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Loving the Hellhound

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by B. A. Stretke




  Dragon’s Blood M.C.

  Book 3

  Copyright © 2017 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  Clan Keith roamed the Americas for the past one hundred years in search of their destiny. Years upon years of searching, endless days and nights. Their quest was set by their King, Duncan Adair of the Shetland Dragon circle, and their Clan was led by their Chieftain, Calum Keith. They were ten dragons in all: Calum Keith, Alrick Keith, Bryn Keith, Kyle Keith, Ewan Keith, Donell Keith, Angus Keith, James Keith, Flynn Keith, and Forbes Keith.

  They were travelers, explorers, night riders, and now they identified as the Dragon’s Blood Motorcycle Club as they crossed the country. Their mission, to find their Fated mates, to build and propagate the dragon species in America. Breeding was only possible with a Fated mate and the Shetland Dragon Circle hadn’t had a baby born in over three centuries. No mates, no children, and the Circle was suffering.

  One hundred years into their journey, their search was finally rewarded, and they found a connection in the high prairie town of Laramie Wyoming. Calum, their Chieftain found his mate, Chance Bashford, a human living in town.

  Following that stroke of good luck, his Second, Alrick Keith found his mate, Dane Cutler, good friend of Chance Bashford. Alrick’s good fortune did not stop with just his mate, he also gained a son as Dane took custody of his deceased sister, Kara Cutler’s four-year-old son, Archie.

  Archie came with a little bit of baggage, nothing the dragons couldn’t handle, but baggage that needed attention none the less. The child was the son of Florian Chamberlin, cousin of the Chamberlins, A Vampiric Royal Family. They ruled a coven located in Jackson on the far edge of Wyoming to the northwest of Laramie. The Chamberlins were powerful and effective, but as far as had been discovered, Master Augustin Chamberlin was unaware of his cousin’s offspring and the dragons planned to keep it that way.

  Kara had joined up with a gang of rogue vampires led by Florian Chamberlin. They were a blood thirsty group and left pain and death everywhere they went. After Archie’s birth, Kara was forbidden to leave unless she left her son behind. Her treatment at the hands of the rogues was brutal but she refused to leave her son. The rogues, known as the Death Rangers rode into Laramie one day and picked a fight with a dragon clan. In the end, there was nothing left of the Death Rangers but smoke and ashes.

  Before Kara’s death, she put her son in the care of her brother Dane and Clan Keith. Archie was formally adopted by his uncle and his husband Alrich and his name was changed to Cutler-Keith. Kyle, the Clan’s master tech wizard made everything connecting Archie to the Chamberlin family, disappear.

  The dragon clan settled into life in Laramie, they purchased the rented lodge and developed their base of business out of the rail yard adjacent to their property. According to legend, where one mate was found, many others would be as well. The remaining single members of Clan Keith were anxiously awaiting the next mate to appear.

  When Alrick found his mate on the heels of Calum finding Chance, everyone was certain the next discovery could not be far off. Unfortunately, it had been two years now and the rest of the Clan was still waiting.

  There were ten of them in all and only two were mated so far. They admitted to themselves, that it was impressive to have found two, considering they’d been searching for one hundred years, but waiting was difficult. The rest of the Clan was impatiently searching for their personal connection, each one hoping they would be next.


  The Jackson Coven lead by Master Augustin Chamberlin was old and influential. They’ve resided in the Jackson area for well over fifty years, prior to that they’d called the East coast home. A coven often moved every hundred or so years to not raise suspicion in regard to their ageless appearance. You can only pretend to be your own grandson for so long.

  They were nearing a crisis two years ago when a group of rogue vampires lead by Augustin’s cousin, Florian, formed a motorcycle club and began terrorizing the rural areas between California and Colorado. Their activities were bringing unwanted human attention so Augustin had ordered his assassins to deal with the group.

  When the assassins arrived, Augustin was informed that the group was already dispatched. It takes a lot to kill a vampire and especially rogue vampires who are held to no rules of battle. It was then that Augustin discovered there were dragons in his backyard.

  In the paranormal world, dragons are the top the food chain. There was very little that could hurt them and nothing was known that could kill one. For whatever reason, the dragons had killed the rogues and scorched the earth, leaving no remains. It wasn’t an accident or a battle; it was an annihilation.


  Kyle ran through the last of the satellite pictures of downtown Laramie. James and Ewan said they thought they recognized a Death Ranger lurking about the Federal, a lowlife bar on the north end. When Night Whispers was destroyed the Federal picked up the mantle of the seediest dive in town.

  The Death Rangers had been wiped out two years ago. It was assumed that all had been killed. They had been a motorcycle club made up of vampires gone rogue. They were killing people right and left and when the dragons eliminated them, no one seemed to care. If it was true and one survived, they would have to be found and dealt with.

  “How did they present as a Death Ranger?” Bryn asked as he lounged in the chair on the opposite side of Kyle’s desk. He was a bit bored and waiting for Angus and Donell to return from patrol. They planned a ride up into the mountains where they could let their dragons loose.

  “James and Ewan said they recognized the guy as having been talking with Costel Raca, one of the leaders of the Death Rangers, the day before we exterminated them. He said he acted like Raca’s boss and assumed that he’d been at the camp site and was killed with the rest.” Kyle explained without looking away from his screen.

  “That was two years ago, and it just seems unlikely that the guy would show up in town now. We swept the area and there was no one left.” Bryn scrunched his brows and thought about the possibilities. He shook his head. “I don’t see how or why a Death Ranger would suddenly be back in Laramie.”

  “Maybe he’s not a Death Ranger, maybe he’s part of that Coven up North. Either way, he’s a paranormal and a stranger in town who’s hanging out at the Federal, so we need to know who he is.” Kyle added and Bryn nodded his agreement on the subject.

  “I think I got him.” Kyle stated enthusiastically and Bryn jumped and rounded the desk to stand behind him. “Right there.” He zeroed in on a tall, lean man with short black hair walking out of the Federal.

  “Are you sure? He looks pretty ordinary.” Bryn offered.

  “He matches the description James gave me. Black leather, white t-shirt biker boots and a wide silver bracelet. We need to get a name and check him out.” Kyle went to work on facial recognition and other things Bryn didn’t understand.

  “You get a name, let me know.” Bryn said over his shoulder as he walked out of the room in search of Angus and Donell.

  Within minutes Kyle had a name and sent it and the picture to everyone’s phones. They would fin
d him and when they did, they would kill him.


  Master Chamberlin received the news and immediately put in a call to Vadin Labont, Security Commander and leader of the Coven’s team of assassins and also his friend. This was a mess they’d thought was cleaned up two years ago, but apparently not everyone had been dealt with.

  Vadin arrived within minutes and Augustin bade him to enter. Vadin was a big man in every sense, he was tall over six and a half feet and he was broad. Most vampires tended to the muscular sleek with all the strength but none of the bulk. Vadin was built solid and strong his body mirrored his power and his vigor. He was everything he looked to be and more.

  There were quiet rumors that Vadin’s father was not pure vampire but part beast of some kind. Augustin knew his commander valued his personal privacy so never discussed his origins although Augustin was well aware of who Vadin was. Vadin came to the Chamberlin Coven years ago when the Coven was still located in Boston and never spoke of his family. It didn’t matter, Vadin had proved himself a loyal and skillful member of the Coven and Augustin considered him his closest friend.

  Vadin was a handsome man with short, closely cropped black hair, black penetrating eyes and dark skin an alluring deep shade of brown. He was stunning, but like Augustin, he had yet to choose a life’s companion. Augustin was a very old vampire, and he suspected that Vadin too had been on this earth for many years, but both still held out hope that one day their beloved would appear.

  “Come in, sit down.” Augustin stated and remained seated behind his large old-world desk. He had difficulty appreciating modern styles especially when it came to furniture. Much of the furniture in his home, he’d had for generations. Vadin sat on the sturdy Victorian armchair that sat to the left of the large desk.

  “Florian has been sighted in Laramie. Why the fuck he decided to go back there after his gang was reduced to cinders, I don’t know. He must have a death wish.” Augustin rarely used vulgarities, but the moment seemed to call for it. He glanced at Vadin and then turned his attention back to his computer screen. “It’s been two years, and this is the first time he’s come out of hiding. There must be a reason, but honestly, I don’t care. I just want him dealt with.”

  “It is odd that he would return to the place his gang was eradicated. Florian is self-serving, but I never thought he was stupid.” Vadin remarked.

  “He picked a fight with a dragon clan.” Augustin reminded him. “Definitely not a brain trust.”

  “Very true, I’ll leave immediately.” Vadin stood and headed for the door.

  “Wait.” Augustin called him back. “This is dragon territory now. They’ve put down roots, as you and I are well aware. We’ve given them space, and they have reciprocated.” Augustin stood and walked over to Vadin. “I feel that it will be necessary for me to contact the dragons before entering their territory with the intent to murder. I believe it is time to sit down and talk with them.”

  Vadin gave a half smile and Augustin returned it. “Probably wise.” Vadin added. “My team will accompany you. Your soldiers are capable, but my men are deadly.” They both knew the likelihood of any of them making it back alive if the dragons attacked was extremely slim at best. But Vadin had skills and Augustin would forever trust his ability to get him in and out in one piece.

  “Thank you. I’ll contact Their Chieftain and set up a formal meeting.” After the dragons had literally incinerated the rogue gang of vampires in their territory, Augustin knew he needed to come to an understanding. He’d hoped to put this meeting off for a few more years, unfortunately, circumstances made further delay impossible.

  Florian somehow escaped the dragon’s wrath two years ago and needed to be eliminated now before he could stir up further trouble. Augustin hated politics, but he dared not get on the wrong side of a group of dragons.


  Kyle knocked on Calum’s office door and waited for permission to enter. He didn’t just walk in anymore. The last time he walked in unannounced, he caught his leader and his leader’s mate in a very compromising position. Chance had been rather shy and quiet when he first arrived at the lodge but the last two years had seen the young man come completely out of his shell. He wasn’t the least bit embarrassed and didn’t stop deep-throating Calum’s massive cock even with Kyle standing in the room. Of course, Kyle excused himself immediately and did not return until hours later. Now, he always knocked first.

  “Enter.” Calum’s deep voice boomed from the other side of the door. Kyle walked in and looked around tentatively before taking a seat across from Calum’s desk. Calum gave him a knowing smile and set his paperwork aside and gave him his complete attention.

  “Has the vampire been captured or killed?” Calum inquired before Kyle had a chance to state his business.

  Kyle shook his head in the negative. “No, not yet, but we have another matter to attend to that is connected.” He stated and then went on with his explanation. “I received a message from Master Augustin Chamberlin.” He didn’t have to explain who he was, the Clan was very aware of the Coven in Jackson. “Master Chamberlin has asked for a meeting with you this afternoon. He wants to discuss the rogue vampire that has reappeared in town.”

  Calum nodded. “Set it up.”

  “Okay.” Kyle knew that Calum wanted to meet with the Vampires and get some sort of understanding in place, but he could not be the one to make the first move.


  Master Chamberlin arrived at the Dragon lodge at two o’clock as arranged. It was a meeting that in truth was well overdue but still he found difficult. He realized the first move needed to be his, but presenting himself, hat in hand, has never been his style. Unfortunately, cousin Florian took away all his options.

  There’d been no word of him for the past two years. Perhaps the dragons had scared him enough to lie low, but obviously not enough to disappear. Florian never was the brightest bulb in the room, but was one of the most dangerous because he knew no rules, there were no limits to his behavior.

  Florian needed to be dealt with quickly before he raised another rogue club or army. He had a way with words and could manipulate the weak minded and the greedy. Augustin wondered where he’d been hiding these last two years and wondered how much damage he’d caused. The man was a walking sickness leaving sadness and death in his wake. The sooner he was gone the better.

  “You and I will go in, have your men stay out here. If things go south for us, tell your men to run for their lives.” Augustin spoke sarcastically but with a seriousness that was true. Everyone knew the lethality of a dragon.

  Vadin stepped up to stand behind and to the right of Master Chamberlin. “The men would and will fight to their deaths for you. They would accept nothing else.” Vadin’s voice was deep and resolute.

  “Thank you, but let’s hope that it doesn’t come to that.” Augustin straightened his suit coat and proceeded.

  Kyle watched the men arrive from the hall window upstairs. There used to be a balcony that ran the length of the facade, but Alrick had it removed during the remodel. It was never good practice to have an open balcony on the front of your fortress. It simply gave your enemy ease of access. He left the large windows, central to the building but had them replaced with reinforced glass. Bullets could not harm a dragon, but there were more than dragons residing at the Lodge.

  His attention was drawn to the two men who broke from the group and headed toward the Lodge’s front doors. Angus and Donell were there to greet them. The two vampires looked nothing like those that had made up the Death Rangers motorcycle club. These two were solid, refined and gave off a lethal air without trying.

  The tall one with the short black hair, dark skin, and the presence of a warrior was the most intriguing of the two in Kyle’s opinion. He wore a perfectly tailored black suit with a brilliantly white shirt and black tie. In any other setting besides this one, Kyle would have considered him a gorgeous specimen of manhood and may have pursued him further. But this situ
ation wasn’t conducive for hook ups no matter how gorgeous the man.

  The other one was just as commanding and just as handsome but the tall one possessed something extra that Kyle couldn’t put his finger on at the moment. Whatever it was, it made Kyle stare so long that the man looked up at him in the window and their eyes locked for a fraction of a moment before the man disappeared inside. It took his breath away.

  Kyle remained at the window keeping watch on the men below along with Bryn who was on the roof. The rest of the Clan were positioned around the area in the off chance the meeting went off the rails as Alrick put it. Calum and Alrick were meeting with the two men in the great room. James was upstairs with the mates, Chance and Dane and little Archie.


  Vadin stayed one step behind his Master and stayed alert. The interior of the Lodge was grand and beautiful. Dragons had a reputation for opulence and Vadin could see now that it was well earned.

  The two men that met them at the door lead them into a large room which in its days as a functioning lodge was probably the lobby. Now it was outfitted with finery available only to the very wealthy. Dragons were also known for their fortunes. Vadin was impressed, and he was almost never impressed. This was far and beyond a simple motorcycle club. The two men left them as two others entered the room. Vadin recognized them both.

  “Please, come and take a seat.” Calum offered and introduced himself and Alrick to the two vampires. Master Chamberlin extended his hand and introduced himself and Vadin.

  After everyone was seated except for Alrick who remained standing beside Calum and Vadin who remained standing next to Augustin, they began the traditional preliminary requirements of a meeting between two paranormal forces. The paranormal world was loosely strung together, but there were accepted practices that had to be adhered to.


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