The Blind Duke

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The Blind Duke Page 7

by Emma Brady

  On the other side of the curtain she heard footsteps approaching. The corset beneath her dress was too tight and she wished her skirts were not so long, because they were peeking out beneath the curtain. She worried that the combination of anxiety and restriction might cause her to pass out.

  "Did you see the Duke of Ashford was in his box this evening?" said a lady, as the two people walked slowly down the hall. "I was so surprised. He hates the theater."

  "Yes, but he wasn't alone. Lady Sarah and her chaperone were with him," said her male companion.

  "That's a surprise. She hasn't shown a preference to any of the gentlemen before. I suppose she is hoping for a high title."

  "Bitsy, do you think she might be considering him?" he sounded shocked by the idea. "The man isn't the same after his accident. It's a shame really."

  Thomas went stiff against Eloisa. She knew if she could hear them clearly, then he wasn't missing a word.

  "Considering she can have her pick of all the eligible men, I can't imagine she will be settling for a blind one with a shady past," the man continued. "Not even his title can overcome all that."

  The hands holding her arms tightened until she let out a squeak. Lucky for them the couple in the hallway didn't hear it.

  "It appears that he believes he will win her over. At least he looked confident enough coming into the theater tonight," said the woman.

  "You noticed a lot about him." The gentleman sounded perturbed.

  "He still has a pretty face and young ladies do let that override their better judgment sometimes." The lady chuckled. "That's one of the things about you that caught me in your charms."

  There was the sound of rustling fabric and sloppy kisses. Eloisa became uncomfortable listening to it and pressed her face more firmly into Thomas's chest. As she breathed in it held the scent of his soap and his skin, both were appealing. Another deep breath and she exhaled slowly.

  This was the only time she had ever been close enough to a man to enjoy his smell. The occasional dance never allowed her such liberties. There had never been a man wanting to pull her off into a quiet corner, but now she wished there had been. This was much more enjoyable than she had supposed.

  Beneath the fabric of his shirt heat radiated from his body. She pressed her lips against it and she also felt the beating of his heart. It quickened from her actions. She realized her entire body was molded to his in the small space they shared. If she was feeling every delicious inch, then he was too. Losing her focus would be a disaster.

  "I think they are distracted enough for us to sneak away." The words were mumbled into his shirtfront.


  "We don't have to stay here."

  Thomas shifted so that her face was pulled up to his, with only few inches of darkness between them. Then his hand was covering her mouth. She tried to speak against his fingers but he wouldn't budge. As a final resort she bit down on his hand. A hiss escaped him as he snatched his hand away from her.

  "You can't silence me."

  Now his other hand came up to cover her mouth. "They might still hear you."

  For a moment she stilled and listened for noise. The hallway sounded empty but she wasn't certain. They might still be occupied with their amorous activities, but quietly. That didn't mean she wanted him forcing her in such a way. Once again she bit down on the skin of his palm. Now a whisper of curses came along when he drew back.

  "Do you want to get caught?" he growled, his breath hot across her cheek.

  He silenced her again, only this time it was with his own lips. Shocked, she opened her mouth to bite him but the taste of him prevented it. This was the first time she had been kissed by a man and it overwhelmed her. She tried to fight against her own reaction, to struggle back to a place of logic but it was useless. The only thought her mind clung to was that she wanted more. So much more.

  Chapter 6

  THE KISS HAD BEEN A decision made in desperation to quiet her before they got caught. He had expected her to be surprised and possibly angry, but the passion shocked him. Instead of pushing him away he could feel her fingers digging into his shoulder and pulling him closer. It heightened his own heated response.

  The taste of her was not something he had thought of before, but he knew he would now never forget it. It was the same sweet and tangy citrus that matched her scent. As his tongue explored her open mouth, he felt the hesitant way she tried to mimic his movements.

  Thomas used his thumbs to rub circles along her spine through the fabric of her dress. He moved them slowly downward, feeling her relax against him. In the few seconds it took to reach her hips, they were now resting against his own. He hoped she didn't realize how prominent his reaction was as he strained against the fabric of his clothes. It would most likely embarrass a lady.

  He was reminded that he hadn't been with a woman since before his accident. Without the use of his eyes, Thomas had to figure everything out by touch alone. He felt clumsy as he fumbled along the lines of her body. At least she didn't seem to notice.

  The woman he was holding was not the same shy companion he had pulled behind the curtain. Eloisa was acting as eager as any flirt to receive his attentions. When he tried to pull away, he felt her hands on his shoulders, pulling him closer. Her lips and tongue danced with his until he lost every thought but how much he wanted the taste of her.

  Acting on instincts alone, Thomas let his fingers explore as much as they could. She gave no resistance to it and he felt her own hands on every part of him. They both couldn't get enough of what the other one had. It thrilled him but at the same time it reminded him that they shouldn't be doing this.

  Finally, Thomas found the willpower to break the kiss and pull her warm body away from his own. He could feel her soft bosom moving as she was breathing against him. The little whimper she made when his lips left hers only made him want to return to them. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to give in to the temptation.

  "I think they have left." The sound of his voice was deeper than he expected and wavered a little.

  "Of course."

  Eloisa sounded as confused as he felt. She was still holding onto him and in the tight space there wasn't much distance to put between them. Her warm breath brushed against the skin of his neck above his collar. He could easily imagine her placing her lips along that same spot and he tensed even more at the thought.

  "I should apologize." He wasn't sure if that was going to be adequate for what had happened, but it was the only thing he could think of to say. "I didn't mean to take advantage of the situation."

  "Don't be ridiculous, it was hardly that dramatic." He felt her reach up to fix her hair. "I'm hardly ruined by such a little kiss."

  He was left speechless as she pulled away and stepped out from behind the curtain. The only thing he could do was follow, listening to be sure they were now alone again in the hallway. The only sound was her furiously patting her skirts, with more force than could possibly be necessary.

  Knowing he had a limited amount of time, Thomas whispered to her out of the side of his mouth. "Have I done something to make you angry?"

  She said nothing so he tried again. "Are you angry at me for something?"

  Still the silence so he persisted. "Why are you mad?"

  That finally got a reaction, but not the one he wanted. Instead of saying something she jabbed him with her elbow into his ribs.

  "I don't think that is a proper answer," he ground out in a whisper.

  "Proper? You don't know anything about being proper."

  "So this is about that little mistake behind the curtain."

  "That wasn't a mistake, it was a disaster."

  That struck against his male pride.

  "I thought you enjoyed it."

  "Then that was your mistake."

  He might have been oblivious to a woman's reactions before, but he had not been wrong about hers. She had responded to him behind the curtain with as much passion as a woman could. Now she th
ought to damage his ego by denying it. He preferred to see it as a challenge. Shifting just slightly he pressed his body against hers. She tried to shrink away but there wasn't enough room in the narrow hall.

  "I think we both know which of us is the liar," he whispered to her.

  "You are the far more skilled one," she replied. "You could easily pretend an interest in my cousin after kissing me. I wonder which one is the truth and which is the lie?"

  "Kissing you had been an impulse. Everyone has those sometimes."

  "You have a long history of them."

  Thomas didn't need to be reminded of his past mistakes, they were still vivid in his mind. Especially the one that led to his current condition. He would be the first one to admit he should have been more careful. "Yes, but I have changed. I'm trying to be a better man."

  "How? So far all I have seen you trying to do is impress all the people who used to adore you."

  "I just want back what I used to have, but that doesn't mean I won't handle it better."

  She laughed in his face and Thomas could feel his muscles tense. He grabbed her arm and gave it a jerk, pulling her off balance enough to make her gasp. He wanted to be sure she knew which one of them was in charge of the situation.

  "You were only in London for a short time, but you think that gives you enough knowledge to judge me?" Thomas growled against her ear, enjoying the way her body trembled against him.

  "I heard plenty, even when I was gone."

  "Such as?"

  In the pause that followed she tried to decide what to say. She was frightened of him and he enjoyed that. It made him feel like the powerful man he used to be, not the crippled one he was now.

  "I heard about you and your friends doing wild things, chasing disgraceful women and causing scandals that shocked society."

  Thomas laughed because he knew all of that was true. "Boys will be boys."

  "I also heard that most of them suffered tragedies since then. Your own brothers have gone missing."

  No one had mentioned the twins, Daniel and David in a long time. The servants acted like they were afraid to say their names out loud. His mother was brought to tears by the sound, so no one uttered them. Only in his own head did he remind himself of who they were. It took some of the fire out of him.

  "Did you ever meet them?" he asked, relaxing the hand that held her arm a little.

  "No, they were not old enough when I came to London. I only heard what was reported in the papers about their disappearance." There was sympathy in her voice, the same sound he had heard before in many other voices.

  The boys had been energetic and eager to please. Always running around after him, doing anything he told them to. He knew they looked up to him and it never occurred to him that he might be setting a bad example for them. Not until they followed him down the path of self-destruction and vanished.

  "Today was a mistake, but I am genuine in my desire to marry your cousin."

  He could hear the sound of her breathing as she thought about what he said. The tension in her body relaxed slightly. "I suppose everyone has an occasional lapse in judgment."

  "Then we can go back to being friends?"

  "We were business associates."

  "But soon we will be family." His joke caused her to tense again. "Friends might be a reasonable compromise."

  A sigh convinced him that she was willing to forget about what happened and was once again prepared to assist him. "We had better return to our seats before we are forced into hiding again."

  "I should just let you two enjoy the show," Thomas said, not sure he was prepared for another round with Lady Sarah. "I can try my luck another time."

  "Don't be absurd. I don't have time to waste if I'm going to meet your deadline." She grabbed him by the arm and started to tug him in the direction of his box. "You just need to talk to her about something real. Ask her a question you wouldn't normally ask a lady."

  "That sounds vulgar."

  "I meant something intellectual."

  That sounded like it was going to lead to a boring conversation. Thomas was not excited to follow Eloisa's instructions if it went in that direction. He preferred to keep things light and flirtatious. Still, he had given her his word to try things her way.

  They had been gone long enough for the first half of the play to end and it was now intermission. That meant people would be up and moving around, getting refreshments and talking to each other. It was common for those who couldn't afford a box of their own to try and find a friend who had an empty seat in one. Thomas didn't expect someone else to be in his box, but a man's voice could be heard inside as they approached. He immediately became more alert.

  "My cousin has returned." Sarah sounded relieved as they entered. "I appreciate your keeping me company while she was gone, but she is here now."

  "I'm only glad I happened to pass your box and see that you were alone. A lady should never be left in such a dangerous situation." Thomas recognized the voice of Lord Bittleby, a young man who hadn’t been old enough to grow a beard before the accident. "Your cousin should be more careful with her duties as a chaperone."

  "I beg your pardon?" Eloisa said.

  "I simply meant that any kind of villain could have crept in here while you were away and taken advantage of Lady Sarah."

  "You have clearly proven that." For once her sharp tongue wasn’t directed at him and Thomas was glad for it, but he didn't like someone insinuating Eloisa was in the wrong.

  "I'm afraid it was my fault that the lady was without her chaperone, I was in need of assistance and she was kind enough to help," Thomas said. "Now you should be getting back to your seat. Down below."

  Lord Bittleby was not a wealthy man and Thomas didn't bother to try to hide his meaning because he didn't want the thick-headed man to miss it.

  "It must be difficult for you know that you are less than able." Lord Bittleby didn't sound like he was going to leave. "Do you require assistance with everything?"

  There was the sharp bite of an insult in his comment. Thomas felt his smile spread into a sneer as he prepared to take on the young pup. It had been awhile since he fought with someone outside the practice room.

  "I have become quite adept at fending for myself. No longer the soft gentleman I used to be." Thomas swung his cane in one hand, letting it land just in front of where he knew the young lord sat. "Care to test my skills?"

  He could hear both the girls trying not to laugh and applauded their efforts. He wished he could see the expression on Lord Bittleby's face at that moment.

  "I see the accident has not improved your manners," said Lord Bittleby. "You are still arrogant and aggressive. Probably still chasing after married women."

  "No, I learned my lesson. The only woman I plan to chase now is my wife, once I have her."

  "You expect anyone to believe you're going to be a faithful husband?" The man started to laugh until the end of the cane pressed hard into his chest, forcing him to cough.

  "Anyone can change. A criminal can turn good or a liar can become honest. All it takes it the right incentive." Thomas hoped Lady Sarah heard that remark. "The right woman can even turn a rake into a faithful man."

  He heard a lady’s sigh and wanted to pat himself on the shoulder. He now understood what Eloisa meant when she said her cousin loved the theater. These kinds of dramatics were not his usual behavior but he could get used to it every once in a while.

  "Now, I believe the play is about to start again and you are in my seat."

  Thomas listened while the young lord scrambled to his feet and made a hasty exit. He didn't have much time to gloat because the show was about to begin. That didn't stop him from sitting in his seat and enjoying his victory.

  Chapter 7

  AS ELOISA SAT AT A table in the back of the coffeehouse waiting for the duke, she tried to remain calm. It had been two days since the theater and she was worried he might not show for their meeting. There had not been a word from him since that night
. She had expected him to call on her cousin to further his suit and was concerned that he hadn't.

  She didn't hear Thomas enter, and when he placed a hand on her shoulder it broke through her thoughts. With a start she turned to see him standing there with heavy eyes. His clothes were barely in place on his body. His neck was bare and to her embarrassment the view of his chest at the top of his shirt excited her. As he sat he was still in the process of fixing his appearance. He must have come in from the back of the place. She chose a table that was difficult to see from the rest of the room, in the hope of giving them some privacy.

  "Is there any way I can convince you to stop planning our meetings this early in the morning?" he rubbed a hand across his face. "If not for me, then for the sake of my poor valet. He must handle my bad mood if I don't get enough sleep."

  "It's the only time I can see you without any suspicion. Neither of us wants gossip going around."

  "I'm familiar with how gossip works, but I can't believe this suffering is the only way to avoid it."

  His face looked so serious, she couldn't help but laugh. "Only a man used to spending the day in bed would see this as suffering. Sleep isn't that important."

  "Sleep isn't the only thing done in bed."

  Eloisa knew he hadn't meant to imply the two of them, but it still made her breath catch. Her eyes focused on his sensual lips, which were wearing a sly smile at the moment and she easily remembered how they had felt while kissing her. She wasn't experienced enough to know exactly what he meant, but her imagination gave her some idea. It was enough to make her heart beat faster.

  "I still have my reputation to worry about, even if you don't," she murmured, her thoughts scattered due to his suggestive words. "I shouldn't be meeting with you alone at all."

  "This is a reputable coffee-house on St. James, not the shadows of Convent Gardens. No one would raise an eyebrow at our being here at any hour."

  "I would still rather less people know we were meeting at all."


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