The Prophecy of Atlantis

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The Prophecy of Atlantis Page 21

by Susan Weakley

thirst in their eyes, and their nostrils flared as the water turned red with his blood.

  “This one’s not for eating tonight,” the big shark said. “We need to get back before they check the borders again. Take long nose and the girl, but leave the horse. I did promise the crabs something for dinner.” The sharks laughed viciously.

  Lilliana felt sick to her stomach.

  The shark grabbed her hair again and then several others picked up Lance, still unconscious.

  “Hope he doesn’t mind a few holes in his sail,” chuckled one of the sharks as he bit into Lance’s big dorsal fin and carried him off. They went past the freshwater trench to a cliff. Lilliana peered into the darkness looking for some sign of light. It was endless.

  “Welcome home Beastie. This magnificent abyss is all yours.” He chuckled and pulled her deep into the darkness.

  14. Sharks

  The abyss was at the end of the trench and the fresh water flowed in and mixed with the sea water as they traveled down. Lilliana felt the pressure growing on her chest as she was pulled deeper under the sea, and waited for the cold to take over. The water grew warmer as they traveled down and Lilliana could tell the difference between the hot salty seawater and the cool fresh water from the trench. Why would deep water be warm?

  “Bubble!” shouted one of the sharks and they all moved to the side to let a large hot bubble float past.

  “Home sweet home, Beastie,” said the large shark and he pushed her into a dimly lit cave.

  “I am not home, and I am a human, not a beast,” Lilliana said. She was shaking with fear, but she was angry too. What right did this shark have to take her just when she was going home? And her friends. What about her friends who gave their lives to protect her? She watched as two more sharks followed them in the cave and released Lance from their nasty teeth. Lance, still unconscious, slipped to the floor of the cave and lay on his side.

  “I know what you are,” said the shark in a low voice. “Why else do you think I brought you here? You, dear Beastie, are just what I need to get what I want.” His voice was low now. It was too low for the other fish to hear, and it sent chills down Lilliana’s spine.

  “It shouldn’t be too hard to guess what a conniving traitor like you would want. Do you want gold or power?”

  “Gold?” The shark let out a loud laugh. “What use do I have for something as repulsive as that yellow metal. No, I do not care for the taste of gold, but I do like the taste of power. Yes, power is very tasty and that is why I find you so sweet. You suit my tastes.”

  Lilliana swallowed. Was the shark going to eat her? Did he think that would make him more powerful?

  “Eating me will not give you any power over Star Shadow.”

  “I’m not hungry for beastie just yet my sweet and who said anything about Star Shadow? I am far mightier than that wimpy air-gulper in Star Shadow, and what I want doesn’t have borders as small as his kingdom. No, that tiny little place is but one small step toward my goals.”

  Lilliana thought about the kingdom she had just left. Star Shadow was huge. It was at least as big under the ocean as Atlantis was on land. “You lie. You’ve been setting traps everywhere for his fish so you can overthrow his kingdom.”

  “He is rather pesty and I need him out of the way, but what I want far exceeds what the king of Star Shadow could give me.” The shark glanced back at his companions and gave a nod. They turned and swam out of the cave. “Now it is time for us to become better acquainted, eh princess?”

  Lilliana looked at Lance who was still slumped on the floor.

  “Worried about your friend?”

  “Will he live?” she asked.

  “He’ll live,” sneered the shark, “but he won’t be happy about it. That one there is close to the king which makes him an excellent source of information. I’ll find out all I can before he becomes fish food.”

  Lance was the spy? Lilliana couldn’t believe that he had been so kind to her and such a good friend to Spectrum while all the time he was plotting to destroy his own kingdom. The shark had called her beastie, and that was Lance’s nickname for her. Lilliana turned away, disgusted. She had to get away from this place and tell King Nereus. But how?

  “Now that we are alone, introductions are in order,” began the shark. “I am Titan, king of the abyss, and your future husband,” he said with a flourish of his tale.

  Lilliana was so shocked that she could only stare at the shark with her mouth hanging open.

  “Marriage?” she stammered. “I thought you wanted power, but you’re really just interested in marriage? NO. Absolutely not. We are not even the same species and my father will hunt you down and shred you to pieces before he will allow any marriage. You don’t know who I am and how powerful my father is.”

  “Princess of Atlantis right?” the shark asked casually. “I believe your castle is just south and east of here on the edge of a horribly dry kingdom where the inhabitants can’t even move up and down as we do through the ocean. Of course we’ll set up house here in my kingdom. The climate is much better for my skin and my plans.”

  “We will do no such thing! My father ---”

  “will find out when and if I choose to tell him. He can’t stop me, though we could invite him if you insist. It will just be difficult to convince my companions that he’s here as a guest and not for their dinner.”

  Lilliana felt her pulse quicken and her face grow hot. “I refuse to marry you. It is no use, so you will have to rule your abysmal kingdom by yourself!”

  Titan laughed a long rolling laugh. “I like your spirit beastie. This will be far more fun than I had hoped. You see my dear; I have a lovely place for you to wait until you change your mind. It is so lovely that many change their minds within the hour. I’m not terribly concerned about your choices. I need you and I have you. Serena will help with the rest.”

  “I don’t care about your girlfriends, or your waiting places. No marriage to a slimy fish under the sea will be binding in my land. You will simply waste your time and I will leave.”

  “You should be careful princess. You see I know all about you. I know that you have talked to witches, mermen and kings above and below the sea. You are the one King Nereus believes has been foretold which makes you powerful. I like powerful creatures.”

  “That prophecy spoke of a boy with a sword and a rainbow. I am not a boy, I have no sword, and I am not going to marry you.”

  “I see you are having a slight problem with the whole marriage thing. Let me assure you that we can bind our marriage so that our wedding vows will stay secure. You see all the laws of Star and Shadow say that if two consent to a marriage and bind it with magic, then none can break it. Serena can even give you a potion to make you happy about it if you like.” Titan blew bubbles across Lilliana’s face with his last words and she smelled rotting fish. No potion could make her happy about being with this monster.

  “I will never consent, and magic knows the difference between real and forced consent.” At least Lilliana hoped it did. She felt like her whole life was being lived in one big myth with her future tied up in a false prophecy. None of it seemed real.

  “Don’t be so hasty to turn me down. Together you and I can rule the ocean and the land. With our power the whole world will be ours and nobody can stop us. The wimpy little Star and his people are no match for me, the King of Shadows. And,” he added with a long slow look, “if you would prefer not to be my bride and rule the ocean, then I will have…problems with your father’s boats being in my sea. Perhaps I’ll even have problems with his people walking along the seashore. I don’t like problems. I take care of them rather quickly and efficiently.” He clacked his teeth together and began swimming slowly back and forth.

  Lilliana was looking at the entrance to the cave now. She wondered how many sharks were waiting outside the door. All she had to do was swim up and then follow the trench and she
would be at the fountain gate. Surely it couldn’t be too hard. She edged closer to the door.

  “Ah, you’re moving now. Would you like to dance?” He moved closer to Lilliana and swayed a little with the current. Rotten fish breath. “I don’t believe that you have formally introduced yourself. You know about me. I would love to know all the juicy details about you my sweet.” Titan smacked his teeth.

  “You already know enough about me.”

  “Don’t be so grumpy. It’s formality. When visiting royals on your land meet, they introduce themselves don’t they?”

  Lilliana said nothing. She was so close to the shark’s face now that every movement of her gills brought a fresh wave of his bad breath. She wondered what would happen if she vomited here. Would it go everywhere and repulse the shark? Would he just get angry or excited? If she smelled his breath for much longer she would definitely find out.

  “Come now dear. Tell me your name, family, all the right words. Play nice.”

  The fish was swaying in front of her now. She might be able to back up a step. Surely there were no more than four steps behind her to the door.

  “I am Princess Lilliana of Atlantis,” she said as she took one step back, making sure that she swayed with the current. “I am daughter of King Christophus and Queen Danika.” She took another step. “I serve the Morning Star and my kingdom!” Lilliana

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