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Dating My Brother's Best Friend

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by Sofia T Summers

  Dating My Brother’s Best Friend

  Sofia T Summers

  Copyright © 2020 by Sofia T Summers

  All rights reserved.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Prologue: Cass

  1. Raff

  2. Cass

  3. Raff

  4. Cassidy

  5. Raff

  6. Cassidy

  7. Raff

  8. Cass

  9. Raff

  10. Cass

  11. Raff

  12. Cass

  13. Raff

  14. Cass

  15. Raff

  16. Cass

  17. Raff

  18. Cass

  19. Raff

  20. Cass

  21. Raff

  22. Cass

  23. Raff

  24. Cass

  25. Raff

  26. Cass

  27. Raff

  28. Cass

  29. Raff

  Epilogue: Cass

  Daddy’s Best Friend - Sample

  Read ALL of Brother’s Best Friends here

  Connect with Sofie


  How do I know that the universe hates me?

  It’s simple.

  The same man who ruined my life has returned to ruin it some more…

  …in the form of my boss!

  There’s nothing worse than knowing that your ex has the power to make or break your career.

  Raff has already broken my heart and betrayed my brother, so there’s no way I can trust him.

  Actually, he stomped over my heart so hard that I don’t even know where those broken pieces are anymore.

  But my stupid heart still throbbed against my chest when I saw him after all those years.

  I noticed that my daughter has his eyes.

  Our daughter.

  What’s worse than sharing a workday with your douchebag of an ex?

  Sharing a daughter with him.

  A child that he doesn’t even know exists.

  That’s not the only thing he doesn’t know.

  I love him. I still do.

  And I intend to keep my feelings a secret.

  But secrets have a way of coming out… the only question is, when.

  Prologue: Cass

  You only turned twenty-one once, and I was determined to make the most of it, even in a town like New Canaan. Oh, sure, if you wanted to be adorable and rich it was great but if you were young and actually wanted to party there wasn’t a whole lot around.

  Dawn had suggested we go into New York City, tear up the town there, but I didn’t want to go that far out of the way. I knew we’d end up drunk off our asses and I had no interest in making one person miss out by playing designated driver, or in paying for a cab all the way back home. We could just make do with the bars in the so-called ‘downtown’ of New Canaan.

  And hey, so far, things were working out great.

  I was tipsy and dancing with my friends, and it was a good time. I knew most of the people in the bar, the same rich preppy people I’d gone to school with. I had a feeling a lot of the guys here were hoping to finally get a piece of me, but I wasn’t interested in any of them. Yeah, I was hot. I had generous curves, and I knew it. The boys could look all they wanted. It didn’t mean they were going to get to touch.

  There was only one person I wanted to want me and touch me. But he wasn’t here.

  As if I’d summoned him, the door to the bar opened and in stepped Raff.

  Raffordy “Raff” West was my brother’s best friend. And sure enough, my brother Trevor stepped into the bar with him.

  Great. Just great.

  There was a three-year age difference between Trevor and me, but you’d think it was a decade based on how my brother acted.

  Raff, at least, never treated me like I was too much younger. He was five years older than me, already twenty-six, and he’d always been aware of it, but he hadn’t been condescending or annoying about it like Trevor was.

  He was also hot as sin.

  I wasn’t sure exactly when I’d stopped thinking about Raff just as my brother’s best friend and began thinking of him as the man I wanted to date, but it had been a few years now. I’d been pining for him all through college. And now that I was in my senior year, hopefully he would see that I was an adult, and our five-year age difference didn’t matter as much.

  Besides, he was going to be seeing me a lot. Raff and Trevor were going into business together. Trevor was beyond excited. I’d never seen him so gung-ho about a project before. Mom and Dad had worried about Trevor’s work ethic over the years, especially once he graduated college and seemed to be drifting a little. Our family had money, plenty of it, so that wasn’t the issue. The issue was Trevor apparently not wanting to do anything with himself.

  Raff doing this project with him was a godsend, if you asked my parents. And it was the perfect opportunity for me to see more of him. To make him see that I could be good for him, just the girl that he needed in his life.

  He looked so hot tonight, wearing tight, dark fitted jeans and a dark green button-up shirt that showed off his hazel eyes. He had the sleeves rolled up, showing off his forearms, and it made my mouth water. I loved how Raff dressed, always understated but classy, like he was ready to walk in and take over the room.

  Trevor spied me before Raff did and I winced as he made his way over to me, moving my friends out of the way to get to me.

  “I’m literally in the middle of a dance!” I said, raising my voice to be heard over the music.

  “Aww, what, I can’t dance with the birthday girl?”

  “Stop being annoying, what are you, twelve?”

  Trevor did some deliberately stupid dance moves that made him look like a dork. I rolled my eyes and shoved at him. “Go away. It’s just me and my friends, there aren’t even any boys around!”

  “Gotta make sure nobody gets any ideas about my baby sister,” Trevor scoffed in reply. “That’s my job, keeping you from doing something stupid.”

  “You’re stupid, and yet people seem to do you all the time.” I shoved him away again. “Go find someone else to bother. This is my birthday, you didn’t see me hanging around stopping you from having a good time when you turned twenty-one.”

  Trevor did the I’m watching you motion with his two fingers flicking between his eyes and mine, and then went to the bar to grab a drink.

  “You’d think he’d give me one evening off,” I said to Dawn, getting back into the groove of the music. “If anyone’s the type to do something stupid it’s him, not me.”

  I was a straight A student. I spoke French and Spanish fluently, I played the cello, I was amazing. My parents didn’t have to worry about me. And neither did Trevor.

  The only thing I wanted to take a risk on was Raff.

  He walked over to join Trevor at the bar, the two men chatting it up together, smiling and relaxed. Raff looked like he could use something relaxing. He’d recently completed his MBA. Which was good for him, but I was sure it had taken a lot out of him.

  I was sure he’d appreciate a pretty girl wanting to take his mind off things and help him celebrate.

  My friends had been so kind and generous, gifting me presents even though I’d told them I didn’t need or want anything, but there was one birthday present lef
t for me to get—the one I wanted to get myself. And that was Raff.

  A girl came up to Trevor, someone that I vaguely recognized but whose name I couldn’t place. I’d probably just seen her around town. Trever turned his thousand-watt smile on her immediately.

  Hoo boy. Trevor was going to flirt with her, and that was good news for me. It (hopefully) meant that now he’d be too busy with this girl to be thinking about me and I could make my move on Raff. Or at the very least have fun without my annoying older brother breathing down my neck.

  Trevor continued to flirt with the girl, and I focused back in on my dancing. And, well, if I was focusing a bit more on showing off how well I could dance and how sexy I was, showing off my body in the hopes that Raff would notice… well, nobody had to know, right?

  “He’s looking at you,” Dawn whispered in my ear as she danced next to me. “Once Trevor’s distracted you should totally ask him to dance.”

  Oh man. Could I be that bold? Raff was handsome, smart, and educated. He could have just about any girl that he wanted. And that wasn’t taking into consideration his sheer confidence. He was an alpha male, through and through. And God, it was so fucking attractive.

  But it was also intimidating. And I was confident in myself, but I didn’t know if I was that confident.

  Could I dare?

  “No risk, no reward!” Dawn said, as if reading my thoughts. She grinned and winked at me, then focused back in on the song that was playing, swaying her hips, dancing the night away.

  She had a point. No risk, no reward.

  And if it did go wrong… well, I had the rest of senior year to find another guy and forget about Raff. And he could avoid me easily enough. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, right?

  I glanced over at Raff, to see if Dawn was right, and sure enough he was watching me with dark, hooded eyes. I slid my hands over my hips, down my body, and I watched as Raff’s gaze followed the movement.

  Ha. Looked like Dawn was right, and I had a chance after all.

  I kept my distance until I saw that Trevor was leaving with his new girl, the two of them giggling together and clearly off to have some fun. Now that my brother was gone, I could focus on Raff.

  When the song ended, I walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. I stood just close enough to Raff that he could sidle up to me if he wanted—and he did.

  “Looks like you’re having fun,” he noted, smiling.

  I shivered with heat at that smile. “I am.” I grinned. “You only turn twenty-one once, right?”

  “Damn right.” Raff nodded at the bartender as he served up my drink. “I’ve got this one.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “No, no, you’re the birthday girl. You shouldn’t have to pay for anything.” Raff winked at me and I just about melted.

  My drink arrived and I downed it quickly, enjoying the slick, hot burn of it. “I love this song!” I told him, raising my voice. “You want to dance with me?”

  I could hardly believe I was being this bold. I blamed the drink for helping me with liquid courage. I wanted to dance with him, to seduce him.

  And I thought that I might actually be able to succeed.

  Raff looked me over like he was considering devouring me and I shivered again. I had never seen him look at me like that before, and I wanted more of it. I wanted to be devoured.

  Then Raff held out his hand, smiling at me, and I slid my hand into his.

  He pulled me out onto the dance floor and immediately spun me, then dropped his hands to my hips, pulling me in against him. I inhaled sharply, feeling his firm, strong body against mine. I’d imagined this so many times over the last few years, after seeing the firm, broad muscles straining underneath his tight shirts and form-fitting pants, but my imagination was nothing like the reality.

  I had no idea how long we danced for. It felt like forever, each song blending into another, time and people blurring. All that I cared about was Raff’s hard body grinding against mine.

  “When did you get so sexy?” Raff murmured in my ear, his fingers digging deliciously into my hips.

  “While you were off getting your degree,” I replied, teasing and coy.

  Raff growled slightly, and I shivered. I wanted him all over me, now.

  Occasionally as we danced other men would move closer, trying to see if they could cut in, but Raff would give them a look that I couldn’t see but sure could feel, and the others would back away.

  I didn’t mind at all. I didn’t want the attention of other men anyway. I only wanted Raff.

  We finally took a break and had a couple more drinks, right as last call was sounding. I’d never been out so late before. Sure, this wasn’t the first time I’d had alcohol, but I was a hard worker and I preferred just to stay at a party or a bar for an hour or so before going back home. There was always homework or something to do.

  Most of my friends were getting ready to go now, though. Even Dawn, who was more of a partyer than I was, was saying she was going to take a cab and hit the hay instead of continuing the party somewhere else.

  I looked over at Raff, taking a deep breath. “Would you like to share a cab with me?”

  It was a risk. Raff might be willing to dance with me and flirt a bit, but grinding up against someone on the dance floor didn’t equal wanting to actually go home with them. Plenty of people flirted with me when I went out, and I would flirt back. But I didn’t sleep with them. I didn’t want to. Flirting and dirty dancing was just a part of the fun of being out.

  But oh, how I hoped it was more for Raff.

  I tried not to hold my breath, and I tried to say flirtatious and cool, as I waited for his answer.

  Raff gave me a slow smile. “Sure thing.”

  We piled into a cab. Raff lived just across the street from me, or at least, his parents did. I was sure that he would be getting his own place soon enough. When he had an MBA and determination like that? I was sure he’d go far.

  I waited until we had started driving off, then moved closer. Raff didn’t object—so I made my move. I leaned in and put my hand on his shoulder to steady myself, kissing him softly, just the once. I didn’t want to dive right into making out and then have him pull away and not want it. I didn’t want to be too eager and then screw myself over.

  For a second, Raff was frozen, and my stomach dropped.

  But then, he started to kiss me back.

  I gasped in pleasure and triumph, my heart soaring, and I moved closer. Raff pulled me in until I was on his lap, kissing me with more and more fervor, and I responded as best I could. I moaned as his tongue slid into my mouth, sucked on it, and Raff groaned in response. I could feel him getting harder against me, his cock swelling, and my mouth watered with desire. I wanted him inside of me. I wanted him to fuck me. It was all I’d wanted for years.

  The cab started to slow down as it pulled into our neighborhood. I pulled back from Raff just enough to whisper, “My parents aren’t home. You should come over.”

  Raff stared up at me for a moment, his eyes looking black in the dim streetlight. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Trevor’s my best friend. He’ll be pissed if he finds out.”

  “He never has to find out,” I replied.

  Personally, I would think that Trevor should be thrilled that someone he trusted like Raff would be my boyfriend. He would be able to trust that Raff would treat me right. But then again, I doubted Trevor would be logical about that kind of thing.

  I was determined, though. We could cross that bridge—or burn it—when we got to it. Tonight, there was no reason for Trevor to find out what we were doing. And just maybe, just maybe, it could be the start of something between us. Something real.

  Raff looked at me for a moment, considering.

  “I wouldn’t ever tell him,” I promised. “Who says we’re even compatible?”

  “Oh, we’re compatible,” Raff assured me, a flirtatious twinkle in his eye.

  “Then prove it,” I demanded.
“Come home with me. Show me.”

  Raff groaned and pulled me in to kiss me again. It was slick and deep. God only knew what the man driving our cab thought, but who the hell even cared? Raff was licking into my mouth like he’d die if he had to stop and that was all that mattered.

  We tumbled out of the cab and into my house, tiptoeing up to my room even though I was the only one home.

  I kept the lights off in my bedroom. It was my childhood bedroom, and I’d updated it as I’d grown up, sure, but still. I didn’t want Raff of all people to see me as a child right now. I didn’t want him to be reminded of when I was a kid and constructing elaborate murder mysteries out of Barbie dolls.

  Raff didn’t seem to mind. He picked me up and I laughed, startled and turned on as he carried me to my bed, laying me down onto it. He spread my legs wide and I inhaled sharply. God, this was really going to happen. I was so excited I felt like I might actually burst out of my skin. I felt hot all over, melting, buzzing.

  Raff slowly peeled my clothes off, kissing every inch of skin that was revealed. His mouth seemed to set me even more on fire, like his lips were coated in gasoline. I could see his cock in the moonlight streaming in from the window and my mouth watered at the size of it. That was going to be inside of me. I felt thrilled. A little intimidated, sure, but mostly excited.


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