Home > Other > UNCHIPPED: DENNIS > Page 13

by DeVere, Taya

  Next to the stairs rests a cardboard sign with a foldable stand. She picks it up and carries it toward the other end of the yellow glowing space. As she passes a cleared-out area with stasis capsules and ropes resting on the floor beside them, Margaret pretends she can’t see the bloodstains and poorly swept shards of glass. An icy chill travels across her body, sending shivers down her spine.

  At the server, she sets the sign down to lean against one of the lightly humming capsules.

  “I thought. We had a. Cleaning crew. Down here. Yesterday.”

  Iris looks up from her screens and frowns at Margaret. “We did.”

  “So why. Is Ava’s. Blood. Still all over. The basement. Floor?”

  The older woman, Mrs. Salonen, waves her hand at Iris, gesturing her to leave it alone. “You’re right, Margie. They did a poor job. I’ll talk to Susan in the morning, ask them to bring the crew back with the next delivery.”

  It’s not good enough. Not fast enough. Efficient enough. That’s what she wants to tell Mrs. Salonen, but can’t. The woman is always so pleasant, so easy to get along with. And what happened to Ava is none of her fault. Unless you count the fact that she once gave birth to Laura Salonen, who later changed her name, her agenda, and became the ruler of the world, destroying those who didn’t fit in.

  “How’s the hearing today?” Iris asks.

  “Hearing. Is good.” Margaret says and touches the device behind her ear. It’s ancient technology, sure. But it’s something that neither Nurse Saarinen nor anyone else will be able to hack. Not like her chip.

  Mrs. Salonen places her hand on Margaret’s shoulder. “The headache’s gone then?”

  “The one. Around my. Temples?” She returns the woman’s smile. “Yes. All gone. But the headache. That is. Your daughter’s. Legacy…”

  Mrs. Salonen laughs and shakes her head. “One day at a time, Margie.” She pats her shoulder before walking back to the server. “One day at a time.”

  “I have the secure line to Jovan ready.” Iris reaches over and hands Mrs. Salonen a set of AR-glasses. “The light’s off, so you should be all set. If not,” Iris hands the old woman a bottle of pills. “Here’s something for the pain. Just try and keep it short, pain or no pain. The headquarters’ malware bugs have tripled overnight. They’re listening and watching all the cities.”

  “Except. City of. California.”

  Iris shrugs. “Sure. The green city’s dead. But maybe your wonder boy can work his magic from his new tower. Brainwash some sheep to join their little revolution.”

  “William. His name. Is William.”


  “But he’s not whatever, Iris,” Mrs. Salonen says, her voice filled with patience and warmth.

  Margaret wishes she would raise her voice, just this once. Lose her temper. Make a mistake. Be human. But that isn’t something that the old woman is likely to do. She reaches out and gently smooths a lock of hair behind Iris’s ear. To Margaret’s surprise, Iris lets her.

  “Bill was highly successful in his life well before The Great Affliction. And even after learning he was Unchipped and having to leave the city, he questioned the program and those who run it. And when he was again offered a place in the sun, he made a decision. And he chose the outcasts. He decided to stick with people who have no voice. Even if it was at the expense of his own comfort and fortune. Laura chose Bill to lead the revolution because he can’t be corrupted.“

  Iris’s lips twitch, but she doesn’t say anything. Doctor Solomon—Iris’s boss and mentor—suddenly turned the tables to work with the rebels, and that has been tough on Iris. Only a month or so ago, Iris hadn’t yet learned about Doctor Solomon’s soft spot. Maybe Laura herself didn’t know that spot existed. That she could even care about another human being—about her daughter. But Sanna is very real. And she may just have saved all the Unchipped left on the planet.

  “Do I call him?” Mrs. Salonen asks Iris, turning the AR-glasses in her hands. “Or will he call me? I’m not sure…” As Margaret taps on the device attached to her head, their voices first turn into muffled robotic sounds before disappearing altogether.

  Seeing Ava’s blood on the floor has triggered her anxiety. She shouldn’t take it out on these two. Not on her allies. If anything, she should visit the egg, let Laura hear an earful. But every time she does—every time she visits the late Doctor Solomon in her new reality—it only makes her mind more restless and causes a lump to rise in her throat. She should let go of the past. Focus on the future. Or better yet, live here and now.

  Kaarina is safe. Her allies are safe. Bill is in charge of what’s about to come. Working side by side with Doctor Solomon gives her more power than she’s ever had before. A revolution. Together, they’ll take over one AR-city at a time. Together, they’ll beat the corrupted Happiness-Program and turn it into what it was always supposed to be.

  Equality. Love. Freedom.

  But for all this to happen, for her to fight alongside those with the purest hearts, Margaret needs to keep her own mind together. She needs to learn to live in this new state that is her reality; part Unchipped, part Chipped. Switching from one to another like she switches from hearing to not hearing. Freaking out over the loss of one of her Kinship Care children is a no-go. Growing bitter and hateful towards those helping her would be a foolish thing to do—even if one of those people is Doctor Solomon herself.

  She needs to put her ego aside. Put her emotions aside. Stay in control. Lead.

  Margaret taps on the device twice. It’s not the pain of the yellow glow that forces her to do so. It’s the fact that she needs to hear every single word exchanged with Jovan in the purple city. She needs to stay on top of things. Every. Single. Thing.

  “Answer call,” Mrs. Salonen says.

  “How does the speaker… ahh.” Mrs. Salonen sits back on the stool and smiles at Iris.


  “Hey, guys.” Jovan’s voice is calm and collected, just like he tends to be even in the most stressful situations. “I don’t have much time here, okay?”

  Margaret focuses on their words but turns her back on them. It still throws her, being able to do so. To know what people are saying without needing to see them. Without needing to read their lips, or to curse the fact that sign language has become a dying art. Chipping was supposed to fix everyone. Hearing, seeing, walking. Everyone in the world was supposed to get a second chance. Everyone but those who weren’t deemed to be worthy.

  “We’re getting close,” Jovan says, his pleasant voice booming between the rows of empty stasis capsules. “I’d say she’ll be out in two days, three tops. I’ve recruited four more soldiers…”

  Still listening the conversation, she fingers the sign she’s dragged over. With a few tries, she plants the stand on a long counter space. Further down behind the counter, she sees a long row of operating tables with white sheets, waiting empty. Waiting for a better tomorrow. For William to start his work. For Jovan to start his work. Miguel. Kaarina. Maria. Markus. Dennis. Yeti. Iris. Luna. Laura. Sanna. Mrs. Salonen. All of those who want to see the world change. To create a place where one’s worth is not defined by the hardware inside their heads.

  A chip-free world.

  A re-designed Happiness-Program.

  A free world.

  Grunting, Margaret lifts the wide cardboard sign. It’s not too big or heavy for her to handle, just awkward and bulky. Once the sign rests against the counter, Margaret flips it around and places it on the stand. She steps back, her hands resting against her hips. Slightly out of breath, she lets her eyes rest on the sign, reading the words over and over again.

  The words that will not bring back what was once lost. Words that won’t replace those they’ve already lost. Words that are just the first stab at a direction where the impossible fight awaits. But it’s a start. It’s a plan. A fool’s plan, sure, but only those who are crazy enough to try the impossible have a chance at changing the world.



  Shoot! Book 7 of the Unchipped story is at a close. But don’t worry, you can find out what happens next in Book 8 in the Unchipped series, UNCHIPPED: MARGARET available on Amazon


  My dearest reader,

  You are simply amazing! Thank you so much for your support and readership! I can’t tell you how much you reading this book means to me. I’m humbled and honored that you’ve dedicated your valuable time to experience the Unchipped universe with me. I’m still a newbie author, so if you were to leave me a review on Amazon it would be a huge help! Short or long, doesn’t matter. Reviews are the best way to help other readers find the Unchipped Series.

  Want to stay in touch? I would love it if you’d subscribe to my newsletter @ www.TayaDeVere.com/HappinessProgram Starting in August 2020, newsletter subscribers will receive free, exclusive early access to in-universe short stories from the Unchipped series a week before each book comes out. That’s every eighteen days so be sure to sign up to get first crack at the series!

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  Gratefully yours,

  Taya DeVere



  About the Author

  Taya is a Finnish-American author, writing contemporary fiction and dystopian sci-fi. After living and traveling in America for seven years, she now lives in Finland with her husband Chris, their dog Seamus, three bunny-boys (Ronin, Baby, Loki), and her horse of a lifetime, Arabella.

  Best things in life: friends & family, memories made, and mistakes to learn from. Taya also loves licorice ice cream, secondhand clothes and things, bunny sneezes, salmiakki, and sauna.

  Dislikes: clowns, the Muppets, Moomin trolls, dolls (especially porcelain dolls), human size mascots and celery.

  Taya's writing is inspired by the works of authors like Margaret Atwood, Peter Heller, Hugh Howey, and C.M. Martens.

  Final Thanks

  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; I’m oddly private about my writing and everything that goes with it. The process, ideas, problems, even the bursts of joy writing brings me on a daily basis. I keep it mostly to myself. Why? Why not share such a huge chunk of my everyday life with my friends and family (and social media friends and followers)?

  I honestly don’t know.

  Maybe it’s because I’m so deep within the story that I can’t step out of it to discuss it. Maybe it’s because I want to give my characters my undivided attention while they get in trouble, ef up their lives, and shake in their boots. I don’t know—but I’m curious to find out.

  Though, a few people do share the early phases of the story with me; my editors Chris T. and Lindsay and my proofreaders Laura, Julia, and Chris D. Editing my work and solving developmental issues are the only phases of workflow which cause me headaches. I don’t like to change my text, and who wants to skim a hundred pages to learn whether this B story person is wearing a blue or green shirt or if it’s a revolving door or a pull?

  But my editorial team makes the editing more fun. Not once have I gotten the manuscript back without bursting out laughing when reading some of the (always kind but brutally honest) comments my editor at the time has left me. Not once have I finished revisions without thinking, “These people are out of this world with their knowledge and expertise.” They make sure my “Finnglish” hasn’t gotten out of hand but never change my author’s voice while doing so. Switching from one language to another about a gazillion times a day leaves me completely scatterbrained more times than not. So trust me when I say; editing my mind’s work can be a major challenge. Thanks to the two Chrises, Lindsay, Laura, and Julia, my written work doesn’t look anywhere the same as the huggermugger of a grocery list on our kitchen’s whiteboard.

  Thank you, team, for everything you do! I am so grateful to have you in my corner.

  The Unchipped Series – Release Schedule – Early 2021

  UNCHIPPED: KAARINA - 8/31/2020

  UNCHIPPED: WILLIAM - 9/18/2020

  UNCHIPPED: ENYD - 10/6/2020

  UNCHIPPED: LUNA - 10/24/2020

  UNCHIPPED: THE RESORT - 11/11/2020

  UNCHIPPED: LAURA - 11/30/2020

  UNCHIPPED: DENNIS - 12/18/2020

  UNCHIPPED: MARGARET - 01/05/2021

  UNCHIPPED: JOVAN - 01/23/2021





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