyed me suspiciously, “And just how much have you had to drink there?” his hands stroking my face. “Is Ellie there or is that my whiskey talkin’?”

  I slid on top of him, feeling like I needed to do this. “Yeah, I’ve had a couple of drinks but I know what I want… I just need a little courage-juice to help me say it.” My hands roamed over his broad chest then down to find the bottom of his tee shirt and crawl underneath.

  The movement made him roll his head back and close his eyes, giving me ample opportunity to truly take his face in. The whole time, my hands journeyed over his rock-hard abs, his pecs and I couldn’t resist playing with his nipples like he had started to with mine earlier. His eyes sprung open and I loved how it was me he was looking at - like he wanted to devour every single part of me.

  “Awh, sweetheart, you’re too much.” He smiled wickedly, “C’mere,” I leaned down and his mouth claimed mine with a deep kiss. He moved and suddenly he was on top of me, opening my blouse. He stopped for a second to look at my breasts as they spilled over my lace bra. Next thing I knew, he had my top and my bra laying on the floor, his mouth trailing a line of kisses down to my nipple where he took it into his mouth and the sweetest torture.

  He moved to the other breast, “Ohh, Daniel.” I was such a cliché but I couldn’t have cared less.

  “Lift up for me, sweetheart.” His hands hand unbuttoned my jeans and he wanted them off me. I obeyed instantly, I suddenly felt too hot and too constricted with them on anyway.

  I heard him hiss when he saw the scars. Yep, they were bound to be a passion killer.

  “What happened?” his voice was full of concern.

  “Operation a few years ago,” I said quickly. “Doc made a bit of a mess, but it’s all ok now.”

  I prayed he’d believe me and not go into questioning how I had really got the deep pink scars.

  Besides, I needed him to fuck me, not ask me about things I’d rather forget.

  “Just fuck me,” I begged.

  He removed my underwear with the jeans, throwing them onto the bundle where my blouse lay. He was completely clothed, yet I was completely naked.

  His eyes roamed my body and with the greedy smile on his face I didn’t feel ashamed of my body or my scars for once, I felt proud - he seemed to like what he saw. He moved me on the sofa until my ass was at the edge, the low armrest underneath me, and my legs dangling over the side.

  He sat on his knees and moved towards me, spreading my legs apart as he kissed up one leg, making his way towards my core.

  I nearly buckled with that first touch. A simple, long lick of his tongue over my clit was everything there was. I heard another desperate moan escape my lips but I didn’t care - I needed him to do that again.


  He lapped at my pussy, surprising me by taking his time, slow circles mixed with his tongue flicking me shamelessly. Fuck, he had me going crazy with need.

  I felt my legs shudder and my breathing hitch, I was close. “Mmm, baby, I wanna make you come.”

  Both his hands had been holding my ass, one moved and two fingers slipped easily into my wet pussy. His mouth continued to build me up, but those fingers drove me over the edge. I felt myself clamp down around his fingers as I rode the wave of sheer pleasure.

  I was met with a wicked, wet smile. “You are so fucking sweet, Ellie.” He stood and took his tee shirt off. “I could eat you all day long.” I should have been shocked at his crudeness, but it made me want him more. I watched in anticipation as he unbuckled his belt and his jeans fell easily to the floor.

  “What was that you were saying earlier… you wanted me inside that tight wet pussy?" A shiver of excitement went alone. I had just come but I was greedy for more.

  He held out a hand, gently pulling me up from the sofa. We stood together, breathless and filled with lust. My hands roamed hungrily as I couldn’t stop touching him.

  My fingers traced over the tattoo on his chest, just over his heart.

  “Blood and Loyalty.” I said, reading the words beneath the chained heart and rose.

  “Always.” He said, simply.

  Renewed courage helped me to just reach down and touch his hard cock. I wrapped my hand around his girth and stroked him. He let out a hiss in pleasure so I started pumping him.

  A slight fear trickled over me too as I grasped exactly how sizeable he was. Holy hell, he was even bigger than I had thought in those jeans.

  He pulled me into a deep and frenzied kiss, only releasing me when gasping for air. He eyes met mine with a smirk.

  “I need to be inside you.”

  And I couldn’t have agreed more.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I hated to see the deep scars that ran across the pale skin between her hips. She’d known pain, that much was true. But I took her at her word, it had been something from long ago and I wanted to have a little conversation with whatever doctor thought they could leave such a young woman with such painful looking scars.

  Couldn’t they have gone easier on her? Or had they needed to work quickly and hacked at her because it was urgent? That was exactly how it had looked.

  Scars were one way that memories engraved themselves into our bodies. A truth of past journeys that had to be taken. Whatever Ellie was hiding, whatever gave her reason to dye her hair and fake her name, if it had anything to do with whatever had broken her body, then not only would I find out, but I do whatever I could to break it so she could heal completely.

  I loved those curves and that cunt… a man could lose himself just thinking about it. She was tight, wet, sweet and so responsive to my touch… what more could a guy ask for?

  And yes, she was definitely not brunette. Those light curls were mesmerizing. I could have happily lost myself in her blonde pussy for days.

  Except you know what happens after this one time, don’t you? Nothing - that’s what.

  Remember? Boy-o? Fuck ‘em and forget ‘em?

  In the past, sex would never happen here, in my home. This was my sanctuary. I’d never brought a woman here before.

  I should have taken her to one of the safe houses, but it felt right to bring her here. I wanted her here with me.

  She was so receptive, so willing, in spite of herself. Part of me wanted to bend her over the sofa and pound her from behind, but the other part of me wanted to take her to bed, and if this was only happening once, spend the entire night drawing orgasm after orgasm from her sweet, wet lips.

  It would be something that neither of us would forget.

  Well, that’s new.

  We padded down the hallway into one of the spare bedrooms. I wouldn’t take her to my room, I wouldn’t fuck her on my dirty sheets. No one could see into my windows but regardless, I already knew that all the curtains were closed, as they did every evening when it started to get dark - I loved my tech.

  Anticipation prickled me. I wanted to watch her face as she felt me fill her.

  I kissed her again. Not something I usually did but as a playmate, she gave as good as she got. My cock twitched… begging me to remember what it needed. I guided her into the room and moved her towards the bed, lifting the covers for us to get under.

  “Kiss me,” I demanded and she instantly obeyed. I moved over her and slid my hand down to touch her again, her hips rocking as my fingers found their home again. Her hand wrapped around my cock, pumping it steadily in her tight grip. Moments later, her breathing was heaving - as was mine, I realized.

  “Please,” she whispered. “I need you, Daniel.”

  “I’ll go grab a condom,” I said, not wanting to leave, but respecting her - the last thing we needed was that.

  “I’m clean.” She said, her hand found my balls, playing with them and making me delirious.

  She bit my lip and whispered into my ear, “Fuck me, Daniel. I need your cock. Can’t you feel how wet I am for you?”
she took my hand and brought it back down to her pussy.

  It was true, she was slick and ready for me. She would need to be, my erection was huge. It was all I could do not to blow my load just listening to her dirty little mouth.

  She spread her legs wider as I moved on top of her, the tip of my cock just touching the wetness around her entrance. I reached down and kissed her tenderly, sliding into her as we kissed.

  The rhythm was slow and sensual, I took her deeply as I filled her. Her cunt swallowed me, tight around my cock. She rocked her hips to drive me deeper.

  Before I knew it, my pace had become unrelenting, crazy, and I felt a fine sheen of sweat on my skin.

  “I wanna be on top.” She said breathlessly and I raised my eyebrows in shock - most of the women I’d been with were off the sack-of-potatoes variety which meant they liked to lay back and enjoy the fuck.

  Not my Ellie.

  Ellie rose even further in my estimations.

  I kissed her again, “Anything, sweetheart.” I winced inside - don’t make promises.

  I lay on my back and watched as she threw the covers onto the floor and brazenly looked over my naked body - her eyes full of anticipation. She licked her lips and then moved down to take my cock in her mouth, spinning circles with her tongue and then swallowing me as fully as she could. I hissed and almost lost it right there.

  I looked down with what, pride? As I stroked the hair away from her face to watch her pleasuring me. My fantasy replayed in my mind and I held her head as her mouth fucked me. I quickly stopped - women didn’t like that.

  But my Ellie, she carried on the same hard-fuck pace until I begged her to stop. She mounted me apprehensively, maybe regretting the idea? But as she slowly lowered herself onto me she bent down and kissed me again.

  “I’m gonna enjoy this.” She told me.

  She started slowly, and then I almost thought I was dreaming. She started touching herself as she fucked me. Her head tilted back in pleasure as she rode me, her hands playing with her own breasts.

  Damn right she was enjoying this. I thought. And I fucking loved it.

  She came quickly and I smiled in satisfaction, watching her face as I felt her come. “That’s it, baby,” I coaxed, “Come for me.” As she was coming I rubbed her clit as she ground on my cock, pushing her further over the edge and coming harder.

  Physically, she was spent but I wanted to tease one more release from her. I pulled her down towards me then rolled us over until she was beneath me again, her legs now wrapped around me. Hair clung to the sweat on her face, and she trembled with the aftershocks of her release.

  “That’s it, baby, you fuck so good, are you ready for more?”

  Her eyebrows shot up in shock. “More?!”

  “Yeah, baby, I want you to come for me, one more time.”

  “Oh my god!” she said, “I don’t think I can…”

  I quietened her with another deep kiss, her mouth accepting me as I explored with renewed energy.

  This time, I really did screw her slowly, her release tipping me off the edge. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d like to share a shower with me tomorrow morning.

  She’ll be sore tomorrow, but she’ll know she’s mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I could hear the alarm from my phone in the distance. Surely it wasn’t that time already? I reached over to my bedside table but instead of hitting the wobbly table, my arm flopped down. The table wasn’t there.

  What the…

  Then I opened my eyes, instantly alert when I realized I hadn’t wakened in my own bed. I clambered out of the bed and retrieved my phone, placed neatly on the top of my clothes which were all neatly folded and sitting on the top of a blanket box. My backpack was on the floor beside them.

  The room went silent; I was alone. The bedroom door was closed tight, but after a few moments, I could hear someone opening and closing cupboards downstairs. I slipped into the en suite with my things and started getting ready for the day.

  Memories flooded back after the initial confusion of waking up in a place that I didn’t know.

  Last night was amazing. I gave myself a couple of moments to relive what we’d done… what he’d done. It was a bitter-sweet memory though because I knew that once I passed the folder to Denver, I would need to disappear.

  By the time I’d got out of the shower my plan was complete: I’d squirrel away what I could. I’d go back home today and pack - everything that I could carry would disappear with me.

  What I couldn’t carry would be left, lost to me.

  I’d paid a deposit and I’d paid rent in advance, they’d both be lost to me too. I didn’t have enough time to try to get either of them back, but I didn’t have enough money for many choices either. Maybe Toni would let me move back in with her again for a while?

  I heard footsteps lightly move outside the room before a knock came to the door. Why should he knock now, he’d seen everything last night?!

  “Ellie? Are you dressed?”

  I was glad she was on the other side of the door because if Louise had seen my face, she would have seen it drop.

  “Yeah, come on in.”

  She slid in around the door, her eyes full of concern. Louise moved closer to me, taking me into a heartfelt hug.

  “How are you?”

  “OK.” Sore. Deliciously sore.

  For the craziest of seconds, I thought she was asking me how I was after sleeping with Daniel.

  No, idiot, it’s because she knows you got a death threat last night… most normal people wouldn’t then jump into bed with the next bad boy they laid eyes on after something like that.

  I let out a pained sigh. I must have been crazy.

  “I’m so sorry you’ve been brought into all of this.” She gave me a last squeeze before releasing me.

  It had been so long since I had allowed someone this close - even Toni somehow had sensed I didn’t like to be touched. Then again, when Toni first met me, she saw the bruises from my last breakup.

  Louise offered me a sad smile, “I knew you’d be up now, so I’ve made some breakfast. You ready to come downstairs?”

  It was fair to say that she wasn’t the best cook. Louise’s idea of making breakfast was to set out two bowls, some cereal, milk and two steaming mugs of coffee. Not that it really mattered, even though I felt empty, my appetite was gone.

  Louise ate in silence whilst I picked at my food. “So, I was thinking, why not throw a sick-day today?” her voice was calm but I felt her watch me with the corner of her eye - desperate not to let me see how much she was struggling to keep the conversation light.

  I’d struggled to keep many conversations light in my time, I recognize when someone else was trying to do it.

  “No can do,” I shrugged. “I’ve still got bills and I need to keep my job. My first probation appraisal is next week.”

  “That’s a pity.” She said, casually spooning another mouthful, “Because I’ve already phoned for you.”

  “Louise! That’s not your call to make!” Anger filled me, it wasn’t her decision.

  “And how’s that going to look - that I didn’t even phone in myself?” I stalked away from the table, reaching for the phone in my pocket.

  “Where are you going? It’s already sorted.”

  “I’m calling Mildred to try and stop any trouble you’ve already made.”

  Thankfully, Louise knew better than to follow me into the lounge.

  Mildred delivered the news that, although my level of work had been extremely competent, unfortunately, Sawyer’s & Co no longer required my services as an administrator.

  All monies owed to me would be processed within three working days. Her tone was extremely professional - too polite, too professional, too courteous.

  I sat, speechless on the sofa that had brought me so much pleasure last night. The fact he’d disappeared without so much as a goodbye felt like a slap in the face, the sting hurt.

/>   Now that my job was gone, the Kindred Sons would have no use for me. I was expendable and knew too much. Unbidden tears streaked down my cheeks as the hard, cold reality sank in: No job, no more money, linked to the Kindred Sons, death threat by the Doyle’s, and used for a cheap fuck by Daniel. And as I heard the footsteps come to the door, I knew one last thing.

  No escape.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I was always proud of the way I could hide my tears. “Never let the bastards see you cry.” My mother had told me from I was old enough to remember. It was how she’d lived her life. Right now, I knew my mother would have been disgusted with the sight of me.

  "Shhh," Louise said as she put an arm around me, rubbing my back.

  Louise must have thought I was over-distraught about a job I’d only had for a few weeks, but I cried for more than the job. My new start, the one where I’d make it up to Ryan. I was going to be the big sister I should always have been before leaving him for a man who not only used me but chipped away at my spirit until I thought it was acceptable for him to abuse me.

  It wasn't until he'd battered me so badly that he took away the last thing I thought I could truly love, that would maybe love me, our child within me when I finally didn't care if I lived or died.

  Only when I reached that moment, that point, where I finally stood up to him - to push him to finally put me out of my misery, that he left me. Leaving me so badly beaten, physically and mentally, that leaving me alive and barely breathing felt like his last “fuck you”.

  Louise sat quietly, keeping me company as I was overcome with the emotions I’d been hiding, fighting and denying for so long. It was like something had broken within me, and I supposed that should fill me with fear.

  Now I’d opened the floodgates, what if I never stopped crying? I wept until I was sore: haggard breaths and stinging eyes.


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