This is How it Ended

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This is How it Ended Page 6

by Verily Harden

  The members of the group were breaking down into natural communities, though Dave had managed to direct most of the people he was interested in to his own clique. Things were moving forward quite nicely, he thought.

  The one thing he was missing was the opportunity to include a single woman, someone he was attracted to, and who would be interested in him. He was hoping someone suitable would come to the meetings, but though new people came in every once in a while, so far they’d all been men, or married or otherwise committed couples.

  And then, at the last meeting before hunting season started and cut back on the number of meetings for a while, she came in.

  Dave was preparing his notes for the night’s discussion when he heard the door opening. He glanced up, wondering who it could be, because the regulars were already there and mingling. He dropped his note cards on the lectern, and had to remind himself to close his mouth or risk looking like a total idiot.

  She was beautiful, Dave thought while hanging onto the edge of the lectern. Slender and fit-looking, and better yet, not standing with a man. Or looking to join up with anyone in the room. In fact, she’d looked his way and locked eyes with him.

  They stood staring at each other for a while, before the commotion of people taking their seats broke the spell. It was only then that Dave noticed the woman was holding the hands of two small children.

  Crap, maybe she was married, after all. Maybe her man was parking the car, or had stopped at the restroom. Hell, for all he knew she was with a woman. The kids could be adopted, or that in-vitro thing.

  Dave tried to still his pounding heart and concentrate on his topic for the night.

  Got to focus, man. You don’t want to look like a fool when her hulking, very jealous husband or boyfriend comes in. Because no way she has a girlfriend. That would just be cruel.

  With everyone looking at him, waiting for the meeting to start, Dave managed to pull himself together and cue up the news clips he’d copied off the net. From the corner of his eye he saw the woman guide the kids into seats at the back of the room, but he made his brain get through the opening.

  After that, it was easier to stay on target, and for the rest of the night Dave was able to say what needed to be said and answer questions when the clips were over.

  It wasn’t until the preppers had broken up into their usual smaller groups and began snacking and chatting that Dave went to look for the woman, who he found helping the children get cookies and punch at the back of the room.

  * * * *

  Well, there was nothing to do but jump in and talk, Dave decided. He walked up to the woman and put out his hand.

  “Hi, I’m Dave. I sort of run this group.” He smiled, hoping the woman wouldn’t take this as a come-on. With her looks, she was probably used to being hit on.

  But she seemed fine, smiling back and hastily wiping her hand on her skirt before shaking his briefly.

  “I’ve heard. Some of my neighbors have talked about your group, about how we should be prepared for things that might happen. Bad weather and things like that. I thought it sounded interesting, so I decided to come check it out.”

  “And what did you think about tonight?”

  “It was good. I felt like I could understand what’s happening with prices lately, and how it’s going to get worse. I’m on a fixed income since my husband passed away, so I need to learn these things you’re talking about.”

  After her husband passed away.

  Doug thought he was going to pass out. Or drool, or something equally embarrassing.

  “Sorry for your loss,” Doug managed.

  She just nodded. “It was sudden. One day he was here and everything was perfect, and the next he drops dead in the driveway. Massive stroke at age thirty-three.”

  Her voice was matter-of-fact, as if she’d repeated the same lines so many times the event held little pain any more. Of course, Doug wasn’t fooled. He could see in her eyes how much she was still hurting.

  “That’s terrible. It must have been awfully hard on the children, too.”

  “Oh, they were so young, barely out of diapers, when it happened. They only know their daddy from pictures and the stories they’ve heard.”

  Ah, so it had been a while since she was widowed, because the twins looked to be around eight years old. He might actually have a chance to get to know her, provided no one popped up with a prior claim. But, he reasoned, she’d come alone tonight, so maybe there wasn’t anyone else.

  “So, the kids are—”

  “Yep. Twins. Fraternal twins. We wanted one boy and one girl, and we got them both at the same time.”

  Dave reached for a cup of punch and offered it to the woman, whose name he had yet to find out. She took the drink with a smile, and Dave grabbed one for himself before following the woman as she guided the children to some empty chairs nearby.

  Normally Dave spent the time after the meeting going between groups and getting caught up on what had happened since the last meeting. Tonight, though, he had only one plan: to get to know this woman better. Especially her name.

  Down, boy, Dave told his tightening groin. Plenty of time for that later. He didn’t want to rush things, not with a special woman like this.

  As it turned out, it was another couple of weeks before Dave got the chance to do more than greet the mystery woman. He never managed to figure out who it was who had told her about the meetings, and she never seemed to talk to anyone in particular.

  Dave was so busy getting things set up for each new meeting, and keeping up with the latest bad news from around the world that he barely had time to eat or sleep, much less work on romancing the sexy woman.

  The Hot Mama, as he’d taken to calling her in his thoughts as he drifted off to sleep, didn’t show up for the meeting where he invited the select few he thought would make a good group to ride out the coming storm at the farm.

  He was horribly disappointed, really surprised at the level of his dismay when he thought she might not be willing to join the rest of them. His heart ached to think she’d decided to stop coming to the meetings.

  Dave let the others know that she was welcome to come out when they did, hoping that she’d show up. That’s how he finally learned her name: Lorna. Lorna Middleton.

  * * * *

  The big day had finally arrived, and Dave met the group he’d picked as his “family”, those he thought would work best together on the farm. They had agreed to show up at a deserted gas station on the edge of town and join up, riding out into the country together.

  They were settling in amongst the three vans and big SUVs that would take them all out together, and Dave was trying not to keep looking up the road, hoping the woman—Lorna—would show up before they had to leave.

  He cast one last glance up the highway despite himself, and was greeted by the appearance of a small, older four-door sedan pulling into the service station parking lot. The driver gave a long honk of the horn, and Dave waved. His heart jumped. Everyone else was already waiting to leave, so this had to be her.

  It was. The woman stepped out of the car, followed by the twins. To Dave’s surprise, another woman got out of the passenger side. As he walked to greet Lorna, he could see the other woman resembled her. A sister? Well, it wasn’t actually Dave’s plan to have more than the chosen few join his little group, but he was willing to go with it, see how things turned out.

  “Hey,” Lorna called out as Dave neared her. “I hope you don’t mind that my sister tagged along. She’ll be a big help with the kids, and she didn’t have any pressing plans for the day.”

  Lorna turned to grin at her sister, who rolled her eyes and came around to shake hands.

  “I wouldn’t put it exactly like that, but it’s close enough,” she said, smiling up at Dave. “I’m Sharon, by the way.”

  “Hi, Sharon. I guess Lorna told you what we’re about in our little group?”

  “Yeah. Preppers. It’s not my thing, but it’s been good for Lorna so you
won’t catch me saying anything to anybody. I’ve got my own group, you might say, so don’t think I’d be horning in on your territory.”

  Well. Upfront and ballsy with it. Dave liked her already. Not as much as her sister, but she was a good person, he could tell.

  “That’s fine. I’m glad you understand that I have limited room—.”

  “Sharon has family to take her in,” Lorna interrupted. “She’ll be fine, no matter what happens.”

  Dave wasn’t sure why Sharon would have family Lorna didn’t, but time was going by and they had a fairly long drive ahead of them. He’d probably learn more about it later, but the important thing was, Lorna had come.

  Once the two women and the kids were settled into Dave’s big van, the trip got underway.

  * * * *

  Dave had taken them all on a tour of the place, showing off the big house, the barns and several outbuildings. They’d seen the fields, long fallow, the pond and creeks, and everybody had been impressed with Dave’s ideas and the stuff he’d accumulated so far.

  Lunch had been eaten and most of the group was napping or just resting out of the sun and talking. Everybody had already agreed to join forces with Dave, pooling their resources to make the farm a viable bug-out location for them all.

  Dave had gone around, locking up, when he realized that Lorna had come up behind him in the barn. He jumped when he felt her arms come around his waist, her hands reaching down to the bulge in his jeans.

  It was what he’d dreamed about since he’d first seen her standing inside the meeting room, looking around with big eyes and holding onto her children. She may have felt out of place then, put the press of her firm breasts against his back, the way her fingers were rubbing his cock said she wasn’t anymore. It felt like she was pretty sure of what she was doing, anyway.

  “Lorna,” he mumbled.


  “What are you doing?”

  “Well,” she said softly, pressing harder on his cock. “I think I’m seducing you. It’s been a while, though, so I might be a bit rusty.”

  Oh, god. Dave took in a shuddering breath. This was better than any way he’d dreamed about the two of them getting together. His heart was racing, and his mind was frantically trying to decide whether the two of them should have at it in the hay loft, or try to sneak into the house and get it on in a bed.

  His dick was adamant that the hay loft was perfectly fine, and it was right there, can’t you see it, Dave?

  Dave turned and put his arms around Lorna. He looked down into her upturned face for a moment, studying her fine features. She was so beautiful, and he couldn’t believe she was attracted to him, Joe Average. She could have chosen any man, but she was coming on to him.

  For a minute, he had a bit of doubt, wondering if she’d picked him just to have the farm to go to. He didn’t like the idea much, but when Lorna pressed her stomach against his groin, grinding her hips, he realized he didn’t really care. If that’s what it took to get her, then he was truly on her hook and he wasn’t going to say no.

  Dave pulled Lorna closer and bent down to kiss her. He pressed her mouth hard, pushing his cock against her, letting her know he was aroused, hard and ready to go.

  Without a word, she began backing him towards the hayloft ladder, and before he knew it they were up top, out of sight of anyone who glanced into the barn. Between hot, passionate kisses, they began to strip, taking time to caress each new bit of bared skin.

  Dave dropped his drawers at last, and Lorna surprised him by leaning forward and sucking on the head of his rigid cock. He bit back the groan at the sensation. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman go down on him, and it felt so good.

  He stood watching her head bob up and down, until his knees got so shaky he knew he had to lie down or fall. Lorna moaned her disappointment at losing the object of her attention, but it was only seconds before he was lying on a blanket he’d thrown over the pile of old hay.

  Dave could feel the sharp ends of the hay poking into his back as Lorna resumed her licking and sucking, taking her time working up and down the length of him. She massaged his sack at the same time, squeezing it just right and making him gasp.

  This was amazing. He had a crowd of people scattered all over the farm, and the woman of his dreams was giving his dick a workout it hadn’t had in a long time, if ever.

  It was only a few minutes—how many he had no idea, except that it was too quick—before his hips lifted and he began to spurt his hot cum down Lorna’s throat. She gagged a little, but she managed to take it all in before she slid up to lie beside him.

  They were both sweaty and breathing hard from the exertion, and took a minute to catch their breath. Dave was idly running his hand down Lorna’s side, from nipple to hip, caressing the soft skin of her beautiful body. She turned more on her back to give him room to reach the joint between her thighs, that wondrous place covered by a thatch of thick, dark hair.

  Dave shifted a little, too, so he could run his fingers through the lush bush, stroking around the sensitive inner folds of skin before rubbing her clit.

  “Oh, Dave,” Lorna gasped.

  “Like that?”

  Lorna could only nod as Dave stroked the fleshy nub, spreading the wetness from her pussy around. She arched her back and spread her thighs wider so he could reach more of her cunt, and Dave pushed first one, then two fingers deep inside her. He could feel her muscles clench, and the thought of her tight hole around his cock made him begin to stiffen again.

  Dave was getting closer to being ready for another round, and his fingers began moving faster, plunging in and out of her tight pussy. His thumb found her clit, pressing down and rocking it hard, and between the two actions Lorna was quickly rising to her own climax.

  She came with a little shriek, her back and ass coming off the blanket. leaving her shoulders and heels to support her body. Lorna stayed like that for a long time, shuddering as Dave kept up the motions of his hand. He only stopped when she collapsed into a limp sprawl, eyes closed.

  While she lay spent beside him, Dave began licking and sucking at her nipples, wanting to get her horny again so they could have a good, hard fuck before their alone time ended. He just couldn’t leave until he’d felt her pussy clamped around his cock.

  When her nipples were tight, hard buds, he positioned himself over her and used one hand to put the head of his once again hard and ready dick at her entrance.

  Lorna’s eyes were wide open now, locked onto his as he shoved himself in her, not waiting to see if she’d deny him. Her answer was to lift her legs and wrap them around his ass, giving a hard pull that seated the long, thick length of him firmly inside her before he’d known what was happening.

  Dave squeezed his eyes tight, savoring the feel of Lorna’s pussy gripping his cock. Then he was pumping hard, nearly pulling completely out before plunging all the way back in. He went harder and faster, watching her face as he rode her wet cunt. He as a little surprised at himself, because he’d never acted this way with any other woman, always holding back, afraid to hurt or frighten them.

  All he knew, on a gut instinct level, was that this was what they both needed. Fucking like animals in heat was sealing the unspoken bond between the two of them, that she was now his woman, and he was her man. No one else would come between them, nothing would break this bond.

  When Dave felt he was going to explode into Lorna’s ready and willing body, he leaned down and captured her lips with his. She kissed him just as hard, clawing at his back and tightening her legs against him.

  With a final plunge, rammed to the hilt, Dave cried out against Lorna’s lush lips, and she returned the cry with one of her own, a primal sound from the beginning of time. Dave let himself lay on top of her body for a few minutes, supporting himself just enough so she could breath. He wasn’t willing to pull his cock out and break their physical bond.

  Later, as they lay side by side, spent, hot and sweaty in the dry, dusty heat of th
e loft for a few minutes, they held hands and said nothing. There were no words needed, their bodies had said everything that needed to be said between them.

  The sounds of the others stirring from their naps and idle chatter, voices rising in the hot autumn air, made Dave and Lorna rise from their prickly bed, smiling.

  They dressed in silence, casting quick, shy glances at each other, before going down to the vehicles, and the trip home. Dave loved looking at Lorna’s body, flushed from their lovemaking, and he hoped she felt the same. Judging from the way she kept staring at his crotch, he thought she did.

  If anyone gave them odd looks, or knowing winks passed between a few of them as they rejoined the group, the two didn’t notice, caught up as they were in the aftermath of what had happened between them in the hay loft.

  * * * *

  Two months later, when the disaster the group had been expecting finally hit, there wasn’t a question about who would be at the farm, and what they would do. Their plans had been set in place, and everyone heeded the warnings and the emails and phone calls that set them on the journey to the safe place they’d worked so hard for. Everyone in the various cliques that had formed within the group had their safe places and plans, and everyone was safe and thriving.

  Dave and Lorna were the uncontested leaders of the group, and no one objected to her having been exempted from the rule about having property or goods, or useful skills to contribute. She’d had nothing material and no money, but she’d won Dave’s heart, and that was all she’d needed to do. Lorna brought love, support and understanding to a man who had never really known it. Having Lorna by Dave’s side made him a better leader, and through all the hard times to come, that was worth far more than any food supplies or guns, or gold.




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