by Ryan Tang
House battles - An all-out war between two houses with no restrictions- individuals are allowed to use their Sinsworn armies in addition to their personal Paragon. Individuals of any ranking are allowed to challenge anybody, and the winner is allowed to take everything the loser owns, such as their Castlecraft, Paragon, Sinsworn, and even their Familiar. Nobles are allowed to kill one another in a House battle.
Ignorant – The group of people who used to be the Nobles' slaves until they successfully rebelled and gained their freedom. Called Ignorants because they didn't acknowledge the sinful gods.
Liquid State Eternium – A state an individual's Paragon can only access when he or she combines forces with their Familiar.
Lost Lord – What the Nobles in the Constellation also call themselves after they were forced to escape Old Earth.
Namers – The Constellation's mysterious law enforcement agents who are extremely powerful and anonymous to the public. The Namers know the true names of all the Nobles in the colony and are able to kill them with a single spell if they break the law.
Noble – The individuals living on the Constellation who used to rule Old Earth and the Ignorants, until the Ignorants rebelled and successfully driven the Nobles out of Old Earth.
Nursery – Where Nobles are raised before they form a House.
Old Earth – Where the Nobles used to live before the battle between them and the Ignorants. After the war, they were exiled and escaped to the Constellation, but they desire to reclaim Old Earth.
Paragon – Giant war machines that are forged from the metal Eternium. Paragons are usually humanoid vehicles that are piloted from the cockpit.
Ransom battle – Battles named after an Old Earth tradition. These battles used to be conducted to capture prisoners or armor to sell them back to the loser's family members, but now are used to earn Sinsworn and food. Individuals are not allowed to kill one another in a Ransom battle. A challenge against a lower-ranked Lord can be refused. A challenge from a higher-ranked Lord is an honor that must be accepted. Ransom battles are typically between the heads of the households, although any affiliated allies may join.
Sinsworn – Paragon drones that are used as a form of payment in battles. Sinsworn can be controlled by the owner's mind- the stronger the will, the more machines the individual can control.
The Abandoned Six – The six sinful gods who were left behind in the rebellion of the Ignorants.
The Conquest – The Nobles' plan to reclaim Old Earth.
The Constellation - Where the Nobles currently live after exile.
The Exile – The climactic battle that drove humanity off Old Earth.
The Surviving Seven – The remaining seven sinful gods who remained with the Nobles after Old Earth.
The Thirteen – The thirteen sinful gods who are the parents of the Familiars.