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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

Page 33

by Elizabeth Knox

  “You know what?” Harry scoffs at last, “Have at her.”

  He pushes her forward in Grizzly’s direction before standing up to walk off into a corner distance. As Ashley brings herself back to her knees to rise, the Bear Prez himself walks in her direction and I could hear Fist’s breathing grow rapid. When he finally stoops down to the floor, Ashley leans forward to his ear in a low whisper.

  The room goes silent as we wait. No one speaks on either side. I tried to read her lips while a part of me was urging her not to do anything stupid.

  The Prez was just about to lean up until Ashley’s hand reaches up to his shoulder, urging him back down. Her voice grows louder with urgency and all of us could see the shocked expressions coming from both, though none of us understood what was shared between the two.

  As the Prez’s hand drops to the floor, Ashley looks down for a moment and cuts off her speech the second her hand comes up to his throat. What happened next made every man put his gun up to the scene the second they saw blood.

  “YOU BITCH!” Harry’s voice bellows in the distance.

  None of us saw it coming when she bit down on his ear and ripped it off like a vicious animal. Both the Bears and the Reapers pulled out their guns, trained on one another. Booger, being the trigger-happy bastard, he is. started shooting up every Bear within site and soon, chaos had ensured. Bears and Reapers were fighting amongst each other, but I only had one concern. Monroe. As I ran to her, I noticed Harry’s dragging himself just behind her with a gun low to his legs.

  Harry grabs her shoulder and my stomach clenches at the sight of his face. My feet ran harder than ever before as I pushed away every fucker that so much as got in my way. Harry tears Ashley away from his Prez before forcing her on her back with his pistol cocked to her forehead.

  “Blackjack,” She mouths in the stark distance.

  In that split second, I pulled out my gun and fired at the abusive bastard. Harry screamed harder than a bullet against steel.

  It was then that he looked up at me with bulging eyes, shaking in his own skin. “You!” He grits his teeth.

  “Let her go, Harry,” I demand, drawing myself from the floor without my eyes leaving him. “It’s over–––look around you!”

  He blinks fast, taking in the sight behind me without a word to deliver. “We’ve got the upper hand here! Your men are running out of this warehouse as we speak!”

  “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” He repeats, scrambling to his pants before pulls out a knife to Ashley’s throat, “Take one more step and I slit her fucking throat!”

  I stopped, not daring to move. I believed he was insane enough to do it. He’d lost everything in the last ten minutes, and when people have lost everything – they become unpredictable.

  “You don’t want to do that, man,” I insist.

  “Listen to him, Harry,” Ashley urges weakly.

  “SHUT THE HELL UP!” He seethes before stopping in his words all too suddenly. “Oh, my fucking God, it’s him isn’t it.”

  I watched him carefully, unwilling to respond till I knew he would calm down. As the realization strikes him, his eyes swell up in anger.

  “I’ve seen you before! You’re HIM aren’t you!”

  “Harry, please,” Ashley whispers and closes her eyes.

  “You’re FUCKING him?” His voice turns raw with an ugly tone. Shaking his head, he gives it all up in that moment. “You bitch. Thinking you could get away with that!”

  The air turned dangerous as he started to push the knife down to her throat. I pulled my gun up, my pulse practically running up to the peaks of my fingers. As Ashley let out a sharp cry, two shots rang out in the moment and the man before her was painted in red.

  Fist’s bullet reached Harry’s head before I could so much as aim for the man’s face. Ashley laid there with her chest rising and falling hard. Harry’s last exhale fell with no words against her before he sank to the floor.

  I stood there in brief horror of what just happened, the deafening glaze of the bullet still kicking my eardrum into deafness. With his blood caked on her neck, Ashley pulled herself out from under him and kicked him away in a cry of horror. I raced down to her and dropped my gun to take her in my arms before I could so much as see her tears. Her arms reached out to me like nothing else mattered in her life and I could only let her voice replace the silence of the violence before us. Her breaths came out heavy, I tried everything to coax her to settle down. I needed her to, for both her and our baby.

  Fist’s footsteps were just behind me, more ominous of him than I’d ever felt before. As his boots stop an inch away from my back, he put his hand down on my shoulder and grants the only words I felt were necessary in the aftermath.

  “Take her home, Rob. Take her away from this shit show.”



  1 year later.

  Blackjack took me straight away from that shit show. He took me away, into the comfort of our own home. When Harry had ripped me from my house he broke almost everything in sight, it took a long time for me to be okay – to not be worried, to just forget about everything that had happened that day.

  I stuck to myself for a long time after that. I wouldn’t have called it depression, or even anxiety, but I knew I needed time to truly process everything that I had been through over the last year.

  I lost my child because the man I had loved didn’t want it, I was almost used as a pawn in a fucked-up game because he was determined to please his Prez and in doing that, he could have taken everything that I held close to my heart. I came back home, broken and bruised – thinking that I’d never be myself ever again. The boys at the club brought me back to life, specifically Blackjack and my Dad.

  If it wasn’t for them, I feel like I would still be the same shell of a woman that came home over a year ago. I was able to flourish. I suppose I should thank Blackjack for most of that. With his unconditional love and support, he was able to bring me back. If you’d have told me a year ago that I’d be sitting here in my living room, rocking our baby girl Noelle in a chair overlooking the lake I’d told you that you lost your damn mind. Yet here we are.

  She’s the perfect mix of both of us, my light blonde hair, Blackjack’s dark eyes, and she even has the same freckles on her nose that Dex has, a trait that must’ve been passed down by their father. I never thought about motherhood being like this, sure I thought that it would be amazing, but I truly didn’t know how amazing that it would be.

  Granted, Rob and I were blessed with the best little girl ever. She sleeps through the night, hardly cries and smiles all the time. It’s as if she makes up for every horrible thing that we’ve endured over the last year.

  I’m torn from my thoughts when I hear the front door to the house whip open and close with a bang. I turn around quickly, ready to berate whoever the fuck just came through my door and could wake the sleeping bundle of joy in my arms. When I turn, I’m met with my brothers, Dad and Blackjack in tow right behind them.

  As usual, they all stop dead in their tracks to take off their boots. This is my house, and I do run a tight ship. There isn’t going to be dirt dragged through my entire place. Blackjack tears his boots off and rushes over to me and Noelle, he brushes his lips across my forehead and scoops her up into his arms. “How’s my favorite girl?” He coos.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” I scoff with a smirk.

  He chuckles softly, leaning down to give me a lingering kiss on the lips. “My woman,” he declares.


  “Would ya both stop that shit and give me my grand baby?” My Dad grumbles. I swear, ever since Noelle’s been born he hasn’t stayed away. He’s over at our house for breakfast and dinner, plus the weekends too. Blackjack hands Noelle over to my Dad, his smile lighting up like it was Christmas morning.

  “So, are any of you going to tell me why you barged into this house and almost woke up my sleeping little girl that I just got back down to sleep?” I look to Z
ane and Kade first, who look to Blackjack, who then looks to my father.

  I know this look.

  “What is it?” I demand, wanting to know exactly is going through his mind.

  “We’ve got some news sweetheart.” Any time my father had news, it wasn’t good. I’d learned that from a very young age and since then, not much has changed. He still has the same way of making me nervous as all hell before he says a word.

  “Okay, so tell me”

  “It’s Kathryn.” Kat. I blink quickly, looking to the twins to find out if this is really the truth, they both nod and I’m overwhelmed with fear – I know what’s coming. They’ve finally found a body after all these years. “She’s alive.”

  “Wait. Wh-what did you j-just say?” I ask, my lip trembling.

  Kat is my cousin. My Uncle Tex’s and Aunt Roxy’s little girl. She’s my age, just a few weeks younger. When we were thirteen we went into Billings to go to the movies, it was the first time that we went by ourselves and we were absolutely thrilled. I couldn’t tell anyone how excited we were because it was our first taste of independence. We were thirteen going on thirty, so to speak.

  Long story short, one of us didn’t come home that day.

  Obviously, I was the one who came home.

  “Kathryn is alive baby girl. We know where she is and we’re gonna figure out a way to get her back, okay?”

  Kathryn, my cousin and my best friend. A girl who had been missing for years, a girl that we couldn’t find no matter how much we cowered the ends of the earth, and suddenly – we found her.

  “Where is she? I just, after all this time it’s hard to believe that you just magically found her. How do we even know it’s her? How?” I ask, tears welling behind my eyes. I want my baby girl back, so I can rock her, but I’d only be using the movement to soothe myself and not my little one.

  “You don’t want to know,” Blackjack interjects.

  The twins stare at me, both of their faces filled with concern, and a dash of anger. “Where the F is my cousin?” I snap, keeping my voice low so I don’t startle Noelle into a crying fit.

  “Rage has her.” My father says lowly, “He’s had her this entire fucking time.”


  He’s the type of man that your mothers warn you about, the man who will take advantage and cripple you. He did exactly that to my aunt. She and I are the same in a lot of ways. We both left abusive marriages and moved on to something better. She married my uncle Tex and I married Blackjack. I shut my eyes for a moment, when I open them my father is staring out of my window, looking down to the lake.

  “We’re going to get her back. Whatever it takes,” he declares.

  “Whatever it takes” I agree, taking a few steps towards the window. As I overlook the crystal waters an idea hits me in the face. “Dad?”

  “Yeah sweetheart?”

  “Where’s Damon?” I ask, turning back towards them. I look to him and then to the twins who both have a knowing smirk.

  “Around,” He mutters.

  “Good, ‘cause Damon is gonna help us get Kat back.”

  Here Kitty Kitty

  A Demons of Hell MC

  & Reapers MC Novel


  Save Me | Steffany Gretzinger

  This is It | Scotty McCreery

  Numb | Witt Lowry

  Pink Lemonade | James Bay

  Infra-Red | Three Days Grace

  I Want Love | Chris Stapleton

  Put Me Back Together | Cheat Codes Ft. Kiiara

  Nowhere Fast | Eminem Ft. Kehlani

  Lately | Witt Lowry Ft. Dia Frampton

  Unbreakable | Ryan Oakes Ft. Zero & Cayte Lee


  Everybody has a chapter that they don’t read out loud. -@Just.LifeQuotes


  I’ve been a prisoner for as long as I can remember. At this point, I can’t remember the exact age I was taken from my normal day-today life. It was my birthday, so my friend Ashley and I went to the movies.

  It was normal.

  Everything about that day was normal, up until the point that it wasn’t.

  Rage was a stranger, until he made sure that I became very familiar with him.

  He was kind. A twisted kind of nice, at best. It was terrifying, but the moment he found out that I wasn’t his daughter, he changed. He’d taken me because he believed I was his daughter. Anyone that looked at me would see my father, Tex. I had his eyes; I had his jawline. The only part of me that even reflects my mom is my dark locks.

  I think that Rage believed my mother took something from him. When, in reality, the only one who had done the taking was my father; he stole my mother from Rage. Or at least, that’s what I’ve been told.

  Now it’s been years, and I am a prisoner for my parent’s actions.

  I’m done thinking that they’ll swoop in and save me from my fate. There is no happy ending left for me. The only thing left is the darkness, and I’m oh so close to it.

  Chapter 1

  You don’t know me, you only know what I allow you to know.


  Smoke fills the clubhouse. The mixture of cigarette, cigars and vape smoke floats through every room. Hardly any door is ever shut anymore. Privacy is a thing of the past. The men here prefer to be able to see everything, especially if they’re looking to track their bitches down. In most cases, that’s just it.

  “Kitty! Where have you scurried off to?” I hear his voice before I see him. Like the shadow of death, he is constantly surrounding me. In a sense, maybe that’s what he is. The scars on my body prove just that, don’t they?

  Rage hasn’t left every scar on my body. I am guilty for causing most of them. Slicing my skin is a way for me to cope with what I am, how I’m treated, and what I’ve become. Once, a long time ago, I wasn’t even a fraction of the fragile girl I am today. I may have aged, and years may have passed – but oh, how I was once strong and resilient. Now, I am nothing but silent and obeying.

  If I cared enough, I’d laugh. Who knows, maybe I’d even hate the girl I am. Now, though. I can’t even give a damn.

  I give zero fucks.

  I turn around slowly and face him, keeping my face as stoic as possible. After doing this for so long, I’ve learned quite a bit. If you think I’m maintaining my silence as a way to survive, you’re dead fucking wrong. I’m being quiet for one reason, because I don’t give a damn. My life is worthless. I am nothing more than an object to him, a means to a grueling end. I just wonder when that will happen. Will he even let me die in peace, or will he fight to bring me back just to make me suffer even more? I ask the question, and yet I already know the answer.

  There is nothing merciful about Rage. The only way I will be able to meet my maker is to plan accordingly. I will find a time where I’ll be alone, it doesn’t happen too often, but immediately I think of tomorrow night. He’s already told me how my presence isn’t welcome in his meeting. In most cases, he wants me kneeling next to him with my collar around my neck. He holds the leash and shows everyone his perfect Kitty.

  I don’t know how I’ll do it just yet, but the fact that everyone will be there with him gives me enough confidence to do it. No one will be watching, and not a damn person will try to save me. That I can guarantee. Everyone in this club is the same.

  Calling them monsters would be a compliment. Savage wouldn’t even cut it. I suppose there is no true word on which I can call the members of the Demons of Hell MC.

  “Come here, Kitty, Kitty.” I listen to Rage’s demand, walking over to him like the obedient pet that I am.

  He’s aged so much in the years I’ve been here. His hair turning from grey to an ice snow white, wrinkles appearing all over his face, almost as if every day there is a new line that I haven’t noticed before.

  Emotionless. Unbothered. I act like a hollow void, because at the end of the day, I am only a shell of the person that I used to be.

  He taps on my cheek, and I open u
p, all the while knowing he’s bound to put some drug in my mouth. If anything can help me feel nothing, I will gladly accept the peace that it gives me. He sets the small circular pill on my tongue. I close my mouth, swallow, and wait for it to take effect.

  The most ironic part about this is that Rage knows I will do anything he asks. There will absolutely be no arguments that pass through my lips, no fighting, not even an eyeroll or a huff.

  No matter how long I’ve been here, I have never been able to get into his head. To figure out just how his mind works.

  “Kitten.” I glance over and see Trigger, who greets me softly, eyes lingering for a moment too long. Rage watches his gaze, and just like that Trigger begins speaking to Rage about club politics, all while not wavering his eyes from my body. What no one should dare forget is this, I belong to Rage. I am forever his, for as long as he chooses to keep me. No one touches me, fucks me, or dares to even look at me. If they do; they’ll live to regret it for the rest of their days. It looks like Trigger didn’t catch the memo, or maybe he just doesn’t care. Regardless, it will get him killed.

  I tune out almost everything, whatever Rage gave me quickly takes effect. Suddenly, I’m so much more relaxed than I’ve been in such a long time. He’s given me a lot of drugs, but this has to be one of my favorites. “We’ve had a lot of interest in the community for new prospects. Are we opening the flood gates and letting a few boys in?”

  I can smell the hookah right next to the bar, the hints of chocolate and mint floating through the air. You would think the mixture of the different types of smoke would stink, but they don’t. They mold together like a fine chocolate, layer after layer, offering something more interesting than the next. Then again, maybe that’s the drugs talking. It’s right here in this moment that I know what Rage gave me, X, ecstasy. He has me testing the product. Bastard.


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