Game of Passions

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Game of Passions Page 6

by Diana Scott

  — I still do not know— Lucas took a deep breath— I think I'm in love.

  Carlos laughed as he rarely did and Lucas looked at him angrily.

  — We all know that, but it is good that you recognize it.

  Lucas growled angrily.

  — Come on, buddy, do not get mad. That being in love should not be so bad. "Carlos hit him on the shoulder.

  — Considering that he left without saying goodbye and that he told me that he wants me only for sex, it could be...

  Carlos gave a laugh louder than the previous one, provoking the interest of the passengers in business.

  — Something begins — Carlos could have fun at the expense of his friend but it was enough to see the turbulence in his eyes to desist from any ill—intentioned joke.

  Lucas suffered for love.

  — Please Lucas, I've never seen you so defeated. Can you know what that girl has done to you? But if you've never dated less than two per week?

  Lucas tried to smile funny but could not.

  — You see.

  — The only thing I see, is that if that woman really interests you, we need you to be the same happy, heavy and unbearable spirit that you are.

  — Thanks, it shows that you're a friend.

  — We're going to Brazil, maybe she's in danger. You must protect her and win her heart at the same time. You know it, do not you?

  — Of course.

  — Then, friend, let's bring that girl home. It is already ours.

  Lucas raised an eyebrow.

  — You mean, mine.

  — Come wolf, shows less teeth and now pay attention to a piece of advice I plan to give you to get your lady.

  Now it was Lucas who laughed funny.

  — Fuck Carlos. Are you going to give me a tip to flirt?

  — Yes, clever uncle. Let's see, we all know you're the typical handsome— Carlos squeezed his shoulder and began to approach and Lucas nervously walked away.

  — Carlos, you could go away a little, you see, I happen to like women and if they are a little less hairy than you, better yet.

  — Stop saying stupid comments and listen. As I told you, you're the handsome one in the brigade.

  — I thought that was you? — Lucas could not stop laughing. He was on a plane to Brazil receiving loving advice from none other than Carlos, the man who was the most sparing in words that existed.

  — No, I'm the interesting one.

  Lucas did not know what to answer in front of such a statement.

  — In combat or with women you are the best sniper I know, but I think that in this case you should change strategy.

  — Strategy? — Lucas hallucinated.

  — Yes, you are a hunter. Shoot the center and attack.

  — That's true, Lucas opined.

  — I advise you this time to go fishing instead of hunting.

  — Fishing?

  — Yes, fishing. You should pull the cane and then drop the thread. When you see that it has been chopped, you pull back and let go again.

  — Carlos— Lucas touched his partner's forehead— Are you delirious?

  — Do what you want, but if you listen to me, you'll have it eating from your hand

  — But what the fuck are you talking about! Let go and throw, but what do you mean by that stupidity? Lucas was losing patience.

  — Let's go silly. Have you ever seen me flirt?

  Lucas thought for a few moments and the truth was no.

  — And have I ever lacked women?

  Lucas shook his head.

  — Well, that, you must fish, you will give him time to think and wish at the same time. Listen well, I have never missed women.

  Lucas had to admit that women were attracted to Carlos and it was not a physical issue.

  — And that's because you fish instead of hunting?

  — That's because I'm an interesting guy. I find them attractive and I let them come to me, he smiled at them but just enough, I stay distant and far away until Zas!

  Lucas was thinking. Maybe the idea of Carlos was not so bad.

  — I thought you were approaching because you seemed intriguing— Lucas returned to the teasing tone.

  — I care very little while I have them in my bed.

  The friends laughed funny but Lucas stayed with the moral.

  "Stay unattainable until you reach the goal," was not any crazy idea. It might even work.

  Not again

  The meeting at Doña Felisa's house was turning out to be a real disaster. They were almost an hour late and half of the neighbors were still missing.

  The attendees discussed and demonstrated their great fear of facing such powerful people as Mr. Thompson, owner of most of the actions of the hotel chain with the same name.

  Carmen, tired of trying to understand them, sat on a bench until she felt a strong smell of sweat mixed with cheap perfume. He turned and could see the putrid laughter of the undesirable Eder, Mr. Thompson's dog.

  — I told him it would be better if he sold and left. Miss is still in time to return to beautiful Spain, I could make a very profitable offer.

  Eder laughed and Carmen could see her yellow teeth in a disgusting smile.

  — I'm staying.

  — Stupid woman. Your inn is located in the best relaxation center on the island, with its land, you would not need the other inns. I could return to Madrid with a suitcase of money overflowing under my arm. She is a stubborn little bitch.

  Carmen looked at him furiously. Who thought himself that ignorant imbecile to treat her like a whore.

  — Do not you dare to insult me again!

  Carmen's screams alerted Paulo that he was far away but he could see perfectly the image of Eder. That man was dangerous and decided to stay close and watch.

  — Sell and return to your country if you do not want to suffer more accidents!

  Carmen opened her eyes wide. That idiot Eder was recognizing that he was behind the so—called accidents, which had been occurring in his inn since before the death of his aunt. That man besides being ugly was stupid.

  — I imagine that a "menina bela" like you, will not want to end up like your aunt.

  — What... do you mean? — Carmen drowned with her own breath and for the first time felt that this man could become the real responsible for the death of Aunt Faustina. His body began to tremble and although he tried to calm down, he did not succeed.

  Eder laughed wickedly as he squeezed her arm.

  — Yes, lady, you must fear me, because I can do you a lot of harm if you do not decide to leave.

  Eder looked at her with libidinous eyes and Carmen wanted to vomit.

  Eder approached and tried to tear a kiss from her. Carmen was writhing to try to get that nasty one off her but he had her pressed against his body. He wanted to ask for help but that pig covered his mouth with one of his hands. Carmen felt like that man was getting closer and closer to his face and closed his eyes to not see the nasty drool that fell from his mouth.

  — You'd better not even try — the voice was deadly, like that of an afterlife specter.

  "That voice"

  Lucas placed himself behind the abuser and pressed with the edge of his Swiss army knife, the center of the jugular vein of Eder's dog. He immediately released his prey and Carmen felt her breathing again.

  Paulo came running, but his presence was no longer necessary, the blonde gringo over six feet tall and with steel muscles held the Eder body with one hand, twisting in the air.

  Eder looked with fear at the sides, trying to get away from such a beast.

  Slowly Lucas was lowering Eder's body to the ground but never took his eyes off him. His sea eyes were transformed into hot steel and his voice was hoarse, cold and very, very angry.

  — D e novo não touch minha garota never more

  The tone of voice of Lucas, with a perfect Portuguese, was an order with lethal sound that left Eder trembling. He nodded and fled.

  Paulo laughed to see how the
idiot ran so scared and so fast that he left a trail of sand behind his path.

  Carmen fell into the bank recovering her breath. I did not know if she was disturbed by Eder's handling or because Lucas was there, on an island in Brazil seven thousand kilometers from Madrid and had just saved her from having to endure the attentions of that dreadful little man.

  — Do you speak Portuguese?

  Lucas raised an eyebrow, thinking how dazed his delicious Carmen should be to ask such a silly question.

  — A little— Lucas seemed funny.

  Carmen realized how absurd she looked. He was there in front of the only man who ever came to interest him and from which he fled, hoping to rebuild his life and the first thing he would ask was if he spoke Portuguese. Lucas appeared as a strong and handsome protective angel, and she had not had another question more interesting than to make her "speak Portuguese", Carmen sighed in confusion, she had become stupid.

  — God, I'm stupid — the tears sprang up without contention.

  — Bela, you're not stupid, you've been stressful for a few days. You better rest.

  Paulo approached Carmen and hugged her, not without noticing the murderous look that Lucas did not try to hide.

  Paulo kissed Carmen on the cheek and could feel the gringo grunts. Amused when noticing the strong interest of that man for his friend, he approached and offered his hand in peace.

  — You are welcome. I am Paulo, son of Adalberto, the administrator of Posada de la Bela Carmen.

  Lucas reluctantly accepted the handshake of that man and tried to hide the jealousy that at that moment warmed his blood.

  — Lucas.

  — Well, I imagine that you and Carmen... uh... are...

  Carmen jumped like a spring and both men turned with questioning eyes

  — He is a friend. Lucas, it's not... I mean it is... but not anymore... we are now... the... a friend— she sighed tiredly.

  Paulo smiled. If something was clear was that between those two had passed many things but nothing related to the feeling of an innocent friendship.

  — Good Lucas, will you stay at the inn? — Paulo asked interested.

  — No! — Carmen was red with fury.

  — Yes— Lucas seemed funny.

  They both looked each other in the eye and their gazes looked like a titans' war.

  — I'm staying— Lucas answered with force and Carmen was not able to contradict him in public. It would be her responsibility to find out why he was in Brazil and what was even more important, to force him to leave.

  — Perfect. Then knowing that you... ahem... friend— Paulo winked at Carmen and she blushed— is with you, I leave calmly. Tomorrow I have a radio show in the morning.

  — Lucas, nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your stay on the island and take care of the beautiful Carmen.

  — Quiet, I plan to take care of her... day... and night— Lucas stared at her while she answered and Carmen flushed as a schoolgirl.

  She tried to calm down but that man managed to disturb her like no one else. Being in front of Lucas was feeling like traveling on a roller coaster of uncontrolled emotions. She thought that distance could help her forget and be able to organize her crazy confused head, but here she was, in front of her, so masculine, so determined, so perfect, so Lucas.

  With camouflage green trousers, tight white T—shirt and visor cap also military green, was the typical handsome hero fresh out of an American movie.

  « Why, why are you here? Now that I'm going to do »

  — Why? — Lucas approached slowly but Carmen could not move. She felt spellbound by his tender gaze.

  Their bodies almost touched and Carmen was able to feel the strong beats of Lucas. Her legs were shaking, she was nervous. She could try to trick her heart but her body cried out to embrace that man and lose herself in his arms.

  Lucas hugged her very gently until he felt her relax in his warmth.

  — Because you needed me.

  Carmen calmed down.

  Being in Lucas's arms surrounded by her body, was feeling protected, safe. He was able to give her what she needed at every moment and that disturbed her.

  Lucas let go of her grip to take her hand.

  — What if you show me that magnificent heritage of yours and tell me who that guy was.

  Carmen was only able to nod and let herself be guided. Their decision and their character had fled together, because if it was not impossible to understand their inability to speak. She, whom her friends called the femme fatale of the group, was speechless.

  If you do not know

  Carmen collapsed on the reception couch. The accidents of the last month, the horrible attentions of Eder and now the presence of Lucas. Those were many emotions for someone who traveled to Brazil in order to find herself.

  —With this is the Posada Pasiones.

  — Paradise of Passions to be exact— clarified Carmen.

  — Well, it looks a lot like...

  — Yes, it's a tiny copy. Aunt Faustina was an admirer of Gaudí and wanted to bring something from Barcelona here.

  — It seems like a paradise. I congratulate you.

  Both were interrupted by an Adriana who came to help install the new guest but when looking into his eyes was speechless.

  — Miss Carmen — the poor girl could not take her eyes off the new guest — Adalberto sends me to ask if they need anything.

  Carmen felt annoyed with the young woman. Adriana looked at Lucas as if it were a delicious pizza ready to eat and that made her feel like pushing the girl in the room but her education prevented her.

  — Yes, thank you, you could bring me a coffee. You Lucas?

  — Suco maracujá obrigado, but então eu não dormir... moving schedule— Lucas winked with complicity.

  The young woman smiled honeyed and withdrew with a sigh.

  — I see you're good at... Portuguese— Carmen sounded ironic.

  Lucas sat on the couch in front of her.

  — Many trips to Brazil.

  — Work? — I was intrigued and a little jealous.

  — Some.

  — And so you learned the language... — "Surely work and pleasure" sounded angry.

  — You could say yes— Lucas focused his gaze on hers— Something you want to know?

  Lucas was smiling and she felt like a fool, but she could not help it. He represented all the fears and insecurities that a man could make a woman like her feel. Handsome and manly, he was the typical man for whom you lost up to dignity. Intelligent, strong, fun... yes, the typical male who at one time is in love and the next minute, leaves you pulled by a prettier, taller, thinner or more whatever.

  — Yes, why are you here! — she shouted angrily.

  Adriana came in with a smile and Carmen felt her bad temper grow even more.

  — Leave it on the table. Now.

  Adriana blushed and hurried out of the room.

  — You've been a little hard on the poor girl.

  — If you want, then you go and comfort her— Lucas showed indifference and that managed to relax her and make her feel even more foolish— Lucas, what are you doing here, please? — Her voice was barely audible.

  Lucas became serious and began to explain himself.

  — Azul was worried about the number of accidents at your inn and as you know well, she did not stay still. He entered the web and gathered a lot of information about the island, the natural resources and the companies involved in the last ecological disasters in the area. As you will understand, when Matías found out, he asked him to leave everything in his hands. He did not want to see her in any danger— "As it happens with you," he thought to himself.

  — I imagine that Azul did not like that order at all — Carmen laughed at the thought of her friend, with a nine—month—old pill and acting as a secret agent in the Internet underworld.

  — I suppose, but he had no other alternative. Last night she gave birth to the twins.

  Carmen jumped like a spring

  — What, how! I talked to her in the morning and she expected to connect me tonight. How is it, everything went well, the twins and her? But there were still a few days left.

  — Yes, anyway, it seems that they got ahead. She and I were talking... — "of you" but he preferred to keep it quiet — of nonsense and broke water.

  — It's okay?

  — Yes, she does.

  — What do you mean, the children...

  — The twins are magnificent. I mean the father. He was about to kill half the hospital.

  Carmen looked at him intrigued.

  — You see, they were not fitted and Azul had to enter an urgent cesarean section. They tried to throw Matías out of the room but he got a little... mmm, a little nervous... — Lucas laughed heartily — Carlos and I had to stop him in the waiting room. By force.

  — I would be scared.

  — Much. I had never seen Matias so vulnerable, afraid. I always thought that he was not of this world and that fear was not part of his life.

  — She loves him— Carmen affirmed.

  — Beyond all logic— Lucas looked her in the eyes.

  — It looks awesome. A man like him...

  — How he? — I was intrigued.

  — Yeah, I mean, being so... so...

  — So...

  — So... well, how to say... handsome and attractive and having left with so many women and led such a licentious life, is now a devoted father and faithful couple, it seems impossible — it sounded safe.

  Lucas jumped off the couch as if his pants had been turned on.

  — Matías adores his wife and would never be unfaithful — he was outraged — I do not care about his past, he would never hurt her like that. He is a man of honor.

  — No, I did not want... I did not think... — Carmen swallowed "Yes I thought..."

  — Look, I do not know what you mean by licentious life, but I can only tell you that none of us has been a saint but since she crossed in his life and he offered his heart, there has been no other. I myself have been out of the country with him for work and when the others went out for fun, he and I stayed at the hotel to watch sports and... — he could not finish.


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