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Test Drive: Road Tripping Series

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by Samantha Chase

  Test Drive

  Road Tripping Series

  Samantha Chase


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  And now for a preview of


  About Samantha Chase

  Also by Samantha Chase

  Copyright 2020 Samantha Chase

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  All Rights Reserved.

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  No part of this book, with the exception of brief quotations for book reviews or critical articles, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Editor: Elizabeth Wright

  Cover Design: Uplifting Designs/Alyssa Garcia

  Praise for Samantha Chase

  “If you can’t get enough of stories that get inside your heart and soul and stay there long after you’ve read the last page, then Samantha Chase is for you!”

  -NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Melanie Shawn

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  “A fun, flirty, sweet romance filled with romance and character growth and a perfect happily ever after.”

  -NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Carly Phillips

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  “Samantha Chase writes my kind of happily ever after!”

  -NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Erin Nicholas

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  “The openness between the lovers is refreshing, and their interactions are a balanced blend of sweet and spice. The planets may not have aligned, but the elements of this winning romance are definitely in sync.”

  - Publishers Weekly, STARRED review

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  “A true romantic delight, A Sky Full of Stars is one of the top gems of romance this year.”

  - Night Owl Reviews, TOP PICK

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  “Great writing, a winsome ensemble, and the perfect blend of heart and sass.”

  - Publishers Weekly

  * * *

  “Recommend Chase to fans of Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Well-written and uniquely appealing.”

  - Booklist


  “Damn. That’s a good word.”

  Staring down at her phone, Willow Andrews sighed. It looked like her grandmother was going to win yet another game of Words With Friends, and she wasn’t sure which was sadder–the fact that she was going to lose again or the fact that this was what she was doing on a Friday night.

  “I clearly have a problem.” She was about to put her phone down when it rang. Looking at her grandmother’s sweet and smiling face, she knew it would be rude–and pointless–to ignore the call. Swiping the screen, she said, “So now you’re calling to brag?”

  The soft chuckle greeted her first. “Oh, now don’t be like that, my little Willow bell. I can’t help it if I’m good with words. I did spend forty years as an English teacher, you know.”

  “You could let me win once in a while,” she said miserably. “You know, something to boost my confidence a little.”

  “Still no luck with the job search, hmm?”

  “Nope. I swear, it’s like there must be some sort of poster with my face on it with a big circle with a slash going through it. No one will hire me, and if I don’t find something soon, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m babysitting my neighbor’s little boy in the morning and then take care of the dogs in the afternoon.”

  “How many are there now?”

  “Um…I’m up to twelve. I added a French Bulldog last week.”

  “Gracious! Twelve dogs? You’re not taking them all out at the same time, are you?”

  “I tried that once. It didn’t go well, as you can probably imagine. The leashes all got tangled, I nearly had an asthma attack because they pulled me along, so I had to run instead of walk, I skinned my knee and twisted my ankle so…lesson learned.”

  “Well, it sounds like you’re not doing too bad, Willow. You have two jobs, and obviously, you’re getting out and meeting people.”

  “Yeah, not so much. These are all people in my apartment complex that I knew already. However, the dog-walking gig gets me out of the house. Getting my Vitamin D and all that.” She sighed. “But…I’m never going to get ahead at this rate and my savings isn’t going to take me much further. I need something with more stability and that pays better.”

  “Sweetie, you know you really should talk to your parents. I’m sure they would help you out…”

  “Gammy, we’ve been over this,” she explained. “I got my degree in psychology because that’s what they wanted. It was never something I was interested in and I graduated by the skin of my teeth. And look where it got me? If I ask them for help, they’ll lecture me on all the ways I’m self-sabotaging and how if I would just focus, I’d be able to find a real job.” Groaning, her head fell back against the cushions.

  “You know they’d love for you to join their practice, right?”

  It was a topic that came up often, but it was never going to happen. “I know, but that would mean re-locating to Seattle, and that isn’t something I’m willing to do. I’m a New York girl. All my friends are here.”

  “But not your family.”

  Unable to help herself, she chuckled. “All the more reason to stay here.”

  Luckily, Gammy laughed too. “Okay, sassy pants, let’s get serious. If you could do whatever you wanted to do for a career, what would you do?”


  “No, I’m serious, Willow. This is a judgment-free zone. You know you can tell me anything.”

  “Well…I always wanted to be a Rockette…”

  There was a soft tsking sound before her grandmother said, “Willow, I’m being serious. And remember your ballet recital?”

  “I was seven!” she cried. “I’m sure, given enough time, I would have learned to balance better.”

  “And gotten over your stage fright?”

  “Not sure I want to risk throwing up in front of a crowd again.”

  “I know, dear. So let’s cross Rockette–or dancer of any kind–off the list. Okay?”


  “What about a chef? You’re very good in the kitchen!”

  “I hate the feel of raw chicken. It freaks me out.”

  “What about a baker? You always make the most decadent desserts!”

  “You have to get up at like…three a.m. to go to work, and you know I’m not a morning person.”

  “Hmm…okay, what about a nurse? You could go back to school. I’m sure your parents couldn’t possibly find fault with you wanting a career in the medical field.”

  “Gammy, I pass out at the sight of blood. I fainted the last time I got my flu shot.”

  “Oh my goodness! How much were you bleeding?” she asked, sounding horrified.

  “I wasn’t. I was just afraid that I might and…” Willow paused and put a hand to her forehe
ad. “Can we change the subject? I’m feeling woozy.”

  “From just talking about blood?”


  “Okay, okay, okay…what if you found a full-time job to tide you over? There’s waitressing?” But before Willow could answer, her grandmother said, “No. You’re a bit accident-prone.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Need I remind you about the Japanese tea set incident?”

  Groaning, Willow closed her eyes. “No. But in my defense, your cat tripped me.”

  “Mr. Marshmallow would never do such a thing, and he doesn’t appreciate you pointing the finger at him.”

  “He’s a cat, Gammy. He has no idea about any of this.”

  Gasping dramatically, she replied. “Nonsense. Mr. Marshmallow understands everything I say to him!”


  “He’s also an excellent judge of character. Why, just the other day, we were talking about the Romeos and…”

  “The what?”

  “Not what, who.”


  “Willow, focus!”

  “On what?”

  “The Romeos aren’t a what, they’re a who. Actually, they’re a group of whos.”

  “You’re literally making no sense right now.”

  “Romeos – retired old men who eat out,” Gammy explained.

  “That doesn’t spell Romeo, that spells Rom-we-o. You’d think for an English teacher…”

  “And you’d think at your age you’d learn not to sass your grandmother,” she huffed.


  “It’s all right, dear. I know you’re stressed.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Well, when you come to visit at the end of the month, we’ll carve out some time just for the two of us. You know I prefer talking about things like this in person. Oh, and are you bringing that boyfriend of yours with you?”

  Oh. Crap.


  “I’m very excited to meet him, Willow. He sounds wonderful. Plus, I’d love to get his input on what career path you should be taking. You’re far too smart to be wandering like this, and I hate hearing you sound so sad.” She paused. “Why isn’t this young man perking you up more?”

  “Perking me…?”

  “Back in my day, a man knew how to keep a smile on a girl’s face.” Then she giggled.

  Seriously. Giggled.

  “Then again, the Romeos are pretty good at that too.”

  Oh, dear Lord…

  “Now I’m not going to be a prude while you’re here and insist that the two of you sleep in separate rooms or anything,” she went on. “Your folks are staying at that little boutique hotel down by the town square that they love so much because I told them I promised you the room here.”

  “Gammy, you didn’t need to do that.”

  “Well, you know how they prefer their privacy and how much I enjoy sitting and talking with you. I’m getting up there in years and there’s only so much time left for me to impart my wisdom onto you.”

  Here it comes…

  “I see so much of myself in you, and talking on the phone is all fine and well for casual stuff–you know, basic blah-blah stuff–but I want to see the look on your face when we talk and laugh. I hope your young man won’t mind giving us some girl time.”

  “Yeah, about that…”

  “Oh! We can send him out with the Romeos! I bet he’d have a fabulous time!”

  “No, Gammy, you don’t understand…”

  Off in the distance, she heard a doorbell ring and knew their conversation was about to end.

  “Willow dear, I need to go. That will be Donald. He’s a Romeo. Sweet man, really. He has the eyes of a wolf and the hair of a silver fox!”

  “There’s an image for you,” she muttered.


  “Nothing! Go and enjoy your date! We’ll talk soon!”

  “Yes, we will! Now don’t quit our game! Let’s finish it up! And who knows, maybe you will beat me! Love you!”

  “Love you, too!”

  This time she did toss the phone aside with a groan of disgust. Willow knew she was many things, but she wasn’t normally a liar. Unfortunately, sometimes desperate times called for desperate measures.

  And listening to her grandmother go on and on about her romantic social life definitely qualified.

  It had seemed like a harmless thing to do–make up a boyfriend! And with Willow living eleven-hundred miles away, she really didn’t think it would ever be an issue.

  Like now.

  Gammy was turning 75 and wanted her whole family to come down to celebrate with her. That meant her fake boyfriend was either going to have to break up with her or become miraculously real.

  Well, crap.

  Her phone chimed with a reminder that she was due to meet up with the girls at McGee’s Pub for their end of the workweek roundup.

  Seriously, she felt like a fraud going since she was the only one not really working. Well, she babysat and walked the dogs, but that really didn’t count. The babysitting was so much fun–Josh was the cutest little boy, and they shared a love of trains and Mickey Mouse. And the dogs were…well, that was fun too. While her friends were out working real jobs, Willow felt like she was just sort of hanging out and doing enjoyable tasks that she happened to get paid for. There was no workweek to end, so why go out to celebrate it?

  The other thing that made her hesitant about going?

  Her fake boyfriend was based on a real guy.

  The bartender at McGee’s–Levi.

  Unable to help herself, she sighed dreamily.

  “I am so screwed.”

  Of course, Levi had no idea she was using him in her make-believe relationship, and if he ever found out, she’d be mortified.

  And that was saying something since the only reason they ever met was because she had fallen flat on her face on the sidewalk right outside McGee’s and he had witnessed the whole thing. He had run out of the pub and helped her up and then carried her inside.

  Was it any wonder she was crushing on him? He was practically a knight in shining armor, for crying out loud!

  He’d cleaned her up and made her call her friends to come and hang out with her at the pub until she felt better. After that, it had become a weekly thing for them.

  Not her falling on her face, but the hanging out part.

  Although she had been known to trip a time or two…

  Her phone chimed again, and she picked it up and swiped the screen to shut it up. Sighing, Willow considered her options. She could bail and text the girls that she wasn’t feeling well, but, like she said, she hated lying. Another option was she could go for just a little while and then fake a headache…

  “Pretty soon I’m going to be smelling smoke because my pants will be on fire! Why is this so difficult?”

  Knowing she’d feel too guilty with either of those choices, she got up and went to freshen up her makeup and put on something other than yoga pants.

  “Why haven’t yoga pants become acceptable sociable attire yet?” she wondered. But once she walked by the full-length mirror in her bedroom, she knew it wouldn’t matter even if they were. There was no way she was going to parade around the pub in front of Levi–or any male for that matter–looking like this. Willow knew and accepted the fact that she wasn’t one of those girls who looked super-cute in yoga pants.

  She just looked schleppy.

  “So not the look I want to be remembered for.”

  Fifteen minutes later, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door like she was heading to her own execution.

  And secretly hoped she could get from her car to the pub without hurting herself.

  “Hey, Boss, can you add a case of beer glasses to the next order?”


  “Because Dex just dropped a rack of them when he was unloading the dishwasher.”

  Groaning, Levi walked into his office and turned on his computer. With
a frown, he pulled up the program he used for orders and quickly made the notation. “That’s the third rack this month. From now on, he mops floors and takes out the trash. That’s it.”

  “You got it.”

  He waited until the office door closed before relaxing in his chair. It was a Friday night, and McGee’s was busy as usual, and yet not so busy that he didn’t notice that Willow and her friends hadn’t shown up yet. Besides the fact that he’d just walked around the pub looking for her, no one had mentioned it to him either.

  Friday nights had become fun again since meeting Willow and he couldn’t help that he looked forward to seeing her and hanging out with her. Ever since the day he saw her face-plant on the sidewalk and ran out to help her, they’d bonded. Granted, he was friendly with everyone who came into McGee’s, but…some more than others.

  Willow was sweet and shy and funny, and he found himself stepping away from the bar more and more on Friday nights so he could hang out with her.

  And her friends.

  Okay, he seriously wouldn’t mind if her friends opted to skip a Friday or two–or seven–but they were a package deal and it was fine.

  Sort of.

  Mildly annoying, but…whatever.

  Normally he would have considered flirting with Willow, or simply asking her out, but she was different. Not only because she seemed incredibly shy, but he was enjoying getting to know her without the pressure of it turning into something more. And again, she was never alone–seriously, her friends were always with her–no matter how many times he casually dropped hints that she should come in any other night. Alone.


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