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Runaway Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  Augustin let go of his prize long enough to disrobe and to removed James’ remaining clothes. “There, naked is so much better don’t you agree?”

  “Oh yes, much better.” James ran his hands down Augustin’s sides raising thrill bumps in his wake. “I love how smooth your skin is.” He mumbled as he let his hands explore all of Augustin’s body he could reach. “You feel so good.” He wished he had a better vocabulary and could explain more clearly the enjoyment and excitement he was feeling in Augustin’s arms.

  Augustin tossed the clothing onto the floor not willing to take the time away from his beloved to stow them away. Plus, he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the glory that was James Keith naked. He was a god, an exhibit of masculine excellence never before discovered, he was perfection.

  Augustin slowly stretched out his tall body on top of his beloved and pressed his stiff erection against James’ and began a slow ride up and down, grinding and pulling satisfaction from his beloved and getting it in kind. He wanted this to last, this was his beloved and this was their first time together. Augustin would strive to make it perfect for James in every way.

  The room was spinning for James, Augustin was rocking his world. He’d never really liked being touched and certainly not in an intimate way. Sex had been just sex completely mechanical and no names exchanged. Over the years sex had become arduous and uninteresting to the point James had not been with anyone for many years. Now here he was all on fire and ready to blow all because it was this man who was touching him.

  His mate was magical and he couldn't stop staring at him taking in all that was Augustin the Master Vampire. His mate was a vampire and it did not freak him out, no, on the contrary, he was aching for the bite. He'd never been bitten before, but according to Kyle, it was an orgasmic sensation that was out of this world.

  "I want you to bite me, Augustin." He voiced his desire and Augustin was quick to accommodate his request. James felt the first sting and then all was lost. His body began to contract and spasm on each draw and his cock immediately exploded pumping stream after stream of sticky cum between them. It was glorious and much more than Kyle had described.

  James never wanted Augustin to stop, he would have gladly allowed him to drain him. Within seconds of his last orgasm, the sensations built to another shattering conclusion and he came again so hard it was painful, but it was the best pain of his life.

  He felt Augustin retract his fangs and lick the wound closed and his body shivered in the delight of the act. James rolled Augustin to the side and snuggled close wrapping his arms so tight he worried Augustin might not be able to breathe. He then buried his face back in Augustin's shoulder a place that has rapidly become his go-to place for comfort.

  Augustin was in heaven with his beloved in his arms and the beginning of their bond already in place. He had no idea or hope that James would want Augustin to bite him. It was so unexpected and the innocence of James' desire made Augustin's heart swell with love. He wasn't hiding from Augustin the way he had been yesterday. Today he was open with his thoughts and desires, there seemed to be no holding back.

  The moment that James’ blood touched his tongue the rightness of their union became real. The taste was fiery and dangerous but also energizing and invigorating. He had tasted nothing that could compare in his several hundred years of existence. He didn’t know if it was the power of the dragon that coursed through his veins or if it was the power of their bond. Either way, it didn’t matter because Augustin owned them both, the man and the dragon.

  He pressed James more firmly against him and ran his fingers through his soft red curls. He loved his beloved's beautiful hair and would never tire of touching it. He planned to ask him to grow it out. He liked the short style James currently wore but he would love to see those red waves dusting James' shoulders. He turned and kissed the side of James' head. "How are you, sweetheart?" He felt him shiver and hold tight and wanted to make sure there were no regrets.

  “I’m good, really good.” James took a long deep breath and then shifted his head in order to look at Augustin. “Give me just a minute to regroup and I’ll take care of you.” He said with a smile.

  Augustin took James hand and guided it down to Augustin’s hot sticky cock. “No need sweetheart, I came with you. You are quite sensational when you come my beloved, you could move a monk to orgasm.” Augustin kissed him again as James began to chuckle softly.

  Augustin moved to his left and slid his arm out from around James. “Let me get a wet cloth and clean you up.” He said as he stood and walked to the adjoining bathroom. He glanced back at the bed and saw James watching him closely and realized how satisfied that made him. Augustin put a little extra swing in his step for effect and heard James utter the most erotic sound in response. It was wonderful, life was wonderful.

  James watched his mate walk to the bathroom and all he wanted to do was jump him and pull him back to the bed. Everything about Augustin excited him and especially a naked Augustin. His body was without a flaw. Augustin had smooth skin, defined muscles, long legs, and narrow hips with a broadening of his shoulders. They still had a lot of things to work out and some understandings to come to but for now this as all he needed.

  James lay still as Augustin thoroughly cleaned him and then crawled back into bed to once again pull him up close and cradled James' head on his shoulder. James snuggled up and enjoyed the calm and security his mate was giving. "Thank you," James whispered.

  "Your comfort is important to me, sweetheart, besides, I love taking care of you." Augustin planted another kiss on James' temple. He was becoming addicted to the possessive little pecks that Augustin constantly bestowed.

  "I want this to work, Augustin," James said and broke the silence that had descended.

  “It will work, James, Fate has deemed it so.” Augustin continued to touch James, running his fingers through his hair and trailing down his side. It was a hypnotic motion that soon had James nodding off.

  Augustin lay there happier than he could ever remember being. He'd tasted his beloved and the bond was beginning. James was open and honest about his feelings and expectations although Augustin could still sense reservation and a slight anxiety remaining. James' declaration that he didn't want to lose Augustin had gone straight to Augustin's heart. It was a desperate plea and one that Augustin also felt.

  He hadn’t expected their relationship to suddenly move to full speed ahead, but he was beyond grateful. His disheartened anger and depression fled when James walked back into his life. Yesterday his world came crashing down and today it had taken flight. His beloved owned him and it was both terrifying and satisfying.

  He lay there quietly content in watching James sleep so peaceful and serene in his arms. He never wanted to let him go. They had much to discuss and much to compromise, but he hoped to convince James to go home with him to Jackson very soon.

  James would be the beloved of the Master and his place in the Coven would as a part of the leadership. He would have to familiarize himself with the membership and their laws, or rather codes of conduct. He wasn’t certain of the ways of the dragon, but vampires had strict codes covering personal behavior. It was necessary for their continued safety, security, and anonymity.

  Most paranormal groups set themselves apart from the human population whereas vampires needed to live among the humans. As much as they appeared to live life in the open, they kept their true natures well hidden. To be discovered would mean certain annihilation so codes of conduct were adopted centuries ago for protection.

  After a few minutes, Augustin's mind stopped racing and he fell asleep with his beloved wrapped around him.


  Flynn walked into Calum’s office after a quick knock and seated himself in front of Calum’s desk. He said nothing for a few moments but looked pent up and worried as he glanced around the room several times before settling his gaze on Calum.

  "What can I do for you, Flynn?" Calum asked and waited for Flynn t
o finish with several long sighs.

  “I went to town last night with Forbes and Angus and we ran into a couple of wolf shifters, both of whom stated they’d had business with the coven in Jackson back a few years ago.” Flynn stopped and stared at the floor in silence until Calum loudly cleared his throat indicating he needed to finish whatever he was getting at.

  “They’d heard that one of ours had mated with the coven’s second in command and they thought they should let us know a few details of the coven. I might add here that they held a deep prejudice against vampires.” Flynn ran his fingers roughly through his hair. “I don’t know if this is accurate and whether I should be repeating this at all.”

  "Tell me what they said," Calum ordered.

  "They claim that Master Augustin rose to power in the Chamberlin Coven by murdering his father and his uncle," Flynn spoke with a slight hesitation. "The wolf said that he knew someone who had done odd jobs for the old man and was present when Augustin took him out. He said it was cold, brutal and without provocation. Apparently, the uncle got in the way and Augustin terminated him as well." Flynn rolled his eyes up to look at Calum who sat behind his desk with an inscrutable expression.

  "Investigate these accusations further. Take Angus with you and check other paranormals with a connection to the Coven. Have Donell do a computer check see if he can find anything regarding the history of the Chamberlin family. Next, to Kyle, he's the best we have." Calum stood up and rounded the desk to stand in front of Flynn.

  “I’ll try to contact Vadin but there is no guarantee that I can reach him. I want everything you can compile on my desk within four hours.”

  “It will be done.” Flynn stood and turned towards the door and then looked back at Calum over his shoulder. “If this guy is who they say he is, we can’t let him have James. If he killed his own family for personal gain, then he is no better than James’ father.”

  "Find me everything you can, I'll deal with James," Calum instructed and Flynn nodded and left. Calum called Alrick to his office and gave him a full briefing on the situation. Alrick wanted to bring James home immediately and put him in protective custody, but Calum ordered him to wait until they heard from Flynn and Donell. "There is no reason to upset James any further than he already is if this information proves to be false."

  “Mate bond or not, James cannot be left vulnerable to another tyrant. He hasn’t completely healed from his father’s abuse, what will an abusive mate do to his soul?” Alrick was truly worried.

  “They are mates, Alrick, I have to wait for more than just the word of a couple of wolves. If it is true, we will take whatever measures necessary to protect James.” Calum promised and Alrick yielded.


  Augustin woke never realizing that he’d fallen asleep but the peace and contentment of having his beloved so compliant in his arms was enough to allow him to rest. He decided that as soon as James woke up he would explain his own troubled past. James had trusted him with the truth and Augustin needed to do the same.

  He ran his fingers through James’ hair and he gradually came awake with the most alluring smile known to modern man. It put the Mona Lisa to shame in Augustin’s opinion, which was the only opinion that mattered.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” He said with a tone that he knew would excite. James stretched and rolled to the side and leaned over Augustin who was now spread out on his back. Augustin stared into the deepest of green eyes and he saw the light dance in their depths. He saw the dragon staring back and the feeling of acceptance flooded his mind.

  Augustin was speechless watching his beloved look at him as if he were his world and the greatest of his possessions. Augustin had never witnessed such intensity of emotion from a single glance a single recognition. His beloved was stealing his heart, his mind and his soul, so innocent and so brave.

  Augustin reached up and pushed the hair back from James’ face and tried to let him see the profundity of his own awareness and desires. His eyes searched and found the connection he was yearning for within the green fire that was enveloping him.

  “James.” He cried out as he pulled James down on top of him for a ravenous mashing of mouths so uncouth yet so necessary in that moment. Augustin rolled James to his side and continued the kiss until breathing became essential. “You are everything to me James, everything.” He kissed the sides of James’ mouth and then trailed light kisses across his jaw and down his throat to his shoulder. He couldn’t stop touching him and tasting him.

  James loved looking at his mate, Augustin was so handsome and so sophisticated. He was not what James had expected but he was so happy that Augustin had been chosen for him. He was strong and capable and he cared for him. James could see it in Augustin’s face and he could scent the truth of everything he said. Augustin cared for him and wanted him.

  "Do you think your Coven will accept me?" James wasn't sure where that piece of insecurity came from but it was out of his mouth before he could censor it. He knew he hit a nerve when Augustin froze and pulled back to look down at him with a fierce yet puzzled expression.

  "They will love you, James. They will know you as the kind, sincere and caring man that you are." Augustin declared and then smiled. "And if they don't, well they can all find another Coven to join because they won't be welcome in mine."

  James chuckled. “You’d evict everyone who doesn’t accept me?”

  "Absolutely," Augustin answered. "All I will ever need is you, sweetheart, only you." He sealed that with another kiss and then moved to sit up. "How about I get us something to eat. I've worn you out and now I need to feed you." He leaned over and planted another ravenous kiss on James' plump lips.

  "Sounds good," James admitted. "Do you mind if I take a shower." He'd been out all evening flying the night skies and then sleeping in the woods so he was sure a shower was in order at this point. He probably should have had one sooner, but Augustin hadn't complained.

  “Sure, help yourself to anything you need, my home is your home.” Augustin grabbed a robe and with one last smoldering look left the bedroom while James headed into the bathroom.

  Augustin was contemplating joining his beloved but thought James could probably use a little nourishment before Augustin asked to claim him. Things were going well between them and there was a nagging urgency that Augustin was feeling for completing their bond. Something in the air was pushing him to claim James as soon as possible.

  He called Antoni into the living area and gave him their dinner order. Augustin wasn’t sure as to James’ preferences but remembered that he was a meat eater from observing him at the bonding celebration. Antoni was about to leave the room when Augustin called him back.

  “I want to share this with someone.” He said and held Antoni’s attention. “I’m going to share this with you. James Keith is my beloved, the dragon warrior is the Master’s beloved.” He wasn’t sure why he told Antoni but he needed to tell someone. He was rewarded with a large smile and a congratulation.

  “That is wonderful, sir. I am so pleased for you. He’s very handsome and will be a true asset to the Coven.” Antoni’s instant appreciation and acceptance was just what Augustin needed.

  “I’m a lucky man and I agree with you, he is very handsome.” Antoni held out his hand which was customary for times like this and Augustin eagerly took it and also pulled him in for a quick manly hug. He couldn’t help himself, he was so damned happy. “Thank you, Antoni.”

  Antoni nodded his head and with the smile still present, headed out to fulfill their dinner order.


  Flynn, Angus, and Donell met with Calum in his office as previously mandated. Alrick was also present for the reports. They gathered all the intel they could regarding Augustin Chamberlin and the Chamberlin Coven. Flynn and Angus gave their report first.

  “We found only one other wolf shifter who had any business with the Chamberlin Coven and that was fairly recent. He claims that the current leadership took control by overthrowing the previo
us leadership. He didn’t have any specifics and said it’s what he’d heard.” Flynn spoke for them both but Angus nodded his agreement.

  “Was this wolf shifter affiliated with the last wolf shifter who claimed Augustin murdered his father?” Calum asked.

  “Yes, they belong to the same pack, one that’s forming over near Riverton. It’s pretty small right now, just a few guys. The information this shifter had could have been gleaned from the first.” Flynn clarified.

  “That’s all you found?”

  “Yes.” Both Flynn and Angus answered.

  Calum then turned his attention to Donell who had completed an information search on all persons involved. Unfortunately, Donell’s computer searches turned out to be more damning than any of the personal interviews conducted.

  “I don’t have anything definitive, but the circumstantial is there.” He began and Alrick cut a quick glance over at Calum. “The Coven moves every hundred years or so as a security measure, so this all took place when they resided in Southern France. Augustin’s father, Tabor Chamberlin was Master and his brother Merrill was his second in command.” He glanced around at the men in the room and then gave a brief history of the Coven itself or as much as the web had to offer.

  “They operate under the cover of the Chamberlin Corporation now just as they had in the past. All positions within the company are held by coven members, but it looks legitimate from the outside. It’s not unlike how we operate our business of precious gems and metals.” Donell coughed and then flipped through a few pages of his notes.

  “It’s reported that the Coven and Corporation changed hands abruptly, like one day to the next, without warning. One minute it was Tabor in control and the next it was Augustin. Tabor and his brother were never heard from again. Tabor and Merrill’s deaths were reported a few weeks later and then business was back to usual.”

  Donell looked up at Calum who appeared concerned. "It looks bad for Augustin, but there were no details. There was no explanation for the takeover and no evidence that Augustin killed his father and uncle. The Coven hides its business quite thoroughly."


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