Sweet Caroline

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Sweet Caroline Page 4

by Lissa Matthews

  “Why do you like the pain?”

  “It makes me feel alive. It reminds me pleasure is beyond the pain. It keeps me in the moment, gives me a focus when I wish to escape.”

  “Why would you need to escape?”

  “Some of the situations Derek put me in were emotionally hard. So long as I had the pain or the extreme pleasure, I could enjoy myself.”

  “Such as? Give me an example. And don’t look away from me, don’t hide yourself from me.” He tugged her head by the hair he fisted in his hand. When it came to her emotions, he found she would close her eyes or turn her head. He could well imagine how emotionally hurt she’d been with Derek. He’d heard stories, had even dated women that had played with Caroline and Derek and while he wasn’t averse to sharing his lovers or using another’s lover with permission, he was averse to hurting someone, emotionally or mentally.

  Caroline focused on his mouth. He could deal with that.

  “One night he took me to a party. I was dressed in nothing but a black fishnet body suit with an opening between my legs. When we walked into the party, a girl came to us, knelt on the floor and the connection between them was palpable. The look in her eyes when she was staring at him, and the look in his…they’d been together. I knew it, could feel it. He ordered her to a bedroom, and he followed her. I was an afterthought. He finally turned around and held his hand out to me.”

  Buck caressed her lips with the pad of his thumb. “He made you play with her?”

  “Yes, but that wasn’t my problem. I always enjoyed playing with other women, had my first sexual experience with a woman, but this time, with this girl wasn’t enjoyable.”

  “What happened?” Her eyes were still focused on his mouth.

  “I couldn’t get wet. She was eating my pussy and after a while lifted her head and told Derek I wasn’t wet, that it wasn’t working. He pulled out some clamps and tugged me up on my knees and ordered her down on her back between my legs again. The clamps worked. They gave me something else to focus on other than the fact he’d been with her without me. It was the first time I’d been confronted with it. I could only feel that pain. I could only feel the tongue licking me. I could close my eyes and feel nothing beyond that moment. But…but when the orgasm was over and I opened my eyes again and saw him fucking her, saw the pleasure on his face I was reminded again that they’d been together. I got off of her face and walked out, tossing the clamps on the floor.”

  On the last few sentences, she’d raised her gaze to his. No regret there, no sadness in the dark golden color. She was free of the pain of the past, but he knew there was something left over, something she was able to let go of when she was with him or when she was working. He’d watched her enough to see peace and calm settle over her when he knew she had no idea he was there. At first, she was a bit timid with him, smiling, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Her smile said “hi”, her eyes said “fuck me please”. The way her pupils would always dilate and darken when she talked to him. He liked it. He wanted to see it more. He wanted their sexual relationship to bleed into other areas of her life, the way it made her feel, all beautiful and sexy and strong. She might be submitting to him sexually, but she was stronger for it.

  Different people responded to sex in different ways. For him, well, hell he was a guy. It made him want to keep fucking day and night, maybe take a break for food and a nap. For her though, for his Caroline, it put her in touch with feelings that remained locked away in normal circumstances. He’d seen the change take place the second before she’d kissed him in the store earlier. And it kept growing. She was relaxed, calm, free. For all the humiliating scenes Derek had put her through, she’d grown from it and still loved getting down and dirty.

  Buck grinned. She was also wet as hell. “Time for you to get back to work.”

  She buried herself in his neck and shook her head. “I don’t want to,” she mumbled.

  “I know, but, the sooner you finish your project, the sooner we can play some more.”

  With that, she lifted her head again and the heat flared between them.


  She sounded eager like a kid being told they could have anything in the store they wanted. He should know. He used to sound just like that when his father would take him on his birthday to the store of his choice and tell Buck to pick out one thing he wanted, anything, regardless of cost. For the first few years, he picked out the most outrageous junk he really hadn’t wanted, but as a test to see if his father actually meant it. After a while though he’d become more discerning, picking out things that would one day have meaning, things he truly wanted. That was the look and sound of Caroline right then, sitting on his lap. “Yes.”

  She smacked a kiss on his lips and scrambled off his thighs. “Okay. I’ll be done soon.”

  She took off toward her office and, from the sounds coming from it, she could have been taking the walls down for all the noise she was making. Buck couldn’t help but laugh as he got up to go help her. After all, he’d said he would if she obeyed and played with him.

  He shucked his clothes and flowed in her footsteps, his dick bobbing against his stomach. “Yeah, you’ll get to play inside her soon.”


  Caroline tied the bow on top of the box and set it aside. She was naked. She couldn’t believe she’d worked the last couple hours completely naked, wet, horny and hungry. She’d never gotten so much done in her life in so short a period of time. Damn, it seemed playtime with Buck was a really good motivator.

  She smiled at the thought.

  He’d helped her look for the ribbon as he’d promised and then he’d left the office to take care of some smaller items in another part of the house. “Wonder if he’s still naked too?”

  And God, he was gorgeous naked. His body was hard and tanned, and she couldn’t remember seeing a tan line of any kind anywhere. She could well imagine how beautiful he’d be nude and in the sun. Fresh need pooled between her thighs, and a new ache settled inside her. She likely wouldn’t be around to see him in the summertime. “Shit. Not supposed to get all caught up in him.”

  And yet, she knew better than that. She’d known the second her lips touched his in the store, she was caught, hooked on, had fallen for him. If she were really honest with herself, she’d admit she’d fallen for him the minute she met him in the Lowe’s.

  He’d come out of nowhere, like a knight in burnished armor. His dark, sun-streaked hair and his bright blue eyes, his sexy smile, rough and callused hands, his height and the bulge in his jeans… Well, she’d wanted to jump him right there in front of the paint section, maybe even try a few colors on. Just looking at him that day had told her he was younger and damn, she hadn’t cared, which was actually kind of interesting.

  Derek had been older than her, by a good ten years and her favorite lovers during their time of experimenting with others had been the older men. Younger ones just hadn’t appealed to her, weren’t patient, and most hadn’t had a clue about more than sticking it in and riding. And the whole element of D/s was lost on some and the others tried, but she found herself having to take the lead more often than not. That certainly hadn’t appealed to her.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  She started. Again. Dammit. He had a terrible habit of being able to sneak up on her and she had not even known it. “What makes you think I’m thinking about anything?”

  “You’ve been staring out the window for a while. I’ve been standing here watching the kids at the end of the street looking and pointing at the naked woman.”


  Caroline looked out the window and sure enough, the three boys who usually took care of her rather large yard were standing out at the road. Brett, the youngest at sixteen, had the audacity to grin and wave. “Oh God.” Heat flooded her cheeks, and she stepped out of their line of sight. “How am I going to be able to look at them again when they come to take care of the yard? What will their mother’s think of me?”r />
  “I wouldn’t worry about any of it. They won’t tell anyone except other guys at school they saw their hot, sexy single neighbor naked. And when they come to do the yard, they’ll sport boners and be lost in their fantasies when they look at you.”

  “They shouldn’t be fantasizing about me. Why didn’t you come and close the shutters or at least move me away?”

  He smirked and quirked an eyebrow. He looked so good. “Why the hell would I do that? I liked the view from behind as much as they liked the front view. Besides, it’s every guy’s fantasy, and you gave them material to last for the next year just by standing there.”

  “You’re a pervert.”

  “And you’re not? Sweet, sweet Caroline.” He walked closer, and her breath hitched in her chest. “My sweet, sweet Caroline. You’re as naughty as I am. You’re as kinky. You’re beautiful and lush and everything a real woman should be. Don’t be shy about it.” He brushed his fingers against her cheek, her lips, down her throat. The drag of the unevenness of his skin left faint scratches that disappeared in mere seconds and the heat radiating off him, which seeped into her had her squirming against the wall. “You wouldn’t intentionally stand there naked for those boys. It just happened.”

  He was right. Caroline knew he was right, and she couldn’t deny the little thrill that went through her when Brett had waved. It wasn’t that it was them. It was that she was being watched, looked at, admired. She’d always liked that and had been able to get lost in it, turned on by it to the point of orgasm at the slightest touch.

  “See, you are a bit of a perv. You like it. Exhibitionism. You like voyeurs.” He kissed her lips, pulled her bottom lip between his and bit down. Not enough to break the skin, but enough to make her pussy gush and her thighs squeeze. When he let go, slowly, oh so slowly, it took every ounce of self-control she possessed not to dive in to his mouth. “Now, tell me what you were thinking about?”

  “You. I was thinking about you.”

  He draped his wrists over her shoulders, and she wrapped her hands around his forearms, feeling the play of muscles when he moved his fingers over her skin again. She loved his touch. What would those hands be like on her ass, spanking her? What would the toughened, chapped digits feel like against the tender, freshly spanked flesh? She wanted to know. Now.

  “Spank me.”

  That one eyebrow lifted again. “That’s what you were thinking about?”

  “No. Not until right now. Not before. Before I was thinking about your age.”

  “What about it?”

  “You’re younger than me, and I’ve always preferred men older than me.”

  “Interesting. Does it bother you?”

  “No. And that is the interesting thing. I am not bothered by it at all.”

  “Good. It’s only what? Five years difference? Not a big deal.” He kissed the tip of her nose and tugged on the ends of her hair. “Bend over the table. Elbows on the edge, hands flat against the surface.”

  “The table? In front of the window?”

  “Yes. Now.”

  “Are you going to close the shutters?”

  Chapter Five

  It wasn’t like she really cared. She was already moving into position at the table. The hard, cool surface of the wood felt good, solid while her knees were a little shaky. She leaned down, the point of her elbow even with the edge of the table and lowered her forearms until her hands lay flat. She stared, unseeing at the calendar affixed to the wall in front of her.

  She couldn’t see him. She could only hear him breathing, feel his stare. She didn’t have to turn around to feel it. When she wasn’t lost so deep in thought, she could sense him watching her, staring at her. At those times she would turn and wave, smile and he’d smile back and wait until she turned away from him first before he would go back to work. It was odd, really, but it had never filled her with any unease. His looking was appreciative, sexy, and told her she was hot.

  “I don’t think it matters to you, does it?”

  Right now she was scorching. She was going to burn in Hell. “Yes.”

  Behind her, Buck laughed. “Liar. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be bent over already. I must say, it is a very nice picture you present too.”

  He was right. His words mirrored her own thoughts more or less, she just found she wasn’t as comfortable admitting it out loud. It made it real then, her enjoyment of being seen, of being watched.

  “Do you think it’s wrong?”

  “Do I think what’s wrong?”

  He was going to make her say it. She’d opened up a great deal to him in the course of a few hours, but there was still so much inside her she hadn’t let out. With Buck she knew she could be herself. That was evident to her in the store. She could be herself with Derek too, but the difference was with every inch she gave Derek, he took more than she was ready for at any given time. Buck might push her, but she had a feeling he’d back off too if she wasn’t ready to take things as far as he wanted to go.

  Not only could she be herself with him, she could be who she wanted to be with him. And with moving soon… Was it even wise for her to be getting involved? The answer was no. It’s not like she woke up this morning thinking “I’m going to seduce Buck today.”

  The moving thing was the big elephant, not her exhibitionist tendencies. Was she ready to admit that one?

  “That I like it. Being watched.”

  “I don’t think it’s wrong at all. It’s very erotic. Some might see it as not quite right, even a bit tawdry, but I like it. Sexy as hell if it turns you on.”

  So was his hand on her ass. He was rubbing with light circular motions. Goose bumps covered her skin, and her muscles began to relax, sending her into a false sense of tenderness. She knew what was coming but couldn’t convince her mind to tell her body to get ready, to tense for the smack she wanted so badly. She’d asked for the spanking, and Buck would deliver it. The man was always true to his word and did everything he could to please his customers. Even though right then she wasn’t his customer or his client. She was his lover. She w—

  The slap landed right in the center of her butt cheek and jolted her from her thoughts. The small sting was delicious and before she could revel in it, a second landed, then a third, each one harder than the one before.

  Caroline waited for the tension in her shoulders to take over, but again, it stayed away and she was relaxed, anticipating the burn on her other cheek. She wanted it, craved it, much like she wanted and craved the clamps. There was something to be said for a little pain giving a whole lot of pleasure.

  Buck’s hand continued to stroke, to caress, to tease her. She lost herself in the feel of him, a little younger, vital and full of life. It was exactly how she felt inside when he looked at her with that fiery twinkle in his eyes or when his smile broke out. It was exactly how she’d felt earlier in the living room, kneeling on the floor with his cock in her mouth. Full of life. Hungry to live as she wanted, on her terms, submitting yet independent. Could it be done? Derek hadn’t thought so, but Buck…

  His hand slid up her back, right over her spine, the heel of his palm pressing down against the ridges. It felt so good and when he gripped her shoulder, massaging the already relaxed muscle into further relaxation, she moaned, arched her back.

  He spanked her then with his other hand. The sound loud in the silent room. That hand too was chapped, rough against her skin. That cheek as well received three slaps followed by the tender, gentle caress of the first.

  The hand holding her by the shoulder slid into her hair and grabbed hold, fisting in the locks. A series of spanks between each cheek played out. She lost count and focus. She was wet between her legs, wet enough that it pooled and slid onto her upper thigh. Her nipples throbbed, and she could have sworn the clamps were still attached. The arousal sang through her, lit her up inside and she spread her thighs apart, thrusting her ass back toward him.

  And then he was there, naked, same as she was, his cock leavi
ng a trail of stickiness on her stinging ass cheeks, cool and thick.

  Buck thrust, his balls heavy, lightly slapping against her clit. “Is this what you want, sweet Caroline?”

  She had to lick her lips before she could answer him they were so parched. “Yes,” she breathed. Then, louder, clearer. “Yes. Yes, it’s what I want.”

  “Say it. Tell me.”

  “Your cock. I want it inside me. Now.”

  “Good. Then we both want the same thing.” He leaned down over her back, his chest warmer than her already heated flesh. He lifted his hips off hers and slipped his cock between her legs, nestling it between the lips of her pussy. His breath feathered over her ear, fanned her cheek. “What about birth control,” he whispered. “You said you haven’t been with anyone since Derek. I haven’t been with anyone since I started working for you and before that, I used condoms, always.” He placed a soft kiss on the shell of her ear followed by a nip with his teeth on the lobe. “What about the times Derek shared you?”

  “C-condoms too. Everytime. He never wanted me on the pill so he insisted on condoms.”

  “Are you on the pill?”

  Caroline nodded. “Yes.” It was the first thing she’d done for herself after Derek left. She got on birth control. She was in charge of her life. She’d be in charge of her health too. She wasn’t promiscuous. That much was obvious by the fact she hadn’t had any lovers since him and if she didn’t know the person like she knew Buck, she’d have insisted on a condom as well, but…not with him, not with Buck. She’d talked to him enough, learned enough about him, his character. She trusted him.

  “Then put me inside. Reach down and put me inside.”


  He waited to feel it after lifting himself off her back, but not before kissing the curve of her shoulder, not before sliding both hands up and down her sides. He held her hips, the head of his cock drifting over her clit. The intake of breath and little wiggle against his pelvis told him just how much she liked the contact.


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