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Coming Home

Page 7

by Alexia Chase

  “Thank you.” I nod and amble over to the chair closest to the ER door and across from her. I want to be in her direct line of sight. Pressing my lips together, I cross one leg over my knee and lean back in the chair.

  Yes, I’m an ass. I could have told her I only came to the ER to see her, but I got a small thrill seeing her disappointment. Twisted, but true.

  I catch her gaze and smile. She jerks her attention back to the screen and mutters to herself. Pretend all you want, Princess. You still want me.

  I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes. As always, the place reeks of antiseptic and cleaning solutions. Every door slamming and intercom announcement is hypnotic.

  “Trey Collins.”

  What? I jerk and open my eyes. The bright glow of the overhead lights stings my eyes. Shit. I fell asleep.

  How long have I been out? I roll my head and wrinkle my nose. Natalie is staring with a cocked eyebrow and a twinkle in her eyes. Fuck. I was snoring. Way to turn her on.

  “I’m on my way.” I shove off the seat and make my way into the ER.

  “Thought I was going to have to shake you awake.” She giggles.

  “I can think of a better way for you to wake me up.” My voice is low enough; no one else can hear.

  She bites her bottom lip, but the ragged hitch of her breath causes her chest to move up and down. “Stop.”

  Okay. As you wish. I straighten my shoulders and wipe all emotion from my face. “Which room?”

  She nods. “Follow me.”

  I train my eyes on the wall in front of me. If she doesn’t want me to be around, I’ll let it go. It hurts as much today as it did twelve years ago, but I’m not going to throw myself at her and beg.

  After swiping the curtain open, I brush past her and sit down. I’m done. We’re done. I can’t take any more of the pain. “Thank you.”

  The ER is quiet compared to when I had the stitches put in. Now, I wish I would have yanked the damn things out myself. I lean back against the pillow, swing my legs up onto the bed, and snap my eyes shut.

  She doesn’t move. I can smell the vanilla over the scent of antiseptic. “Go.”

  “Listen, Trey. I’m sorry I left. I should have stuck around and talked to you.”

  “It’s fine.” I cross my arms and continue to ignore her. I can’t be around her and not beg. Shit. I’m not making an ass out of myself.

  “Damn it.” She stomps her foot on the ground. The soft sole of her shoe barely makes a sound.

  I crack one eye open and watch her.

  “I’m trying to apologize.”

  “Apology accepted.” I close the open eye and turn my head away from her. Fucking go. “How long’s it going to be?”

  She yanks the curtain closed. Thank God. I swallow and open my eyes. Shit. She’s still here. I close my eyes again. The desire to jump up and leave is intense. I can grab a pair of scissors on the way out the door.

  She marches over to the bed. “Damn it, Trey,” she hisses.


  “Look at me.”

  She’s beautiful. Red hair flowing around her shoulders in soft curls. Snapping green eyes shooting darts in my direction. Foot tapping. Sexy as fuck.

  “I shouldn’t have left.”

  I lift my arm and curl my hand around her wrist. When I tug her forward, she moves closer. “No. You shouldn’t have.”

  Tears fill her eyes. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “For the last two days, I was sure I never wanted to see you again. Not because I don’t want to but because we can’t go back. The past is the past.”

  She’s right. We can’t go back to the two teenage kids we were. We’re not the same people. But the chemistry is still there. “What about the future?”

  “I don’t know.” She licks her lips.

  “Go out with me tonight. We’ll go out on one date. No strings. No pressure. Let’s see if anything is still there. Something new we could build on.”

  “Okay.” She nods. “One date, and if we don’t have anything in common, we’ll walk away.”

  “Sure thing, Princess.” I pull her fingers to my lips and kiss the back of her hand.

  “No sex.” She jerks her arm backward.

  “Why?” I wrinkle my nose and frown. “The sex is phenomenal. Why would we ignore that part?”

  She chuckles. “Because that fades.”

  “Bullshit.” I roll my eyes. “I’m pretty sure I’m still going to want to get in your panties when I’m eighty, but we’ll do it your way.”

  She slaps my upper arm. “One date. No sex. If we’re still compatible, we’ll negotiate from there.”

  “Perfect. I’m an expert negotiator.” I place both arms behind my head and wink at her.

  “I bet you are.” Her eyes trail from the soles of my biker boots to my face. “Damn, you are too fucking hot.”

  “I don’t think you’re going to make it.”

  “Oh, I’ll make it. But will you?” She winks and turns on her heel.

  “You want to make a wager?”

  She twists around. “On what?”

  “I bet you beg me for my cock before the night is out.” God, I’m a dick. But all’s fair in love and war. If she needs to be the one pursuing me, I’ll gladly lean back and enjoy the ride.

  Her eyes narrow into little slits. “You’re on. Pick me up at my sister’s place at seven o’clock.”

  I memorize the address as she spits it out. She does live clear the fuck across town. Damn stalker.

  “I’m off to work.” She runs her teeth over her bottom lip. “I think I’ll go home and take a long, hot shower. Where should I touch myself? Here?” She motions over her chest. “Or…” She licks her lips. “Down here?” She waves a hand in front of the holy grail.

  “Shit.” I groan and slam my head against the pillow. I’m going to fucking lose, but what a fun wager to fail at.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “What am I doing?” The white swirls of plaster on the ceiling of my sister’s guest room don’t answer. “Of course, you don’t.”

  I’d been positive I was going to stay away from Trey. Right up until he walked into the ER looking like a hot-ass biker in skintight jeans and a black t-shirt which molded to his chest.

  I was still going to stay away until I found out he wasn’t there to see me. Which is total crap, he could have taken the stitches out on his own. I’m not stupid.

  However, as soon as I saw him on the hospital gurney, my fate was sealed. The intense desire to crawl on top of him and rub against him like a cat in heat smacked me square in the forehead like a bolt of lightning.

  Jerking on my clothes, I watch my movements in the mirror. The jeans I’m wearing are not flattering, and I’ve chosen a frumpy peach and gold top. Yep. Totally non-doable.

  After sliding open the top drawer of my dresser, I search for my B.O.B. and pull him out. “Wait up for me.”

  I chuckle and switch him on. The buzzing sound fills the room. “We’ve got a date for later.” I push the button to the off position and tuck him back into the drawer. I’m not having sex with Trey. No way. No how. Not tonight.

  I shudder. Damn it all to hell. Coming, even by his fingers, would surpass any sex toy. To go twelve years without an orgasm with a man and then to intentionally deny myself the pleasure again, makes me question my sanity.

  But I can’t. Is it more than sex? Sex is simple – he’s flipping good at it. If I’m going to risk my heart again, it’s got to be because we’re still good together. Everywhere. Not just screwing each other’s brains out.

  Don’t be an idiot. Sexual compatibility is important. The string of worthless dudes you’ve gone out with or the couple you let into your bed were complete duds.

  Maybe sex isn’t such a bad idea. I look at my watch. Damn it. There’s no time to shave my legs. He’ll be here any second.

  As if on cue, the doorbell rings,
and I run out the bedroom door and sprint down the stairs.

  “Where are you going so fast?” Lillian asks as she comes out of the kitchen and into the foyer.

  “I’ll get it.” I jog down the last five stairs and over to the front door.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” She grins and grabs the doorknob. “I’ll get it.”

  “Shit.” I stop on the bottom step and cringe. I should have waited outside.

  Lillian yanks open the door and whistles when she sees Trey. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” She leans forward and embraces him.

  He stares at me from over her head as she sniffs him and groans. “You smell good.”

  “What are you doing?” Colton wrinkles his brow as he walks out of the living room carrying their son, Jaeden.

  “Smelling him.” She leans back on her heels and releases him.

  “I see that,” he growls. “Stop smelling him.”

  “Fine.” She pats Colton on the back. “But he smells like I expect one of those cover models to smell like. Musky and sexy. The ones us women ogle and afterward go home and fuck their husbands.”

  “Sniff him some more then.” He turns on his heel. “I’ll put the baby down.”

  “God, you are such a bitch.” I smack her on the upper arm. “Why are you trying to scare him away?”

  She tilts her head and studies him. “Am I scaring you?”

  “Nope. Not at all.” He grins as if he enjoys her antics. Of course, he does. He’s always thought my sister was funny. “I’ve missed seeing you.”

  “I’ve not missed seeing you.” She chuckles. “I’ve been taking photos of you and sending them to Natalie for forever.”

  He crosses his arms and leans back. Could he possibly look sexier? “So, I’ve heard.”

  She frowns and turns to face me. “Did I hear you using a vibrator earlier? I thought I heard it when I walked by. Now why in the world would you be masturbating when you have this stud at your service tonight?”

  “God.” My face has never been so hot. I contemplate crawling upstairs, but that would only give her more ammunition.

  “That is so unfair.” He tsks. “I didn’t jerk off in the shower while thinking about you. I would expect the same courtesy from you.”

  “Jackass,” I growl, grab his hand, and drag him down the stairs.

  Lillian laughs uncontrollably behind us.

  “I hope you piss your pants,” I call out without looking back at her. The door snaps shut.

  “Your sister is so cute. I’ve missed her.”

  “You would,” I mutter and drop his hand. Even that light of a touch and I want to shove his hands inside my pants. I should have never touched my vibrator. “I did not masturbate.”

  “Checking the batteries for later?” He smirks and opens the truck door for me.

  “Yes,” I hiss and slide into the leather seat. It smells like a new car and luxury leather. I’m not about to look at him. If I do, we’ll never make it anywhere. I need to get control of my libido.

  He braces his arms over the doorway. “So, I turn you on?”

  “Get in the truck before I hit you in the nuts. I’m hanging on by a thread here.”

  “Hey, it’s your damn rules, not mine. I know we can get along outside of bed as good as we do in it.” He leans inside and whispers, “Well, we might get alone a smidge better when I’m between those sweet thighs of yours.”

  Oh, my God. The man is dangerous. He’s nothing like the cute boy I dated in high school. Okay, that’s not true. He’s charming, sexy, and sweet. That was true then. But now, he’s fucking cocky and in my face. I want to shove him in the chest and then drag him back inside the pickup and show him exactly where I want his cocky attitude.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The five-story building is lit up on the bottom floor with the remaining windows mostly darkened. There are a few panes with glowing lights in the background as people work late into the evening.

  “An office building?”

  “The first floor is shopping, and a five-star Italian restaurant called Jules’ Italian Restaurant.”

  “Oh.” She grins, and my heart skips a beat. For once, she seems completely relaxed and ready to enjoy herself. Here’s to hoping I don’t fuck it up. “I thought for a second you were taking me to a vending machine.”

  I flip on the blinker and clasp my heart. “I’m wounded. I’m way more of a romantic than that.”

  “I seem to remember you serenading me after homecoming.”

  “And, brought you roses for prom.” I pull into an empty spot and slide the vehicle into park. “We can’t forget all the sweet love notes I sent you.”

  She sobers and nods. “I’ll never forget those.” Then, she sucks her bottom lip in between her teeth. Seconds later, she says, “I still have all of them.”

  “All of them?”


  “When was the last time you read them?” If she says ten years ago, I might be doomed. However, from the look in her eyes, I’m wagering she’s read them recently.

  Her eyes shift to the floor, and a tinge of pink falls cross her cheeks under the streetlights. I put a finger under her chin. When her bottom lip quivers, I want to pull her into my arms and kiss away any sadness she’s experienced. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

  “The night before I moved back, I read through them all.” Her gaze meets mine. “And, the last one you gave me, I re-read this afternoon.”

  My thumb brushes across her cheekbone, and she leans into my palm and closes her eyes. She’s not ready to tell me she still loves me, but it’s in her eyes. In every move she makes. It’s only a matter of time, and she will be where she’s always belonged. In my bed, wrapped in my arms for eternity.



  “Look at me.” I wait for her eyes to flutter open. They are filled with a mixture of desire and need. Two things I will show my adoration for when the time is right. “Every word I wrote in the letter is as true today as it was when I wrote it. I know you aren’t ready for me to say all the words, but I will. Don’t ever doubt that.” I lean over and place my lips on her quivering mouth.

  When she sighs, I break away. “Now, let’s eat and get to know each other again.”

  “Okay.” She gives me a weak smile and places her hand on the door handle.

  “Stop.” I narrow my eyes. “We’re on a date here. I open the door.”

  “Sure.” Her hand drops to her lap. “I wasn’t prepared for you to be all swoony and everything.”

  “What did you expect? Me pounding on my chest and throwing food at you?”

  She laughs and shakes her head. “No. Open the damn door. I’m starving.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I shut off the pickup and shove the door open.

  After she steps out, I place my arm around her. She fits perfectly at my side. We were inseparable during our high school years, and I’ve missed walking entwined with her.

  When we get to the restaurant, I glance around the main floor in search of Jules and Nico. I met Nico when he bought the building and did some major renovation to the main floor. We’d hit it off with a love of Italian food and football.

  “Trey.” Jules’ face lights up, and she waves. I wave back as she strolls over to us.

  “Natalie, this is Jules Vincent. She owns the restaurant.”

  Natalie stiffens and plasters a smile on her face. “Nice to meet you, Jules.”

  “You also.” Her eyes travel up and down Natalie. “Trey, you’ve been holding out on me.”

  Natalie stiffens next to me and moves a few inches out of my grasp.

  “I’ve not been holding out on you.” I give Jules a brief hug and turn back to Natalie. “Are you jealous?”

  “No.” She glares.

  “Don’t be.” I grab her face between my thumb and forefinger. “Jules is happily married to one of my friends. They have two beautiful children together, and neither on
e of them has the hots for me.”

  “Oh.” She bites her bottom lip and blushes a deep red. Her gaze moves to Jules. “I’m sorry. This is embarrassing.”

  I drop my hand and place my arm around Natalie’s waist. This time, I rub her back to reassure her. I don’t want her to question her importance to me.

  “It’s fine.” Jules shakes her head. “No worries on my front. Nico and I have been together for years, and I’d still stab any woman’s eyes out if she was checking out my man.” She tips her head. “Let me take you to your table.”

  “Thank you, Jules. Is Nico here?” I glance around the busy restaurant. All the tables, but a few, are full. It’s one of the more popular Italian restaurants in town.

  The scent of oregano and sausage fills the air along with the clinking of wine glasses as customers randomly toast each other or return their drinks to the pristine white tablecloths.

  “No, he’s upstairs with the kids. Ryder is down with a cold, so they’re staying away from the customers.”

  We settle into a cozy table for two with a glowing candle centerpiece. The light flickers across Natalie’s face. If it’s possible, she’s even more beautiful. “Tell him I said hello, and we’ll have to get together some time.”

  “Sounds great.” She nods to both of us. “It’s good to see you and to see you with a date.” She winks at Natalie. “Have a delightful evening. The Shrimp Puttanesce is the special tonight, and it’s divine.”

  Once we’re alone, I grab Natalie’s hands and lace them through mine. “You’re jealous?”

  “Shit. It’s probably going to bite me in the ass to admit it, but yes, I am.” She shakes her head as she studies me. “When we were in high school, you were cute. Now…” She shudders. “You’re hot as sin. Why wouldn’t other women come on to you?”

  “Because I’m with you.”

  “But I don’t have any claim on you. You can go out with whomever you want.”

  “No. I can’t.” I place the back of her hand against my lips. “I’ve always belonged to you, and that’s never going to change.”


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