Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1)

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Tough Sh*t: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 1) Page 3

by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 3

  Charles Carrington looks like he shits money.

  I know nothing about designer brands, but I know the suit that covers his tall frame is worth more than anyone from Breakers Flats could earn in a year. He's got that tall, dark and mysterious thing going for him, and I'm not ashamed to say that he’s a bit of a silver fox. There are grey hairs perfectly styled by his temples and kind, tired eyes that stare at the ground, deep in concentration.

  The google search I did in the Uber on the way here did him no justice. It told me he’s divorced and has three kids. A son and twin daughters. Apparently, the daughters went to live with the mother after the split, but his son stayed behind to live with Daddy Warbucks. I don’t know how they can do that. If I had siblings, I couldn't stand to be separated from them. Family is everything.

  I didn’t really look into the son but considering I’m going to be living with the guy, maybe I should have. His name is Colton Carrington. CC just like his father. That’s such a rich guy thing to do. I bet Charles’ father’s name is Connor or Colby or something like that. Hell, his twin daughters are Casey and Cora.

  I was too occupied with the man whose home we were moving into. I couldn’t find any dirt on the guy so I guess that’s a good thing but these people can’t be trusted. They can afford the best lawyers in the world to cover up every tiny little thing. When Harrison mentioned that we’d be in the pool house, I have to admit, I was kind of relieved. Mom and I will have a little space to call our own, a place where we can be ourselves and relax.

  Harrison clears his throat and Charles’ head snaps up, his eyes bugging out in surprise. “Oh, how rude of me,” Charles chuckles, taking us in. “I didn’t see you there. I’m onto my third meeting of the morning. Forgive me.”

  Wow. Third meeting before 8 am. I’m not going to lie, I'm kinda impressed. No wonder he’s so successful.

  Mom and I smile politely because we honestly have no idea what else we’re supposed to do in this situation. “That’s perfectly fine, Mr. Carrington,” mom says almost as though she belongs in this world.

  I give her a mental high-five. Nailed it.

  Charles gives a welcoming smile and strides toward us, holding his hand out to mom. “You must be Maria Munroe? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Well shit. I wasn't expecting the guy to remember her name. Guys like this never remember little details, especially when it comes to people like us. “I was hoping my last meeting wasn’t going to go over, it would have been nice to welcome you in myself.”

  Mom nods and takes his hand before giving it a firm shake. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Carrington. This is my daughter, Oc—”

  “Oceania,” he cuts in, turning to me with a proud smile, one that doesn’t send chills down my spine like I'd been expecting. “Of course. How could I forget?”

  “Hello, Sir,” I smile. “Please just call me Ocean. My father was the only one who ever called me by my full name.”

  Understanding dawns in his eyes and for a moment I wonder just how much this guy knows about us, then mentally kick myself. Guys like this would have a full file on us with background checks hidden in his office somewhere. “Of course. Ocean it is. I just got off the phone with the dean of Bellevue Springs Academy an hour ago and finalized your enrollment. You’re good to start fresh tomorrow morning.”

  Rich guy say whaaaat?

  “You did?” I question with a grunt before reeling it in and reminding myself to be polite. “I’m sorry, I just … I guess I didn’t expect you to have done that yourself. You seem like a very busy man. Thank you.”

  He winks and gives me a knowing smile but I can’t help but feel a slight edge to his gaze. “You know what they say. If you want a job done right, you do it yourself. Besides, the dean owed me a favor.” He chuckles for a moment before continuing. “I have twin daughters roughly your age and I firmly believe a good education is the foundation of a successful future. Especially for young women of the world today. You already have so much to compete against with men being handed their futures on silver platters.”

  Well, shit. I think I like this guy. I wasn't expecting that.

  “I … yes. Thank you. I really appreciate it,” I tell him, feeling like an idiot for stumbling over my words. Why do I feel so moronic around this guy? He probably thinks I’m a fool for not being able to get a sentence out without stuttering, but there’s something so intimidating about him. Maybe it’s his success compared to my complete lack thereof or perhaps it’s the way he seems to tower over me, silently screaming that I'm a nobody.

  I don’t get why he’s being so nice. It’s weird … off-putting. No one is nice for the sake of being nice. It’s simply unheard of. He either wants something from me or my mom, or there’s some kind of ulterior motive. Why should he care about my education? I’m just his new maid’s daughter.

  My mind begins reeling with distrust and questions when he steps back and waves his arm out, smiling at my mom. “Shall we? I have half an hour to spare. I’d be honored to complete the tour and get to know you both a little better.”

  Mom gushes and I roll my eyes. It's one thing for him to show manners but showing that he cares about the wellbeing of her daughter has captured her heart in one easy swoop.

  We’re in trouble here.

  Don’t get me wrong, Mom may be a stickler for rules and boundaries, but she’s no stranger to a little crush. I can't imagine her falling for someone so soon after dad's murder, but she's going to be fawning over this guy as though he walks on water.

  Charles nods to Harrison and without even a blink, Harrison excuses himself and I openly gawk with how well trained he is. He's like one of those police dogs who obey their master wholeheartedly. I feel like someone needs to ruffle his hair and remind him what a good little boy he is. It’s going to be entertaining to watch.

  Charles turns to mom while walking through yet another huge living space. “I’m assuming Harrison filled you in on the pool house situation?”

  Mom nods. “Yes, Mr. Whitby was very thorough with his introduction.”

  “Please, no need for formalities around here. Just Harrison is fine. He’s fond of formalities but I prefer things a little more relaxed, especially for you two. You’re going to be living here now. You should think of yourselves as family rather than staff.”

  “I’m sure that will come as we get to know you.”

  “Good,” he says. “I’m pleased.”

  He goes on to show us the house and after ten minutes of walking around, I realize that we’re barely halfway through. “This is the main kitchen and living space where you can generally find myself and my son if I’m not working. Otherwise, I will be in my office.”

  Mom and Charles remain at the entryway but I walk on through, absolutely astonished with what I see. A beautiful open living space, still with the marble floor the whole way through. There’s no sneaking around this place unless you’re wearing a pair of socks. Every step would be heard.

  I make my way through the kitchen first, skimming my fingers over the cool counter. Naturally, it’s marble, just a shade lighter than the floor but equally as stunning. “This is incredible,” I say, glancing back over my shoulder at Charles.

  He grins proudly and follows me into the kitchen. “You haven’t seen the half of it,” he chuffs like a kid in a candy shop as he strides toward a cabinet and opens the floor to ceiling doors. He steps inside the cabinet and my brows furrow.

  What the hell is he doing?

  I walk over to the cabinet and peer inside only to find it’s not a cabinet at all but a secret door that opens into a private bar. “Holy hell,” I whisper, taking in the massive array of choices behind the bar, the mood lighting, and the seating area. “This is freaking awesome.”

  Charles nods, also looking around. “We had it installed last year though I don’t use it as much as I would like to.”

  “Well, you’re a busy man.”

  Charles’ eyes come back to mine and he watches
me for a long second before nodding. “Yes, indeed I am,” he says, walking out of the private bar and gently closing the doors behind him. “Come along. If you’re fond of our bar, then I can only imagine how you’re going to feel about our living area.”

  My eyes flick back toward the living area that he’s referring to and I'm stumped. It looks exactly like the rest of them. Well, that’s not exactly fair. They all have their own individuality but they all follow the same sleek, modern awesomeness.

  I walk with him and mom’s curiosity gets the best of her as she follows along.

  We take the two large steps down into the sunken living area and as we turn the corner and pass the couches and coffee table, we find a massive indoor pool.

  “Holy … fuck me in the ass.”

  “Language,” mom scolds under her breath, her face flaming with embarrassment as Charles bellows out a laugh.

  The pool is shaped somewhat like a beach, shallow at one end with sunbeds fixed in the water. I’ve never seen anything like it. The parties you could have here would be incredible.

  Charles digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone before pressing a few buttons and watching the show. The back wall splits in half and begins to fold away, revealing the rest of the pool, half indoor and half out.

  “No way,” I breathe, gawking at the way the pool seems to go on forever. I think it falls off the very edge like a waterfall. I cannot wait to explore all of this. I feel like Alice in Wonderland … or maybe someone who’s just been thrown into a fairy tale that wasn’t meant for her. “That’s amazing.”

  Charles grins proudly before pointing up, and it's not lost on me how he’s so happy about his accomplishments. Maybe he really is just a nice guy. Not that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many billionaires in my life, but I’m assuming things like this are usually lost on them, but not Charles. He still gets a kick out of the little things, and the fact that he’s proud of what he’s created here is a big sign that he’s not the douchebag I assumed he was. Though, looks can be deceiving. I’d be a fool to judge too quickly.

  My eyes shoot to the ceiling to find it made of glass, only after pressing yet another button on his phone, the ceiling completely opens up.

  Mom’s jaw drops as I stare in wonder.

  I can only imagine what my boys would say about this place. Nic would just nod, acting as though he’s not impressed. Sebastian would already be in the pool. Eli would be staring just like mom is while Kairo would have disappeared long ago, searching out Charles’ safe.

  The cool morning breeze begins gushing in and Charles is quick to start closing up his epic living space. “Don’t get me wrong. It truly is a sight to see it all open, but when the chill gets into the house like this, it takes nearly all day to heat it up again.”

  “I can only imagine,” mom says, her brows up in her hairline, still amazed by what she’s witnessing here.

  Charles glances down at his watch before his eyes bug out of his head. “I have to run. Let me show you to your rooms and then I’ll leave you to explore.”

  “Of course.”

  Charles picks up his pace and mom and I are quick to follow behind. We walk back through the living space and up the opposite side of the kitchen from where we entered.

  Charles waves off to the left. “This is the media room where Colton likes to hang out when he’s actually home. The home gym is just … uh-huh. There he is now.” Charles says, making me glance up. “Colton,” he calls.

  My head whips around, following Charles’ line of sight. A man is walking out of a room wearing only a pair of grey, low hanging sweatpants with his shirt carelessly thrown over his shoulder.

  His back is to us and damn, it’s a nice back. Strong and defined with a sheer layer of sweat coating his tanned, sun-kissed skin. His shoulders are wide and damn, he’s tall just like his father. His back stiffens at hearing his name and I don't miss the way every muscle in his back clenches, a clear cut sign of tension. Though, I can’t seem to give a shit about it. I’m more intrigued by the idea of seeing his eyes. I bet he has eyes that could melt a woman’s clothes straight off her body.

  Fuck me. This guy … if his front is anything like his back, I’m in trouble.

  I should have prepared myself. Why didn’t I look into Colton Carrington when I had the chance? I feel like such an idiot. He’s going to throw me off. I can feel it. I’m about to make an ass of myself. Nic would be so ashamed.

  Colton begins turning and my gaze instantly drops, unable to help the curiosity pulsing through my veins. I need to see him before he no doubt realizes there’s company and he pulls his shirt over his head. He’s too far to see all the ridges of his strong body but I'll make do.

  My tongue rolls over my lips and I hate how obvious I’m being but I can’t help myself. All my boys have bodies like this but the idea of checking any of them out— apart from Nic— is simply outrageous and kind of disturbing.

  It’s like slapping a big juicy steak on a plate and telling me not to drool. Impossible.

  Please be ugly. Please be ugly.

  He turns slowly or maybe I’m so focused that the moment seems to be happening in slow motion. All I know is that one second, I’m staring at the most defined back I’ve ever seen and the next, I’m watching the way his abs crunch with each step he takes toward us.

  My greedy eyes scan over his tanned skin and I briefly wonder if he’s some kind of exotic being or if he just forgets to slather on the sunscreen when outdoors. Either way, he’s the most delicious shade of olive brown. My eyes scan over his body. His chest is wide, just as I knew it would be—strong and demanding the attention of the room. I make my way down and start counting.

  Two, four, six, eight … yum.

  I count every visible ridge of his abs as my eyes travel in the direction of the hard 'V' shape of his torso. Nothing about his body is over-the-top, but still, all of the sharp lines and curves dipping into his low hanging sweatpants have me panting for just another few inches of skin.

  Shit. I need to get laid. It's been way too long. I should have taken Nic up on his offer to take me home last night. I would have made a million bad decisions but at least I would be satisfied and not standing here staring at some guy like he’s about to tear my clothes from my body and destroy my pussy in the best possible ways.

  What is it with guys and grey sweatpants? It’s like they know it’s a woman’s kryptonite. The way men feel about women throwing it back is the way I feel about them in grey sweatpants.

  Shit. Get a fucking grip, girl.

  Remembering that I’m going to have to face this guy every day for the next who the hell knows how long, I snap my eyes up.

  Fuck. He’s just as pretty as I hoped he wouldn’t be and he’s staring right at me with a set of hazel eyes that are going to be my undoing.

  Brown, messy hair, hazel eyes, and skin that screams to have my nails digging into it.

  I’m in trouble. Real fucking trouble.

  Don’t screw the boss' son, Ocean. Close those damn legs, whore. Do not sleep with the boss' son.

  His eyes begin narrowing and my spine stiffens as chills sweep through me. My heart begins racing and my flight or fight instinct kicks into high gear.

  My hands curl into fists by my side and within moments, I realize that I already hate this guy. I don’t even need to talk to him to know that he’s a rich, arrogant asshole who's in love with his daddy's money, connections, and reputation.

  Colton’s eyes drop to my body, shamelessly scanning over my curves and taking in my thick, black hair. If I hadn’t just done the same thing to him I’d say something, but at least when I checked him out, I did it with desire. The way he looks at me … ugh. I don’t know if it’s disgust … maybe repulsion in his eyes, but it instantly puts me on edge. He looks at me like I’m trash, or as if I’m nothing. He looks over my clothes, turning his nose up at the holes in my jeans and the fake, knock-off handbag tucked under my arm.

  Maybe keeping away from
the boss’ son won’t be as hard as I had thought.

  “Colton,” Charles says, demanding his son’s attention.

  Colton slowly turns toward his father but his eyes don’t leave mine until the last possible second, and when they do, my breath catches in my throat. I struggle to calm my rapid pulse and the need to high-five him in the face with my fist.

  I let out a shaky breath, repeating over and over again in my head that mom and I really need this, at least until I finish high school and can start paying my own way.

  “Father?” he questions, his voice deep, bored, and demanding, crashing against my chest like an invisible force.

  Charles goes on as though his son didn’t just destroy me with one look. “This is Maria and her daughter, Ocean. Maria will be working here as our new live-in housekeeper. Could you show them to their rooms upstairs? I have to attend a business call.”

  Colton doesn’t get a word in before Charles is looking back at us. “It was a pleasure to meet you both. Feel free to roam around the house and explore. There are a few more treasures you’re bound to come across. There’s a library on the upper floor that the twins had stocked with all of their favorite authors. I'm sure you could find some enjoyment there.”

  Charles doesn’t wait for a response before rushing away and leaving us with a scowling Colton. I can’t help but notice that everything Charles has said to us has been a complete contradiction to everything Harrison had said and for some reason, it’s getting me excited about all the ways I could mess with the guy.

  Colton’s eyes come back to mine, making the excitement fade away, and before I have a chance to tell him what I think, mom steps in. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Colton.”

  He glances over mom and I’m surprised to see some sort of respect in his eyes. He’s lucky because if he had looked at her the way he did to me, I would have shown him my favorite kind of crazy.

  Without another word, Colton turns on his heel and begins stalking off. “Follow me,” he throws over his shoulder in a tone that suggests he has a million better things to be doing.


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