Nojan (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 2)

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Nojan (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 2) Page 3

by Liza Probz

  She knelt in place and tried to see through the darkness, to no avail. A light? She didn’t have a light with her. There was no need for one in Vanfia, with the sun being as bright in the evening as it was in the morning. As she bent closer to the voice, she felt the chain of her necklace move around her neck.

  “My charm,” she whispered. Mayra had had her necklace all of her life and had long ago discovered the small recessed button that illuminated the charm. She pressed the button and the space around her lit up, but only a small amount. “Where are you?”

  “Just in front of you, but don’t shine it on me please. Just keep it there so I can see it for a minute. I want to remember what it looks like.”

  Tears blurred her vision again as she moved to her knees fully and scooted forward until the outline of a man lying naked and prostrate on the ground filled her vision. His skin was chalk white outside of the bruises and cuts. His dark blond hair was long and covered his face.

  “Dear gods,” she mumbled and moved toward him as the light blinded her again. “Wait. Wait. I need to help him. Wait.”

  She stood up in the garden again and turned around in circles as horror violently besieged her. He needed someone to get him out of the darkness, to bind his wounds, and help him up. Who was he? Who’d done this horrible thing to him?

  She jogged toward the palace as another question slammed into her, almost stealing her breath.

  “How long have you been down there?”

  Chapter 4

  “I really wish I could go with you on this trip.” Jazmine glanced up from Nojan’s desk in the lab and let out a long sigh. “What if I promised to stay on the ship?”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Nojan snorted. It was a good thing Marek was up at the mansion. He would flip his shit over his woman asking to go back to Vanfia. The king had a death warrant on her head.

  “Nope. I know I should be, but honestly, Rantel isn’t that much of a scare.” She shrugged and brushed her long blond hair behind her shoulder.

  Nojan turned and averted his eyes from her. She was beautiful, no doubt, but her breasts seemed to have grown since she first arrived, and for some reason, they were an obsession to him. Not her breasts, per se, but breasts in general. It had to be because the women of Vartik were lacking in that area completely. They were as flat chested as the men, and though he’d grown up with it, there was something inside of him that longed to experience a woman who had them.

  “It’s not the king you should be concerned with, Jaz. It’s the hordes of armies he has and the weapons at his disposal.” Nojan pulled a few devices off the shelf nearest him and placed them carefully into the large duffel bag that lay open before him.

  “All we would need to do is lay out a big-ass saucer of milk, and everyone would drop to their knees and start licking at it wildly.”

  “That almost sounds hot.” He glanced over his shoulder and smirked.

  Marek walked in and put his hands on his hips. “What sounds hot?”

  “Ah, shit.” Nojan shook his head, zipped up the bag, and moved toward the door. Walking to the mansion would be better than taking the tunnels. He was soon to head out on a week-long journey to Vanfia inside a closed space. He needed fresh air and space for as long as he could access it. “You tell him, Jaz. Save me.”

  The laughter that followed him caused a smile to lift his lips. He tugged the large bag over his shoulder and walked to the mansion with his heart set on adventure. He was surprised to find Kara sitting on the stone bench just in front of the house instead of packing.

  “Hey.” She glanced up and brushed her long brunette hair behind her ears. She looked so much like their mother and, unfortunately, like every other female on Vartik.

  Nojan couldn’t help but wonder who their parents might marry her off to. Being given a wife and having to live with her in the mansion was one thing, but being given to a mate and then being carted off to another part of the planet away from home? Away from family? Hell no.

  “Why aren’t you packing?” Nojan paused beside her and reached out to tuck a wayward strand of her hair behind her ear.

  She swatted at him, forever refusing attention. “I’m not going.”

  “What? Why?” He dropped his bag and moved to sit down beside her. “Are you ill?”

  “Not quite.” She shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest. “Father has decided that only you’re going on this mission, but that the rest of us can join you when we head toward Danzmin.”

  “Why aren’t we just going to Vanfia to get the oracle and then straight on to Danzmin to collect Caleb? The more time we let lapse, the worse it’s going to be in bringing the guy back from whatever black pit he’s stuck in.” Nojan ran his fingers through his dark hair and let out a growl. “It’s a fucking waste of time to come back to Vartik with the oracle. And if we know where he is, then why do we need her?”

  “King’s orders, and honestly, you need her because Danzmin is a vast land of darkness. You could spend all of eternity searching for him and never find him.” Kara glanced over at him. “Listen to me clearly. I’ve pinpointed the oracle. She’s being kept at Rantel’s castle and is the servant to his daughter, Demaylia. From what I gather through various conversations I can pick up on, she’s hideous to look upon. Don’t hurt her feelings though, got it? She needs to trust you in order for her to follow you.”

  “Hideous?” His insides cringed at the thought of having to live in a world with a face that caused others to turn in disgust. Nothing could be more heartbreaking to a woman.

  “Yes. I wish I could see her, but a bright light blocks her.” Kara smiled. “It is because she’s an oracle who’s yet to embrace her gift. It’s a beautiful thing, and yet, I know she’s suffering greatly.” Kara rubbed her chest as her smile faded. “When I concentrate on her, I can almost feel the suffocating weight of wanting to die. She’s been emotionally and physically beaten down into almost nothing.”

  “That’s horrible.” Nojan reached out and touched his sister’s arm. “What race is she, and how will I know that I’ve found her?”

  “She’s Territhian, just like Jazmine. I don’t have any physical indicators, but again, she’s the servant to the princess. Get to the castle and use your hypnosis on who you must to gain access to her.” Kara stood and brushed off her violet dress. “If nothing else, look for a human girl with a broken spirit and a trinket around her neck. It should be a mark of her future.”

  “A mark of her future? Like what? An all-seeing eye or something?”

  “Perhaps. You’ll know it when you see it. It’s a powerful gem that she wears, but please, please, please remember not to hurt her feelings.” Kara gave him a hard stare.

  “Will she self-implode?” Nojan stood and picked up his bag as she popped him in the stomach.

  “No. She’ll die a little more inside. I can’t bear the thought of feeling that.” Kara nodded toward the mansion. “Come on. Let me walk you up to the meeting room. Father is already there, filling in the rest of the family on how this is going to work.”

  “Without me?” Nojan gave her an incredulous look.

  “You’re late. As per usual.”

  “Brilliance takes time.” He chuckled and opened the door for her. He couldn’t help but let his thoughts dive into what a hideous Territhian might look like. All of them that he’d ever seen in books were beautiful creatures, feminine women and masculine men. It would be interesting and perhaps a little heartbreaking to see an ugly one.

  “You’re lucky you got most of the brains in the family.” Kara gave him a cheeky smile over her shoulder and walked into the conference room.

  “There you are. Sit down and let’s finish this up. You’ll be going alone for this first mission.” The king motioned for Nojan and Kara to come into the room.

  The rest of Nojan’s brothers were already seated around the table, including Marek. Jazmine stood behind him with a warm smile on her pretty face. The fact that they’d used the transport had
them there on time, but it was worth being late to have walked the long way back home.

  Why couldn’t the oracle be beautiful like Jaz? That would be an adventure worth seeking.

  “I still think it’s a mistake to send Nojan on his own, Father. He’s not a fighter.” Marek shook his head and kept his eyes on the king.

  “We don’t need a fighter,” the queen said. “We need someone who can traverse the solar system and deal diplomatically with Rantel. Your brother is by far the most educated of all of us. He’s studied everything, including the ways of the cat-people. He will do beautifully. Won’t you?”

  “Of course, Mother.” Nojan set his bag down and dropped down in the chair beside his mother. “And all I need to do is retrieve the girl and bring her back here?”

  “Yes. Exactly.” The king took his seat as well and pressed a few buttons on the table in front of him, causing a 3D image of Vanfia to rise before them. “The castle is at the far end of the planet, but it’s a small trip for you to make on foot. The marketplace is right after you port and exit. Tarry there a little and buy a few things so that they believe you to just be a traveling merchant, or even perhaps a vacationer.”

  “Is there danger for a Territh-looking man on Vanfia, Father?” Zelup spoke up, grabbing everyone’s attention. He was the strictest and most proper of the royal family. With his eye set on the crown, he was willing to play any part given to him and take any role necessary to ensure that after Marek’s reign was over, his was next and would be the most successful.

  “No. They’re looking for Jazmine, from what our spies tell us, but there are a lot of Territhian males that come to Vanfia looking for a pet of sorts.” The king smirked.

  A chuckle resounded around the room, but it was Kara who responded.

  “They have no clue what they’re getting their hands on. What might look like a docile pussy is in fact a vicious bitch with claws.”

  Another round of laughter. Nojan couldn’t help but notice the way Jazmine’s cheeks colored as they spoke bluntly as a family. Beautiful.

  “Right, so we need you to mill around the marketplace, son, and then make your way to the king’s courts. Take with you something of great worth and use it to get into the center of the court. The king likes fine linen more than anything else. Whatever you need, Calabaz can help you get it.”

  Nojan glanced over to his brother, Calabaz, who seemed to be half asleep.

  “Yep, I’ll help,” the large brute mumbled and yawned loudly. Another night of seeing how many women he could handle at one time, no doubt. The idiot was insatiable with his lust.

  “Good. Get to the girl and tell her that you’re there to help her.” The king turned his dark eyes back on Nojan. “She will not be trusting, I don’t think.”

  “She will.” Kara tapped the table. “She’s got a spark of hope deep inside of her all of a sudden. It started about a week ago. I’d say that she’s seen Nojan. Or her mentor has.”

  “Mentor?” Jazmine asked.

  “Oracles have mentors.” Kara turned to address her. “They are trained in the ways of the older seer, and when the time comes, their powers are unleashed, and they take the position of their elder.”

  “Interesting.” Jaz glanced over at Marek. “How are their powers unleashed?”

  “It can be different for everyone, right, Nojan?” Marek responded, turning his gaze on Nojan.

  “Exactly. I’ve studied them quite a bit since finding out that Kara could locate Caleb but not penetrate the darkness of Danzmin. We need a strong unblemished oracle. This girl will be perfect.” Nojan smiled at Jaz. “They can be unlocked by the power of love, some sex, some hate. Others have been unlocked by receiving a blessing or sustaining a curse. It’s individual to each of them, as Marek mentioned. The girl will know how to unlock herself. We’ll just provide whatever emotion or experience needed to get her there.”

  “Unless she needs sex and she’s as hideous as they say she is.” Calabaz laughed, but he was the only one.

  “We’ll do whatever is necessary to awaken her and gain her help in our search for Jazmine’s brother.” The king stood. “Nojan, we have a large craft being prepared, unless you’d like to use the smaller cruiser your brother just used on his journey.”

  “It’s got good luck in it, no doubt.” Marek smirked and stood up to pull Jaz to him.

  “I’d like to take the smaller one please.” Nojan leaned back in his seat. “When do I leave?”

  “After you get a haircut and make yourself more presentable.” His mother reached over and tugged at his hair. “You almost look like a female.”

  He rolled his eyes as his brothers started to give him hell about his boyish good looks.

  “All right, all right, settle down. I’m going to get the girl and bring her home. Wish me luck that I can stand to look at her.” Nojan winked and walked out of the room, not quite capable of shaking the haunted look on Kara’s face at his words.

  What the hell had happened to the Territhian to make her so vile? Could he force himself to pretend as if she wasn’t?

  Yes. Without a doubt in his mind. He would look to her heart to define her beauty instead.

  Chapter 5

  “What’s it like to be with a man?” Demaylia stretched across her bed and rolled onto her side as her long black hair lifted from the bed and moved about as if waving.

  Mayra shrugged and glanced up from writing in her journal. The small desk she’d been given on the far side of Demaylia’s room was far more generous than it had to be.

  “I don’t know.” She glanced back down. “I’ve been a slave here since I was two and with you since your birth. I’ve never been with a man.”

  “Are you scared to be?” The girl’s voice was soft and growing heavy.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Mayra closed her journal and leaned back to give Demaylia her full attention. “I’m an oracle though. I’ll only be with a man once, and then my future will be like Terap’s. Alone and working for your father to see anything he needs me to see.”

  “Sounds dreadful.” The girl rolled onto her back. “I’ll be a woman next year, and I think for my birthday, I’ll ask my father to find me a Territhian male or a Vartik.” The girl glanced back over as her eyes filled with wonder. “Have you seen one before?”

  “No. Neither.” Mayra got up and walked toward the bed as Demaylia motioned her to come lie beside her. It was far more comfortable than the thin pallet they had on the floor in the corner of the room for her. “I didn’t think the Vartiks existed anymore.”

  “They don’t, or so they say.” Demaylia scooted closer and reached up, pawing at Mayra’s hair and smiling. “I bet they would find you beautiful if they did exist. Men of valor. That’s what my history books say. Descendants from the gods that were sent to make more humanoids populate the world with their greatness.”

  “Sounds like a breeding problem to me.” Mayra smiled for the first time in days. “I bet they’re bossy if they descend from the gods, hmm?”

  Demaylia laughed and rolled onto her back as she lifted her small arms into the air. “I doubt I would be compatible with them. They’re supposed to be large creatures.”

  “Large how?” Mayra sat up and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “The genitalia. It might not even fit inside of a big woman like you.”

  “Big?” Mayra laughed softly. “I feel so small most of the time around here.”

  “You’re not. Look how much bigger you are than me.” Demaylia reached out and lifted her paw toward Mayra. “You’re huge.”

  Mayra laughed again and pressed her hand to the princess’s, noting how much bigger she really was. It almost seemed like another thing to add to her list of offenses. “Shall I grab you something to drink before you get ready for your nap?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Mayra nodded and got off the bed but stopped by the door at the sound of Demaylia’s voice.

  “If we found a Vartik male, I would let
you sleep with him on my behalf before we drained the blood from his body and sold it for a zillion rubbals. He’d never fit inside of me anyhow.”

  “A zillion?” Mayra glanced back. “Why so many?”

  “It’s the most precious liquid in all of the seven galaxies. It’s said to be able to heal anything.”

  “Anything? Really?” She walked to the door, rolling her eyes. Nothing was that powerful.

  “Yep, too bad they’re extinct.” The girl began to purr as Mayra opened the door and slipped out into the hall.

  It wasn’t a wonder that the Vartiks were extinct. She’d heard whispers of them but nothing more. Without having access to books or regular conversation outside of whatever tangent Demaylia was stuck on, she was without the means to explore any other planets, creatures, or mythical properties.

  “There she is. Grab her!” A deep voice surprised Mayra in the darkness of an alcove as she passed.

  It took her only a second to realize they were talking about her, but it was a second too long. Strong hands gripped her and pulled her into the darkness. As she opened her mouth to scream, another strong hand wrapped around her face.

  “He said that it was her time to open up, but she needed to be fucked. You do it.” The voice didn’t belong to a Vanfian but another servant.

  “No. Get one of Rantel’s sons to take her. She’s vile.” The hot breath against the side of her neck, mixed with their nefarious plans, had her kicking and screaming as loudly as she could.

  “Shit. Just hold her still and I’ll go grab one of them. Why didn’t we get them first?” The first servant walked out of the alcove, allowing Mayra to catch a glimpse of his blue skin. Why were they helping Rantel with such a horrid request? Raping her wouldn’t unlock the gifts inside of her. It would likely only cause them to disappear entirely, or maybe that was exactly what he wanted.

  If she were no longer the oracle, then she would be his whore. But he hated the way she looked. They all did.


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