Summer Swing

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Summer Swing Page 15

by Ben Boswell

  I was a mess. I had a knotty bruise on the side of my head, and another across my jaw line. The cut on my arm had bled during the night and had a crusty scab. The one saving grace was that the various bite marks and scratches Lena had given didn’t seem out of place. I’m not sure why that should matter, but I suspected that regardless of Marie’s own transgressions, she wouldn’t react well to too many reminders of my own time with her sister.

  I eased my way downstairs to find my wife along with Claire and Brad standing in the kitchen clustered around a delicious-smelling, vegetable omelet. The girls were in bathrobes and Brad in boxers and tee shirt.

  “Holy shit, what happened to you?” Brad asked as I approached.

  Marie seemed shocked as well. When she came to visit me, it was still dark, and we were distracted. “Bubby?”

  Claire went for the joke. “Is Lena buried out back?”

  “She’s fine,” I replied. “I got into a bit of a scrape at the bar.”

  “Jesus. You too?” my wife said. “While we were there, two other guys got beaten up.”

  “Story is they ran into a pissed off, six-foot-four black guy,” Brad added.

  I laughed. “They ran into me.”

  My wife tilted her head skeptically and Claire giggled.

  “No joke,” Lena said from the stairs. She was wearing a pink tank top and skimpy panties, and her breasts swayed deliciously as she descended. She approached and put her hand on my forearm near the cut. “He’s my hero.”

  Marie raised an eyebrow.

  Lena continued. “These two assholes were getting handsy with me, and Danny just laid them out.”

  Brad let out a half chuckle, but then stopped when Lena didn’t join in. “I don’t get it,” he said.

  Lena shrugged. “He’s a stone, cold, barroom brawler, and not bad in the bedroom either.”

  I blushed.

  Marie looked at me quizzically.

  “I was just reacting, and before I knew it they were on the ground. So we hightailed it out of there.”

  “Danny was worried they might come back after us,” Lena added. “I was mostly looking for an opportunity to get his dick in my mouth.”

  My wife rolled her eyes. Brad clapped me on the shoulder. “Damn, man, you had an exciting night.”

  Claire flicked a piece of red pepper at her husband. “You didn’t do so bad yourself.”

  Brad stood up straighter, preening a bit. “I think we all had a good time.”

  “Speak of which, where is C.J.?” Lena asked.

  Claire and Marie exchanged smirks. “He may need a little time to recover.”

  I looked over at my wife.

  Marie shrugged. “After you fell asleep on me I went to see if Claire needed any help.”

  Claire grinned. “Well, I am not sure I needed help, but it is always fun to have a partner in crime.”

  “And C.J. didn’t seem to mind either,” my wife added.

  Claire nodded. “What’s not to enjoy? Two mouths on his cock. Two wet pussies to choose from.” She turned toward her husband, “Even after wearing me out all… night… long….” and then toward me, “he still definitely perked up when Marie dropped by. He does seem to really love fucking your lovely spouse.”

  “Who can blame him?” Brad added as Marie gave him an aw shucks grin.

  “I’m not sure if all of you are actually enjoying this, or if it is just about tormenting me,” I noted.

  Marie laughed. “Why not both?”

  Lena slapped her hands on the counter. “Well, unlike these two whores who spent all night fucking, I knew when to call it an evening. So now I am rested and ready. Give me some of that omelet and I’ll be ready to screw my way through the rest of the day.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” C.J. said as he appeared from the porch.

  He strode over to Claire and slipped his fingers into her hair. “You were amazing last night,” he said as he kissed her passionately. Brad adjusted his erection inside his boxers. Then C.J. turned to Marie. He cupped her ass. “And you were incredible, as always.” He turned to Lena. “Hey baby.”

  Lena rolled her eyes. “Hey baby? That’s the best you can do? Dan beat up two guys for me. And Brad, well, he’s got a horse cock. What do you have?”

  Claire chuckled. C.J. smirked. “Why don’t you ask your sister?”

  Lena raised an eyebrow. “Fair enough.” She turned toward Marie. “So, Sis, what makes C.J. so irresistible?”

  “I’m not sure he’s irresistible,” she replied.

  I snorted. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Honey. I think you’ve spent more time riding his dick the last couple of days than sleeping.”

  “We’re all—” she began.

  “No,” I interrupted. “You’re definitely pushing the envelope.”

  “What envelope is that, Bubby? The one where you screw my sister?”

  Claire interjected. “He has a point, you know. C.J. was supposed to be my toy, not yours.”

  “You’ve had your fun,” Marie replied.

  Claire smirked. “Yeah, sure. But come on, even last night, you first muscled in on my DP, and then this morning I wake up to you slurping on his prick. You sure seem to be having trouble resisting.”

  My wife took a deep breath. “I don’t know. We’ve always had this amazing sexual chemistry. He’s an impossible asshole, but… well… all the parts just seem to fit together just right.”

  C.J. was smirking.

  “Stop gloating, you prick,” Lena snapped. She slid over toward me and pressed her big tits against my arm. “You’re not all that.”

  “Well, you wouldn’t know, would you?” He replied.

  She nodded. “I am curious,” she admitted. “Need to see what makes my sister so gooey. But first… breakfast.”

  Brad resumed his work at the stove, flanked by Lena and Marie, and with C.J. sitting uneasily on a stool on the other side of the counter. I edged over toward the window, watching dark clouds rolling in. Claire joined me.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I’m not quite where Brad is,” I admitted.

  “I’m surprised you’re as good with this as you are. When Marie walked in with C.J. that first night, I thought you were going to flip out.”

  “Well, I had some incentive not to,” I replied, thinking about how Claire sidled up to me.

  “I did my best,” she said. “You did pretty well too,” she added with a smirk.

  “What do you think happens when we get back home?”

  “You mean, you’re worried Marie is going to want to continue seeing him?”

  “She doesn’t seem able to resist,” I noted.

  “You know your wife—”

  “I thought I did.”

  “You do. This is just one of those weird things. We’re all entitled to go a little crazy once a decade, aren’t we?”

  I nodded. “I guess.” After a few moments, I continued, “What about you and Brad?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. The big lug really seems to get off on me screwing other guys. Not sure I’m going to able to cut him off cold turkey.”

  “And you’re willing to….”

  She laughed. “Am I willing to have sex with other men to turn on my husband? Seems like a win-win to me.”

  “If, like, you don’t think of sex as….”

  “Oh, come on. You had fun with me. Fun with Lena. Let’s not make a mountain out of a molehill. Look, Marie dumped him back in the day. She’s not addicted to him. She’s just having some fun.”

  I sighed. I had no idea where this was all going. I couldn’t deny I was enjoying some of it, but I also couldn’t deny that it was all unsettling.

  “And what happens today?” I asked.

  Rain splattered the window. Claire grinned. “I think this is an indoor day.”


  Somehow, breakfast proceeded without incident. Brad cooked omelets all around, and we all gradually came and went, getting showered and refres
hed with naps. The tension, though, was palpable. With the rain escalating outside, it was obvious we wouldn’t be leaving the house, and it was hard to imagine after the past two days that we’d end up spending all day playing Parcheesi… or even Catan.

  The girls, for sure, seemed to be laying the groundwork for more shenanigans. While we guys seemed satisfied to get cleaned up and dressed in shorts and tee shirts, the girls were getting all foxed up. Lena was doubling down on her college vixen act in a pair of running tights, a fitted UNC tee, and her hair in two thick braids. Claire had blown out her hair and changed into a loose-fitting flower-print dress that gave off peaks of her thighs and sideboob as she moved. My wife was in a white, crochet-bust halter dress.

  I wanted to speak to my wife, but I couldn’t bring myself to approach her. And anyway, I knew she’d just deflect me. Whatever we’d begun was not over yet, and until we were out of the storm, I knew the most I’d get out of her was evasion. But also, I didn’t want to provoke a fight because I was having fun too. I was okay with the week of fun; my anxiety was mostly about what came next. But that was for tomorrow, both metaphorically and literally.

  I jolted as I heard the blender whir in the kitchen. C.J. was making margaritas. Things were going to start getting interesting.

  Lena took a sip from her salt-rimmed glass and squared up to face C.J. “Well, I don’t believe he’s that good.”

  Instead of coming out of the blue, we all recognized it as a continuation of our conversation from breakfast.

  C.J. laughed. “Sounds like a challenge. How about you give me a chance to prove it.”

  Lena smirked. “That’s not my point. I’m just saying, 90% of sex is the situation, not the technique.”

  “How about the equipment?” Claire asked.

  “If that were so, then you’d have Brad locked away and you wouldn’t be bouncing from bed to bed.”

  Claire laughed and turned to Marie. “I think your sister is calling me a slut.”

  Now it was Marie’s turn to chuckle. “If the stiletto heel fits….”

  “Like last night,” Lena continued, “it wouldn’t have mattered if Dan had a pencil dick and lasted only two seconds—”

  “Hey!” I exclaimed.

  She grinned, “After the fight and the rain, I was primed to go off like a firecracker. The fact that he was a stud was just gravy.”

  “Gravy sounds like a good adjective for Dan,” Brad said. I flipped him the bird.

  “So what are you suggesting, Duckie?” Claire asked.

  Lena smirked. “Maybe a contest?”

  “What kind of contest?” C.J. asked eagerly, maybe the first time I’d seen him break his cool.

  “Isn’t that sort of what we’re doing anyway?” Marie noted. “I mean, we already have a lot of data points this week.”

  “Except it isn’t randomized,” I replied.

  “Huh?” Marie said.

  “Well, I think that’s Lena’s point. She’s saying you’re all over the moon for C.J.—”

  “Am not!” she protested.

  Claire laughed. “I thought we already went over this at breakfast.”

  “Exactly,” Lena said. “That’s my theory. It has nothing to do with what C.J. does to my sister, but with what he symbolizes to her.”

  “Which is what, exactly?” Marie asked.

  Lena shrugged. “When you were a free woman, able to slut it up with whichever marginally cute guy came around.”

  “Marginally cute?” C.J. said, amused.

  “Or maybe,” Claire proposed, “because he reminds her of that time she was a hot young thing and he was this older successful dude fawning over her.”

  “He never fawned over me,” Marie noted.

  “Oh, don’t take it the wrong way,” Claire replied. “I don’t mean fawning in the sense of putting you on a pedestal, but he definitely worked it to get into your barely-legal pants.”

  “I was 22,” Marie protested.

  “21,” C.J. replied. “At least that first night.”

  Marie blushed.

  C.J. leaned forward, obviously enjoying the conversation. “So what about Claire? We spent the night together last night, and if I counted right, she came like ten times.”

  Claire shot a glance at Brad, who was licking his lips hungrily. She giggled. “Maybe, I was just reacting to the fact that my husband seems to love knowing I’m fucking other men.”

  Lena nodded. “Exactly.”

  “So,” C.J. said, “you’re the only neutral party, at least as far as I’m concerned. So, we can test this—”

  “Cool your jets,” Lena interrupted. “See, I’m not really neutral. I think at this point, I’m pretty invested in the idea that you’re not going to be any good.”

  “I’ll take that chance,” he replied.

  “That’s the problem, Horndog. You’ll say anything to get into my pants.”

  “You can’t blame me.”

  “No,” Lena replied. “That would be like blaming a toad for causing warts.”

  “If you have warts, they weren’t caused by a toad,” he replied.

  Lena rolled her eyes and turned to her sister. “Is this what passed for charming back in the day?”

  Marie shrugged, though she seemed to be clearly enjoying her sister toying with C.J.

  “Well, if you’re not going to fuck him, I will,” Claire offered, glancing over at her husband to judge his reaction. Brad jolted, though I thought he seemed curious about Lena’s game as well.

  “Maybe I’m not old enough to see the attraction,” Lena said.

  “Or mature enough,” C.J. offered.

  “Fine with me,” Lena replied. “I bet Bubby is willing to show me another good time.”

  Marie shot me a nasty look, which somewhat deflated my puffed up chest, but only somewhat. I knew Lena was only fluffing me to tweak C.J. and her sister, but then again, we had screwed half the night, so it wasn’t all just empty words.

  Lena continued. “I think you’re just afraid of a challenge.” She glared at C.J. who glared right back.

  “Okay, you crazy broad, what kind of challenge?”

  “Hmm,” Lena replied. “What about a blind taste test?”

  Claire rolled her eyes. “Jesus. Why all the games?”

  “Because they’re fun,” Lena answered.

  “Okay, so how does this blind taste test work?” C.J. asked.

  “Well, since we’re testing how good you three are, I think we girls should be blindfolded and you randomly assigned to one of us. We’ll then rate you one to ten blind, switch things around, and then add up scores.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ll recognize my husband fucking me,” Claire replied.

  “Well, sure,” Lena replied, “which is why there is no talking and no fucking involved.”

  “What if fucking is what I do best,” C.J. asked.

  “One trick ponies lose,” Lena said. “And anyway, if it is just about the dick, we’re all going to pick Brad.”

  “I thought size didn’t matter,” I said.

  All three girls laughed.

  “It really doesn’t,” Claire said seriously, though not completely convincingly. “It’s just that it does get in your head. But anyway, I’m game.”

  Marie laughed. “Me too. I mean, we just lie there and get serviced. Why would I object to that?”

  “Well,” Lena said, “if you’re just lying there, that suggests the guy ain’t really getting it done.”

  The other women nodded.

  “So, what’s in it for us?” C.J. asked. “Seems like a lot of work just for bragging rights.”

  “What do you want?” Claire asked.

  Lena nodded thoughtfully. Then she replied. “Winner gets whatever he wants.”

  “What does that mean?” C.J. asked.

  Lena shrugged. “Whatever your imagination can conjure up as long as it doesn’t violate the law or leave scars.”

  “Now, wait a minute,” Marie interrupted. “I’m no

  “Oh please,” I snapped. “What could we ask you to do that would be more outrageous than taking two dicks at a time?”

  “Three dicks?” Lena offered.

  “Exactly,” I replied. “Adding a third input would be trivial.”

  “Are you saying sucking cock is trivial, Bubby?” my wife challenged. “Maybe you want to try it?”

  I glanced over at Brad and C.J. I was pretty sure they were on my side on this. “If that is what the winner requests….”

  Marie looked shocked. Lena laughed. Claire said, “Well played, Dan. But I’m pretty sure he’s right. The winner is going to be thinking about dirty things for us girls to do, not any gay stuff… although, that might be hot.” She smirked at Brad in a way that made it clear that the poor guy was likely in for some unexpected adventures in the coming months. His awkward smirk made it equally clear, he didn’t completely object to the notion either.

  “Let’s do it,” Claire said.

  Lena grinned. Marie nodded anxiously.


  Marie had brought some sleep masks, and the girls agreed to wear them so they wouldn’t know who they were with. They scattered to separate bedrooms, and C.J. streamed a sultry 1970s R&B Spotify playlist to cover the ambient noise. We put the girls names on scraps of paper and drew lots. I got Claire, while Brad got Lena, and C.J. got my wife. Inauspicious, but any dark thoughts I was having evaporated as I walked into the master bedroom to find Claire gloriously naked and blindfolded on the bed.

  She shivered as she heard me enter. She opened her mouth, but resisted the urge to speak—it was against the rules after all. She was luscious. Pale skinned and so busty, those milky, freckled tits begging to be sucked. Who was I to resist their call?

  She yelped in surprised as I sat on the bed beside her. I gently traced my finger over her lips, then down over her chin. I touched her throat and she gulped as I made small circles across her upper chest. She smiled and I had the impression she’d figured out it was me.

  Suddenly, I palmed her big tits, mauling them, feeling her nips harden beneath my fingers. She gasped. I took a nipple into my mouth. It was like a ripe grape, big and plump, and somehow sweet. And when I sucked on it hard, she hissed and bucked, but in a way that made it obvious she loved the attention.


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