Midnight Rain

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Midnight Rain Page 16

by Cecily Magnon

  Sarah’s energy suddenly spiked, her form glimmering as she descended into the city at a fast clip. Without a thought, he followed, his natural instincts tied to Sarah’s. They reappeared in the middle of a desolated city block. The stench of garbage and human waste pungent in the air. He cleared his throat wanting to scrub the taste of the smell creeping down his throat. “What did you see?” he asked Sarah.

  She was turning slowly, her head craned towards something.

  “What is it?” he asked again, as Wanda’s owl form landed on a nearby car.

  “I feel something.” She was whispering, her focus on finding the invisible force. “It’s faint, but I feel it.”

  “Is it Ellie?” He found himself whispering too as he started taking slow steps in search of the feeling. He wasn’t picking up on anything.

  “I think so.” She was moving away, towards a large, industrial building. The building was old, with some of the brick walls exposed over crumbling plaster. A large wooden sign with faded block letters was nailed to one side of the building. The building was too old for the neighborhood, out of place. Somehow, some of the modern structures had been displaced and replaced with old ones from various time periods when the breaches were opened. They had thought things would return to normal once the breaches were closed, but remnants like this building remained.

  His stomach clenched in the same instant Wanda hooted an alarm. William! Demons come! His spine prickled as heavy footfalls vibrated underneath his feet. A group was coming, marching towards them. He ground his stance as he swept his gaze from Sarah to Wanda.

  Wanda had returned to his human form, the old man’s bent figure reminding him of a twisted willow branch. Wanda’s anticipating eyes were bright as he looked toward the wall of hulking muscles pacing steadily in their direction.

  Sarah stood, shoulders back, chin held high, hands loosely twined in front of her navel. She looked relaxed, though her eyes shone with the same fierceness Wanda’s did. She was a vision in white, her clothing almost emitting a light of its own in such a gloom filled place.

  The beasts howled into the night sending dread clawing up his spine. The demons charged as they held their place, taking the defensive position. In less than a blink, the battle began, and each immortal fought against a small group of demons bent of separating them from each other.

  Will was pushed back, shadow beasts circled him to keep him on the ground. His white rope appeared on his shoulder, the large, metal shards affixed to the ends glinting even in the pale light of the moonbeams. He spun them, the whistling causing the reaction he hoped for. They stopped moving for just a second, giving him time to snap the rope onto one beast--looping it. It shrieked as he pulled on the rope, tightening the cord against thick, inky black flesh. The beast twisted and pulled, its massive strength pulling Will onto it. He groaned, wrapping his end of the rope around his arm. Muscles strained and bulged as he fought against what felt like a boulder reeling him in.

  The shadow beast, snarled and threw its bulky head back and forth, spraying mucus from its jowls. The beast bristled seeming to grow within the binds of the rope. He tightened his hold, hoping to prevent the beast from growing. It stepped back, its hind quarters cracking the pavement as its heavy heel dug in. It reared up, like a horse bucking off a rider, ending the tug-of-war with the angel.

  A sudden flash of memory lit Will’s mind. He gasped not recognizing the vision as his own. The same type of beast was coming at him. He was inside a large club, injured, with only a blade, a kodachi gripped in his hand. Jarron. It was Jarron’s memory he was seeing. The vision sped forward. The High Guardian had leaped in the air, kodachi held firmly in his hand as he stabbed the beast through the roof of its gaped mouth. The vision abruptly ended, snapping him back to the present, moments before he met the beasts dripping fangs.

  Adjusting quickly, he reached for the metal shard at the end of his rope. He punched his arm through the beast’s opened jaw, stabbing the demon through the roof of its mouth. It shrieked a gut curdling cry before falling heavily on the ground. His rope shimmered around the monster, morphing and stretching like a web to cover the beast’s fallen body. The dark soul inside the shadow demon would not escape, simply to return again. The other beasts staggered back as he trudged toward them, his sight leveled on the others.

  The demons dispersed quickly, disappearing as they fled with a giddy howl.

  He ran to Sarah, her group consisting of water demons. Pools of water surrounded his bride, the surfaces rippling heavily. They were attacking from all direction, trying to knock his bride down. She dodged the hits, and countered with her own. Blue fire flew from her hands as plumes of water cut through the air. Sarah moved so fast, her image seem to delay and blur.

  Billows of steam formed heavily as his wife’s offensive attack connected, surrounding her in living fog. Her fire erupted in flashes like lighting behind a cloud, followed by pained hissing. The screaming died and Sarah stepped out of the thickened mist, hands glowing blue as she gave him a shallow bow, her face as still as a statue’s. The Guardian’s Mask.

  They ran for Wanda at the far end of the street. Strong static energy reached them, the dry air crackling around the sorcerer as bolts of lightning crackled from his hands. Lighting charged, the crooked rays chasing after a group of Possessors. Some were howling, others were laughing as they raced away from the old man. Wanda followed the demon’s retreat with his gaze until they disappeared into the darkest recesses of the streets beyond.

  His friend turned to him, his face grave before he shifted into his large, brown owl form and flew into the night sky.

  He turned to Sarah, “Go with Wanda.” He looked down the street where the shadow beast’s fallen vessel lay still. “I have to take the demon and vanquish it from this realm.”

  Sarah nodded. “I thought I felt Ellie here.” She said quickly before disappearing. “We’ll continue searching.”


  Will returned to Sarah and Wanda. The fallen demon’s body taken to a prison realm before its dark soul would revive. What felt like days of jumping to transport the shadow beast had only been a few minutes in earth time. He sped through the vortexes between realms, not wanting to leave Sarah and Wanda alone too long. Exiting at a high velocity, his large wings flared out to the sides to stop him from hurtling across the night sky.

  Sarah and Wanda caught up to him.

  William. Wanda connected with him telepathically. The interference in the air. It has grown stronger since our scuffle with the demons. Do you feel that buzzing?

  Sarah came closer.

  Wanda spoke, The dark spell cloaking the city has thickened.

  I felt her. I know I did. Sarah chimed in. We have to keep looking. We were close.

  Perhaps, but we must change our strategy. To continue this way, is foolish. Wanda insisted. With our abilities, we have not been able to find her. The old man paused. The demons’ spell is clever. Growing in strength whenever it is needed. If we are not smart about our next move, finding Elysa will be impossible.

  I can’t stop looking for her. Will answered. His heart heavy. Did they miss saving Ellie? Was she really there?

  Wanda’s owl form drew back, letting him pass before he disappeared and reappeared on Will’s back--settling in between his wings. Will could feel large talons grip his back, demanding his attention. Those demons were sent to distract us. We did not win from that encounter.

  To keep us from finding Ellie. Sarah retorted.

  Perhaps. But maybe not. Will, did you feel Elysa? Wanda asked.

  Will hesitated, not wanting to admit he hadn’t picked up on Ellie’s energy or even a trace of it. He swallowed, the admission feeling harder to let out than battling a group of demons. No. He stammered. I didn’t detect her.

  As he anticipated Sarah’s energy bristled, her energy almost painful as it shot out towards him.

  Wanda’s soothing presence rose over theirs. I did not say, stop looking. We must simply rethink our w
ays. With the three of us, we only took out one demon. The group sent to ward us off was not large, yet we only took out one. Think about that my friends. One.

  Ellie is out there. She’s in trouble. We have to help her. Sarah looked straight ahead, her dark hair flowing behind her like a silk ribbon. She was avoiding looking at them.

  He could feel his wife’s desperation. Her pain as a mother, but Wanda’s statement rang true. He had felt it with the shadow beasts. When the demons had attacked the estate, he had been able to vanquish many of the hundred that came. It had not been like that tonight. The demons were stronger.

  The destruction the demons bring is growing. Elysa is important, but not the only cause you must pursue. Wanda’s talons dug deeper into the flesh over his spine. You both let your past regrets ride you and bleed you, much like I do now on William’s back. The sorcerer sighed heavily. Is it doing any good?

  Wanda. Sarah chimed in. Her tone stern.

  No, dearest. Wanda replied quickly. You and William have been chosen by the Light. You have been transformed. You are two angels in a sea of demons. Demons who at every moment feast upon the humans you are supposed to protect. Are you both willing to sacrifice the many, for the one? What say you, Sarah? Wanda challenged his bride.

  The sorcerer’s mood was sobering. In the days they’ve search for Ellie, both in this plain and in other realms, the man had never complained, let alone utter any negativity. Why do you say this now, Wanda? We’ve encountered demons in our searches before.

  The talons eased on his back a little because your desperation blinds you. I was hoping you would realize this on your own, but you and dearest Sarah cannot see beyond your grief as human parents. And time is running out.

  Sarah was now above them, her energy droning sadness, fear, defiance. Our family has been tested and burdened more than any other. What is it all for? Yes, we want to find our daughter. Yes, we want to protect her. With these god-given gifts, why shouldn’t we do the right thing for Ellie?

  Talons released from his back completely. He heard the sorcerer sigh heavily with sadness in his mind. The bird lifted from his back and disappeared, leaving him and Sarah in a haze of guilt. They sped off without speaking to each other. Sarah had closed herself off, her presence distant.

  Crisp cool air brushed beneath his wings as he held back, watching Sarah disappear in the distance. He would circle back, search another location, another realm, another dimension. He’d angered Sarah and Wanda alike.

  He needed time.

  Why did he think being an angel would make things easier?

  Chapter Twenty Three

  January 28th, The Order’s Estate

  “Thank you for coming back.” Will appeared with a large brown owl with bright amber eyes on his shoulder. The owl hooted and shivered, fluffing its feathers before leaping off of Will’s broad shoulder. A quick crackle popped in the air, and the thick puff of feathers changed into Wanda.

  The sorcerer smiled and patted his arm tenderly, like a forgiving father. Seline, the sorcerer’s loyal apprentice ran for her mentor. “We’ve been worried about you both. Demon activity has been increasing.”

  “Where is Sarah?” Will asked as he looked about, catching sight of Katcher protectively keeping watch nearby, a palm placed casually over the red stone buttressed on the hilt of her sword.

  “She is assisting with the injured. The guardians are having a tough night.” Katcher bowed to him in greeting.

  Wanda turned to him before walking off with Seline. He sighed heavily, “I do not know what it is like to be a father, Will. I cannot pretend to understand your despair over losing your daughter. But the energies are shifting towards darkness. The demons grow stronger every day. If it is your wish, we will search again.”

  He held Wanda in his gaze. “If you were in my place, would you continue searching?” His heart stopped for a second, the question making every cell in his body tremble.

  The old man shook his head hesitantly, and turned away to walk with Seline. His opinion loud and clear.

  “God, she doesn’t deserve this. Ellie is a good person. She’s always done the right thing, even when it meant she got hurt along the way.”

  Wanda stopped, his shoulders drooping heavily forward. “This is beyond her control. Very strong magic surrounds her. Old and dark magic.”

  Wanda sounded tired. Defeated. “We will search again.”

  “I thought you were against this?”

  Wanda shook his head weakly and turned to face him again. Thin wisps of white hair shook loose from his scalp. “I am not against finding Elysa. In fact, I think we must. It is our method that I asked you and Sarah to ponder.” He gave him a warm smile. “Come, you need a break as well. You cannot think clearly with a tired mind.”

  Will frowned. He didn’t feel tired.

  “You may be a Dark One and do not need to rest your body, but a weary mind affects all beings.” The old man smiled at him, “…even angels. Especially stubborn angels.” He shuffled away, his feet light on the floor as Seline guided him to his favorite room, the kitchen. Katcher followed the pair, her expression contemplative as she caught his eyes before exiting after their old friend.

  He watched the group walk away. Will’s fists were clenching, his apprehension rising over their situation when soft and slender arms wrapped around his waist from behind. He immediately relaxed as her energy combined with his, providing him the calm he was lacking.

  She kissed the back of his neck, lips warm and supple on his skin. “Hi,” Sarah said softly.

  He wanted to melt in her arms, the simple affection taking him to another place momentarily. He turned to face her. God, she still took his breath away. Sarah had always been beautiful, mi angel hermosa, my beautiful angel. That’s what he used to call her in their youth and now she was a true angel, kick-ass, ethereal, splendid, and glorious. He held on to her, not letting her get away so quickly.

  “You’re not with Ellie.” Her breath felt good against the fabric of his shirt. She let out a heavy sigh and pulled back. She raised her chin, her long lashes drifting up, curling toward the sky. “We’ll get her back. I know we will. I’m not ready to give up.”

  He nodded and cupped the back of her head. “I’m not giving up either. But we need to rethink some things.” He held her carefully, unsure if she was still angry with him.

  She pressed her lips together, the sadness in her eyes breaking his heart. “Isabel wants to see us.” She was changing the topic. This had always been her way of avoiding painful conversations.

  He nodded, reluctantly releasing her from his arms. He looked up towards the heavens, wanting a second to sort all the concerns screaming for his attention.

  “This isn’t all yours to bear.” She reached for him.

  “It feels like it is.” They were outside of Level 3, the night had an uncomfortable chill.

  She took his hand, twining her fingers with his. “We’re still here and we’re no longer alone. Together with The Order, we’ll get through this.” She’d always been good at reading him. Saying the right things in the right moment.

  “If I hadn’t left… would it be different?” His heart ached at the thought of all the mistake he’s made.

  Sarah shook her head and pulled him in, keeping their foreheads pressed. “You had a vision a long time ago. You’ve never really told me about it, but you have nightmares about it. You talk in your sleep, screaming for Ellie.”

  He swallowed painfully. He had never wanted to burden Sarah with the vision.

  “We will save Ellie.” She held him tightly, pouring all her love into him and connecting their energies. “That’s the vision I keep seeing. I don’t know how. I don’t know when. But we will.”

  “I love you.” He held on to her, wanting the moment to last for as long as possible.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  January 28th, San Francisco, California

  Heterochromic eyes swept across the dark living room. With his new abilitie
s, seeing in the dark no longer posed a challenge. He got up quickly, his wrists snapping to release the kodachi blades from beneath his sleeves. He pulled out the silver sabers, the action reflexive after years of practice. He spun the blades in his hands, positioning them as he stalked forward.

  Brooks was asleep, his light snoring giving Jarron a small sense of relief. His friend was comfortable, but now there was a disturbance. His energetic shields picked up on it, rousing him from his ‘sleep’. The anomaly was coming from inside of the house, something had gotten in without his detection.

  The energy was neutral, neither light nor dark, yet it made his whole body prickle. Taking guarded steps into the hallway, he sent out White Purity to scan the area. He didn’t want to be too far from Brooks. If something bad was inside the house, his priority would be to get Brooks out. The guardian was too vulnerable in this state.

  “Jay.” It was Brooks.

  He backed into the living room, keeping his attention to the hallway where a flutter of energy was tugging at him.

  “Jay. Don’t sh, shoot.” Brooks coughed. “Ya feel it?” His voice was still weak, but steadier than earlier. That was a good sign.

  “Yeah. What is it?”

  “I dunno.” Brooks was stirring, the blankets rustling over him.

  Jarron turned and ran to his friend. He was trying to push up from the couch.

  “Don’t get up,” Jarron ordered.

  Brooks scowled. “What the hell d’you do to me?”

  “Fixed you.” Jarron cocked his head toward the hallway, feeling for the anomaly.

  “Well, thank you. Ms. Nightin’gale.” Brooks was groaning, still trying to push up from the couch. “C’mon. We need to check that out.”


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