Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset

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Havoc- Reapers MC Boxset Page 69

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Exactly. As much as I hate it, Rafael is blood, and my blood never breaks promises. Something will be coming for us, brother. I can’t explain how I know it, but I do. It might not be today, it could be six months from now, but something is coming.”

  “Then we’d better get the fuck out of here and handle our shit.”

  “I agree.” Damon and I finish our private discussion and we all meet in one of the rooms to go over what’s going to happen today. It’s the most intimate session of church I’ve ever had, and I don’t mean the good type of intimate. We’re all crammed into a tiny ass room, with our balls practically touching. Not to mention, it’s hot as Hades in here. I guess in this part of Mexico they don’t care about air conditioning.

  It turns out that Vinny has been a bigger help than we initially thought, and Damon brings up the fact that Mouser’s sister, Lennox, who is a renowned bounty hunter helped out a lot too. Apparently, Ricardo has a bounty on his head here in Mexico and that’s how we were able to find out his location. She has a friend who works here for the government in tracking down criminals and he had an informant who knew where he might be. Damon reached out to her and paid her friend the fee for the bounty, giving us the ability to do what-ever we want with Ricardo. As long as her friend got his money, he didn’t give a fuck what happened to Ricardo.

  “I’ve already told Widow this, and now I’ll tell the rest of you.” Damon says to the room of us. None of us speak, but instead remain quiet as he continues. “As far as I’m concerned, Booger has dibs on Ricardo. That fucker did some damage when it comes to Camila and I’m not going to let him get away with it. Boog, you get to do whatever your heart desires to that bastard. Just don’t draw it out, we need to get back to the club and out of Mexico as soon as possible. I don’t fuckin’ care if you make him suffer or not, but just make sure it’s done in a timely manner.”

  “I already have something planned.” Booger says, looking at Damon and then to the room of us. “When we get him, I’m gonna need some of you to hold him down as I slice off his balls and dick. I want him to bleed the fuck out, begging for his life in front of my eyes. That is what this bastard deserves. He deserves to suffer in ways that he’s made others. Camila begged him not to hurt her, and he still did it. I want him to feel what she felt. More importantly, I want him to pay for what he did to her.”

  “Fuck,” Dixon mutters, “Men like that don’t just do that to one woman. They do it to multiple, hurting them in what-ever way they feel like. Slimy bastard if you ask me. I’ll help you out, brother.”

  “You don’t have to ask the rest of us. You know that we’ll help you in whatever way we can.” I speak up for every brother here.

  What our enemies don’t realize is that when they hurt one of us, they hurt all of us. We’re like a pack of wolves. One won’t come for you. The entire pack will.

  If anything, I think we’ve shown Ricardo that we’re not fucking around. We’ve taken out every compound that his piece of shit gang has in the States, and now we’re coming for him in his own territory. I just wonder, is the bastard going to be as easy to stop as we think, or is he going to put up a fight?

  Chapter 30




  “Alright, is there anything else you two want before I run off to the store?” I give both Zoe and Nikolai a knowing look. They’ve had me adding things for the last five minutes and I’m really just trying to get to the store before it gets too busy.

  The two of them stare at the other and break out into laughter. At this point, I’m pretty sure my tough as nails boyfriend also doubles as my second child. “Okay … Well, I’m leaving now. Anything else you forget to tell me about is being forgotten! Got it?”

  “Yeah, momma. I think we’re good.”

  I nod, taking a couple of steps towards the two of them and lean over the back of the couch. First, I give Zoe a kiss on the top of her head and then kiss Nikolai on the lips quickly. But before I can escape my madness, I’m being stared down by two little furballs who shouldn’t be on the couch but, there they are. They’re so cute that I can’t bear to ream Zoe or Niko out for it though. I rub both Cerberus and Dolly on the back of their heads, giving them both a good scratch. “Love you both, I’ll be back in about an hour.”

  I turn and before I exit the front door, I hear the both of them telling me they love me and saying their goodbyes. I get in my SUV and head out to the grocery store on the corner of town. It isn’t anything special, but they have some decent prices and I like to save a few bucks here and there.

  Going to the grocery store is one of the very few things I like to do by myself. It gives me time to think, assess, and figure shit out. When life is so busy, sometimes it’s just nice to have time to think and reflect on what’s been happening. So much has changed over the last few weeks, and it’s still continuing to blow my mind.

  When Widow popped into my life out of nowhere, I was immediately confused. I thought that for some reason he wouldn’t just want Zoe, back, that he’d pull that alpha male move and go all ‘me man, you woman’ on me. Every night before I went to sleep, I would hope and pray that he just wanted Zoe in his life and that was it, because I couldn’t bear to go through what I already did again. Nikolai and I had just started our relationship and everything was going well. I didn’t want to lose that, and thankfully, I didn’t have to.

  Widow just wanted his daughter, and now as I reflect over everything, I see it was a mistake to keep her from him. I can’t apologize for it, though … because if I didn’t make the decisions that led me here to Vegas, I would have never met Nikolai.

  When I look at the bigger picture, I think that life was always supposed to end up this way. Even if it did take me down a nasty path in the process. Somehow, through being stuck in my own head, I’ve managed to already grab a cart and a few of the items from my list. Funny how that seems to happen sometimes. I’m a firm believer that women are the best type of multi-taskers, though.

  I turn my cart down the next aisle to grab some canned goods because Nikolai and Zoe have requested I make a pot roast sometime this week. I’ll be honest, I’m a lazy fuck when it comes to the kitchen. There’s no way I’m going to be cooking corn the old fashioned way, so I’ll be sure to drain a can and pop it in the roast.

  As I take a few steps, getting closer to where I see the corn … I think that my eyes are deceiving me. I feel like I see a ghost … but somehow I know she isn’t a ghost. She’s right here before my very eyes, and a grocery store of all places is where I see her.

  I want to say her name, but I can’t. Instead I stare at her red hair, the same color it’s always been. Now it seems a bit different, a bit brighter … or maybe it’s because her skin is tanner now. It’s aged by the sun. I don’t know what to feel as I stare, and I say stare because it’s all I’m doing. I’m looking at her, not saying a word, probably looking like a damn creep. I wonder if anyone has caught me looking at her like this, but I don’t really care.

  I guess there’s no right way to react to seeing your ex-best friend in the grocery store. The one who fucked your boyfriend while you were at work. The past is the past … but why do my feelings feel so real right now? Why is all of my anger and pain boiling up in my body and rushing through my veins like some recreational drug? Why is that?

  I chuckle to myself, knowing very well why. It’s because I never got any sort of closure. Then again, neither did they. I just ran off like a scared little girl, but that’s what I was at the time. I was a scared little girl, needing to run away from the people who had hurt me.

  I pull out my phone and look at my texts, clicking on Widow’s name. He told me he’d be out of town for a few days on a run, but gave me no more information than that. If Amara is here, it must mean she didn’t go … and that surprises me. She’s never been one to stay behind, but then again, I don’t know Amara. I probably never really knew her.

can’t help it, but I send him a quick message.

  To: Widow

  Whatever it is you’re doing, be careful. You have a daughter to come home to.

  Seeing Amara might have urged me to text him, but he probably needs the reminder anyway. He doesn’t get to die, not for a very, very long time.

  As I look up from the text, now I see I’m no longer going unnoticed. Amara’s eyes are trained on me in the same way I was just looking at her. Her expression is stoic, as if she’s stuck in her own head. I kinda wonder what it is that she’s thinking. Is she going ‘oh shit, there’s my old bestie whose man I fucked?’

  “Hi,” I greet her, not really thinking of anything else to say. Meanwhile, I grab three cans of corn. I don’t need that much, but it’s better to have it on hand in the pantry for when I do need it.

  “Uh … hi,” she says back, both of us obviously feeling as awkward as the other. But as she greets me, I remember something that Widow said to me when we met to discuss his visitation schedule with Zoe.

  Maybe it’s the bitch in me, but I want answers and I think I’m owed them, all things considered. “Were you pregnant with his child?” I don’t know what strikes me to ask her this, but something about the way he told me that he’d already lost one child and he wasn’t going to lose another. I just have a feeling, a gut feeling.

  Her irises expand and she doesn’t have to verbally answer, her reaction just did. “He told you that?”

  “No, he didn’t have to. He said something to me that made me put the pieces together.”

  “Ah,” Amara mumbles, looking to her right, she grabs a can off the shelf and tosses it in her cart. “I’ll just tell you, because I don’t have anything to hide. I hired a private investigator to look into your whereabouts. At that time I found out I was pregnant, and then my PI told me you had a child and I …” She stops speaking for a moment, redirecting her eyes off in the distance. “I knew that your daughter was his child, and I couldn’t handle the fact that he’d run back. He and I made a huge mistake that day. A mistake that altered both of our lives. He lost you, and he and I … fell into whatever form of self punishment that we were in. I got an abortion when I found out. I didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, or have my child be forgotten.”

  I’m absolutely disgusted with her. “He may not be the greatest person, but he would’ve never forgotten your child. You had an abortion because yet again, you were being a selfish piece of shit, Amara. Don’t ever try to make it seem you were doing that for my daughter. You did it for your fuckin’ self like you always do.”

  I roll past her and disappear down another aisle, I just can’t believe the audacity she has. What a fucking cunt. If anything, I know now that I was better off without her in my life.

  Chapter 31



  “What’s that look on your face for?” Damon asks me. We’re about ten minutes out from raining hell down on Ricardo and I just got the strangest text.

  From: Unknown

  Heard you’ve been pissin’ off the wrong people, boy.

  Blood or not. I’ll make the lot of you pay.

  There’s only one person on this planet who has ever referred to me as boy. A man who couldn’t bother to step up when he needed to. Because of that fact, I was thrown around in the foster care system time and time again, going from home to home. I hold my phone up to Damon, who is the only person I’ve ever told in my entire life about my father. Melody never even knew much about him, just that he was a deadbeat dad.

  “Is that from your Pops?”

  I shoot him a glare that tells Damon never to call him that again. He knows a lot of the grimy details of my past, including how he chose to stay in Canada and let me be raised by strangers. Strangers, who saw it fit to beat me until I turned blue for doing nothing wrong. He could’ve saved me from being in the foster care system, but he didn’t. Instead, on my fuckin’ eighteenth birthday, he shows up out of the blue and tells me he wants me in his club – the Sinister Mortals MC.

  At that time, I would’ve done anything to get off the path I was going. I didn’t know many people, and it was before I was really involved in the life. Long story short, I did a lot of shit for my dear ol’ dad that most wouldn’t have. I became his fuckin’ pawn. It took me a while, but I was able to get out of his grasp and ultimately found the Brotherhood MC. That is where I was able to find the true meaning of family.

  Ever since we parted ways, he’s been pulling stunts like this. I don’t even know how he was able to get my new number. “Could be some spam, someone playin’ a prank or some shit.”

  “Or it could be Demon deciding to stir up some shit.” Demon, his road name is so fitting.

  “Really? You think Rafael is sending my deadbeat of a father after the club?” Just as I ask, Damon gives me a look that tells me it’s exactly what he’s thinking. His brows furrow together as he stares.

  “My uncle loves to make shit personal. What’s more, personal than sending the Sinister Mortals MC after us? Shit, he’s sending your father. It has Rafael written all over it.”

  I shake my head, taking in a deep breath. “Motherfucker. I guess we’ll see soon enough what he’s doing. What is it you said, you don’t know if it’s tomorrow, or a year from now?”

  Damon nods, “Sure did.”

  “Well then, why don’t we just handle the enemy we’re all too familiar with for now. We can worry about Demon and his childish antics later. We both know this probably won’t be the first text I receive from him.”

  We round up all the men and meet, going over our plan one more time. This won’t be as easy as the compound in Vegas was. We don’t have blueprints, or anything that will give us the one up that I think we need in order to make sure there are no errors. It’s a roll of the dice, and that makes me nervous. I would never admit that to Damon or any of the brothers, but it’s smart to be nervous at times. It shows that I’m not a cocky motherfucker.

  “Remember, when we leave, we don’t travel together. We travel in two formations.” Damon reminds us. There’s a good chance the police down here are going to come after us if they hear about what’s going down. If they do, it’ll be easier for us to get outta here being split up. If we’re together, we may be easier to track. After all, it’ll be easier to spot a giant pack of bikers riding alongside one another. If we’re in two formations, we could just look like tourists enjoying the countryside.

  After we all come to an agreement, we head out, going to where Lennox’s friend said Ricardo and his remaining snakes would be. “I can’t wait to cut off some heads.” Dixon hollers over to me, smirking like a crazy motherfucker. If I expected anyone to say that, it would’ve been Cobra, but he’s back in Vegas. Crazy shit comes outta his mouth all the time.

  The two groups split apart, going around the building. It’s a warehouse. Isn’t that typical? Most of the shady shit in life happens in places like this. Buildings that are a little bit out of the way, but not too far to where you couldn’t pop on a main highway and disappear like a bat out of hell if you needed to.

  I see that we’re made when a Mexican man comes out of a door and starts hollering. If that doesn’t point it out, when he raises his gun and starts shooting, that confirms it for me. I start to move in a circle to park my bike behind a shed type of building as the others do, but the van comes to a halt and the Jackal’s all come piling out. A few of them go to the right around the building, while others head torwards the left. They’re splitting up, and while I know that they have a set plan of attack, I couldn’t tell ya what they have up their sleeves. I see one Jackal though, she has her shirt, or some-thing caught in the door of the van, and this Mexican dude is trying to take an opportunity to axe her before she can do the same to him.

  I watch as she pulls her shirt, trying to get it free from the door, but it’s not budging. The driver too had just jumped out
when the rest did, and she’s trying to open the door, but nothing happens. Fuck. This isn’t going to be good. He aims his gun and I take this as my moment to interject. I don’t raise my gun and shoot him like I should. Instead, I act like a fuckin’ idiot. I can’t believe I’m doin’ this shit as I increase my speed, my target being this culo of a motherfucker.

  Before he knows what hits him – I do. I mean that in a literal sense. I hit him, with my fuckin’ bike. I don’t go fast enough to where I’d get thrown off, and honestly, I’m shocked I still didn’t get my ass flying off this thing. I feel the crunch of his body hit the ground and turn my bike, staring him down. He’s sure as fuck not dead, but that’ll change in a minute. I ride over him again, and, repeat the process a good few times until I know this fucker isn’t going to move another inch. After I’m satisfied, I park my bike next to the van and yank out my pocket knife, cutting the girl free.

  “I’m starting to think you enjoy saving my life.” Shit, it’s the girl from yesterday.

  “And I’m startin’ to think you have the worst luck on the planet.”

  She chuckles as she runs off, “Yeah, well my bad luck is just giving you brownie points. I’ll be sure to tell Sphynx you’ve been saving my ass.”

  I hear the sounds of guns firing repeatedly, and dart in that direction. The noise is coming from inside the ware-house, so that is where I go. I open the door once I get there to a scene that I can’t believe. If Cobra was here, I’m sure he’d make some dig at me being late to the party again.

  Ricardo is in the middle of the room, bodies lay around him, almost like in some satanic circle or some shit. “You fuckin’ heard me. Take your clothes off. It’s not like you have a choice in the matter, you piece of shit.”

  Ricardo looks around and I know what he’s doing. Bastard is trying to look for an out, for a way to escape this madness, but there’s no way any of us will let him. “I take it that this was the last of your members.” Damon says to him, interrupting Booger.


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