Cedric's Ecstasy

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Cedric's Ecstasy Page 4

by E. C. Land

  The conversation continues around us, and I relax even more as I listen to the banter between them all. Well, besides the one woman, she stays just as quiet as I do.

  Once we’ve all finished breakfast, I offer to clean up, but they wave the idea away.

  “We have someone who comes in, in the morning to clean up. She’d have a fit if we cleaned up,” Finley says, laughing.

  “Remember when Deva threw a shit fit over the kitchen being cleaned, but Cedric wrecked the game room?” Mara-Lee snorts, causing Finley to spit out her tea from her nose as she puts her mug back on the table.

  “Oh fuck, I remember it clearly,” Finley snickers, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

  “Laugh all you want, wasn’t it you she took the water hose to for trampling mud into the house?” Cedric demands, pointing at Finley, getting in on the who did what.

  “Deva chased Cedric through the house like a cat chasing a mouse and then threw the tramp who was sleeping on the pool table out.” Finley looks to Vex and grins. “This was before you and I found each other again, babe.”

  “I know all about you and Cedric playing with skanks together.” Vex shrugs, smirking at Cedric. “I’ve got my own stories from before I moved down here. I’m just glad Omen and Ricochet haven’t talked about them.”

  Omen and Ricochet? What kinda names are those?

  “I’ll be sure to ask them. Give us some ammo against you.” Cedric smirks and throws a crumb at Vex.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. And speaking of Omen and Ricochet, the two of them are coming down with Abyss to visit,” Vex announces, standing from the table.

  “Great, who wants to take a bet on Omen paying the fee to go to the second floor again?” Cedric asks and twists his head to meet my gaze. “Cuore mio, you can say we’re a wild bunch.”

  “Um, okay,” I whisper, nodding, and cast my gaze to my lap.

  Cedric’s fingers brush my cheek as he turns in his chair to face me. He grips my chin and forces me to look up. “Arwen, you okay?”

  My lips part as I meet his much darker eyes. His eyes pull me in, mesmerizing me.

  “You don’t have to look away every time I speak to you,” he murmurs huskily. The way the words roll off his tongue send a shiver down my spine straight to the place between my legs.

  I’ve never been with someone I wanted, but when it comes to this man—I long for it. It doesn’t matter to me we just met.

  “Do you wanna hang with me while I work in my office?” Cedric asks, releasing my chin, but keeps his eye locked with mine. “You don’t have to, but I’d like for you to join me.”

  “Okay,” I murmur without hesitation.

  Smiling, Cedric leans in and presses a kiss on my cheek.

  “Well, as heated as this is getting in here, we’ve gotta get going,” Finley says loudly, breaking the trance between Cedric and myself.


  I didn’t realize I could feel something so spontaneously.

  I’m not a virgin, but I’ve never been with anyone I cared about. What should’ve been intimacy between me and who I chose—it was used as a punishment.

  My uncle would have his men rape me repeatedly.

  Standing from the table, I follow Cedric away from the table back down the hall we came from, but instead of going to his room, he takes me to what I assume is his office.

  “Do you need any help?” I ask meekly. I’ve never done anything in my life work-wise, but the only good thing my father ever did for me was make sure I received an education. Growing up, I was homeschooled with tutors. I ended up finishing high school at seventeen and getting my college degree in accounting by twenty.

  “I’ve got it, cuore mio,” he says calmly, kissing my cheek. Letting go of my hand, he strolls to the other side of the room and sits behind a desk.

  Sitting on the couch off to the side of the room, I draw my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them protectively. I glance around the room, taking in the way he’s decorated it in very masculine colors of grays and browns. On the wall across from his desk next to the door, Cedric has multiple monitors mounted. Right now, the screens are all off. On the side across from me is a beautiful painting of a mountain landscape. There are bookshelves on either side of it.

  Laying my head against the back of the couch, I sit still and close my eyes. Slowly I find myself drifting to sleep once again.

  Darkness surrounds me, and the feel of something covering my eyes causes me to panic.

  “You’ve been bad, Arwen. You need to learn a lesson for not listening to your elders.” My uncle’s voice hits my ears with his sinister tone.

  Someone grips the neckline of the dress I’m wearing and rips it clear down to the hem.

  Oh God, no, please don’t do this,” I beg, my breath hitching as I start to sob.

  “Now, now, Arwen. You should’ve listened and not tried to run away. This is what happens when you disrespect the family,” Uncle Stefano cackles. “Ciro, take your time with the lashes, and remember use a condom. I don’t need her knocked up.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll make sure she learns,” Ciro says, sounding delighted in being my tormenter.

  Soon after, Ciro brings the whip down on my chest and demands I count each time he connects. Tonight is going to be one of the worst I’d suffered thus far, and it’s all because I tried to leave this prison.

  Chapter Eight


  Finding it hard to concentrate on the footage, I keep glancing over at Arwen. I sigh in relief at the fact she’s finally fallen asleep. She still needs her rest after everything she’s been through.

  Focusing back on the papers in front of me, I place them down and pull up the computer screen to watch the security footage. I need to find something—anything that would tell me why the waitresses and bartenders are getting pissed with each other. Not that it’s all of them, only a select few are causing trouble, but I don’t wanna fire them if I could fix the issues. Our staff at the club are all good at their jobs.

  I run all the background checks myself and go over them with Finley when it comes to hiring anyone who works at Night’s Bliss. We don’t allow anyone else to handle the procedures. If we feel something’s off with an applicant, they’re thrown out of the running, but we also send the info over to one of Jackson’s men from SoCo Security and have them look further into the person. We don’t take chances. Not when it comes to business—on the legal front or not so legal side of things.

  Staring at my computer monitor, I keep glancing over to the couch. I swear the woman has me hypnotized. I can’t stop looking at her. If I could, I’d be over there right now, laying her out on the couch and having my wicked way with her. It’s been a long time since I’ve really wanted to touch someone other than to get off.

  Earlier at the table, when I held her chin in my hand while we locked gazes—fuck words can’t describe what I felt in that moment.

  My mother used to tell me all the time growing up she had never regretted being with my father. No matter him being a complete and utter asshole to her. She’d said he was it for her. She didn’t care that he was married to another woman or about her being his mistress. All my mom had tried to do was make him happy.

  She finally moved on from him after what happened to cause my little sister’s death. Now she blames my father, because he could’ve protected Cecilia. Instead, he’d allowed his wife to pull his strings.

  Now my mother is engaged to marry a guy I actually approve of. He adores her, and I can see she feels the same with him. The last time I talked to her, she told me I’d find the one person for me, and when I do, I’d know it.

  Is this the feeling she’s talking about? I don’t know, but I think I want to find out.

  Glancing between the papers and Arwen, I decide to give up on getting any work done right now.

  Sliding out from behind my desk, I stride over to where Arwen is sleeping. The closer I get, the more I can hear her quiet whimpers.

Furrowing my brow, I sit and scoop her into my arms. Tears slowly leak down Arwen’s cheeks, breaking my heart. She’s having one hell of a nightmare right now.

  I wish I knew what she is dreaming. I’d love to save her from whatever it is.

  Sitting back on the couch, I keep one arm wrapped tight around her waist and use my free hand to brush her hair from her face. “Shh, Arwen, it’s okay,” I murmur, trying to soothe her even in her sleep.

  When her whimpers grow, I decide it’s time to wake her up. It’s gutting me, hearing her heart wrenching sounds.

  I already know she’s been through hell. I could see it with my own two eyes.

  “Arwen, cuore mio, wake up,” I murmur, smoothing out the hair falling in her eyes. “Come on, beautiful, open your eyes for me.”

  Arwen slowly comes out of it, and when she does, her gaze locks right away with mine. She’s breathing harshly and tears well in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she cries, twisting to bury her face in my shoulder and starts sobbing.

  “Shh, calm down, baby, it’s okay. You’re okay. No one can harm you here. I promise,” I rasp, cupping the back of Arwen’s head as I rock sideways. I swear the day Arwen tells me what she’s been through, I’ll make sure whoever had hurt her regrets touching a hair on her head.

  I think I need to talk to Danti. I know I promised Arwen I wouldn’t let her brother know where she’s at, but I want justice for her. This beautiful woman is mine now, and I’ll kill to keep her safe.

  After what seems like hours of Arwen crying, she finally calms down and pushes away from my shoulder to meet my gaze once again.

  “It’s gonna be okay, cuore mio,” I murmur.

  “Make it go away,” she whispers.

  “What do you mean, baby?” I ask, not understanding what she’s talking about.

  “Make it go away, Cedric. Take the pain away. Please,” she says, tears still spilling down her cheeks.

  Fuck me.

  I’d do anything she asks if it means never seeing her cry again. “What can I do, Arwen? Tell me, and I’ll give you anything you want.”

  Arwen sits up in my lap and straddles either side of my legs, bringing her hands to cup either side of my face. “Make love to me. Show me it’s not like what they did to me. That it can be beautiful and not painful.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I didn’t see that one coming.

  My dick twitches at the thought of being inside Arwen.

  Staring into her eyes for a long moment, I see that she’s serious about this. I’ll make sure by the time I’m done with her, she’s feeling nothing but ecstasy from my touch.

  Chapter Nine


  I must be all kinds of crazy for asking this man, a man I don’t even know to make love to me. I need him to do this. To show me it could be something other than pain. My nightmares have always been nothing but pain, the same as my life.

  When it comes to Cedric, he brings out these feelings in me, and when he touches me, it’s almost like sparks of pleasure going down my spine. I love the way it feels.

  Palming my ass cheeks in both of his hands, Cedric stands. I wrap my legs and arms around him like a spider monkey. With me in his arms, Cedric stalks to the door, and he opens it without a problem.

  Cedric carries me down the hallway to his room and steps inside before closing the heavy door behind us. Twisting the lock, he places me on my feet and slides a hand up my spine until he reaches my neck, where he cups underneath my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.

  “We do this, Arwen, you’re mine. I won’t let you go,” he growls, guiding me backward toward the bed.

  “I want this, Cedric. I know it sounds insane. But I trust you. I don’t know why. I just do. I feel something I don’t understand, and for once in my life, I want to go for something I want and not fear repercussions. I want you and I want to be yours.”

  I barely get the last word out before Cedric’s lips are on mine.

  My mouth opens under his, and he easily slides his tongue inside to dance with my own. This is my first kiss. Out of everything done to me, I’ve never been kissed.

  Elated to be sharing this one thing with Cedric means everything to me.

  I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he deepens the kiss, fusing our mouths together. I can’t help but moan at the feelings being unearthed inside me.

  Cedric takes this as a sign to keep going and roams his hands down to the hem of the t-shirt I’d been given earlier to put on after my shower. Cedric breaks his mouth from mine long enough to bring the shirt over my head.

  I bring my hands up to fist his shirt and tug it upward. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I hope I’m doing it right.

  Cedric breaks his mouth from mine once again, allowing me to yank the shirt clear of his body. For the first time, I get a good look at him, and holy moly, he’s got abs.

  “Like what you see, cuore mio?” He chuckles, resting his hands at my waist.

  “Yes.” I blush, answering him.

  “Good, now I’m gonna make you fly,” he says, gripping my waist and lifting me off the floor, and laying me on the bed. His fingers slide into the band of the leggings I’m wearing and he pulls them swiftly down my legs.

  I keep my eyes on him as he stares down at me.

  Cedric’s eyes are locked on me as he strips out of his jeans, and the two of us hold gazes as he moves ever so slowly. Lowering himself between my legs, he kisses my inner thighs as he spreads my legs enough to fit between them.

  I suck in a breath as he flicks his tongue against me. This is another thing I’m not used to. I inwardly shake the thoughts of what was done to me for so long and stay in the moment.

  With each touch, my body tightens with a need unlike I’ve ever felt before. Cedric takes his time lapping at my entrance, heightening my body with the need to find release. Nipping at my clit, Cedric sends me skyrocketing into oblivion. He doesn’t relent in using his mouth.

  Kissing his way up my stomach, Cedric takes his time to pay close attention to my breasts. He kisses the faint scars leading down to my nipples and sucks my one of the rosebuds in his mouth.

  “Cedric,” I moan, arching into his touch, wanting to feel more of him. I’m becoming intoxicated by the sensations he’s giving me. “Please.”

  Cedric lifts himself and meets my gaze. “Please, what, baby? What do you need?”

  “You, I need you inside me,” I plead breathlessly.

  Without taking his eyes from mine, Cedric adjusts us on the bed, bringing my legs up to rest on his shoulders as his cock presses at my entrance.

  “If it becomes too much, let me know,” he says, thrusting inside me slowly.

  My mouth parts and I lick my lips as inch by inch he fills me with his thickness. Once he’s seated fully inside me, he slides out until only the head is still inside. Nodding to him, I answer the unspoken question he asks me with his eyes as the entire time we lock gazes.

  Thrusting home, Cedric starts a steady rhythm that soon has me begging and pleading for more. He picks up the pace, pounding into me with faster strokes.

  My orgasm hits me before I know it, and I scream out Cedric’s name.

  “Fuck, Arwen, love the way you’re lighting up for me,” he grinds out as sweat beads on his forehead. Cedric’s cock twitches inside me, and he groans. Pulling himself from my depths, he strokes himself until he’s coming on my stomach.

  Bracing over me, Cedric bends and captures my lips in a soul-stealing kiss. Breaking his mouth from mine, he smiles at me. “You okay, cuore mio?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, licking my lips shyly. “Can we do it again?”

  Cedric’s smile brightens even more, and he chuckles. “Brace yourself, baby. You’re in for one hell of a night. I’m gonna rock your world.”

  Oh my God.

  If you had asked me days ago about being in a man’s bed and underneath him, I’d say no way. But with Cedric, it’s different. I’m taking what I want for once in my life. I want to
take a chance in being with him. I ran away from home to live my life, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Starting today with him—I don’t care if we only just met.

  Chapter Ten


  The sun shines in through the open drapes, and I blink, adjusting to the lighting. I lift my head off the pillow and grin at the sight of Arwen curled up with most of her body on top of me. Her hair is a tangled mess.

  She has got to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever encountered in my life. Last night, I spent the entire time lavishing every inch of her. Not once did we leave this room. I sent a text to Mara-Lee and asked her if she’d set some food outside the door and leave it. It had worked out, because she also put a thing of whipped cream and chocolate-covered strawberries on the tray for the two of us.

  At one point in the night, I’d fed her the strawberries, and we followed with a bath where she rode my cock while I enjoyed the magnificent view.

  Arwen is truly beautiful and all mine. It doesn’t matter to me I barely know her. I’ll show her the world as we feel each other out. When it comes time for her to tell me what she’s endured at the hands of her family, I’ll tell her my own story.

  With the gift Arwen had given me last night by trusting me, I won’t take that for granted. I’ll do what I have to do to make her happy.

  Gently pressing a kiss to the top of Arwen’s head, I gingerly slip out from under her and snatch up a pair of sweatpants. I pull them on over my legs and settle them low on my waist. I don’t bother with a shirt. With a last look at my beautiful woman, I stroll out of the room. I’m going to make her breakfast in bed.

  My job didn’t end last night after I made love to her. It’ll never end. Not with me still breathing, at least. I’ll show her the tender kindness she should know at the hands of her lover. I might not know what the hell I’m doing when it comes to relationships. Hell I’ve never been in one, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t watched and observed others.


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