Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 61

by Elizabeth Knox

  “We’re alright. Spending time up here with my mom at the farm I grew up on. Camila and her seem to be getting along great … and it’s awesome … I’m just tired of doing the same old thing every day. Hopin’ you guys will solve our little problem so Camila and I can come home soon.”

  “You know we will,” I tell him, “It may not happen quickly, but we’ll make sure it’s safe for your girl to return home.”

  “Yep,” His voice comes out low and I know something’s up. Call it a gut feeling or whatever, but I’m never wrong.

  I hate being the man who asks someone what’s wrong, but here I go. “What’s the matter? You seem a bit down or some-thing. Not like I give a damn about your feelings or whatever.”

  Booger chuckles lightly, “Nothing much. It’s just hard being stuck up here while y’all are down there making shit happen. Just feels like I’m not really helping with a solution to our problem.”

  “Sure you are,” I argue, “You’re acting as Camila’s personal bodyguard in case shit goes haywire. Plus, you can’t tell me that you would rather be here twiddling your thumbs while we wait for an order from our Prez, and have a prospect with Camila, versus where you are now.”

  “True. Thanks for tellin’ me what I needed to hear.”

  “No problem, brother. You two doin’ alright otherwise?” It’s no surprise to anyone that Camila and Booger have had somewhat of a whirlwind romance. From what I know, Booger has been with the Reapers for a while and Camila was an addition from a few years back. Fist had somehow rescued her from the Mexican Cartel. I’m sure I’m missing big chunks of the story, but that’s pretty much all I know about her past. Fist even tried keeping those two apart, but their googly, lovey, dovey eye shit started happening back in Montana, and when Fist told Booger to stay away from her. Well, he defied him in every way possible. Camila lost her shit at Fist, who’s basically her adoptive father and told him she wanted to live life, not just hide from the possibilities of threats. Now, here they are. Having a couple of good weeks here in Vegas before having to flee. If anything, Camila is living life though.

  “Yeah, we’re getting closer than I ever imagined we would be. Gotta tell you, brother. I’m falling for her, hard.”

  I laugh into the phone, but as I see Damon approaching me, I know something is up. His face sure doesn’t scream rainbows and butterflies. “Gotta go, Booger. I’ll text ya later. Tell Camila I said hi.”

  “Will do. Peace.” Just like that, he hangs up and I’m left with my Prez coming up to me like he’s got a pineapple stuck up his ass.

  “Were you gonna tell me?”

  I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms, “Tell you about what?”

  “Don’t play fuckin’ dumb with me, Widow. You made an appointment to see Rebel Rose under my fucking name. Only, it wasn’t my name. Damon Billings, huh? Fuck, you’re a dumbass. You didn’t even give these fuckers your own phone number?”

  “No, I knew I wouldn’t answer. You on the other hand would be sure to answer, and come to me and let me know what time my appointment is with her. Looks like I was right in my assumption of how good of a brother you are.”

  Damon rolls his eyes, “You’ve got an appointment in an hour. Get back here ASAP, though. We’ve got some shit planned tonight with those fuckin’ snakes.” I smirk at hearing the news. Those fuckers have been begging for their slimy little heads to get cut off, and I can’t wait to do it.

  Chapter 10




  It’s two days later and I’m still in shock by what Nikolai told me. Like, what in the actual fuck? He’s a fucking merce-nary, which is basically a gun for hire. A man, who has soldier training … who gets paid for doing God knows what. I shake my head at the thought, trying to think of him in this type of light. I have so many questions that I want to ask him, but is that crossing the line? I have to remind myself that there isn’t a how to guide on processing this information.

  “Are you excited for your new, mystery client?” Harlow giggles, coming up right next to me.

  “Sure. I guess. I was requested by name … so it’s prob-ably just some online creeper who’s seen my videos on OneEye.” I mutter, hoping and praying that it isn’t really some creepy guy. There was this one time I had a date and it was someone pretending to be somebody else. When I showed up, it scared the living hell out of me because the guy I came face to face with was my stalker. Jesus, even thinking about it causes a chill to run over my body.

  Harlow hops up on the bar top and swings her legs, much like if she were a kid with not a matter in the world. “I think you’ll have a good time. Plus, if he’s not pretty, you don’t have to fuck him.”

  This woman literally causes my jaw to drop. I don’t know how she manages to do it so much considering no one else can. “We don’t have to fuck them period, Harlow.”

  “Mhm,” She makes it sound like we’re being paid for sex, but we aren’t. Harlow’s just being a little bitch right now.

  “You should rein your loose mouth in before one of the bosses hears you talking like that. You know Diem will fire your ass quicker than anything if you keep it up. Shit, Gia will probably just plummet her fists into your pretty little face.”

  “Okay, okay. Relax, will you? I was just fucking around. I’m in a bad mood since I haven’t had any dates. Nikolai cancelled on me and a couple of my regulars are out of town. Carmen still won’t be here for a while and I’m just stuck waiting until she gets here. Remember, your twin wants me to be exclusive to her once she arrives.” I roll my eyes at Harlow’s pathetic twin joke again. This girl may look like me, sure, but she isn’t my twin. I’ve even thought about this woman so much that I put in a request for my birth records to be sent to me via email. Once I have those, I can do some serious digging into my past. It might seem weird for me to ask for my own birth certificate, but I can’t remember where I packed it away and paying twenty bucks is a lot easier than going through all my shit in the house.

  One way or another, I’m going to get answers and even if it leads to nothing, at least I know. I won’t be left wondering about my family, or my past. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if my grandpa hadn’t lost his damn mind and if I have two sisters out there. I want to believe I’m not alone in this world. Or, that Zoe and I aren’t alone … but we probably are. It just sucks being alone sometimes. Especially around the holidays. We don’t go to any big family gatherings or have barbeques, or massive pool parties. We just kinda chill by ourselves and with a couple friends, but I don’t even have many of those. I’m not really the type of girl that other women like to be around. I’m much too ballsy for them.

  “Can you believe part of the club is opening?” Gia says, approaching us.

  I swivel around on my bar stool and face the big, bad Gia Lopez. Rumor has it that her father is aiming to get control over the cartel. I don’t know if there’s any truth behind the rumors, but I’m always keeping my ears open. Knowledge is power, after all.

  “Not hard to believe at all. Are Emma and Briar orga-nizing the party?” I ask, but know those two probably are. Briar, Emma and Diem primarily stay at our Los Angeles location. Gia comes out here every couple of weeks, but knows that for the most part, we operate efficiently. None of us are going to fuck up what we have going on here. It’s too good of a job. Too good of a set up really. From my under-standing, the ladies are looking at expanding in SoHo and D.C. as well, but only if the price is right. Crave is gaining a lot of interest, though. But why wouldn’t it? Sex is oh so interesting.

  “You know it. Emma will be here in a couple of days to start getting it ready. Diem of course has already sent invites out to thirty new members. Say, are you actually going to show up?” She peers over at me and smiles.

  I haven’t attended a Crave party as of yet, solely because we haven’t had but intimate ones in the past. From what I hear, things can get pretty crazy. I have a kid, and I don�
�t know if I should really be coming to things like this. Zoe is my life, and it feels wrong to go out and about when she needs to remain my sole focus.

  “Oh my gosh, you have to come!” Harlow yells as she jumps off the bar. “Think of all the sexy men and women we can play with. Plus, sometimes you never know who you’re going to meet.”

  “I’m not a slut, I don’t need sex all the time.” I state firmly, and what I’ve said hits me when I see Harlow’s eyes expand. I’m not the type of woman who judges others for their choices, but fuck if I don’t look like I am right now.

  “And I don’t need a friend who’s always a bitch to me.” Harlow sniffles as she runs out of the saloon.

  Well, fuck me sideways. “I should go after her,” I mutter quietly, but Gia grabs my arm as I start to walk.

  “No, you’ve done enough. Plus, you have somewhere else to be.” She tells me, tapping away at her wrist watch. I pick up my phone off the bar and see Gia is right. It’s time to go meet this mystery date of mine.

  Chapter 11




  I feel an odd sense of déjà vu wash over me as I’m strut-ting into a biker bar. I haven’t been inside one in years. All things considered, I haven’t wanted to be back in one. I place my hand on the door and open it, walking into the crisp air conditioning. Now that I’m thinking about it, I already feel uncomfortable. This sure as hell isn’t Utah, but that doesn’t mean it feels okay.

  With every step I take closer to the bar, I feel a sickness wash over me. All of my old memories are floating back through my mind like a movie on replay. The good and the bad, the better and the worse. Sometimes, when I think back to my life in Utah, I think that the MC life chose me and not the other way around.

  Some were born into it, while others choose to walk into a club and become a prospect, or even a clubwhore. I was neither. I was just the dumb, faithful girlfriend of the club manwhore. He wasn’t always that way, though. Just when I was with him.

  “Hi Hun, can I get a whiskey on the rocks, please?” I ask the bartender, taking a seat.

  “Sure thing, love.” The woman says back to me. I look up at the pictures of the bikers who have been in the bar, seeing them partake in rally’s for fundraisers and much more. That has always appealed to me, the sense of unity that they have. If they don’t have family, they make sure they create their own. While being part of the MC may not have worked out for me all those years ago, it doesn’t mean that I don’t respect the way they live their lives.

  “Here you go,” The sweet bartender places a napkin under my drink and sets it in front of me. As I look at her, I see how pretty she is. She’s got this pale white skin tone with honey blonde hair and mesmerizing blue eyes. Tattoo’s layer over her body from the top of her neck down both of her arms to her hands. It has me thinking.

  As a matter of fact, I heard Gia telling me that she’s looking for a blonde to add to OneEye, and this girl could fit. I dig into my purse and pull out one of Gia’s cards. She’s always told me if I spot anyone who could be added to the roster to give her card out. “I’m Rebel, and I work for a company that’s always looking for tatted beauty’s like you and I. If you’re interested in making some good cash flow, call Gia. Her number’s on the card.” I say, sliding her a twenty. “Keep the change.”

  “Will do. Thanks.” She gives me a weird look, like she thinks I’m some solicitor, but her expression goes to a smile as she looks behind me. “Hey Spider, what’s up man?”

  “Not much, Lara.” At the sound of his voice I think I’ve gone crazy. There’s no way I can be hearing his voice right now. It’s impossible. He isn’t here. He’s back in Utah doing God knows what. I take my whiskey back quickly, knowing I’ll need the liquid courage if he’s really here with me and as I turn … I face the man I left behind all those years ago.

  “Widow …” His name slips out in a breathless whisper. I’m having trouble processing what is standing before me. He looks the same, but aged gracefully like that expensive wine that people say is delicious. It’s not, it’s fucking disgusting.

  “Melody, or should I call you Rebel?”

  I start to speak, but stop myself. I can’t be doing this right now. I have an appointment. “I’m waiting on someone,” is what manages to come out of my mouth.

  “I know, I’m the one who set up this little meeting. I figured we’d need some privacy since we have oh so much to catch up on.” My eyes go wide at his confession and I feel as if my entire world is spinning. If he found me, does that mean he knows about Zoe too? Fuck, I’m not ready for this. I’ve never been ready for this! I planned everything so perfectly, hoping I’d never have to see him another day in my fucking life. I don’t want to be anywhere near this man who’s done nothing but hurt me in every way possible. Widow had the most treasured thing to me – my heart, and he obliterated it.

  I stopped trusting people, and more importantly, I stopped caring about people after him. I was too afraid I’d get hurt if I opened myself up to anyone ever again.

  “Should I ask again? Is it Melody or Rebel? I don’t want to confuse you.” He crosses his arms and leans against the bar, smirking at me.

  Fucking douchebag. He wanted to catch me off guard like this so I wouldn’t be prepared. Motherfucker! “It’s Rebel. Melody is dead.” I hiss, my motherly instincts starting to come out. I shut my eyes and breathe in for a moment before opening them. “What do you want, Widow? I’m not going to play your stupid fucking games.” I may sound like I have my shit together, but I so don’t. I have everything but my shit together right now. All I can think about is how Widow will break Zoe’s heart like he did mine.

  “I’ll cut to the chase. I want to see my daughter. You know, Zoe, the one you’ve hidden from me her entire life.”

  My expression grows stern, hearing him mention the name of my daughter. He hasn’t been around. He doesn’t get to claim she’s his. “You mean my daughter, you arrogant piece of shit. She is my daughter. Not yours.”

  “Are you trying to tell me you were slutting it up all those years ago? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.” He tsk’s his voice at the end like a judgmental parent. I’m about two seconds from ripping the skin off his face with my acrylics before he speaks. “Don’t bother replying, I know you weren’t, just like I know that little girl is mine. For fuck’s sake, you put my name as her father on her birth certificate, Melody.”

  “It’s Rebel,” I snap, grabbing my drink, I throw the glass at him. He ducks and the glass hits the beam a couple of feet behind him.

  “Whoa! You’re gonna pay for that!” Lara hollers my way. I cock my head back at her. “No, my cheating baby daddy is gonna pay for that, just like he’s gonna pay for whatever the fuck else I decide to break up in this joint, bitch!”

  Widow approaches me and grabs my phone off the bar, when he sees there’s a touch ID, he grabs my thumb and unlocks it, then types something on my phone. “I’m gonna head out, sweetheart. Just know, I’m here and I’m watching you. Don’t try to run, because I will chase you down to the ends of the earth. You’ve kept my daughter from me for too long, and we’ll be making up for that.” He stops talking and I hear the sound of a text being sent to his phone. “I have your number now. We’re going to go about this like two cordial adults would. I’ll meet you for coffee in two days where we’ll discuss how the fuck you’re going to introduce me to our daughter.”

  He walks away from me, heading towards the door of the bar and turns back, giving me a sinister smile. “Oh, and Melody. If you try to run, I will fucking kill you.”

  I feel my heart racing a mile a minute as my whole world crumbles before my eyes. I can’t fathom what’s just happened here today. It’s all so much, too fucking much if you ask me. I don’t hesitate what I do now, I pick up my phone and dial the one person’s number who I think I may be able to count on. “I need you,” is what I say as soon as they answer the phone. �
�I’m on my way.” I don’t ask for permission, instead I just go heading towards the one person who may be able to calm me down.

  I pray that he can.

  Chapter 12



  “So, what’s the plan?” I ask, walking into church. I’m a few minutes late, but Amara can bite me. I look to Damon, who sits at the head of the table, “Sorry I’m late. I was handling something important.”

  “Save your apologies and sit the fuck down so we can talk.” He scowls at me as I take my seat and he stands up, addressing us. “I’m sure you’ve all been wondering what Fist and I have been discussing these past few days regarding the Vibora’s. I’m pleased to say that I can finally share. Amara, if you will.” Shit, I’ve been so caught in my own head that I didn’t even know those two were having private conversa-tions. Of course, Damon always had a way of keeping secrets to himself. The guy is constantly in stealth mode, but if I was growing up as a Raines’ I probably would’ve been too.

  Damon takes his seat while his sister rises and I see that she still isn’t happy in her new role. I can’t say I blame her, she was demoted to VP after her father chose to patch us over into the Reapers. Bastard didn’t even call for a vote, which is ten types of fucked up. From my view, the old bat wanted to be rid of the club. I’m just left wondering why, since he always talked about the club like it was his life’s work. Is it because Rage is finally dead? I’ve been around long enough to know those two had some beef back in the day. Even caught him talking about it a time or two.


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