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Loving the Hellhound

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  So many considerations were running through his thoughts that were destroying his focus. He knew he had to shut them down. It was a technique he learned early in his life and it allowed him to function without feeling. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working as efficiently as usual. Apparently, the draw of a beloved trumped even your best efforts at keeping a clear head.

  His beloved was safe, and he knew where to find him when the rogue was dispatched. He told himself, in order to calm the beast within. His hellhound was pushing to the surface and demanding that they go back to their beloved. He would go to Kyle as soon as the rogue vampire was taken care of, he reiterated, but his beast was having none of it.

  “I can smell him but it’s not fresh. He’s been here very recently.” Mace verbalized what the group already knew. They made their way inside and noticed that none of the rooms, probably four in total, were being used except for the one on the second floor with a view of the Federal out the front and a clear view of an elementary school out the back. It was a perfect spot to keep track of a child coming and going from that school.

  “There’s no doubt now who he came back for.” Mace again verbalized their thoughts.

  “Does the child even go to public school?” Rule asked.

  “Yes, he’s registered there, but he hasn’t been to school in the past three days.” Vadin clarified.

  “The dragons must be keeping him home and under their protection.” Rule joined the conversation. “Any chance we can follow the rogue’s scent. I can’t seem to get much of a read, how about you Mace?” Mace shook his head.

  “This way.” Vadin left the small dilapidated apartment and headed down the hall and out the back entrance. They followed close behind.


  Come morning, Kyle and James were relieved by Alrick and Donell and they headed back to the Lodge. They’d followed the vampires from the bar to the apartment and then kept watch as they scoured the area for a lead. They were heading into the mountains when Alrick and Donell took over.

  James wanted to talk but Kyle just wanted to go to his room for a while and be by himself. The events of the past night were life changing, and he needed to get a grip, then he would speak to his Chieftain. “I appreciate your concern, James, but I need to think.”

  “Sure, just don’t get weird about it. He’s your mate, and that’s the only thing that truly matters.” James stated and then headed to the kitchen without waiting for a response. Kyle stood and watched him leave and considered his words. He wasn’t second guessing this, Vadin was his mate and he would defend him to his last breath. His only consideration was working it out with his Clan and Vadin’s coven.

  Kyle went up to his room, dropped his leather jacket on a chair and kicked off his boots before lying down on his bed. Stretched out with his hands behind his head, he stared at the ceiling and replayed the evening.

  Finding his mate in the local Coven was a complete surprise. Dragons, as a rule, mated with other dragons or humans. Both could carry children, which was paramount to the dragon culture. No way was a hellhound going to carry a dragon baby nor was a dragon to carry a hellhound baby. They were mates, but the mechanics were a mystery.

  Watching Vadin walk away from him last evening following their discovery was a pain like none other he’d ever endured. He wasn’t sure if Vadin had felt the same considering the fact he showed nothing. He was into it and showing himself to Kyle until James broke the spell and Vadin’s men followed that with a demand for Vadin’s presence. He kissed him and left, of course he told him it was okay and to go, but he could have said “I’ll call you” or something.

  Kyle was beginning to feel a little bitchy. This was his mate and all he got was an amazing kiss and a quick feel and then he was gone. They should be together, damn it. He rubbed his palms down his face over and over and then tunneled his fingers through his hair. It was so fucking frustrating because he simply didn’t know what to do next.

  He sat up abruptly and looked around his room. He would take a shower, get a couple hours of sleep and then talk to Calum. He would give him guidance. With a plan in place, he felt his dragon relax, but just slightly.

  Kyle woke just after two in the afternoon. He’d slept longer than he’d planned but his sleep had been restless. His dreams had been filled with a certain hellhound all sexy and attractive. The next two days were going to be hell if he didn’t get an opportunity to see Vadin again before then. Calum gave the vampires seventy-two hours to bring in their man, so it was plausible that he wouldn’t see Vadin until Sunday morning. They had a lot to talk about and Kyle wanted to get up close and personal with the handful he had last night. The man was built, Kyle couldn’t wait to see what he looked like under his sensible clothes.

  Last night in the men’s room, there hadn’t been much time for talking. Kyle smiled at the memory. Vadin was one handsome man, close up he was even more remarkable than he’d appeared from the window. His gaze was captivating, and at the time, felt like a physical embrace.

  The recognition had been immediate and Kyle, all of a sudden, remembered Vadin had claimed him. He’d caressed his face and said that ‘you are mine’, it was a claim and those were the first words Vadin had said to him. Not much else was shared, but that was the most important thing he could have said.

  His uneasiness at being apart from Vadin subsided a little at the memory of Vadin’s possessiveness. This was his mate, and he was over the moon with the possibilities. He’d waited centuries to find his mate and nothing would keep him from pursuing his big, dark, handsome hellhound.

  Kyle found Calum out back with Alrick watching Chance and Dane entertaining Archie. He’d been kept out of school now since Monday and it was starting to make him antsy. Dane and Alrick planned to start interviewing tutors soon, but they hadn’t told Archie yet that he wouldn’t be going back to his school. His family, all of them would strive to give him as normal a life as possible while keeping him safe, protected and hidden from those who would wish to harm him.

  “Come sit down.” Calum waved him over to the far side of the large deck where he and Alrick were seated. “Have you discovered any more information about our visiting vampires?” Calum opened the conversation once Kyle was seated next to him.

  “Yeah, I definitely found out something.” Kyle took a deep breath before continuing.

  “What?” Calum looked at him curious and Alrick leaned over to stare at him. The total attention did nothing for Kyle’s nerves.

  “Vadin Labont is my mate.” He just said it and waited for comment. Both men stayed silent for a moment just looking at Kyle as if they were waiting for the punch line.

  “Your mate?” Calum asked.


  “You’re sure, absolutely sure?” Calum continued while Alrick just looked stunned.

  “Absolutely sure, sir.” Kyle glanced at him with a half-smile.

  “Does he know?” Alrick finally found his voice.

  “Yep, he knows.”

  “So, where is he, why isn’t he with you?” Alrick asked concern evident in his tone.

  “He has a rogue vampire to catch.” Kyle answered with the only explanation that he knew.

  Both Calum and Alrick studied him for a few moments. “Forbes and Flynn are watching them until Ewan and Angus take over at ten.” Calum offered. “How about you and James take the evening shift tomorrow? Their seventy-two hours will be over at sunrise on Sunday. If they catch their rogue before that well and good, if not, you can bring your mate here to meet me then.”

  “I’d like that, thank you. We haven’t really had a chance to talk yet and a lot of things are up in the air.” Kyle had things he wanted to discuss, but was at a loss as to how to approach so finally just came out with it. His insecurities were well and truly on full display.

  “He’s a hellhound and a vampire and an assassin, Calum. How will I fit into his world?” Kyle blurted and let his eyes wonder the yard and follow the young men playing ball.

y Chance is human and a receptionist in a beauty parlor, not at all what I expected. But as it turns out he is everything that I needed. He is sensitive and kind but is not afraid to stand up to me. He loves me and cares for me in a way that no one ever has. He is my life, my mate and my heart.” He reached over and patted Kyles shoulder. “Fate does not make mistakes. If she has chosen this man for you, then he is everything you will ever need. He will be your life, your mate and your heart.” Calum finished and Alrick seconded the assertion.

  Kyle smiled and thanked them both. “I just wish he were near.”

  “I would say that he is probably feeling the same.” Calum added knowingly. “His needs must be playing havoc with his attention and focus.” Both he and Alrick laughed because they knew what that driving need to be with your mate did to them.

  “He won’t be away from you any longer than necessary, Kyle.” Alrick assured.


  Vadin decided to split up, and he went North while Rule and Mace traveled East. They thought to cover the side of the mountain in a grid pattern in hopes of picking up the scent that initially lead them there. The confusion and the inability to follow any detected scent for longer than a few minutes was becoming suspicious. Even if he cloaked his scent, there would still be a subtle trail as the scent disappeared. No species can manifest in spurts leaving no diminished trail. They were pretty sure he was not on the mountain, but planned to cover the mountain side just to be sure and then return to the motel.

  Vadin ached for his mate. It had been nearly twenty-four hours since he last saw him and it was driving him crazy. His hound was pining for him and it was a sensation both heartbreaking and debilitating. Kyle was such a fucking fantastic surprise. How would he ever measure up to such a creature as his beloved? Kyle Keith of the Clan Keith of the Shetland Islands. A warrior, a tech specialist, and a dragon. Kyle Keith was simply amazing.

  Vadin had researched Kyle as soon as he spotted him in that second-floor window. There was something special there, his hound had been on alert and trying to get him to respond. At the time, he felt the urgency, but it didn’t make sense so he just stuck to the plan and ignored the draw to the second floor. His hound was not happy then, and he is not happy now. He was coming to the end of his section and was heading to the base when his phone rang.

  “We got nothing.” Mace reported.

  “Yeah, same here. Go get something to eat at that diner on Main. I’ll meet you at the Inn later after I check something out.” Vadin had an idea.

  “Anything we can help you with?” Mace asked

  “No, I’ll explain later. Go get something and I’ll see you later.” Vadin closed the call and headed back to the Federal. All leads seemed to start there, so he planned to take a seat very quietly in the back shadows and hang out for a few hours. This was ridiculous, they should have found and killed the rogue yesterday and still they have yet to even lay eyes on him. There was more going on here than just your average rogue vampire.

  He sat for over an hour watching the patrons come and go and seeing nothing out of the ordinary for an establishment like the Federal. He pulled his phone out and sent a text to his beloved. He’d found the number while researching the man and hoped it was still active. Vadin needed to have contact for the sake of his hound and his own peace of mind and body. He desperately needed to see Kyle.

  “This is Vadin.” He began. “I’m at the Federal, meet me, let’s talk. Come in the back and cloak your scent.”

  “Be there in ten.” Kyle responded almost immediately and Vadin was instantly relieved for some reason. He hadn’t even realized he’d tensed up while waiting for the reply. He ordered two drinks and waited for his beloved to arrive. His heart rate settled and his hound calmed until Kyle came through the back hallway and into the main room. He looked around briefly and when their eyes met, he headed in Vadin’s direction never breaking eye contact.

  He took a seat next to him, not across and instantly reached out and took his hand. “Just needed to.” He said in answer to a question not asked. Vadin smiled and squeezed Kyle’s hand.

  “Anything you need, baby.” Vadin’s voice was low with the gravely essence of his hound.

  Kyle lifted one eyebrow in conjunction with a side eye in response to the endearment. “Baby?”

  “Yep.” It was one word and brooked no discussion. Vadin pushed a whiskey over to Kyle, he’d bought it in anticipation of his arrival. Kyle took it and downed it in one. Vadin ordered two more.

  “Thank you.” Kyle looked expectant and hesitant at the same time. Vadin wanted him at ease and ready to discuss the rest of their lives not tense or apprehensive. He reached over and placed the palm of his hand to Kyle’s cheek and gently turned him so that they looked into each other's eyes.

  “I am so glad that I found you.” Vadin spoke the words of his heart and hoped that Kyle was feeling the same. He leaned in closer and took Kyle’s lips in a soft kiss that lingered and explored. Kyle also leaned into the kiss, tasting and relishing the moment.

  Kyle felt Vadin’s rough hand slip behind his neck and pull him closer, tighter into the embrace. It was a deepening level of need that he conveyed so clearing as his lips devoured Kyle’s. It was what Kyle and his dragon demanded, being apart had inspired doubts and fears that had to be appeased.

  Making out so ravenously in such a public location would have normally caused Kyle some discomfort if it weren’t for the couple to their left having full on sexual relations. Such was the Federal, not known for its class or clientele.

  Slowly Vadin ended the kiss with another slight nip to Kyle’s lower lip. The small bite sent a titillating thrill through Kyle putting him on the edge of climax and he loved it. He opened his eyes and stared into Vadin’s deep black eyes. “I missed you.” His voice came out whisper soft which surprised him considering he could feel his dragon so near the surface. Was his dragon submitting to the hellhound? The thought startled him for a moment.

  “I missed you too.” Vadin said and licked the small bead of blood that had formed on Kyle’s lower lip. It sent another rippled of pleasure through Kyle’s system and he could not hold back the salacious moan that broke free.

  “I need you to fuck me so badly.” Kyle followed the admission with another throaty moan.

  “Yes, baby, I feel the same.” Vadin groaned loudly and buried his face in crook of Kyle’s neck. Kyle pressed the palm of his right hand against the back of Vadin’s head and held him secure. Vadin drank in the deep rich earth tones of his beloved. “You are so delicious.” He mumbled as Kyle continued to hold him.

  It was an experience quite new to him, Vadin was never the one to be held, never comforted or consoled. It had never occurred to him before that he needed such attention, but now in Kyle’s arms he knew just how important it was to his mind, body and soul.

  “You are my beloved.” Vadin’s words brushed Kyle’s throat.

  “You are my mate.” Kyle whispered.


  “My dragon wants to submit to your hound.” Kyle spoke softly. “I’ve never submitted to another living soul in all of my life. This is very new to me.” Kyle was surprised by the look of shock that flashed across Vadin’s face as he gently pulled away from Kyle. He could sense that Vadin was bothered by his statement. “I’m sorry if that bothers you, but my dragon often has a mind of its own.” Kyle moved back and glanced around the room, suddenly very uncomfortable.

  “No one has ever been able to detect my hound before. How did you know?” Vadin was very still, stiff and seemed to be distancing himself. Kyle wasn’t sure what to make of it. “How did you know?” He asked again when Kyle didn’t immediately answer.

  “My Chieftain and his Second recognized your scent the day you came with your Master.” Kyle spoke clearly and with a touch of attitude. “You’re not their first hellhound.” Kyle added with emphasis. He was finding this sudden shift in mood, disconcerting. “Ya know, maybe I should let you go for now and we can pick this up so
me other time.” Kyle made to get up and Vadin quickly grabbed him by the arm.

  “No, please stay. I’ve never had anyone identify me before, it just caught me off guard. Some people know that I’m different but no one has ever called me out.” He held onto Kyle until he sat back down and even then, he kept his hand resting on his forearm. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overreact," Vadin apologized and Kyle tried to relax.

  “I understand.” Kyle said but remained guarded.

  “No one in my Coven apart from my Master knows that I am half hellhound. They have a nasty and violent reputation and people are averse to having them around, so I asked for that information to remain secret. I’ve kept my identity secret since my first run in with unacceptance.” Vadin felt the need to continue to explain. His beloved was pulling away and he could not have that. “Again, I’m sorry if I upset you.”

  “I handle the information and technology for my Clan. I did a background on the three of you when Calum allowed you entry into our territory.” Kyle wanted him to know that he had researched him and his friends. He wanted to get any awkwardness or discomfort out of the way now.

  “I don’t believe there is a lot about me online before my life in Switzerland.” Kyle recognized that his mate was fishing. He wanted to know if Kyle knew his biggest secret. He toyed with the idea of saying nothing, but he wanted it out of the way and remaining silent or worse, deceitful, was not accomplishing that goal.

  “The spiritual guide at your birth Coven in Louisiana recorded the events of your life. That record is online but in a dark corner that’s not easily accessed.” Okay, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to spring that on him before they had a chance to get truly acquainted. Kyle was going for complete honesty and openness but obviously this was not the time. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have sprung that on you.” He tried to salvage their previous tentative understanding.


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