Escape of the Fae: A Fae Fantasy Romance: (Poison Penitentiary Book 1)

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Escape of the Fae: A Fae Fantasy Romance: (Poison Penitentiary Book 1) Page 6

by Taylor Spratt

  Heavy footsteps stomped towards me and fear tore through me.

  “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you?” A deep voice bellowed from behind, and I spun to gawk helplessly up at my towering monster of a father.

  My parents said we were called ‘Fae’, but I don’t think daddy was ‘Fae.'’. He never smiled, he always looked angry, always shouted at me. I think he was a demon, only a demon could have eyes as dark and soulless as the ones that now fell hard on me.

  “Well? Are you coming?” He said, pointing at the door.

  “Not again. Please daddy. I can’t do training anymore,” I begged, planting my bare feet to the ground. “It hurts too bad to fight so much!”

  “Listen to me! You’re a Gilchrest and whether I like it or not, you’ve got my blood running through your veins. I will not have my line besmirched with weakness! Now come on.”

  He grabbed me by the arm and began tugging me towards the door. What would it be this time? Fighting off the wolves? Out swimming the sea snakes? Or a fighting match with daddy?”

  “I don’t want to learn to fight. I don’t want to practice flame magic anymore!” I gave out a howl and struggled, twisting and jerking in his arms.

  Ignoring my cries and struggling, he gripped me, scooped me up in his arms and yanked me through the door and…

  Bang bang bang.

  A loud noise woke me from my sleep.

  My eyes blew open. My skin was drenched in sweat. The four walls of my jail cell loomed around me like ominous clouds. A dream? I hadn’t had a dream like that in ages.

  The banging continued, and I sat up in my bed, my eyes trailing the bare grey walls for the source of the noise. My eyes then fell to the floor, to the box of supplies the guards had left for me. A black shirt stuck out of the top of the box and beside it was a bottle of five-in-one body wash.

  I flung myself out of bed, continuing to scan my surroundings. It wasn’t long before I found it.

  Hell! What in Dominion is that doing here?

  Like something out of a Stephen king movie, a tall dark figure haunted my cell door gawking in at me. It had two large black holes for eyes that felt like they could suck you in and never let you escape.

  Its body was ghostly and red, with claws that looked like sharp blades. Its face was animalistic, like something you’d find locked away in the deepest chamber of hell. It was a Soul Eater who’s head was banging on the bars of my cell. Its eyes were hard on me, taunting me and somehow luring me closer.

  Suddenly I felt my body moving on its own accord, closer and closer to the beast. Was this hypnosis? One step after the next, I narrowed the gap between us. The pull of the beast’s snare was too great to resist.

  Sweat drenched my face. Just one touch from those disgusting claws of his and my soul would be wrenched free of my body and all hopes of getting out of this shit hole would be gone for good.

  This can’t be happening. It was like my legs had grown a mind of their own, slave to the beast’s magical compulsion.

  Two steps from the bars and the stench of its breath came rolling into my cell. It stank of month-old gym socks and rotten milk all wrapped in one.

  Breaking the silence, a voice rang out.

  “Hey! Hey you, get back!” Someone barked from the next cell over just as a big rock came sailing right into the soul eater’s face. The creature bellowed as the rock made impact and its ghoulish gaze zipped to the next cell over, to set eyes on the rock thrower.

  I shook my head, taking a deep breath. Finally regaining control of my body. I was happy enough for the help, but who’d be dumb enough to throw a rock at a damn soul eater?

  The creature creeped over to the other cell, looking mad as hell.

  “That’s right, you heard me. Now get going or I’ve got a lot more where that came from.” The guy in the next cell over called out.

  I came up to the bars and squeezed right up against them, trying to get a peak of what in dominion was going on. I’d seen a lot of crazy things in my life, but I never expected to see a half-naked Jamie Watkins, rock in hand, trying to wave away a soul eater.

  “I said get the hell out of here, ugly!” Jamie yelled, and the creature narrowed its eyes at him refusing to move an inch away from his cell door. The creature seemed just about ready to stick his claws in through the bars and attack Jamie when the stomping of heavy footsteps filled the air. And after that came a loud voice that called out “Wake up call! Wake up you scum! Doors open in five!”

  It was the prison guards. It must have been morning. Every door on the block clinked unlocked and slowly began to roll open. With nothing left between Jamie and the soul eater I was sure he was done for. But it apparently, the soul eaters weren’t supposed to be in here with us after the doors had opened. Because the sight of the doors opening seemed to riddle the creature with fear.

  It shook its head from side to side, nervously watching all the doors roll open. He looked like an employee terrified of being scolded for overstepping his boundaries by his boss. It seemed they were only supposed to watch us at night when the doors were closed and he was the last Soul eater left in here, all the others having already gone back outside before the guards arrived for the wakeup call.

  After glaring once at Jamie and then at me the soul eater scurried away down the hall before he could be seen by the guards.

  Looked like getting out of here wouldn’t be so easy after all. I thought those pesky things only haunted the grounds.

  I knew this prison used soul eaters as outside security but who knew the administration would be crazy enough to let those things in here to watch us all night. All it’d take is one inmate getting up at 1 am to take a piss and get grabbed by one of these things and his soul would be sucked clean outa him all before he could even lift the toilet up. Guess this place wasn’t too big on prisoner satisfaction.

  The doors clinked open as the timer had finally run out and every inmate on the block got up to stretch, brush their teeth, pick the jam out of their toes and then most made their way to breakfast.

  “Well, seems we meet again, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Jamie strolled out of his cell and straight over to mine, a bright smile creasing his handsome cheeks. He wore nothing but sweatpants and impressive abs, and his wide shoulders were on full display.

  “Well you know, I was in the area and thought I’d hang out in this dusty old hole in the wall. And you?” I said, shooting him a grin of my own.

  “I just saw this pretty little lady who looked like she could use some assistance.” He folded his arms, leaning his back against my metal door, his eyes hard on mine.

  “I’m no damsel in distress if that’s what you mean. But still, thank you for the help.”

  “Damsel in distress?” He laughed, holding his belly and leaning forward “You? The great and mighty Jessy Gilchrest? The same Jessy Gilchrest I saw take down two adult sasquatches when she was only thirteen years old?”

  “Actually, it was three,” I said, the smile beaming on my face. Seeing Jamie brought back so many memories. He and Michael were the only good part of my childhood and adolescence. Jamie lived next door to us as kids and would sometimes come over to play with Michael. They’d sneak me in on the action whenever they could without getting caught by my parents.

  Jamie’s expression took on a slightly more somber feel as he glanced at the floor then back up at me.

  “It’s been a while, Jessy. I haven’t seen you since-since you...”

  “Since Michael and I ran away from home?” I continued.

  “Yes.” He cupped the back of his head looking to the ceiling then back down at me uncomfortably. “Look Jess. What happened back then, I mean, what your parents did to you, just wasn’t right. They deserve a special place in hell, I’ll tell you.”

  “Thank you, Jamie.” I cut him off, not wanting to hear anymore. I never wanted to think of that time ever again. Back then I was weak and defenseless against my parent’s abuse. I’d rat
her die than go back there, even in conversation.

  “You have nothing to feel sad about Jamie,” I whispered, coming in to cup his cheek in my palm. “You and Michael were the light of my world back then. I will always be grateful for the friendship you showed me.”

  His cheek warmed in my palm from the contact as they turned pink.

  “Nothing to be grateful for, Jessy,” he said, cupping his hand over mine. “You know you always meant a lot to me. I mean you and your brother did,” he corrected clearing his throat, the hint of pink coloring his cheeks turned full red.

  “Oh yeah I remember. I seem to recall a certain teenage wolf falling butt naked into poison oak trying to pick me a nice little bouquet of angel roses from the forest.” I laughed, and he turned his face away in embarrassment, his hand falling from mine.

  “I don’t recall it going quite like that,” he murmured; the unease high in his voice.

  He had the biggest crush on me back then; he was putty in my hands, would take the very shirt off his back and give it to me back then. He was the cutest little wolf too. But now look at him. He’s a fully grown wolf, gloriously well chiseled and handsome to boot. So much had changed about my sweet little neighbor boy. I wondered what else had changed about him.

  “Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot. I have this for you.” Jamie pulled a little green sachet of something from his pocket and handed it to me. “It’s crushed cloves and eucalyptus. For your pain. I figured you might have gotten hurt in your fight against Blackwater.”

  “Still my sweet neighbor boy.” I smiled at him sweetly and tucked the sachet in my pocket.

  “Well, you know me,” he blushed.

  “So, what’s a sweet little Jamie bear like you doing in a wasp’s nest like this, Jamie?”

  He was the last person I’d ever expected to get thrown in a place like this. The Jamie I knew wouldn’t steal a stick of gum, let alone go on a heist or kill someone.

  “I... well…” Jamie cupped his elbow looking over at the wall as if I’d just kicked him in the face with my question. Just then a dark glint rose in his eyes and a chill tore through me. That level of darkness was something I’d never expected to see in a guy like Jamie. There was something going on here and I didn’t like the feel of it one bit.

  “Don’t you worry about that for now, Jessy. A better question would be what in the world are you doing here? Do you have any idea the rotten mess you’ve gotten yourself in coming into a place like this?”

  His gaze returned to me and he came in to gently hold my shoulders.

  “I had no choice. Michael got locked up in here a few months ago, I couldn’t just leave him in here. Speaking of Michael, have you seen him?”

  “Well… kind of,” he said.

  “Kind of?”

  “I saw him when he first arrived.” The tone of his voice grew shaky and uncertain. They brought him into the prison and took him right to Gold Block. It’s a special block down deep in the prison’s underbelly. Once they take someone down there, we never see them again.”

  “What?!” I jumped. Terror cut through me like a knife.

  Jamie held my hands in his and began rubbing them.

  “Jess-Jess. Relax. I didn’t mean it like that. Rumor has it they send specially selected VIP’s down there to keep them safe from the general crowd. Only ‘A’ classes or those with unique abilities.”

  It’s true Michael was an unusually powerful Fae, even among ‘A’ classes. But I’d seen other immensely powerful Magicals up here, including an ‘A’ class ancient vamp for goodness’ sake. Why would Michael be taken down there just for being an ‘A’ class? It didn’t make any sense, but it gave me relief knowing that at least he was in a safe part of the prison.

  “I know you're worried about him Jessy, but don’t. I know Michael’s just fine. He’s tough as nails. It’d take more than anything Pembroke can throw at him to take him down.” Jamie pressed both his large hands tight around my shoulders and my ever nerve ending roused awake with sensation from the contact.

  “Listen, Jessy. I can’t promise I can help you see Michael, but I can promise that as long as you’re in here with me I will do anything and everything it takes to keep you safe from harm.” His big blue eyes glinted brightly, warming me from the inside out.

  His hands left my shoulders and slowly wrapped around my waist then. His eyes fell to my lips and lingered there for a moment longer than I think he meant to. It was the kind of look I’d seen in men before. A look of hunger and pure desire. But in Jamie’s eyes I saw that and something so much more meaningful. True care, the kind you could only get from a man with a pure heart.

  “I can take care of myself here. But, thank you for the offer, Jamie.” I reached my hands up to wrap around his neck and his grip around my waist tightened. His eyes were glued to my lips as if he were mesmerized by them.

  My heartrate quickened as I saw his head slightly tilt downward. Jamie and I may have had a thing for each other when we were younger, but we’d never actually kissed. I don’t think we’d ever done more than hold hands.

  Jamie was a child back then; we both were but now what stood before me was anything but a child. He was a grown man, with a grown man’s body, a grown man’s strength and a grown man’s desires, and by the way his eyes trailed down to the swell of my breasts, those needs were strong enough to override even the most polite wolf’s brain.

  His lips stopped inches from mine, and I tilted my head upward, slightly parting my lips. My heart leapt in my chest as I felt the pressure of something long and hard prodding its way into my belly. Okay, Jamie definitely wasn’t a kid anymore.

  Our lips were less than an inch from one another when out of nowhere Jamie pulled his head back shaking it slightly, as if waking up from a spell and coming back to his senses.

  “Yes, well. Would you like to go to the cafeteria and get something to eat?” he asked, glancing down at me.

  “Actually, I have something else in mind. Think you could show me where Gold Block is instead?”

  He released me to scratch his head.

  “It’s not really something I can take you to because the prisoners in that section don’t mix with ours and we aren’t allowed to visit their section either. But I can show you as far as we’re allowed to go. How’s that sound?”

  “Perfect!” I chirped, my head popping up cheerfully.

  Now I had my own personal tour guide to get around. Even if Jamie couldn’t take me into Gold block, showing me as close as he could get us was all I really needed. I had my ways of getting where I needed to go when I needed to get there. With Jamie’s help I had no doubt I’d soon have some idea of what I was up against and with it, I’d soon have a string of ideas on how to break into Gold Block.

  Jamie and I left my cell, making our way through the prison. We walked down lengthy walkways that had little staircases tucked every few feet apart. Each staircase seemed to lead up and down to infinity, and had some rather grungy looking inmates sitting on them.

  Here and there, there were black doors that led somewhere unknown. Some might even have led outside the prison, all giving me wonderful ideas on how Michael and I would get the hell out of here when the time came.

  As we walked, Magicals of every breed, some large, some small, some weaker, some stronger, appeared before us as they walked in the opposite direction. They never blocked our path, but they did spear me with their malicious glances as they sized me up, deciding whether or not to take Blackwater up on her offer.

  There was just one thing I couldn’t understand though.

  Why did so many of them look at Jamie that way? As if he were the one they were most afraid of? As we walked, centaurs, gargoyles, wizards and panther shifters alike all glared and gawked at sweet old Jamie as if he were the boogie man, their worst nightmare come true. What the hell was going on here? Did they not know who I was? Who Jamie was?

  “Better be careful with that man, little miss,” An old wizard called out to me. Fear
stained his withered old eyes as they shot to Jamie and back to me with concern. “That’s the Grim Reaper you're walking with, better get your rocks off elsewhere.”

  Okay, so clearly he didn’t know who he was talking about. Maybe it was the poison slowly seeping in through the vents. Maybe it did more than block magic. It was definitely melting this old man’s brain.

  “What’s he talking about, Jamie?”

  “Senility, it’s a hell of a thing,” Jamie said, but I could see it in his eyes, he was lying to me. But why? What was Jamie really doing in here? Why was every Magical he and I passed looking ready to shit themselves just from the sight of him? Was he a murderer now? A cold-blooded psycho killer? My sweet Jamie?

  We passed a few humans, heading towards the gym. They were all male, muscular as any wolf, all with crazy looks in their eyes, as if they were half here and halfway to coo-coo-ville. I didn’t expect to see any humans here. You’d have to be a real crazy mother fucker like Ted Bundy or Jack the Ripper to get tossed in a supernatural prison as a human.

  Truth be told, I never really had to interact with a lot of humans as most of them preferred to keep to themselves. Only the most open-minded of them ever gave assimilation a chance.

  Who could blame them? They ruled the world for thousands of years as we Magicals lived in the quiet, keeping our very existence secret. And now the humans only had two choices, live in a human colony in the middle of some jungle or live in the cities with us Magicals.

  When the seven year war ended and the humans were defeated, I thought we’d found some semblance of fragile peace between the species.

  At least that’s what I thought, but by the way those humans were staring at me as they funneled through the gym door told me they had a lot of plans for me, and peace sure as shit wasn’t one of them.

  “We’re here.” Jaimie said, as we approached metal elevator doors. It was the only elevator on this side of the prison, and something told me no staircase led to wherever this went.


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