Septimus had not heard and was much distressed – both men had become dear to him, and both had learned from him that the only place for an officer was at the forefront of battle. He much feared they had died for emulating him.
George allowed him a minute or two of first grief, then returned to business.
“Oh, while I think of it, I have a letter from America, from a young gentleman who met you there, a Mr Lyautey, who has established a merchant house and will be visiting England early in the New Year. He has a wish to discuss trade, and says you recommended him to me. He will visit me, he hopes, and will wish to see you again.”
“So much for my hopes of a quiet domesticity, George. I feel I must explain a little of Mr Lyautey’s background. The thing is, George, when I was first in the Sugar Islands... well, a young Mademoiselle Lyautey happened to come into my keeping for a few months before going to New York. It now seems she was carrying my son. She claimed to be a war widow in New York and made a respectable 'second' marriage. He looks very much like me and I fear Marianne may not be best pleased."
George laughed. delightedly.
"How are the mighty fallen, Septimus."
# # #
There is a possibility that ‘Stroppy Seppy’ might return for more adventures at yet to be determined future date. In the meantime, we can recommend Billy Bacon and the Soldier Slaves as presented on the following page, or the highly-acclaimed, Innocents at War Series.
By the Same Author
Billy Bacon the butcher’s apprentice, faces the choice of being abused or of killing his abuser. Charged with murder, he flees and joins the Army. In 1786, he finds safety in a battalion bound for India where he survives disease and conflict and learns to be a good soldier. However, he doesn’t feel safe once back in England. With the chance of another foreign posting, Billy rises through the ranks and joins a previously unknown regiment of slave soldiers in the Sugar Islands.
Publication date: August 10, 2017
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Innocents at War Series: The Royal Flying Corps grew from the amateur hobbyists flying the earliest and most dangerous machines. Mostly drawn from the Army and Navy, the pilots regarded themselves as gentlemen members of a new club. The Great War saw the death of amateurism - except in the higher ranks - and the unplanned, fortuitous creation of a professional force.
Innocents at War follows the career of Anglo-American flier, Tommy Stark, an enthusiastic boy forced to grow up quickly as many around him die. His deep affection for squire’s daughter, Grace is his only certainty as the bitter conflict threatens to strip the world of its innocence.
Series Page Links:
Man of Conflict Series: The youngest son of a wealthy merchant, Septimus Pearce is a spoiled brat, wild and heedless. His recklessness promises to cost the family firm money and harm his father's hopes of social advancement. His father forces him to join the army in an attempt straighten him out. However, even the disciplines of army life fail to completely exorcise his nastier character traits. But his callousness and indifference to suffering sometimes proves to be advantageous in the heat of battle, and he slowly gains the respect of his men.
Series Page Links:
The Duty and Destiny Series: First published in 2014, The Duty and Destiny Series is a superbly-crafted and extensive collection of historical novels with a strong naval/seafaring theme. The series follows the naval career, loves and business dealings of Englishman, Frederick Harris, a brave but reluctant mariner. Despite his disinclination, he is seemingly destined to become a Master and Commander of his own ship
Series Page Links:
Hungry Harry: An Orphan in the Ranks: Born in a home for fallen women, at the age of eight the barefooted and waiflike Harry is sent out to work. After years of unpaid toil and hunger, he runs away and is cajoled into believing that the Army is his only option. He joins a battalion that is sent to Africa’s Slave Coast where disease is the biggest killer of men. When the much-thinned battalion returns to England and is disbanded, he drifts into smuggling in order to survive. All goes well until he is betrayed and forced back on the run. Leaving the West Country behind, he enlists in a Sussex regiment which is sent to quell rioting in the north where he faces danger from the angry Mob, and from the rage of a sadistic young ensign who is out for Harry’s blood.
Universal Kindle Link
The Making of a Man Series
A Victorian Gent: Naïve Dick Burke is hoodwinked into marrying a man-hungry aristocrat’s daughter who just seven months later produces a son! It’s the start of a long humiliation that sees Dick flee to America as the Civil War looms. Siding with the Union, the conflict could be the making or the breaking of him, as could his alliance with Elizabeth, an attractive and feisty American businesswoman.
Series Page Links:
A Poor Man at the Gate: The series follows the fortunes of young Englishman Tom Andrews, a petty smuggler turned ‘pirate’ and his friend Joseph Star, a part-Carib freed slave. After making a small but illicitly gained fortune aboard a privateering ship in the Caribbean and later in New York at the time of the Revolutionary War, they are betrayed and forced to flee to England. This expansive and meticulously-researched family saga tells of Tom and Joseph’s triumphs and disasters as they aspire to create powerful dynasties to rival any in England.
Series Page Links:
Cannibal Country Trilogy
Book One: Long Way Place: In the early 1900s gutter rat, Ned Hawkins aims to rise from the grinding poverty of an English slum, but is forced to flee the country and ends up in Papua. It is a dangerous place where cannibalism and cannibals are never far away. Despite this menacing backdrop, he prospers and almost by accident, finds love. However, there are ominous stirrings in the land that bode ill for the future.
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Thanks, Andrew
The Electronic Book Company
A New York Times Best-seller
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06 A Soldier’s Farewell (Man of Conflict #6) Page 26