Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2020 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design: Covers by Aura

  Photographer: Valua Vitaly

  Proofreading: Danielle Stansbury

  Editing: Heather Fox

  Editing & Formatting: Sheridan Anne


  To my nan who I lost while writing this book.

  The past few years were hard and filled with pain. I know that couldn’t have been easy, but you held on for as long as you could and for that, we thank you. You’re in a better place now and I know that one day we will meet again.

  I will miss you every day until then.

  June 7th, 2020


  Moving in with a billionaire playboy is supposed to be some sort of Cinderella story, right? I’m supposed to be having the time of my life while living the dream.


  When the bank took our home, it didn’t come as a surprise. The bomb was when mom told me we were moving out of Breakers Flats, away from my crew, and to a place that only existed in fairy tales—Bellevue Springs. Home of the insanely beautiful, rich, and famous.

  Only, Bellevue Springs is far from a fairy tale. It’s a nightmare full of secrets, horrors, and the ugly reality of the one-percenters, but without this move, mom and I are up sh*t creek without a paddle.

  We don’t belong here—not even as the help.

  I should have been prepared. I should have done my homework so at least that way I wasn’t blindsided by Charles Carrington’s son; my new housemate.

  Colton F*cking Carrington.

  He’s the definition of an arrogant, entitled prick and he’s determined to make my life a living hell. Guess what, Colton? Where I’m from, you don’t start a war unless you intend to finish it, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.

  You can’t take down a girl who has nothing left to lose.

  We may be on your territory, but this is my game.

  WARNING: Rejects Paradise is a Young Adult / New Adult Dark High School Bully Romance series. It features dark themes and mature content.





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Rejects Paradise Series Playlist

  Cocky F*ck - Rejects Paradise (Book 2)

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1

  Thick smoke billows inside Dominic’s car, threatening to suffocate the five of us and if we weren’t having so much fun, we’d probably be worried. You know what they say about hotboxing a car ... actually, I’ve got no fucking clue what they say about that but when the opportunity presented itself, I wasn’t about to say no.

  What can I say? I like to live on the wild side, and if tonight is going to be my last night with my boys, then you’d better believe that we’re going to fuck shit up.

  I pinch the joint from between Sebastian’s fingers and ignore his irritated protests as I bring it to my lips. “Hey, what gives?” he demands, reaching for it, only to miss it by mere inches.

  I grin wide, my eyes glistening with laughter and I relax back on Elijah's lap. “Too slow, Sebastian,” I tease, rocking the joint back and forth between my fingers. I wink, loving how easy it is to torment him. “Though, that’s always been the way with you when it comes to me.”

  Sebastian rolls his eyes and flops heavily into the backseat. “Screw you,” he says with a soft chuckle, his eyes scanning over my body. “I could have had you if I tried hard enough.”

  Dominic scoffs from the front seat and my eyes slice toward him to find him staring out the window. Both he and Kairo stare adamantly out the windshield watching the newbie dickheads of his father’s gang fuck up their deal in the park.

  Sebastian’s hand swipes toward me, stealing my attention away from Nic. I pull the joint back, narrowly avoiding it being swiped from between my fingers. I grin back at him. “Just like I said. Too slow.”

  Sebastian groans and I laugh. He’s one of my best friends and though he’s the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, there’s never been anything between us. He's like a brother to me, the best kind of brother and I hate that I have to move away from him. Apart from Dominic, leaving Sebastian is going to hurt the most. It’s going to be an excruciating kind of pain, but when it comes to my crew, all it would take is a single phone call for the four of them to drop everything and come running.

  “What’s the big deal anyway?” I question, studying the sharp lines of his handsome jaw. “It’s not as though you don’t have four more of these bad boys hidden in your pocket or shoved halfway up your ass.”

  He ignores my stab and rolls his eyes. “You know damn well that I don’t give a shit about you getting high. I'll fucking welcome it if it means a shot at tasting that sweet pussy before you go, but you and I both know that the problem is Nic kicking my ass for letting you take it. Not to mention, he’s currently scheduling a second beating for that comment about your pussy.”

  I laugh as Dominic grunts from the front. I keep my gaze locked on Sebastian. “If Nic has a problem with it then he can grow some balls and speak to me about it instead of messing up your pretty face. Black and blue aren't exactly your colors.”

  Sebastian groans as Elijah’s arm tightens around my waist, over-protective at the thought of me and Nic having it out. We’re both passionate people, and seeing as though angry-sex is off the table, that only leaves one other option and we all know it wouldn’t be pretty.

  “Go to hell,” Sebastian chuckles, unable to keep the smirk off his face.

  I laugh. “I did. It was full so I came back.”

  Kairo shakes his head, keeping his eyes trained out the front windshield, somehow able to ignore the thick smoke in the car. “I always knew you were some kind of devil.”

  Dominic scoffs, his eyes flicking up and meeting mine through the rear-view mirror—dark and way too intense. “More like an angel in disguise.”

  My stomach clenches and for a moment, it’s too hard to look away. That is until I remember how he crushed me six months ago. Even still, with that pain sitting heavy on my chest, I can’t possibly pull myself away from him. I love him and I always will. Nic is my world, he’s my best friend and the man who saved me from myself. I’ll just never be stupid enough to let him into my bed again.

  Kairo starts murmuring beside Nic, knowing damn well that he’s the one Nic is going to send to fix the newbies
fuck-up. I silently thank him for the distraction. Nic is too much. He's intense and knows exactly what it takes to make me the happiest girl in the world, but he also knows how to take it all away.

  I lean back against Eli’s wide chest and finally bring the joint to my lips. I inhale deeply, closing my eyes with the hit.

  Fuck, yes. This is what I’ve been needing ever since my mom delivered the heartbreaking news that we were leaving Breakers Flats. It still hasn’t hit. It’s been four long days since she told me the news and I've been refusing to come to terms with it.

  I don’t want to leave this place. This is my home. It’s a complete shithole and filled with all the wrong kinds of people. Any normal person would be jumping for joy at the thought of leaving here, but not me. It may be a shithole but it’s my shithole—gangs and all.

  My eyes flutter open as I get comfortable against Eli and I instantly start cursing myself for making such a stupid mistake. Not the getting cozy with Eli part, but the opening my eyes thing as I find Nic staring right back at me. Only this time, it’s not the same intense heaviness from before, this is the pissed off alpha bullshit that he usually pulls on the guys—the one that tells me he’s just moments from spanking my ass, and not in a good way.

  Before Nic and I got together a year ago, that look would have had me running, but when I realized that he’d fallen madly in love with me, things changed. Since then, he’s had a little trouble keeping me in line, and I have no problems assuring him that tonight is going to be one of those nights.

  It’s my last night here in Breakers Flats and I intend on going out with a bang.

  Nic doesn’t look away and I hold my ground. There’s been a strain on our relationship ever since I walked in to find his cock buried between the legs of Carmen Saunders. He knew he fucked up and he’s been paying for it ever since. His shot was blown. I’m not the type to hand out second chances, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.

  Despite all of that, I still love him. He’s the one I go to when I've had a bad day, he’s the one who wiped my tears after my dad died, the one who held me and told me it was all going to be alright. He's my protector, my world, and my heart. Leaving him is going to kill me.

  Leaving my whole crew is going to kill me but it’s a necessary evil. It’s a decision I hate, but one that I completely understand.

  Without this move, mom and I are up shit creek without a paddle. This is our last shot.

  I keep my eyes locked on Nic’s dark ones and curl my lips into a little ‘O.’ I flick my cheek, keeping a straight face and watch the smoke puff out of my mouth in perfect rings knowing it’s bound to drive him over the edge.

  His eyes darken. He hates it when I smoke. Apparently, it’s unladylike but what the hell would he know about being a lady? Besides, I happen to know for a fact that Nic Garcia loves it when I act like anything but a lady. It’s been a while though. If it didn’t hurt so bad, I might have even caved and given him a goodbye screw.

  Dominic gives up and breaks the connection, snapping his gaze back to the park as the newbies somehow manage to let their deal go even further south.

  All four of the boys groan. If this shit gets back to Nic’s father, they’re all going to go down for it. I slip off Eli’s lap and drop into the center of the backseat, leaning forward into the front, wanting to watch the epic fail as it plays out.

  My elbow drops down onto the center console, and I don’t miss the way Nic moves his arm over, pressing his warm skin against mine, giving me shivers at his touch.

  I concentrate out the front, trying to ignore the feelings swarming through my body.

  The newbies are performing their very first drug deal. I remember Sebastian’s. He was a good boy before the Black Widows corrupted him. He practically shit his pants. If it weren’t for Kairo, we probably never would have seen Sebastian again. He's come a long way since then.

  The newbies are meeting with a bunch of rich kids from some town that losers like us couldn't even dream about, and to say it could be going better is an understatement. They should have been better prepared and done their homework.

  I’m not surprised when they hand over the goods before taking the money, only to watch the rich kids make a run for it.

  Sebastian and I shake our heads as Eli groans beside me. “For fuck’s sake,” Kairo mutters under his breath.

  The newbies start running after them, knowing damn well the consequences of losing that money. We let them sweat it a bit and watch the fuckers race through the park but when one of the little turds pulls a gun, Nic groans.

  “Go,” he orders with a ferocious snap. The Black Widows cannot afford any more shit on their doorstep. Nic's dad, Kian, is only one step away from being locked up for the next thirty years. If this shit falls on him, it's game over.

  Kairo, Eli, and Sebastian move like lightning, knowing an order when they hear one. These guys might be best friends and brothers, but there's a clear boss among them and that’s a line no one wants to cross. They're all good to fuck around and stir shit up, but when Dominic Garcia means business, they know.

  Their doors are thrown open and the car instantly empties of the thick smoke. I go to move after the boys but Nic's hand snaps out and clenches down around my wrist. "Not you."

  My head snaps back around and I hear "Good luck, pretty girl," muttered by Kairo just moments before the door is slammed with a solid thump.

  The three of them chase after the newbies and rich kids while I look longingly after them. "Come on, Nic. For old time's sake."

  "You're only going to make things worse and I can't have your mom banging on my door at three in the morning demanding that I cough up the cash to bail you out again."

  I roll my eyes and sink back into my seat with a frustrated groan. "That happened once."

  A cocky grin spreads across Nic’s face as he turns in his seat to look back at me. “Come on, you know I’m not about to let you get messed up in the Black Widows business. You need to graduate from high school and go to college. You’re better than this. It’s part of the reason your mom is getting you out of here.”

  I stare back at him, meeting his heavy gaze. “The likelihood of me graduating and going to college is about the same as your father getting through the next few years without doing any jail time. It’s never going to happen.”

  He shakes his head and watches me as though he’s watching a misbehaved child. “You need to have more faith in yourself.”

  “And you need to get a grasp on reality,” I throw back, more than ready to have the same fight that we’ve had a million times before. “Look around you, Nic. I’m a Breakers Flats girl—born and bred. There’s no good for me out there. I’d be lucky to find myself a guy who doesn’t hit me and keep a job long enough to afford a roof over my head.”

  His gaze drops for just a moment before meeting mine once again, the fight in his eyes now completely gone. He wanted to be that guy who gave me a future. He would have left his father's gang and given us a real shot at a life together, but that’s not going to happen now. He would have made such a great husband. You know, in a few years, considering we would have made those few years without accidentally popping out a baby. It was bound to happen had we stayed together any longer. That's just the life we have around here. Hell, it’s the same life mom had with dad until he was murdered four short months ago.

  Nic reaches into the back and his warm, calloused hands take my waist just seconds before I'm hauled through the car. “Come here,” he says a second too late before I’m straddled over his lap and staring back into the darkest eyes I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing.

  “What are you doing?” I question as I try to scramble off his lap toward Kairo’s vacated seat, but his grip only tightens. If Dominic Garcia wants me on his lap, then that’s exactly where I'm going to be. No question about it. Nic always gets what he wants.

  I give in and relax into his hold, and seeing that resignation, he eases his grip on my waist. Nic tilts his chi
n, looking up and meeting my eyes, and in seconds I know what this is going to be about.

  His hand comes up and brushes over my cheek, his knuckles rough against my skin but I can't focus on it. All I see are his eyes, desperately trying to pull me in. God, why does he have to look like this? Dark, scruffy hair, stubble over his sharp jaw, and a face tempting enough to have even the strongest of women breaking. He’s sexy as sin and it’s not fair. I can’t resist him. Add the bandana and the tattoos covering his body and I'm a goner. But when he flashes that cheesy as fuck grin my way, I melt.

  “Don’t go, Ocean,” he murmurs, his heart breaking before my eyes and slowly killing me from within. “Stay here with me.”

  My hands fall against his strong chest as I lean in and softly brush my lips over his. “I have to,” I tell him. “Mom is all I've got left. I can’t let her go alone. She’s my only family.”

  “Ouch. That hurt,” he grumbles, twisting his arm to show off his tattoo that reads ‘No friends, only family.’

  I let out a small sigh. “Come on, Nic. You know that’s not what I meant. You and the guys are everything to me, but this is my mom. I have to do this. What am I going to do in Breakers Flats without her? The bank has already taken our home. We lost the car last month, what else do we have to give? We have no other choice.”

  “You can stay with me,” he insists, his eyes searching for something deep within mine. “I’ll get another job until you finish school and you know the boys will pitch in where they can. Come on, O. Tell me you’ll stay?”

  I shake my head, hating the traitorous tears that begin welling in my eyes. “I can’t do that to you,” I whisper, my hands dropping to find his. I lace my fingers through his. “You’ve already got so much going on with the Black Widows. Not to mention when dear old dad goes down, all that shit is going to land on your shoulders. I’m only a distraction to you and it’s no secret that your mom hates me. It wouldn't work and you know that just as well as I do."

  "O, please, don't do this. Don't go. We'll make it work."


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