by Hector Malot
I had not been acquitted because the judge was expecting the arrest ofthe man who had entered the church with the child. They would then knowif I was this man's accomplice. They were on the trail, the prosecutorhad said, so I should have the shame and sorrow of appearing in theprisoner's dock at the Assizes beside _him_.
That evening, just before dusk, I heard the clear notes of a cornet.Mattia was there! Dear old Mattia! he wanted to tell me that he was nearand thinking of me. He was evidently in the street on the other side ofthe wall opposite my window. I heard footsteps and the murmur of acrowd. Mattia and Bob were probably giving a performance.
Suddenly I heard a clear voice call out in French, "To-morrow atdaybreak!" Then at once Mattia played his loudest on the cornet.
It did not need any degree of intelligence to understand that Mattia hadnot addressed these French words to an English public. I was not surewhat they meant, but evidently I had to be on the alert at daybreak thenext morning. As soon as it was dark I got into my hammock, but it wassome time before I could go to sleep, although I was very tired. Atlast I dropped off to sleep. When I awoke it was night. The stars shonein the dark sky and silence reigned everywhere. A clock struck three. Icounted the hours and the quarter hours. Leaning against the wall I keptmy eyes fixed on the window. I watched the stars go out one by one. Inthe distance I could hear the cocks crowing. It was daybreak.
I opened the window very softly. What did I expect? There were still theiron bars and the high wall opposite. I could not get out, and yetfoolish though the thought was, I expected my freedom. The morning airchilled me but I stayed by my window, looking out without knowing atwhat, listening without knowing to what. A big white cloud came up inthe sky. It was daybreak. My heart throbbed wildly. Then I seemed tohear a scratching on the wall, but I had heard no sound of footsteps. Ilistened. The scratching continued. I saw a head appear above the wall.In the dim light I recognized Bob.
He saw me with my face pressed against the bars.
"Silence!" he said softly.
He made a sign for me to move away from the window. Wondering, I obeyed.He put a peashooter to his mouth and blew. A tiny ball came through theair and fell at my feet. Bob's head disappeared.
I pounced on the ball. It was tissue paper made into a tiny ball like apea. The light was too dim for me to see what was written on it; I hadto wait till day. I closed my window cautiously and lay down again inmy hammock with the tiny bit of paper in my hand. How slowly the lightcame! At last I was able to read what was written on the paper. I read:
"To-morrow you will be taken in the train to the county jail. A policeman will be in the compartment with you. Keep near the same door by which you enter. At the end of forty minutes (count them carefully), the train will slacken speed as it nears a junction; then open the door and jump out. Climb the small hill on the left. We'll be there. Keep your courage up; above all, jump well forward and fall on your feet."
Saved! I should not appear before the Assizes! Good Mattia, dear oldBob! How good of Bob to help Mattia, for Mattia, poor little fellow,could not have done this alone.
I re-read the note. Forty minutes after the train starts.... Hill to theleft.... It was a risky thing to do to jump from a train, but even if Ikilled myself in doing so, I would better do it. Better die than becondemned as a thief.
Would they think of Capi?
After I had again read my note, I chewed it into a pulp.
The next day, in the afternoon, a policeman came into my cell and toldme to follow him. He was a man over fifty and I thought withsatisfaction that he did not appear to be very nimble.
Things turned out just as Bob had said. The train rolled off. I took myplace near the door where I had entered. The policeman sat opposite me;we were alone in the compartment.
"Do you speak English?" asked the policeman.
"I understand if you don't talk too rapidly," I replied.
"Well, then, I want to give you a little advice, my boy," he said;"don't try and fool the law. Just tell me how it all happened, and I'llgive you five shillings. It'll be easier for you if you have a littlemoney in jail."
I was about to say that I had nothing to confess, but I felt that mightannoy the man, so I said nothing.
"Just think it over," he continued, "and when you're in jail don't goand tell the first comer, but send for me. It is better to have one whois interested in you, and I'm very willing to help you."
I nodded my head.
"Ask for Dolphin; you'll remember my name?"
"Yes, sir."
I was leaning against the door. The window was down and the air blew in.The policeman found that there was too much air so he moved into themiddle of the seat. My left hand stole softly outside and turned thehandle; with my right hand I held the door.
The minutes passed; the engine whistled and slackened its speed. Themoment had come. I pushed open the door quickly and sprang out as faras I could. Fortunately, my hands, which I held out before me, touchedthe grass, yet the shock was so great that I rolled on the groundunconscious. When I came to my senses I thought that I was still in thetrain for I felt myself being carried along. Looking round I saw that Iwas lying at the bottom of a cart. Strange! My cheeks were wet. A softwarm tongue was licking me. I turned slightly. An ugly yellow dog wasleaning over me. Mattia was kneeling beside me.
"You're saved," he said, pushing aside the dog.
"Where am I?"
"You are in a cart. Bob's driving."
"How goes it?" cried Bob from his seat. "Can you move your arms andlegs?"
I stretched out and did what he asked.
"Good," said Mattia; "nothing broken."
"What happened?"
"You jumped from the train as we told you, but the shock stunned you,and you rolled into a ditch. When you didn't come, Bob left the cart,crept down the hill, and carried you back in his arms. We thought youwere dead. Oh, Remi, I was afraid."
I stroked his hand. "And the policeman?" I asked.
"The train went on; it didn't stop."
My eyes again fell on the ugly yellow dog that was looking at me witheyes that resembled Capi's. But Capi was white....
"What dog is that?" I asked.
Before Mattia could reply the ugly little animal had jumped on me,licking me furiously and whining.
"It's Capi; we dyed him!" cried Mattia, laughing.
"Dyed him? Why?"
"So that he wouldn't be recognized. Now Bob wants to make you morecomfortable."
While Bob and Mattia were making me comfortable I asked them where wewere going.
"To Little Hampton," said Mattia, "where Bob's brother has a boat thatgoes over to France to fetch butter and eggs from Normandy. We oweeverything to Bob. What could a poor little wretch like me have donealone? It was Bob's idea that you jump from the train."
"And Capi? Who's idea was it to get him?"
"Mine. But it was Bob's to paint him yellow so that he wouldn't berecognized after we stole him from Policeman Jerry. The judge calledJerry 'intelligent'; he wasn't so very intelligent to let us get Capiaway. True, Capi smelled me and almost got off alone. Bob knows thetricks of dog thieves."
"And your foot?"
"Better, or almost better. I haven't had time to think of it."
Night was falling. We had still a long distance to go.
"Are you afraid?" asked Mattia, as I lay there in silence.
"No, not afraid," I answered, "for I don't think that I shall becaught. But it seems to me that in running away I admit my guilt. Thatworries me."
"Better anything, Bob and I thought, than that you should appear at theAssizes. Even if you got off it's a bad thing to have gone through."
Convinced that after the train stopped the policeman would lose no timelooking for me, we went ahead as quickly as possible. The villagesthrough which we drove were very quiet; lights were seen in only a fewof the windows. Mattia and I got under a
cover. For some time a coldwind had been blowing and when we passed our tongues over our lips wetasted salt. We were nearing the sea. Soon we saw a light flashing everynow and again. It was a lighthouse. Suddenly Bob stopped his horse, andjumping down from the cart, told us to wait there. He was going to seehis brother to ask him if it would be safe for him to take us on hisboat.
Bob seemed to be away a very long time. We did not speak. We could hearthe waves breaking on the shore at a short distance. Mattia wastrembling and I also.
"It is cold," he whispered.
Was it the cold that made us shake? When a cow or a sheep in the fieldat the side touched against the fence we trembled still more. There werefootsteps on the road. Bob was returning. My fate had been decided. Arough-looking sailor wearing a sou'wester and an oilskin hat was withBob.
"This is my brother," said Bob; "he'll take you on his boat. So we'llhave to part now; no one need know that I brought you here."
I wanted to thank Bob but he cut me short. I grasped his hand.
"Don't speak of it," he said lightly, "you two boys helped me out theother night. One good turn deserves another. And I'm pleased to havebeen able to help a friend of Mattia's."
We followed Bob's brother down some winding quiet streets till we cameto the docks. He pointed to a boat, without saying a word. In a fewmoments we were on board. He told us to go down below into a littlecabin.
"I start in two hours' time," he said; "stay there and don't make asound."
But we were not trembling now. We sat in the dark side by side.