The Dragon Master (The Journey Book 1)

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The Dragon Master (The Journey Book 1) Page 5

by Samantha Evans

  Hearing the King request this of me was so vast. When I came here, I was nothing more than an outsider. Becoming an ambassador for Merakor means I can be a part of something significant. I was also able to show my father that I was no longer his shy young daughter.

  Bowing down to them, I turned around and walked out of the hall. Walking down the long hallway, I turned the corner, and once again, ran into Queen Aliza!

  “Ma’am, I am so sorry!” I said.

  “No, it is alright, Arabella,” she said.

  Suddenly, a soldier walked up to us. From how the soldier was looking, he must have run from the wall.

  “My Queen, she is here,” he said.

  “Oh no, I thought we were not going to have to deal with her anytime soon,” Queen Aliza stated.

  Looking at both of them, I was baffled as I didn’t know who they were talking about.

  “Who are you talking about, dear Queen?” I enquired.

  “Lady Kris is here. She is the leader of the small Kingdom of Daisy Gardens. They are a small Kingdom we have not heard from much. They are all harmless. Most of those Kingdoms are women. All of them have practiced witchcraft,” Queen Aliza replied.

  I heard the word witch, and it instantly had my curiosity rising. They were such an isolated Kingdom that witches were only a legend. No one from my home has ever seen one before.

  “Why is it a problem that she is here?” I asked.

  “It is not a problem due to how she sees herself as a witch. She believes she has the gift of foresight and can see people’s futures. Many of the villagers get crazy when she comes. So I hope her visit will be short and quick,” Aliza replied.

  Bowing down to the Queen, I walked away from her and headed down towards the village. Hearing that a witch was here and that she could predict the future had me wonder.

  Maybe she could predict my future. I did not know who I should care about. Oren is forcing himself to want to love me, but Jonah truly cares about me. In my mind, I am still not sure.

  Making my way down to the village, people ran all over the street and shouted that the witch had arrived. This was someone I had to see with my own eyes. I heard the Queen say that Lady Kris was someone who had a gift of seeing someone’s future. I had to know for myself if this was true.

  Walking down the street, I noticed a large crowd of people. I made my way through the mass, and then I stood still. Seeing this tall woman who looked like she was about the same age as my mother with light blue eyes like a clear blue sky, craven black hair pinned to the top of her head, and she is eloquently dressed in a long flowing gown. I knew she had to be Lady Kris.

  She turned around and looked at me. Her eyes widened and bowed down to me.

  “You must be Arabella. Lord Jared of Winterdom’s daughter. Many things have been said about you. It is an honor,” she said.

  “Why, thank you. Can we please have a conversation?” I asked.

  Lady Kris smiled at me and nodded. We started walking up the street towards the castle without a word being said between us.

  I was thinking about so many questions to ask the seer and if she genuinely could predict my future.

  “The Queen told me that you have the ability of foresight,” I finally say.

  “Are you wondering about your future? She asked.

  It was like she could tell I was trying to lead up to that, but being here and having such a significant responsibility put onto my plate, I had to know for sure about my personal life.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  We kept on walking until we came to my room. All I was wanting was to have a talk with Lady Kris in private. We made it to my room, and I shut the door. I pulled a chair to the middle of the room, and she sat down. I pulled out another chair, and I sat down, looking right at her.

  “You are a very young woman, so it is normal for someone to want to know their future,” Lady Kris stated.

  She was right there. Before I came here, I did not know what my future was going to hold for me. Even after coming here and realizing I cared for both of the King’s sons, I still wasn’t sure. If she was able to foresee my future, maybe I can figure a few things out.

  “Let me take your palm if you please?” Lady Kris asked.

  “Of course,” I replied.

  Laying out my hand, she held it, and she closed her eyes. She did nothing but touch the lines that are on the palm of my hand.

  “Please relax,” she said as she smiled at me, making me feel instantly at ease.

  All I could do was breathe in and out slowly. Relaxing was a concept I was not fond of, but then relaxing was what I had to do if the lady was to see my future.

  Looking down, she was following the lines on my hand. She had her eyes closed shut. She was also breathing in and out slowly. Like she was focusing on something of significant importance.

  Suddenly she opened her eyes and stared at a specific line on my hand, with a look of utter confusion on her face. If she did see something, it shocked her.

  “So, did you see anything about me?” I asked.

  “All that I can see about you, dear lady, is that you are lost. You are at a fork in the road, not knowing which road to take. A dark shadow is coming towards you, and you must choose a road, or the shadow will swallow you alive,” she replied.

  Hearing her say that had my eyes widened. All I could do was stand up fast and walk towards the window.

  As I looked out of the window, I ask her, “What do you mean by a path?”

  “You cannot decide on an issue in your life, but by just looking at you, I can tell that it is hard on you. Is it the princes?”

  All I could do was turn around, and my mouth dropped. Like Lady Kris was able to read my mind.

  “I am obligated to marry Oren. I have to become his wife,” I said.

  “But yet again, something is stopping you,” she said.

  I walked back towards the empty chair and sat down right across from her.

  “I do care for Jonah. I care for him in a way that I consider him a friend, but I am not sure because, as a young girl, I want to distract myself from this situation by being a major part of the court,” I said.

  Lady Kris looked at me and chuckled.

  “You remind me of someone dear lady,” she said.

  Hearing that I remind her of someone had me interested.


  “Well, believe me, or not. I have a sister, and her name is Rosalie. Both of us mastered the craft of witchcraft. My dear sister wanted more, and I could not give it to her. She wanted to be more than a ruler but a symbol. So Rosalie left and joined an enemy,” Kris said.

  Lady Kris did nothing but stare down at the ground. Like she was ashamed even to mention her sister.

  “Who are you talking about?” I asked.

  “My sister is seer for Lord Milo of Daramir. Like he asks her to predict the future all so he can plan his wars on kingdoms. I am not surprised if he is using her in what is happening with Merakor. It has been years since I have seen her, so, god knows what she has mastered,” she said.

  After everything she had said, I got up from the chair, as did Lady Kris. I walked her to the door and opened it.

  Before she walked out of my room, she turned around and put her hand on my shoulder.

  “Lady Arabella, I know you have a lot to bear. Deal with whatever personal issue you are enduring, but you are here for a reason, and I saw that you want to make a difference to this Kingdom. All I hope is that you do better than my sister,” she stated before she walked out of my room.

  I shut the door tight, and I pressed my body against the door, sliding down so that I was sitting on the ground, pressing my head against the door, and kept my eyes closed.

  Knowing that my father is coming makes me feel at ease. The dragon egg is safe and sound, but for now, I had to focus on my father coming and whatever we needed to do to prevent a war from happening.

  Chapter Ten

  I woke up the next day soaked wi
th sweat due to the meeting I had with Lady Kris. I had gone into hiding from Oren and Jonah. I got out of bed and walked over to the window. The sun was shining with all its glory and I realized that today was the day my father would be here to see the King.

  There was a knock at my door, so I walked over to open it, and Jonah was standing there with a look of concern written on his face.

  “ Can we talk?” he asked.

  I moved over and let him walk in. I knew this conversation was bound to happen.

  “I am so sorry we haven't spoken for a few days,” I said.

  “We need to end this uncomfortableness between us because I need to tell you what is going through my mind,” Jonah said.

  Jonah then walked over and kissed me. The kiss was so deep, and his hands were on my back. I was not stopping him at all, but then he stopped himself and stepped back.

  “Your father will be here in a few hours, and Oren is nowhere to be seen,” he said.

  “What do you mean he has not been seen?” I stated.

  “He has not been seen since Lady Kris spoke with my father. I have not seen my brother since,” Jonah said.

  Concern was clouding my mind. This was not like Oren, and he would not disappear like this. He would have told me if anything was bothering him.

  “ Umm….I need to distract myself. Maybe I’ll go to your brother’s room and see what the hell is going on,” I said.

  “ I am going down to the cave. The egg has been happy and comfortable. It has not moved in a few days. If you ever want to see it. You do not have to come and see it with me,” Jonah said.

  After Jonah left my room, I got dressed in a hurry making my way down to Oren’s room. Realizing the door was shut tight. All I could do was knock on the door.

  “ Oren, it is Arabella; please let me in!” I yelled.

  Standing there, and no answer comes from within. In my heart, I knew something was not right. Oren did not speak to me for so long, and Jonah told me that Oren disappeared after Lady Kris saw their father.

  As I open the door, the room was dark like no one has been here in days. I walk in, and the bed looks like no one had slept in it, but then I saw there was a piece of paper on the desk. I walked over to it, and it was a note from Oren.

  “Dearest Arabella,

  I am going away for a while. When I said the words to you, it hurt me when you did not return them. Before I met you, I did not know what love was, but after seeing you, so many memories flooded my mind about you.

  I know for a fact that you are still uncomfortable. Father has sent me off to do a critical mission. A mission that I do not know when I will return, if ever.

  While I am gone, I hope you discover who you are. You are a brave and amazing woman. Like I have told you before, you are meant for something extraordinary. All that matters to me is you being happy and discovering who you are. ”


  After reading the letter I sat down on his bed, and I was so confused. He was fine when I last saw him. He was upset at me because he wanted me to tell him what I was not ready to say.

  Then a thought came to my mind. He did leave, but his father, the King, told him to. Part of me thought it had to do with the witch saying something to him.

  Leaving Oren’s room, I went on a hunt to find the King. Demanding answers on why Oren had left and because it is not normal for someone to be gone and be so secretive about it. Walking around the castle, I was almost on the edge of crying and about to give up, but then I saw the King sitting in one of the many gardens with Queen Aliza.

  Walking near them, I bowed down to them.

  “Good afternoon, your majesties,” I said.

  “Why hello. We have a lot happening today! Your father and brother should be coming here in the next few hours!” King Valkan said.

  Looking at the King, and Queen I can tell they are putting on a show. Wanting to show that nothing is wrong; but I needed to speak to the King in private.

  “Can we please have a conversation, dear King?” I asked.

  The King walked forward near me, and we walked down the long hallway. We were making our way near the library. Before I knew it, we were leaving the castle and walking near the village.

  “Please follow me this way,” he said.

  We got to this abandoned courtyard. Where there was no one around, it was like the King knew I wanted to talk with him.

  I looked around and sat down on an empty bench. The King just stood there in silence. Keeping his eyes on the ground and not wanting to look me in the face.

  He breathed in and out slowly as he walked back and forth. Like he was trying to find the right words.

  “You know that Oren is gone and not coming back?” he asked.

  I wanted to find the words to talk and not wanting to yell. I did not want to disrespect the King.

  “Then why am I here?” I responded, trying hard not to raise my voice.

  “Because Oren told me that you had to stay. You are important here, and he did not want to see you go. He said that you had some things to figure out on your own,” he replied.

  Looking at the King, I knew he was been secretive and was not telling me everything.

  “Then why did Jonah tell me he saw you having a conversation with Lady Kris?” I asked.

  King Valkan looked at me with a look of shock. Like he thought that no one knew he talked to her.

  “By the silence, she said something that led to you sending Oren away. Now tell me! What is it?”

  “From the way that you sound, my wife told you of Lady Kris’s special ability,” he said.

  “Oh, that she is a witch, and she can foretell someone’s future. Yes, it came up in conversation with the Queen. Let me take a guess, she saw Oren’s future, and it terrified you,” I said.

  The King just looked down at the ground. Like he did not want to confirm my theory, but part of me needed to know the truth.

  “Yes, and she said his faith was not going to be a blessed one. She did not want to tell me everything. She said what she saw in Oren’s future was so dark that he had to go away for a while. Until he figures it out,” he said.

  All I could do was walk away, but then I heard someone calling my name.

  “Lady Arabella!”

  Turning around, and King Valkan was chasing after me. When he finally caught up to me, I bowed down to him.

  “I sent a letter to your father yesterday and told him of what happened with Oren. For now, you are not bound to him, but we think you would become an asset to us during this hard time,” he rasped out while trying to catch his breath.

  “What do you mean not bound?” I asked.

  “It means your engagement to Oren is no longer happening. I can tell that you have caught the eye of my younger son, though. Have you not thought about him?” he asked.

  Hearing him say that, the King was hinting that I should consider an engagement to Jonah now. It was something that I had not thought about before, and now I do not know what to do.

  “My King, why are you saying this to me?”

  “Because when Oren left, my son left his responsibility to being King if anything happens to me. Now that he is gone, Jonah is now next in line,” he replied.

  Looking at the King, I think Jonah has no idea about this.

  “Does Jonah know about this?” I asked.

  “I am on my way to talk to him after I am done talking with you,” the King replied.

  All I could do was stand where I was and in deep thought—now thinking of the possibility of marrying someone who does not have any dark future ahead of them like Oren. Maybe it was possible. Before I was able to say anything, a guard came running towards us!

  “King Valkan, Lord Jared, and his son have approached the wall! We have let them pass through!”

  “Excellent, tell them both to come and see me as soon as possible,” he said.

  King Valkan turned around and walked away from me. All I was doing was standing there, but then I knew that my pe
rsonal life had to be put on hold just for today. My father was now here, which means that Lady Heather of Darrow Hills will be here soon too.

  Walking back to my room, I saw my brother was standing at my door. About ready to knock.

  “Jacob!” I shouted.

  Jacob turned in my direction and ran towards me. Both of us hugging. It made me feel happy that my older brother was now here.

  “It is so good to see you. I had to beg father to let me come with him on this trip,” he said.

  “Oh, believe me, I have so much to tell you, dear brother,” I said.

  We both walked into my room, and I shut the door. I went into great detail about everything that has happened ever since I was here. The only thing I kept to myself was the dragon egg that Jonah and I found in that cave. It made me feel bad that I was not telling him because Jacob was someone I told everything to.

  “So let me get this straight? You cared for both of them and did not know what to do, but then a witch came and told you that you had to make a decision. After that, you hid in this room for a few days, and now your former fiancee is gone because that witch told Valkan that Oren had a dark future if he became King?”

  “Pretty much. It has been such a disaster, and I asked the King if he wanted me to stay due to Oren no longer being here. But Oren encouraged the King to have me stay before he left. He believed that I am beneficial during this possible time of war,” I replied.

  Jacob sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He was giving me that look of encouragement that he knew I could do anything. He was my big brother, and he has always been there for me.

  “Then be the ambassador along with our father. If they believe that you can do it, then prove it to them. You are a woman I have always believed deserves many things, and this is such a major opportunity,” Jacob said.

  Before I was able to say anything else, I heard a lot of noise coming from outside. Walking to my bedroom door, I opened it and saw that people were crowding around someone. I saw a tall, beautiful woman being surrounded by other women.

  “That must be Lady Heather,” I said.


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