The Blind Duke

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The Blind Duke Page 19

by Emma Brady

  She saw something flicker across her cousin’s expression and knew it was amusement. "That's not a good endorsement of the man."

  "It's honest. He's not perfect, but perfect would be dull."

  "Then what is he?"

  That was the question that Eloisa had been trying to figure out the answer to all this time. Just when she thought she had figured him out he behaved in an unexpected way. There was both good and bad battling within him all the time. If she was honest she would admit that it excited her to see which side won from moment to moment.

  "He's wonderful," she finally said, realizing that she couldn't describe it in any better words.

  "Then why do I feel like he's not the one for me?" Sarah tilted her head to the side, looking at her as if waiting for Eloisa to realize something. "Perhaps he is better suited for someone with a more understanding nature."

  "You are the only one here who is his equal. The only one who could be his partner in facing society."

  "I hardly know the man."

  Eloisa felt her stomach tighten as she thought about all the quiet moments alone with him that gave her such an intimate knowledge of him. She didn't like to think that another woman would be having those moments in the future, even her cousin.

  "You will get to know him. That's what people do in marriage," she said, hoping that she sounded more certain than she felt. "He will make you happy. He's the kind of man who could make any woman happy."

  "He's in love with someone else."

  That statement stole the breath from her as she saw in her cousin's eyes that she knew far more than she should. "He wants to marry beauty."

  "You are beautiful."

  "Not according to everyone else."

  "They don't matter. Only his opinion counts and he loves you."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "He told me so."

  The tears were threatening to run down her cheeks beneath the mask she wore. "He was mistaken."

  Eloisa turned away when Sarah tried to reach for her. There were too many emotions swirling around inside of her and if she felt the comfort of a hug she would just lose all control over them.

  "You know I can't accept him, not when I know that he cares for you and you might care for him." Said Sarah, her tone was soft and soothing.

  "I don't care for him."

  "I'm glad you are such a terrible liar."

  "I don't feel anything for him. He's just another one of your many suitors."

  Eloisa knew her voice sounded false even to her own ears. She started to lose her resolve in the situation. The picture of Thomas and Sarah no longer looked as perfect as she once thought.

  "He needs you," Eloisa finally said, desperation gripping her. "He needs you to become the man he was before. I could never give him that."

  "But do you need him?"

  Finally, Eloisa could no longer lie to her cousin or herself. The truth was she did need him and that terrified her. Without being able to speak she shook her head vigorously.

  "I guess my first season won't be a complete success." Said Sarah, walking past Eloisa and going towards the door to the crowded ballroom.

  Eloisa knew she was too much of a mess to face anyone yet, so she stayed behind. Leaning on both hands against the railing, Eloisa tried to take in as much air as she could with each breath.

  "I couldn't hear your answer. Would you mind repeating it?"

  There was the sound of tapping and footsteps as Thomas came across the terrace from where he hid in the shadows. Quickly, she wiped the tears from her face, even though she knew he would hear her emotions in her voice.

  "Repeat what?" Her heart beat wildly. She watched his movements, drinking in the sight of him again.

  "The answer to her question. Do you need me?"

  "Of course not. That would be foolish of me."

  "You have never been a fool."

  Thomas made his way closer to her and as much as she tried not to stare, Eloisa felt her eyes drawn to him. He looked amazing in the fine cut of his costume and his face was almost healed. The faint shadows of bruising only added to his handsome appearance. She blushed as she recalled how he had looked without so many layers of clothing.

  "You were spying on me," she said, trying to think of anything but his body. "That is impolite."

  "You know I'm more comfortable in the shadows. This reminds me of the first night we met."

  She laughed a little. "You don't remember the first time we met."

  "The second time then. You captivated me." He stood close now, so near her that she could smell him in the air.

  "Only because I wouldn't tell you who I was. You liked the mystery."

  "No, I liked the surprise. You are always surprising me."

  "I have been surprising myself lately."

  The warm wind pulled a piece of her hair from the confines of her pins and when she reached up to brush it away he caught her hand. Slowly he pulled the glove from it so that their bare palms were touching. The heat of his skin melted her from the inside and she sighed. Her mind easily slipped back to when they were making love in his room and she flushed from head to toe.

  "I'm out here because I don't belong in there. I don't know why you are always lurking outside."

  "It's not lurking if it's my own house."

  "It is when you should be inside with your guests."

  He laughed and she wanted to laugh too, but her nerves wouldn't let her. He smiled at her and it made every inch of her tingle. Her free hand smoothed her skirts, reminding her that she had worn it just for him. It was a fabric made for touching more than being seen. It wasn't logical, but logic didn't always work when she thought about him.

  "My mother was worried when she realized you were missing. I offered to play the hero again and come find you."

  "I think you are starting to like that role."

  "No, I still enjoy being the villain more." He moved slowly, coming closer to her by the inch. "Gives me a chance to pursue my own desires without concern for other people."

  "That could be dangerous."

  "I like it that way."

  She should have walked away, gone back into the ballroom and returned to her place in the back of the room. If his mother noticed she was missing others would be noticing too. Being found out here, alone with him, would be a disaster. Yet, all of these things couldn't make her move away from him.

  Taking both his hands in hers, Eloisa placed them on her hips where she knew he could feel the softness of her dress as it clung to her body. His eyes widened slightly before closing. Then he let his hands run up and down the fabric, petting her beneath it. She wanted to purr from the pleasure of it.

  "Does this mean you have changed your mind about leaving?" he asked.

  "No, but I wanted to have a proper good-bye."

  "This is anything but proper."

  "It feels right to me."

  Before he could argue more, she reached up and grabbed his evening jacket by the front, pulling him down to meet her lips. It was not the smooth seduction she wanted it to be, but it came from the desperation she felt for him. She needed to get the last taste of him that she could before it was too late. Thomas responded the way she hoped he would, kissing her back with the same passion she had.

  "You have me so confused. You tell me you want to leave, but then you kiss me like that," he mumbled as they continued to kiss. "How am I supposed to know what you want?"

  There was nothing she could say to answer that, because she didn't know herself. She wanted to be with him, but she couldn't stand the thought of embarrassing him in front of society. These conflicting emotions jumbled up inside her but her mind still had enough control to pull away from him.

  "I want you to remember me fondly, but I want to forget this ever happened." Eloisa felt her throat tighten as she tried to speak.

  "Just walk away? You can still do that?"

  "Yes. I'm going to do exactly that."

  “I can’t let you be suc
h a fool.” His hand gripped her arm and began to drag her in the direction of the ballroom.

  She struggled to get free but he was too strong for her to escape without making a scene. Using his cane to guide him, Thomas dragged her to the front of the room where the musicians were playing. Banging his cane loudly on the floor he waited until the room was quiet and all eyes were watching.

  "As many of you know, I have been in search of a wife this season. I'm happy to announce that I have found the perfect woman to be my duchess."

  Eloisa held her breath as she watched him with the same anticipation as the rest of the guests.

  "Miss Eloisa Noble," said Thomas, turning toward her with a look of smug satisfaction.

  Thomas began to pull her in closer to him and her feet moved against her will. Her mouth hung open like fish, until she quickly shut it.

  "I just announced our engagement," said Thomas, bringing her hand up to his lips. "If you don't smile, they might think you are rejecting my offer. I would be a laughingstock."

  Looking around, every pair of eyes was focused on her. With one word she suddenly had the power to embarrass one of the most powerful men in London. Confused, she looked to her cousin who smiled and nodded enthusiastically. She let her eyes turn to Thomas again and they were beginning to blur. She was about to faint in front of all the most important people of the ton.

  "Don't try to escape by fainting," said Thomas, stepping in to lend her an arm to lean on. "You’re not the type to suffer the vapors."

  "I don't know what came over me," Eloisa answered, concentrating on her breathing and not letting her head spin.

  "It was the shock. My mother warned me it was risky to surprise a woman like that."

  "That was distressing.”

  "I thought women liked grand romantic gestures," said Thomas, stroking her cheek.

  "Only you would consider putting someone on the spot romantic."

  A slow smile slid onto his lips but he didn't comment. The band started to play again and the audience lost interest in them. Now that there wasn't an entire ballroom watching, Eloisa could let it sink in. The man had announced to the world that he wanted to marry her. Not her beautiful cousin, just ordinary her. That could be considered romantic.

  "When did you decide to declare your feelings to the world?" she asked.

  "After you kissed me tonight. I realized that you might not know that you needed me and I decided to make the choice for you." He sounded nervous.

  "You assumed you could force me into accepting your proposal without even making one?"

  In a heartbeat, Thomas knelt in front of her. He showed no concern for his fancy clothes being rumpled as he crawled closer to her. With her handin his, he bent his head before her and sounded earnest when he spoke. They were far enough from the crowd that no one watched but Eloisa.

  "Will you, Eloisa Noble, please spend the rest of my life making me the happiest man in London?" Thomas spoke with conviction.

  "I won't be able to restore your old reputation." This was the last moment he would be able to reconsider.

  "I no longer want to be the man I was. I'd rather be the man you deserve."

  When Thomas looked up, she could see the truth of what he said shining in his blue eyes. Her mind could no longer find reasons to say no, so she answered him by bending down to kiss him.

  "Was that a yes? With you, I'm never sure." He laughed and rose to his feet.

  "Hopefully you never will be."

  "My wife will keep me on my toes." He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Among other positions I hope."

  "I can't wait."

  Coming August 2018

  The Unlucky Viscount

  ALL OF LIFE IS A GAMBLE and Alexander Fullerton, Viscount Andrews, knew how to play the odds. After being swindled by a lying businessman and losing his family’s fortune, Alex uses his card skills to keep them from ruin. He knows that in order for his younger sister to have the season she deserves, he will need to find a rich heiress to marry and as the season closes he worries he won’t find one in time. Then he is given and offer from someone he never expected.

  Rachel Bradden is the daughter of a rich and powerful member of the London underworld and grew up inside one of the most notorious gambling hells. At night she runs the place behind the disguise of the Raven and enjoys winning against the elite players that frequent the establishment. There is only one man who has ever been able to beat her and now her father expects her to marry him for respectability.

  Two experienced gamblers, both expecting to win, will start to play a game that can decide their futures. The stakes don’t get any higher than their hearts, but is it possible for them to find love away from the table?

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  Sinner’s Club Series

  The Blind Duke

  The Unlucky Viscount

  Other Books By Emma Brady

  An American Lady

  Kiss Under the Tree

  Check out my author page




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