The Countdown Begins

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The Countdown Begins Page 12

by Patrick Higgins

  Tom Dunleavey was right! Mulrooney’s mind was completely blown! What Brian had brushed aside as only a dream had become a reality after all.

  President Danforth arrived at the mountain the day before, through an off-road hidden garage only few knew about. It descended to the connecting sub-terrain location his 994 guests knew nothing about. It was revamped with everything he would need to govern the country from there, if he wanted or needed to.

  Everyone remained standing as the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem followed. Once finished, the President motioned for everyone to be seated.

  Without the use of a microphone or Teleprompter, the President said, “Greetings, my fellow Americans!” His once salt-and-pepper-colored hair was mostly all salt now.

  “Greetings, Mister President!”

  “Please be seated. I want to thank you all for coming on such short notice. Life sure has grown unpredictable, hasn’t it?” The President managed a humorless chuckle. “These days, it’s impossible knowing what will happen on any given day. The slightest tremor in the ground creates instant panic among our citizens. What’s left of them, anyway.

  “While all of you were en route, a five-point-two quake struck just north of Anchorage, Alaska. Needless to say, many up there are freaking out! People are literally tiptoeing up and down the streets hoping not to upset the Earth. It’s quite surreal.”

  President Danforth scratched his head, “Now, I’m the first to admit that some of Romanero’s so-called miracles could easily be explained away, but not this one. We all saw it with our own two eyes. Despite what some may say, there’s no scientific way of predicting earthquakes. General predictions are made all the time in earthquake-prone locations, but how often do they get it right? Very seldom. There is no exact science.

  “This proves the Miracle Maker really does have supernatural powers no one else has, including myself. That’s why this meeting was called in the first place. The reason you’ve all been invited is that the men seated behind me thought you were worthy of an invite.”

  Heads nodded thoughtfully throughout the room.

  “Gentlemen, putting the earthquakes aside for now, as a dissident country, we must always be on the highest alert! Mostly thanks to me, Romanero sees America as the biggest threat to his one world government. It’s frightening to think that he’s still in the infancy stage. Once fully operational, he’ll have little trouble annihilating any country that stands in his way...”

  President Danforth glanced at the AFK side of the auditorium. “Including the United States. I’m sure it didn’t escape your attention that the only country he named in his ‘relocation’ speech was ours. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, gentlemen, America’s in deep trouble.

  “With one-third of our population gone, by way of the disappearances, and with seventy million more recently vacated, we really have become a shadow of who we once were. Prior to the disappearances, America was the third most populated country in the world. Soon, we’ll be lucky to remain in the top ten.”

  President Danforth looked deeply troubled, “Did you ever think you’d see the day when millions would denounce their citizenship as Americans? I must say Romanero was right on one front: had borders been opened prior to the disappearances, our population would have increased exponentially. Now millions have pledged their undying support to a thirty-year-old foreigner in order to gain the full protection of the New World Order.”

  “Let ’em leave!” yelled a member of the AFK.

  A chuckle rippled through the room. Even President Danforth laughed. Pointing to the man he did not know, but had all sorts of intelligence on, the President said, “Sir, your ‘do or die’ spirit very much embodies the characteristics our forefathers possessed way back when. That’s exactly the kind of attitude we’ll all need if we are to succeed with the monumental challenge at hand.”

  With his pride bolstered, the salty old veteran stiffened up.

  President Danforth went on, “But I’m afraid Salvador Romanero isn’t our only problem, gentlemen. While bombs haven’t yet reached the Western Hemisphere, intel reports suggest that many of the Muslims who relocated to countries in our hemisphere are hardcore Islamic jihadists in every sense of the word.

  “We think they’re planning a massive attack on our side of the world. Details are sketchy, but suffice it to say, we believe an attack of some sort is imminent. We just don’t know when or from where it will come. But America will be the bull’s eye.”

  President Danforth craned his neck to glance at the two AFK leaders, “Naturally, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure our military is steadfast in its protection of our remaining citizens. Having so many top military officials sharing our common mindset gives us access to secret arsenals not even Congress knows about.

  “When America is invaded, strong measures will need to be taken to protect lives. Let me assure you, gentlemen, that we will not go down without a fight! Even if it means using nuclear weapons it will be done. But more on that another time.”

  The two AFK leaders, both military veterans with many years of service, straightened up in their seats. Clearly, this was the best thing they’d heard so far.

  “For now, as the now-former world superpower, it pains me to say that our biggest task, at least for now, is more of a defensive approach. We need to fortify our positions, not on the front line but beneath the earth’s surface,” the President said evenly.

  “It’s with that in mind that I wish to announce my intent to make many underground facilities similar to this one available to both of your respective organizations.

  “I’m prepared to provide everything you’ll need to sustain yourselves for the longest possible time; things you could never obtain on your own. Your leaders have already been briefed on this matter. The rest of you will know more as time goes on...”

  “Naturally, once I leave office or I’m forced out, I’ll be stripped of the countless resources I have full access to as America’s highest civil servant. With that in mind, we must act quickly and be hunkered down before the storm comes.

  “I must warn, gentlemen, that the safety isn’t the bunker itself, but in getting you there without being exposed. If you have enough food and water—which I’ll personally see that you do, at least initially—and no one knows you’re there, you can remain underground indefinitely.

  “I hate to cut it short but as you can imagine, my plate’s quite full now. So let me close by saying we will have another meeting a week from now. Those invited will spend a full week here and get a real taste of what true communal living is all about.

  “The week after that we’ll do it again. This time women from your groups will be invited. By that time, I hope to start awarding properties. But for now, though only for one night, consider yourselves our Guinea pigs, so to speak.

  “Once you’ve been assigned to your rooms, you’ll find a change of clothing and a night bag full of toiletries. I look forward to seeing some of you again next week. God bless you and God bless America.”

  At that, President Danforth left through the same door from which he entered. What he didn’t say was that a dozen or so licensed behavior specialists were listening and observing from behind closed doors, studying the facial gestures and body movements of everyone very closely.

  Some even mingled among them.

  The only red flag to go up so far was when the President first appeared on stage. ETSM members were genuinely surprised to see him. But the same couldn’t be said about the two AFK leaders.

  Many of their members looked as though they fully expected to see the President. If true, how could they be trusted with top-secret information as time marched on?

  The licensed behavior specialists would keep monitoring them very carefully...



  PASTOR JIM SIMONTON LOOKED up from the newspaper he was reading and spotted Brian Mulrooney. He was gazing into the pane glass window of the greasy spoon diner, watching a sh
ort-order cook skillfully stacking freshly grilled hot cakes onto a plate. Scooping a dollop of butter onto the steamy pile, he rang the bell for the waitress to pick up her order.

  Once eye contact was made, the Michigan pastor motioned his good friend and fellow ETSM colleague inside.

  Simonton discovered this place the day before, while en route to his designated pickup spot before being shuttled off to the underground meeting location an hour or so away from D.C. Even at 4 a.m., the aroma was so rich he didn’t need to waste time thinking of where to meet for breakfast this morning. “Trouble finding it?”

  “Piece of cake, brother,” Mulrooney said, taking a seat opposite his pastor. Even with GPS, it was oftentimes tricky for newcomers to the D.C. area to navigate the complex 68-square-mile city, but Brian found it rather easily. “Coffee any good here?”

  “Adequate, I suppose.”

  “Yummy,” came the reply, jokingly. “Anything good in the news?”

  “Sure, if you’re a Salvador Romanero fan.”

  “No thanks,” Brian said. “I keep waiting for the ground to start shaking beneath my feet.”

  Jim Simonton shook his head. “So, what’s so important that it can’t wait?”

  “The final payment’s been received in Pennsylvania. All that’s needed now are signatures, which means soon I’ll be living in the Keystone State.”

  “Are you up to the challenge?” Simonton already knew Brian would manage a safe house in Pennsylvania, he just didn’t know where.

  “I think so. But my heart’s heavy knowing I’ll be cutting ties with my former life.” Brian sighed. “Including my family...”

  Jim slouched in his seat. “I can imagine. Just glad my parents died before the Rapture. I’d hate to see them have to go through all this. I’m even more grateful I was an only child.

  “What really blows my mind is when my folks went to be with Jesus, they didn’t have glorified bodies yet. Now that the Rapture’s come and gone, they do. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds on the other side.”

  “So that’s how it works, huh?”

  “Yes, sir. First Corinthians fifteen confirms it.”

  Both men were silent as they tried measuring the weight of Jim’s statement.

  Finally, Brian said, “As you know, Pastor, Jacquelyn will accompany me to Pennsylvania...”

  Pastor Simonton gazed deep into Brian’s eyes. “Something tells me you’re about to make another significant lifestyle change. Am I right?”

  A smile broke across Mulrooney’s face.

  “Does it have anything to do with the joining of two people?”

  Brian nodded yes.

  “Thought so. When?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Does Jacquelyn know?”

  “No, but I don’t think she’ll be too surprised.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to accept your hand in marriage.”

  “I hope so. If we wanna share the same bed, we must become husband and wife, right?”


  “There’s nothing more I want. I love her, Pastor, and don’t wanna face the future without her.”

  “I understand your feelings. But as exciting as it is to find true love at this point in history, there’s a serious downside to consider. Actually, there are many unknowns.”

  “Yeah. My biggest question is if we miraculously survive the next seven years, will we remain husband and wife during Christ’s thousand-year reign on Planet Earth?”

  “Hmm...Far as I know, yes. You’ll move into the millennial period and raise your children in an era of peace, with Jesus ruling the planet from Jerusalem. Those who were part of the Church Age leading up to the Rapture will come back with Jesus in their glorified bodies. Unlike those still in human form, they won’t be able to procreate.”

  “Does this mean we’ll be alive for the entire thousand years?”

  “Still not sure about that, Brian. I keep asking God for the wisdom to know more about the Millennial period, and the difference between being part of the Church Age, versus being an invited guest of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Until I know more, I’d rather not speculate.”

  “I understand, Pastor. Is it selfish to want Jacquelyn and I to both be alive when Jesus comes back?”

  “Not at all! That’s what I want, too. I can imagine how much more you’ll want it if you and Jacquelyn ever bring children into the world.”

  Brian grinned at the prospect. “I’d love to be married to her for a thousand years.”

  Pastor Jim smiled, thinking how blessed Brian was to find a good woman to love in such desperate times.

  The waiter approached, and they ordered breakfast.

  Once he left, Brian said, “Will you marry us, Pastor?”

  “I would consider it a great honor, Brian. Do you plan to get married at the church?”

  Mulrooney bit his lower lip. “Naturally, that would be my choice. But since it isn’t a Catholic church, I seriously doubt my parents will attend, especially my Dad. Not sure about Jacquelyn’s parents either. They already think we’re out of our minds...”

  “Well, considering they’re not Christ followers, everything we do will be viewed by them as utter foolishness.”

  “Don’t I know it!”

  “Normally our church doesn’t marry couples who haven’t gone through a marriage counseling class first. But given the times, I think it can be overlooked.”

  “Thank you, Pastor.”

  “Don’t thank me just yet; Jacquelyn hasn’t accepted your proposal yet!” Pastor Simonton winked at Brian.

  Mulrooney laughed. “Good point.” Brian took a sip of coffee and grew more serious. “I plan on asking Charles to be my best man.”

  “He would make the perfect choice.”

  “Yeah, I wanted him to hear the news firsthand. He planned on joining us here, but his schedule changed. Said it was ETSM business at the highest level.”

  Pastor Jim said, “As an ETSM higher-up, chit-chatting with friends in diners is a luxury Charles no longer has time for.”

  “I know. You’re right, Pastor.”

  “But don’t worry, you and I both know he’ll be happy with the news.”

  Mulrooney smiled at the thought, then shivered knowing Jacquelyn still had to agree to marry him. It wasn’t a question about love. Brian knew she loved him as much as he loved her.

  But with life so unpredictable, not to mention that she lost her first husband not too long ago, perhaps she might reject him on the grounds that the timing just wasn’t right. Thy will be done, Lord...

  Seeing that Brian was a million miles away, Pastor Simonton said, “Next weekend’s service will be dedicated to baptisms only. Everyone will be there. Why don’t you pop the question then? This way, you can save on wedding invitations.”

  “Not a bad idea. Think I’ll do that.”

  The waiter came with their meals. Pastor Simonton blessed it.

  Brian put a fork full of pancakes in his mouth and swallowed. “What time’s your flight back to Detroit?”

  “Five-thirty p.m., out of Washington National. You?”

  “Six-fifteen, out of Ronald Reagan.”

  “Did you park your car at Detroit Metro?”

  “No. Brother Tom dropped me off.”

  Pastor Jim said, “I’ll gladly drive you to your place if you want.”

  “Sounds good. Why make Tom drive all that way when you’ll already be there, right?”

  “Exactly. By the time I get my car, you’ll have already landed.”

  “I appreciate it, Pastor.”

  Pastor Jim took the last sip of coffee in his cup, “Figured I’d do a little sightseeing in our nation’s capital before heading to the airport. Care to join me?”

  “Sure, why not? Always wanted to see D.C. If not now, I may never get to see it. Could be turned into rubble at any time...”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Pastor Simonton tossed a few dollar bills and some coins o
n the table for a tip, and the two ETSM members left to take in the sights...


  WHAT CHARLES CALLOWAY DIDN’T mention in his text message, couldn’t say, was that he was no longer in the Washington D.C. vicinity. As everyone was blindfolded and taken back to their personal vehicles in shifts, Calloway was approached by two secret service agents and told to stay put.

  After the last bus left the mountain, Calloway, Donald Johnson and Manuel Jiminez—also asked to remain behind—left through another door. The three men were blindfolded then driven out of the underground bunker in a black Suburban and taken a short distance away to a waiting non-white-top military helicopter.

  They relaxed when their blindfolds were removed, and they saw Clayton Holmes and Travis Hartings on board the chopper waiting for them. The five men were flown a relatively short distance deep in the heart of the Catoctin Mountains, in Western Maryland. Only Holmes and Hartings knew where they were going.

  Upon landing, under heavy guard, they were hurried to another government-issued black Suburban and taken to a remote location, where they waited a half-hour for the call to move on to the next location.

  The reason for the delay was that secret service agents Daniel Sullivan and Guillermo Sanchez conducted numerous electronic counter sweeps of the President’s retreat looking for bombs, listening devices and all other electronic counter measures.

  With a shadow government in place, they wanted to make sure no one would be eavesdropping on them in the form of espionage.

  Once Camp David was deemed “bug free”, Agent Sullivan called secret service agent Anthony Galiano, who was waiting nearby with the President in an unmarked car, “Bring POTUS here immediately!”

  “Yes, sir! Right away!”

  President Danforth arrived a few minutes later with absolutely no fanfare. There were no press members, foreign dignitaries or welcoming committees to greet him. Also absent was the playing of “Hail to the Chief” announcing his arrival.

  Once President Danforth was situated, his five invited guests were brought to him. “Welcome to Camp David, gentlemen!” he said, greeting them at the front door.


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